Luke & Laura's Return #1-2, Luke & Laura's Return #3, Luke & Laura's Return #4, Luke & Laura's Return #5Luke & Laura's Return #6, Luke & Laura's Return #7, Luke & Laura's Return #8, Luke & Laura's Return #9, Luke & Laura's Return #10, Luke & Laura's Return #11, Luke& Laura's Return #12

Luke & Laura Return #11  January 9 - March 18, 1996  8 hour original edit

DVD #11A   Lucy tells Luke about her awful time on Duck Isle. There are no scenic pictures due to their being no scenary available. She then lets slip that she saw Katherine in Duck Isle and the previous night in PC. Luke has a look of exasperation on his face and when he hears that she and Kevin plan on going to Paris to make up for the disaster on the Isle, he gives his blessing. She says she's telling him about the trip 'cause she wants to know if she'll still be a partner when she gets back. Luke has no idea what she is talking about. She spells it out, she is concerned that Sonny will force his way back in.

Luke doesn't understand why she thinks that, Sonny will honor the deal. Lucy points out his mobster ties, which Luke debates, then says she shouldn't worry anyway. They signed a contract and said with a smirk, "You did open a vein and sign that blood, didn't you?" She protests and wants to know if Sonny would force her to sell. He says no. The conversation takes a couple of loops and she asks if Damian and Sonny are connected. He answers by telling her her investment is safe and she should go to Paris and enjoy. When she mentions she will shop for acrutements for the club. Luke is not at all happy to hear that plan.

1/10 Luke's not to happy to find Lucky with his feet up on Luke's desk. But all Lucky is doing is leaving a present for Luke. Seems Lucky was "lucky" at the poker table and has purchased an expensive cigar case for Luke and has also bought one very expensive cigar for Luke. Lucky goes on and on about the rush he got playing and winning. Mike has arrived in the meantime to hear Lucky's ethusiasm. Luke warns Lucky to keep his euphoria from Laura. When Lucky's gone, the Mike tries to point out to Luke that Lucky is addicted to gambling. Just like his father and that is just fine with Luke, life is a gamble.

1/12 In the back room of the club, Luke is on the phone trying to do business. Lucky jigs in and nervously dances around until Luke is off the phone. The kid then asks his dad for an advance on his allowance. It seems Lucky lost two weeks allowance playing poker! Luke yells at the kid for being such a bonehead. He borrows the money from his dad then Lucky goes to the auto shop (scene of the poker games) and pays his $200 debt. He also gives the guys $50 more to buy into the current game! Lucky continues to play and lose until he is $480 in the hole. The young toughs give him three days to pay up or they'll rearrange his face.

Justus drops in at the club and tells Luke that Lila will be inviting him and Lucky to a party. Then Justus confides that he's been "invited" to leave his seat on the city council. The other council members are nervous about Justus' recent high-profile clients. Justus exits, Lucky returns and tells Luke that he's in "really big trouble".

1/15 Lucky admits to Luke that he has money trouble in the bike shop poker games. He needs money fast. Luke presses him to find another solution that does not include a loan from dad. Luke and Sonny speculate if Damian is really dead.

1/16 Lucky tells Luke that he has learned his lesson, sort of. He has decided to follow Luke's advice and find another mark. Luke seems a little surprised at this but encourages him. The mark will be Edward at Emily's birthday party. Luke and Lucky arrive at the party and Lucky gives her a huge cactus in reminder of their trip together. The Q party gets underway. Emily opens her presents. Lucky goes to work on Edward.

1/17 Emily has a bag of colored confetti for Lucky and rose petals for Emily to throw on the newly married Justus and Simone when they arrive. She thinks it would be romantic. Em walks off. Luke comes over to ask Lucky what is going on. Luke asks him how is he going to handle women. Lucky says "humor" them. Luke has a proud smirk. He leaves and Em returns to talk to Lucky, she asks him what he was talking to Edward about earlier. He tells her about the game, but she thinks he may be way over his head challenging Edward to cards. Edward makes a toast to the happy couple, for Em on her birthday, and to Jason's recovery. Monica questions Luke about Damian. "I wish the blonde Bell babe popped the weasel." Though he also thinks it is all to possible that Damian is in the Cayman Islands, swilling Mai Tais, and laughing at everyone in PC. Bobbie replies hopefully he will forget his sun screen and FRY. Justus walks up. He loves the case, all the negative evidence against his client is a major challenge.

1/18 At Ward House, Justus is telling Luke, Keesha, and Simone about finding Mary Mae dead. Keesha points out "GrannyMae was never alone, there were always angels over her." Lucky comes racing in, hoping he's heard wrong. No, no mistake. The others leave and Lucky and Luke talk. Luke wants her singing in his club and rocking his baby. Lucky asks "When does it stop, man?" Luke tells him "the dying never stops." Lucky wants to know what will happen with the Ward house and the children. Luke will be speaking at the funeral. He muses, "She was a true friend of our family. You know what I'm going to remember most about the woman who used to rock that chair? Loss and violent opposition never dragged her down, never stopped her from doing her work. She never hid behind pain or fear. She stood up to ignorance with dignity and she made changes in our world. 'Today's work' is what she used to call it. 'Get on with doing today's work.' Remember that, Lucky. Remember her, she was extraordinary."

1/19 Mary Mae’s Memorial. Laura and Luke and Lucky, with Foster in tow show up for the service. The memorial service consisted of several people speaking and the choir sings. Various flashbacks of Mae Mae.

1/24 Lucky takes a wad of money out of his emergency backpack. Luke comes out of the kitchen offering Lucky a cup of coffee. "It's okay," Luke says, "your mother left about 10 minutes ago." Lucky tells Luke that he's going to be late tonight. He has a Spanish club meeting after school. He goes on to say that Spanish club was Sly's idea because he's got a crush on Lily.

As Lucky goes to leave, Mac arrives at the door. Lucky asks Mac for a partial refund of the $25 retainer Lucky gave Mac when he consulted him about finding a missing person (when he and Emily were looking for Aunt Corey). Mac gives him $20 back and Lucky takes off for school. Mac tells Luke he's got a favor to ask him.

Mac wants information Frank Smith's organization. Mac believes Damian is alive and hiding. Mac believes that Damian has hooked up with one of his Dad's connections. He's sure that Damian is in the states and not too far away. He would want to keep up with what's going on with Katherine. Luke comes up with one person in the organization who is in the states. He's a really mean guy who is in Dallas. When Luke and Laura were living on a ranch down there, this guy poisoned all of their cattle. Luke tells Mac that he shouldn't go after the guy in Texas. Mac tells Luke about Lucy seeing Katherine and blowing holes in the time line theory. Luke tells Mac that if Damian is with the psycho in Texas, he'll be very hard to get to. Mac thanks him for the information and leaves.

Ralph comes up to Lucky in the hallway asking if he's still in for the game this afternoon. Lucky says yes and asks about the other players. Ralph replies only that they're big players. He assures that the game is legit. Lucky shows up for the big poker game. He buys into the game and they start to play.

1/25 Lucky leaves the gambling den a winner. But he's being set up. Lucky goes to see Emily. Lucky gets told about Jason and then Monica gets beeped. Lucky has enjoyed the family moments. He never sees his mom what with the Foundation, the Ward House, and school. Speaking of term papers, Lucky was having troubles with his till he found his topic, "the history of card games" and it's practically writing itself. Emily is impressed with his skill and his winnings, which he can't resist showing her.

Edward huffs on in, "Oh, it's YOU." He's not in the mood to be hoodwinked. Emily asks his opinion on Lucky's card trick. Lucky scuffs his feet and Edward says, "False modesty looks ridiculous on a Spencer." Emily is stunned to hear Lucky say you don't scam friends. They take Edward for $50. Back home, Lucky replaces the money he stole and says he's glad he won't have to hit the stash again.

1/31 At Casa de Spencer, we find Lucky and Luke starting their day. Luke discovers that Lucky packed the leftover meatballs for his lunch, thus depriving Luke of breakfast but there's always that apple pie! Lucky asks about Laura. He is worried about his parents because, "I don't see the two of you together anymore." Luke responds to this by reminding Lucky that they agreed to help Laura to manage things. While Lucky doesn't feel neglected, he likes not having her "hovering" and worrying so much, he's worried that the setup isn't fair to Luke, and he's afraid his parents will break up again.

Luke assures Lucky that he's okay with the status quo. Lucky misses the sense of a family team that they used to have, and they both agree that they liked things better before, but Luke suggests that maybe things will be better in six months. But, Lucky asks, isn't Luke restless? Of course he is, he's Luke, isn't he? More to the point, Lucky is getting restless. Luke makes a poker analogy, and uses it as an opportunity to warn Lucky against getting addicted to adrenalin rushes. Life can't always be like that and, besides, you gotta know when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em.

Just then the doorbell rings, and it's Sonny. He wants to know if Laura is around? She's at school, working on a psych paper. He invites the Spencers to his wedding. They congratulate him and agree to attend. They're not sure about Laura,"she'll be there if she can." Sonny asks Luke to be his best man, and Luke promises a big-time bachelor bash. Luke mentions rumors around town that Sonny isn't so much marrying Lily as he is marrying her father. Luke, though, knows that nobody could push Sonny into doing anything he didn't want to do. Still if doing what he wants to do can help him get out of a legal mess, so much the better. Sonny leaves, and Lucky asks Luke if Mike will be there, and he makes a perceptive remark about Sonny going into a self-protecting mode whenever Mike is around. Lucky wonders what Sonny meant about compromises? Is Lily calling the shots? Luke says, no, Sonny is living his own life, no one else can do it for him. Lucky leaves for school and Luke looks pensive.

2/1 At Luke’s, Lucky and Luke and Mike are getting ready for the bachelor party. Lucky discusses Sonny and Mike,"How many fathers does a guy get?" Lucy wants to talk to Laura. She tells Luke about her visions, and Katy says, snidely, "Welcome to my world." Luke places the vision in San Antonio. Lucy is so eager to get at Damian, she can't eat.

At the party, Sonny pours out a glass for Stone. Mike and Harry discuss Lily and Brenda. Sr. Rivera apologizes to Luke for his bad hospitality the last time Luke was in Puerto Rico (he tried to have Luke killed.) Luke gives a toast to Sonny, "I am proud to be your friend. I hope to return your loyalty. Good luck."

2/2 A hungover Luke, stops by Sonny's to pick him up for the wedding. Sonny say's he's cool, but a bit nervous. Luke and Sonny discuss Lily's many attributes. Lucky arrives at the church sans Laura and LuLu whose ears are acting up yet again. Soon, the ceremony begins, Senior Rivera leads his daughter down the aisle where the dapper Sonny awaits. Meanwhile, Brenda watches secretly from outside. Slowly, she creeps in. As the priest asks Lily the crucial "I do" question, she stuns everyone by answering, "No, I can't ask you to do this." A bewildered Brenda looks on uncomprehendingly.

2/5-2/7 Sonny responds eloquently, "You didn't ask for anything, I'm doing this because its what I want, I promise. I choose and want you. I trust you with my life. This is about family, forever. I'll respect, appreciate, and take care of you, I promise. He asked if I'll cherish and honor you from this day forward, Yes Lily, I will, I swear." (Throughout the entire speech never once did he mention that he loves her). Lily is convinced and the ceremony goes on without another hitch. They are now man and wife. Brenda, watching silently in the back of the room walks out unseen, dejected and devastated.

The wedding party goes back to Luke’s. Lily tells everyone how thankful she is and how much she loves everybody. Sonny tells the room at large that he is happy. Rivera makes a quick exit. Lily and Sonny dance ala the Godfather wedding scene to "You Belong to Me". Luke toasts the happy couple, they cut cake, and get ready to honeymoon in Vermont.

Kat, Mac and Kevin seek Luke's help in San Antonio. Luke agrees. Luke swindles the ELQ jet out of Edward for his trip to Texas.

2/9 In the Q jet on their way to Texas, Mac got Luke to promise not to shoot Damian. "We need to take him back to Port Charles alive" Mac warned. Lucy checked into a San Antonio hotel and put the room service guys to work. Mac and Luke met with Kevin and Lucy. Luke appointed himself leader of the pack.

2/12 Lucy gets the guys to focus on Damien as a way of fine-tuning her psychic reception. Everyone closes their eyes and thinks Damien, Ooooohmmm, the seance begins. Lucy has a vision, Damien is getting a massage, he's at a spa, the Syberite Spa. A quick check proves that Lucy is right on the money, it exists, therefore, Damien must still exist. After dinner and cigars, they work out a plan. Sam LL Cash (Luke) and his chauffer (Mac) will check into the Syberite (a very exclusive spa). Sam needs to recover from the loss of his third young, blonde wife. Kevin's role, should he chose to accept it, is to monitor Lucy's visions.

2/13 Lucky comes in for a hot breakfast and Sonny joins him and asks about Luke. Lucky asks if they did snowboarding in Vermont. Sonny says no, he had enough of that back in his Brooklyn days. Lucky is doubtful about that till he realizes that the snowboarding was done with regular stuff, like garbage can lids. Lucky asks if Sonny knows anything about the pool hall poker game. Sonny tells him to forget about it, those guys were not the type to trust and associate with.

Lucky asks how being married is and Sonny says it is great and he highly recommends it. Lucky talks about and compliments Lily the teacher. He informs Sonny that even the smart alecks listen to Lily and adds "it doesn't hurt that no one is going to mess with Sonny Corinthos' fiance". He sees Sonny’s reaction to that and says, "I probably shouldn't have said that". Sonny asks Lucky to let him know if Lily starts getting any grief over being married to him. Lily comes down and Lucky heads out to school.

2/14 Mac arrives decked out in chauffeur gear. He fills them in that Luke is dressing up as Mr. Sam LL Cash, a rich old guy who is going to visit the spa as a potential client looking for distraction after being left by a "very young bride." Mr. Cash himself hobbles in, looking like Colonel Sanders. Cash demonstrates his lechery by chasing Lucy around the suite, which didn't amuse Kevin.

Lucy wants to know what will happen when they find Damian. Mac chimes in, "It just depends on what we find, Luce." Luke shuts Mac up and explains, "It just depends on what we find, Luce." He always has a plan, "but in this particular situation, I think it's very important to remain open to the variables of the situational dynamic." Kevin offers a succinct translation, "He's gonna wing it." The pros refuse to take Kevin along, leaving him to stay all alone with Lucy in the suite. Luke,"You knew this was an ugly job when you took it." Cash and his chauffeur, Bubba, head off to Sybarites Spa.

Mr. Cash and Bubba arrive at the spa, and Cash approaches a young woman at the desk, flirts with her, and asks to see the manager. He sees a pile of floor layouts sitting on the desk and sneaks one into his pocket. While Cash and the manager talk, who should wander by but Damian Smith, followed by two tall women in workout gear. Luke finds out that most of the spa facilities are segregated by sex, and he tries to get information about the Amazons with Damian, but the manager says he can't discuss that. Later, Damian questions the manager about Cash. The manager explains that Cash is checking in soon, and Damian figures that Cash just might liven things up.

Back at Lucy's suite, there's a knock on the door, Lucy, wearing an unzipped dress, stands up and rushes over to let Mac and Luke into the suite. She then hurries back across the room as Kevin stands up, his shirt open and his belt unbuckled. Mac astutely observes, "Valentine's Day". Luke complains that his valentine is 2,000 miles away.

Luke fills them in, explaining that the tall women are probably Damian's bodyguards. Luke explains his plan, Lucy will be the bait they use to catch Damian. Kevin doesn't like this at all, too risky. Luke explains that this is where Kevin and Mac come in, they'll be in the room next door. Mac reminds him that the spa is segregated by sex. Then Luke utters the three magic words, "Eve and Norma." Kevin throws a fit, while Mac starts to slip into "Eve mode". Lucy points out that Norma and Eve owe her this much. Kevin continues to object, but it's clear, even to him, that he's gonna lose.

2/15 Kevin, Mac and Lucy go shopping for the Norma and Eve wardrobe. Then the men model for Lucy to, "I feel pretty." Then it's time to shave. Lucy comes in with Deception products for them, and wants to supervise, but is thrown out.

2/16 Lucy tries to play Barbie make-up with Eve and Norma, but the guys balk at having their eyelashes curled. Luke arrives in his old man guise, and they go over Plan A again. Luke, hamming it up in major way, strolls around the spa in disguise. He checks in at the desk and heads out just as Eve and Norma arrive to an incredulous look from the desk girl. Luke and the "girls" discuss what to do with Damian once they get him. Luke claims he has a plan, but the others are dubious.

Lucy checks into the spa and asks for the room next to the guys'. She then tells the manager to give a message to Damian Smith. Of course, the manager denies Damian is a guest, but Lucy slyly pretends she understands he's just covering and tells him to have Damian meet her in her room later. When he continues to feign ignorance, she says Damian will be very unhappy if he doesn't find out she's there.

2/19 Norma and Eve are back, they intercept Damien's body guards bugging Lucy's suite. They cover nicely and the body guards leave. Norma and Eve debug the place and wait for Luce. Sam LL Cash meets up with Damien. The two chatter. Damian bets Sam that he can't get the key of the vivacious, HOT babe sitting on the patio pouring on the suntan oil. Sam takes that bet and puts his best moves on the babe.

With Damian watching from the window, Luke and Lucy pretend to be exchanging niceties while all the while plotting Damian’s fall. Sam returns to Damian and admits defeat. The babe, Lucy Coe, wasn't interested in his best moves. Apparently she's out her searching for her inner-child and moping over the loss of an old friend. “Hmmmmmmm”, says Damien thoughtfully.

Dvd #11B 2/20 Luke informs Mac, Kevin and Lucy, that he thinks Damian is about to make his move. Because he doesn't know where or when, they have to be ever so alert. Luke comments on how ugly Norma and Eve are.

2/22 Kevin, Mac, Luke, and Lucy are eating in her room. Kevin wants to know what's going on, and Lucy says he's very linear. They describe the Plan for us. Luke has written a letter for Lucy to send Damian. Lucy lurks. "Eve" and "Norma" come near, and Kevin wiggles his wig. Lucy gives April and June the letter.

Damian watches Lucy and Luke comes up. He tells Damian how that pretty lady is pining for someone else who won't come when she asks him. April and June come up and give Damian the letter and have to tell him that Eve and Norma are no ladies. This is a great revelation to Damian.

2/23 In Texas, Damian sent Lucy a note asking her to meet him in the women's sauna. Norma and Eve stationed themselves in the sauna ahead of time. Damian's Amazons then locked the boys in the steam room. They realized lucy was alone and at Damian's mercy! They found an air vent and planned to use it to make their escape. Meanwhile, Lucy answered a knock on the door and there stood Damian!

Lucky got hooked up with another high-stakes poker game. He was almost bowled over by the "rush" when he won a big pot and managed to clear $30 from the game. He told the guys he was up for another game the next day.

2/26 Kevin and Mac (Norma and Eve) escape sauna death (thru the vents) only to run into April and June. They run for their lives. In true slap stick fashion, they give them Amazons the slip. Unfortunately, the girls catch up with them and Norma and Eve are forced to defend themselves. Reluctantly, they knock them out, only to be confronted by Damien's henchman. They overcome the villian when Mac unexpectedly pulls a gun from his cleavage, to Kevin's chargrin.

Meanwhile, Lucy and Damien chatter. Lucy fesses up regarding her recent psychic experiences. Damien realizes that Lucy is up to no good. He says its too bad, they could have had something, been good together, but no, he's on to her and the plan (too bad he just doesn't know about Luke aka Sam LL Cash). He laments that now he'll have to add three more to his body count. This ticks of our Ms. Coe and she begins to let Damien have it with both barrels. Just as she's getting on Damien's last nerve, Luke throws something in the window, and waltzes thru the door to save the day.

2/27 Damian falls prey to the strength of Lucy and her team. Although Damian has lost this battle, he hasn't lost the war and proves it by getting back at them with a legal accusation of his own. Luke and the gang take Damian by force for the trip back to PC on the ELQ jet. The gang celebrates with champaign on the flight back.

2/28 At the Charles St. Foundation Justus is whining about his problems with the mayor. Robin and Laura [Genie has returned] try to reassure him that he did nothing wrong. Laura tells him that they need to start concentrating their efforts, they need to turn things around. They need to begin by highlighting his pre-Sonny work that he did for the community. He needs a campaign manager who can fight city hall.

Luke bounces in, everyone in the room turns to him, with a knowing look. Luke tells them about San Antonio and Damian. Justus wonders if Kat knows. "Right now, as we speak, she's in the reassuring arms of Mac Scorpio," Luke replies. Justus then asks him to be his campaign manager. Luke declines, his past would only be a hindrance; however he nominates Laura, a "pillar of the community." He agrees. They break up the meeting. Luke and Laura leave arm-in-arm and return home.

Luke tells Lucky about San Antone. Laura tells him that she finished her papers and she only needs two more course and then there will be the light at the end of the tunnel, and back to a normal life. Luke wonders what that is. "I guess I imaged that part," Laura admits. She tells him that even if his life depended on it he couldn't lead an non-adventurous life. Maybe, he replies, but "I don't know to." Though your an adventure, and "the PMS alone is a blood ponder." Laura laughs and they embrace. Luke gives Lucky a deck of cards, an exact replica of the kind the river boat gamblers used. Wild Bill Hickock probably was playing with a similar decd when he turned up the "dead man's hand," Luke tells him. Luke calls Sonny, informing him about Damian.

Luke is going over some mail, he looks over at Laura who is going over some papers. "Oh no, I've just had a terrible vision," he bursts out, the kids are in their beds dreaming of card games and sugar plums. A future of quiet evenings at home. So much for adventure, she says. He puts on a CD, "I feel the earth move under my feet..." "Take a walk on the wild side," Luke entices her. They begin to dance.

2/29 Garcia meets with Luke, Lucy, Kevin and Mac and tells them that the charges against Katherine have been dropped, but there is no evidence that links Damian to framing her. Luke tells Justus that he is now on Damian’s hit list as well, they are all Damian’s targets now.

3/4 Laura is still very busy (wife, mom, student, campaign manager, foundation president), but now on camera. Lulu is still having ear problems. She and Luke leave Lucky to go to a press conference for Justus. Lucky practices with a deck of cards. Lucky goes to the local gambling hall and accepts an offer to join in the current game. Lucky accepts an offer to to raise the stakes wins big (of course, he is being set up).

On cue, his luck changes and he's suddenly $976 ind debt. Harper puts the squeeze on and tells him payment is due by 8:00 pm tonight. Lucky returns home, desperate. While the Spencers are hanging out in the living room, the phone rings. Its HARPER!

3/5 Harper warns Lucky to pay up his debt by midnight or risk facing some serious and unfortunate consequences. When Laura wonders why his "teacher" would be calling him at home, Lucky invents a story about being late with a term paper but Luke recognizes Harper's name and realizes his son has been gambling again.

3/6 Justus, Luke, and Laura arrive at the Outback. Luke warns Mac that he better have had a good reason for dragging them down there as his plate of sausage and eggs is getting cold on his breakfast table. Mac tells them that he's been following Justus' campaign and has a very important question for him, "When did you stop beating your wife?", Mac asks. Before Justus can answer Mac keeps at it with more personal questions about his childhood (Did his father beat his mother?) as well as Mary Mae and Ward House. Luke and Laura catch on and tell Justus that he better have answers for Mac's questions and things like this will keep coming up.

Felicia has come over to the table and wonders what's going on? Justus is taken aback by the question, but answers that he's never been married and his family wasn't abusive. As he gets more impassioned with his rebuttal, Luke, Laura, and Mac get an approving look on their faces. Justus finally realizes that this was a test. He's going to have to be prepared for these types of accusations. In order to be prepared, Mac and Felicia talk Justus into hiring them to investigate him. Their job will be to come up with anything that could be damaging to Justus before his opponents do.

3/8 Lucky sniffed around Luke's office at the club. He found the cash box and had just looked at the money and put the box back when Mike surprised him. Mike had some friendly advice about "getting in too deep", but he didn't mention the cash box [maybe he didn't see the kid put it back]. Lucky was sort of cold to Mike. Mike sought out Luke at the bar and told him that he thought there was something wrong with the Lucky. Luke, who didn't want to hear it, listened to Mike with ill-concealed hostility and accused him of butting into his and Lucky's relationship. However, he did go into the back room to talk to Lucky.

During Luke and Mike's talk, however, Lucky made up his mind and he opened the cash box and extracted the money he owed Harper. Actually, he had used the emergency "escape" money to pay Harper and he was going to use this money to pay back the emergency fund. He was just going out the back door when Luke came in. He asked Lucky if everything was okay and the kid replied he was cool. When he tried to question him further and tried to get him to hang around the club a bit longer, Lucky told Luke that he "had to go, y'know?" Luke let the kid go but looked worried.

3/11 Luke and Laura discuss what is going on with Lucky and decide budding hormones is the ticket, and go off to work. Lucky calls his credit card to get cash out of his card to pay his gambling debts. Harper stops by with more not so veiled threats. He and Lucky make arrangements for the next payment. Emily interrupts and Harper makes his exit. Emily unravels the whole mess.

Lucky's main concern is losing Luke's respect. Emily offers him the use of her birthday ring to pawn for quick cash. Lucky couldn't take something that means so much to her, why doesn't she just let him steal something from the Qs, after all they have so much. Emily is reluctant, but Lucky fast talks her into it by playing the fear card. "Sonny was right, these are very bad people, and they may bump me off". They head to the Qs. Lucky and Emily arrive to lift a few priceless items. They hear people approaching and hide under the desk.

3/12 Justus gives a rather drab interview to a press. Luke and Laura give him hell about his not giving hell. They receive a notice informing them of a health inspection at the Ward House. Justus gives in and heads off with Luke to see Edward. Edward says considered it handled, but Justus should expect more.

Laura goes to Simone’s and asks what happened to her and Justus. Simone tells her about the conflict over Tommy and her concerns that she now has over Justus career. Justus is at Luke's table with Luke and Laura. Mac and Felicia arrive with dirt on the mayor. Justus refuses to use it.

3/13 Lucky visits Emily and tells her that he's still in trouble, the vase he "borrowed" from the Q's didn't get him all the money he needs. Emily urges him to go to someone for a loan. Lucky says it's a matter of responsibility, he has to handle it himself. Instead, Lucky is going to try to convince Harper to give him more time. Emily asks what good more time is going to do if he can't get the money. For that matter, he needs to get the vase back soon, or someone might notice it is missing. The two are busy trying to fill its space with other things when Edward and Lila come into the room. Lucky claims to have been looking to borrow "Moby Dick" from their library, and takes off with the book.

Later, he meets Harper down by the docks. He turns over the $1,500 he has and asks for more time to get the other $700. Harper's buddies come out and form a menacing circle around Lucky. Harper gives the signal and his buddies start to beat up Lucky, while Lucky pleads with them to give him time. Harper threatens to break Lucky's finger, but just then Damian arrives. Lucky snarls at Damian for interfering, insisting that he can take care of himself. Damian guesses the problem, Lucky denies it, and Harper contradicts Lucky and explains the details. Damian pays Harper the $700, and the Bike Shop Card Club departs. Lucky snarls at Damian some more, but Damian insists that he is repaying a debt he owes Lucky. Lucky saved Damian's life in the catacombs, and now they can call it even. He promises to keep Lucky's secret.

3/14 Foster is begging for a snack and Luke shoos him away from the table. Laura comes in and they discuss Lucky. It's a half-day at school. Laura wants Luke to pick up some sporting goods for the Ward House babies. She's taking them on an overnight field trip to Rochester tomorrow. Lucky comes in and attempts to avoid being seen by his folks. When they see his battered face, he lies, saying it was a skateboard accident. Then he lies about needing to do homework rather than go to the sporting goods store with his father. They know he's lying, but Luke thinks maybe the trouble is a female.

Post accident Jason comes into Luke’s for the first time and Mike introduces himself. Jason is looking for a job, and Mike hires him as a valet. Luke comes in and "meets" Jason, who will start work tomorrow. Jason leaves, and Robin comes in with fliers for Justus. She asks about Lucky. Laura comes in, she and Luke go in back to hit the phones. Robin leaves and Veronica Bowles and Damian come in. Mike wants to throw them out but Veronica persuades him to let her do her interview there.

Damian starts speaking badly about Justus, just as Luke and Laura return and Bobbie comes in. Luke wants to stop the interview but Bobbie says not to, it'll be worth it. She gets into the interview and compares the Ward House to a toxic waste incinerator, and the CS Emporium to the Foundation. Damian then talks about their having been lovers and her obsession, and how Bobbie tried to kill him, and Bobbie says she wishes she had.

Tony arrives to support Bobbie. Damian threatens a lawsuit against Bobbie for slander. Luke offers him a cigar, trying to kill him slowly. Damian overhears Laura tell Bobbie that no one will be at the Ward House in the morning. He goes up to Luke and Laura and tells them about Lucky,"If you were half the mother that you pretend to be I would think I would at least know what my child is up to." Laura enraged at this denial of her parenting skills, grabs the baseball bat Luke is conveniently holding, and attempts to smash in Damian's skull.

"Easy, gumdrop!", Luke says, grabbing her, "for the pleasure of bashing him in the head remember Lulu's going to have to visit you in the slammer till her Junior Prom." Laura allows herself to be soothed, "I won't let you get to me". Then she says, "The hell with it!" and hauls off and punches him Damian, to her husband's great joy. Damian is laughing as he leaves.

3/15 At home, Luke and Laura discuss Lucky after Damian's story about Lucky's gambling. When Lucky comes down they confront him directly. He stammers through the story about stealing the Quartermain vase and the petty cash from the club, but conveniently omits the part about Damian until they bring it up. Lucky relates the sad story of how Damian paid off his dept. Luke tells Lucky he'll retrieve the Q's vase from the pawnbroker which Lucky will return. Laura chews out Lucky good. After he leaves for school, Luke sadly admits, "I know. I let it happen." but Laura shakes her head no. Luke and Laura seriously discuss Lucky. Luke admits he's no good at being the stern disciplinarian. They worry that Damian may try to corrupt Lucky who could be susceptible, but Luke comments that Damian will never get the chance. Luke and Lucky have a talk. Luke tells him that Damian wants part of Lucky, but it'll never happen because he's history. Laura calls from the Ward House and asks Luke to bring her a prescription for one of the kids.

At the ward House, while Laura sings to a couple of babies, Damian breaks into the next room. Damian douses the Ward House living room with gas and prepares to ignite it. Suddenly, he is struck in the head and rendered unconscious while the place goes up in flames around him. In the next room, Laura continues singing oblivious to the smoke coming under the door.

**The End**

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