Luke & Laura's Return #1-2, Luke & Laura's Return #3, Luke & Laura's Return #4, Luke & Laura's Return #5, Luke & Laura's Return #6, Luke& Laura's Return #7, Luke & Laura's Return #8, Luke & Laura's Return #9, Luke & Laura's Return #10, Luke & Laura's Return #11, Luke& Laura's Return #12

Luke & Laura Return 1994 #5  June 24 - September 28, 1994 - 8 hours

#5A  As the Nurse's Ball continues, Mac does his comedy routine and pokes fun at psychiatrists. The cops arrive and Damian demands that Tony is arrested.  Miguel sings a Spanish ballad, and receives the only standing ovation of the night. Bobbie and Lucy both make announcements as this year's festivities conclude.

At the Spencers, Laura is bothered by a pushy real estate agent who insists on buying her house. She is equally insistent that she doesn't want to sell her new home. When he won't take no for an answer and approaches the doorway of her home, Foster goes into action and bites the guys ankle. Furious, the intruder leaves with threats of filling charges. He later returns with the police and Laura acts very relieved that the young cop has found the man who trespassed on her property. The Spencers all work their charm to get Foster off the hook. After the complaintant leaves, the officer says he will have to file a report but he will note the man was trespassing. He does encourage them to take care that Foster doesn't bite anyone else, especially off the property as that could cause problems for Foster.

Luke holds poker night for Edward and his cronies. A suspicious Laura searches recent real estate sales in her area and finds out that property is being bought up by one group. Lucky sells Lila on his worm farm idea. He is thrilled when the worms arrive and he goes over to the Quartermaine's to deliver his first sale. While they are there, Foster meets and falls in love with Annabelle and is reluctant to leave with Lucky. Later that night, Foster returns to the Quartermaine's and disturb them howling for Annabelle. Edward throws his slipper at him and then is upset when Foster starts chewing on it. An irate Edward calls Laura and tells her, "Your dog's sex life is interfering with my sex life!" A very apologetic Laura arrives to retrieve her dog.

Justus tells Laura and Mary Mae that he has uncovered that Edward Quartermaine, Jack Bomount, Lee Baldwin are all part of the dummy corporation that are buying up the land. He shows her a map of the purchased property and she wonders what the Q's need with that much land and determines to find out! She arrives at the Q's but Edward was rather non-forthcoming about his plans. All he would say is it would bring jobs to the area. She warns Edward that she cares about this community and she won't stand idlly by while he goes forth with any destructive project. She returns to Justus and tells him that this plan of Edward's is nothing but trouble and she doesn't trust him.

Laura runs into Tony and fills him on ELQ's land grab in the Charles Street area and asks him for his and Bobbie's support if it comes to a fight. He pledges his support but can't speak for Bobbie as they are separated. She tries to give him some advice on making a relationship with a Spencer work. Later at home, Laura is irate when Tiffany reports on the Quartermaine's toxic waste incinerator project. She vows to fight this project. Luke is less interested and is starving and wants dinner. She calls an immediate meeting with Simone, Justus, and Mary Mae to form a committee to oppose this project. She tells Luke that the steaks she took out for dinner will have to wait. He questions, "What steaks?" which have gone missing from the counter. He realizes Foster has taken them. Foster heads over to the Quartermaine's to deliver his present to his lady love. Annabelle enters with the raw meet, and AJ and Jason try to get her to drop it and wind up chasing her through the house to the Lone Ranger music.

The group holds a demonstration outside of the ELQ's offices and Tiffany and her news crew covers it.  Laura is satisfied that she rattled Edward and Katherine today. Luke acknowledges that she won the first attack but she caught them by surprise, the next time they will be ready for her. He is worried as money and corruption wins out everytime. An emotional Laura begins to cry and tells Luke that she has to try. Luke holds her and promises that he is with her on this, he understands if she wants a moral victory on this, he just doesn't want to see her hurt if she can't stop the incinerator from being built.

Jason and Keesha come by and he tells them that he wants to form an on campus group to protest the incinerator and gives his spiel about environmental racism to the Spencers. Knock on the door, the councilman is there to see Laura. He wants Laura to keep an open mind, not to worry about "Groundless Fears". Luke calls the shot that Laura will lose it about "Groundless Fears", she does. Luke mentions he used to be mayor, he kicks the councilman aout nd decides to join the fray. Laura says its just the opportunity to cause trouble. He calls Tiffany, finds out she's at the Outback and decides to head over to talk to her. Laura won't go. Luke jovially gets prepared. As Laura says, amazing how the prospect of causing trouble brightens him up.

Luke arrives at the Outback and tells TIffany about Councilman Blake and suggests that she look at his tax returns. He spars with Katherine and Damian and then stops by Sonny and Brenda's table and says hello and sticks around to listen to Miguel sing.  The next morning, Luke fills Laura in on his evening at the Outback went and mentions seeing Katherine and Damian together.  He also tells her that Tiffany is looking up the councilman's tax records for them. Bobbie arrives at the Spencers and asks for a lesson in lockpicking. Luke is concerned and asks if she perhaps needs help with more than just lockpicking. She says no and assures him that she won't do anything stupid. Tony stops by and he and Laura talk about being "Spouses of Spencers".  Tony seems to be worried about Bobbie, and allows as how he still cares.  But he's still hurt and doesn't understand what is going on with her. He says that Tiffany thinks he is angry about BJ's death and is taking his anger out on Bobbie.

Luke goes to see MaeMae.  She compliments him having heard how he made short work of the councilman last time. Tiff arrives at the Spencers with the councilman's tax records.  He seems to be spending more than he makes.  She is going to look through his wife's records in case he married money, but Luke thinks this may be enough to go on.  Luke confronts the councilman and tells him that he has found some creative bookkeeping on his part and asks him to explain. The councilman accuses him of racism and calls it a "low tech" lynching. Luke doesn't back down and fills Laura and Justus in on his reaction. Later, Luke tells her that watching Laura in action that he realizes he has to have something for himself. She is curious what he has in mind. He points out he was pretty good running a nightclub and she fully supports whatever will make him happy. Luke believes that Blake is getting pay offs from ELQ, and he wants to bring him down. Mary Mae and Justus agree with the Spencers on their plan. Mary Mae is to invite the councilman for tea and questions, also attended by Jason Quartermaine, and Keesha and Tiffany will pop in with her camera crew.

Lucky and Sly deliver Lila's worm farm and take Foster with them.  Foster and Annabelle make eyes at each other.  Edwards gets upset with Lucky because there's a big anti-incinerator article in the paper.  Foster daydreams about Annabelle. Bobbie and Lucas show up at the Spencer's and invites them to go on a picnic and check out the catacombs. Laura isn't sure if that is such a good idea. Lucky tells her that he and Sly have already been there and Luke agrees to go with them. Laura heads over to meet with Simone, Mary Mae to strategize. Luke, Bobbie and their children enjoy their picnic and hiking in the catacombs. They tell stories of their childhood and how Bobbie got lost in the catacombs when she was a child and Luke found her. Lucky tells Sly the legend of Catacomb Charlie. Back at the brownstone, Lucky, Luke, Bobbie, and Lucas sit around chatting. Just as Tony arrives, he overhears Lucas say he wishes his dad were more fun like Uncle Luke. Tony in an effort to be more fun tells a lame knock-knock joke.  When he hears that he took Lucas into the catacombs, he dumps on Bobbie. Eventually, everyone leaves but Luke, and Tony expresses his perhaps over-protectiveness about Lucas. Luke talks to Tony about how Laura was once held by the Cassadines, and how he had to get over the fact she had been involved with Stavros. Tony says Luke took his wife from another man; Luke counters with the lame excuse that he wouldn't have been able to if she didn't want him to. Justus tells Luke that Elizabeth Jackson had an affair with Bradley and that Bradley was under intense pressure just before his death.  Luke suggests that maybe the murder was a lover's quarrel, but Justus doesn't think so.

A stranger arrives to see Laura on the pretext of wanting to help fight the incinerator. Trusting Laura immediately invites him in, and he and another goon threathen her and her family if she doesn't stop butting her nose into things that don't concern her. She fakes labor pains and then makes a dash for the basement door which she slams shuts and locks behind her. Trying to find her way down the dark staircase, she falls and lies in agony at the bottom of the stairs crying out for Luke. Lucky and Luke home but and they don't hear Laura's faint cries coming from downstairs. Foster hears Laura moaning and scratches repeatedly on the basement door.  When this doesn't work he pulls on Luke's pant leg and then resumes scratching on the door. Luke finally gets the message that something is wrong. Luke breaks down the door and rushes downstairs to find his Laura lying in a heap at the bottom of the stairs.

Laura is rushed to GH and Luke reports that she fell down the basement stairs. She is having abdominal pain, bleeding, and the fetal monitor shows that the baby is in distress. Luke has time to fill Lucky in and to talk to Bobbie about the impending birth. Then he is off to the delivery room to reassure his frightened wife. He reassures her and talks to her about old times, reminding her when they first arrived in town and she pretended to be in labor to get a police escort to GH. She asks him to tell Lucky how much she loves him, he insists that she will tell him herself. She says she feels like she is going to be separated from him. He continues to try to keep her focused, reminiscing when Lucky was born, and her carpet bag. The baby is born and they celebrate the birth of the baby girl, even though they knew it would be a baby. Laura tells Luke that something is wrong as she begins hemmorraging. She makes him promise to stay with the baby, and Laura's health takes a serious turn as the doctors usher him out.

Luke and Lucky are watching baby girl Spencer. Tony comes in and Luke tells him that they kicked him out of Laura's room but that Bobbie is with her. Tony says he will see what he can find out. Simone comes out and tells them that baby Spencer will be fine and Luke and Lucky celebrate, she already knows she is a Spencer and that is a survivor. Bobbie comes and tells them they are having trouble controlling Laura's bleeding. The doctors want to do a hysterectomy. Bobbie tells them that Laura might not make it. Luke asks Bobbie to stay with Laura, that she needs her. Lucky and Luke both have tears in their eyes as they talk (great scene!). Lucky complains this wasn't supposed to happen, she was supposed to just have the baby and they were going to go home together. Luke agrees that this whole thing is wrong. Lucky tells his father that he heard what she said about the men trapping her in the basement. Lucky wants Luke to take revenge as they can't get away with hurting his mother. Lucky wants to help him, as he needs to do something besides just be helpless. Luke understands Lucky's need for action but tells Lucky not to seek revenge right now but to do what Laura would want them to do. Lucky knows that Laura would want him to take care of Luke and focus his energy on Laura gettin better. Lucky says that he will help take care of the baby as Laura won't be up to it when she comes home. Lucky goes to get something to eat, as a lost Luke sits alone waiting for news with tears in his eyes. Tony comes back. Laura is in and out of consciousness but she did recognize Tony. Luke wants to go into see her. Tony says he can't but Luke won't hear no for an answer. Tony asks if he really wants to cause a disturbance amoungst the team that is trying to save her life. They have a deep philosophical conversation about life, death, and the terrible things we sometimes have to indure.

Lucky talks to his little sister [bring out the tissues] and tells her that they need to think good thoughts about their mother because she's in trouble.  He promises her that she is not to worry as he and dad will take care of her. He tries to explain 'the way things are in life' as he understands it, while Luke listens at the door. Lucky tells his sister that she'll love their dad, he's the greatest and that "if we have to, we'll tell you all about Mom." [sniff]  Lucky tells her that "I love you little sister". Luke can't take any more and slams out of the nursery, looking to pound his head against the wall.  Luke's grief is interrupted by of Bobbie and she tells Luke that the bleeding has been stopped. Luke is thrilled and Bobbie warns her that she isn't out of the woods yet, that Laura is still very weak but Bobbie sounds very hopeful.  Luke dashes off to go see her, telling Bobbie to let Lucky know.

Luke goes into Laura's room where she is still unconscious.  He tells her how much he loves her and that she can't leave him.  He can't handle parenting alone, he's not that strong. "We started down this road together, the only way I know how to walk it is with you." [sniff]  He's sure he'll screw up if he has to raise the kids alone.  With her eyes still closed, Laura tells Luke that she's not going anywhere.  "Pumpkin?" he marvels. He's ecstatic to see that she's awake and cries in relief. He asks if she is okay? She says she'll be okay and asks about him? He declares that he is the happiest man on earth! He tells her the baby is goregous and he won't let her out of the house till she is 36! She asks to see the baby.  Bobbie comes in and Laura thanks her for being in the operating room.  Laura asks about the picnic in the catacombs.  Bobbie gets that far away look in her eyes and says she'd forgotten how easy it was to get lost in there. Lucky comes in and hugs Laura. He says that he held the baby and "I think she likes me." Amy rolls in the baby and gives her to Laura, Lucky joins them.  Amy and Bobbie leave the family alone together. Luke points out that the baby needs a name. The They discuss names for their new daughter. Lucky says it should start with an "L".  Laura says she wants to name the baby after her mother, Leslie.  Luke suggests Lulu for a middle name, so that the baby would be named after her mother and grandmother.  Laura rejects Leslie Lulu, so Lucky suggests just Lu,  "boy named Sue, girl named Lu...". They all agree it's a great name. Luke cradles his daughter in his arms, crooning to her. Then Laura is able to hold the tiny baby, stroking her tiny hands.

Mary Mae stops into visit Laura. They have a great discussion as Laura tenderly holds her daughter. She admits how much she misses her mother and how she feels her mother's presence. Mae is sure that she is looking down on her right now, proud of her new namesake. Laura tells her about her own upbringing and living with Amy's parents. Leslie didn't find her till she was 12. She begged Luke to go with the baby after she was delivered to make sure there was no mix up in babies. Meanwhile, Lucky tells Justus about the threat against Laura. Justus recommends that Luke should call the police about the attempt to intimidate Laura, after all they don't know who the goons might go after next. Lucky wants to get involved. Luke tells him that his job is to stick as close as possible to his mother and sister. Amy suggests that they call the police and arrange for protection in the hospital. Luke agrees and fills Sean in when he arrives. Sean questions whether this could be related to Frank Smith. Luke is insistant that this is related to who will benefit from the incinerator project and runs down the list of those involved, including the councilman.

Luke confronts Edward over Laura's attack. Edward assures him that terrorizing a pregnant woman is not his style. Luke doesn't question that but points out that some of his cohorts obviously would. He points to Damian and accuses him, he of course denies his innocence. Luke warns them both that up till now this protest was just summer fun as far as he was concerned but now it will be his mission in life to see this project is never completed! After he leaves, Edward groans that someone has made a big mistake.

#5B  Amy supports her sister and offers to help her when she first gets home. Tiffany arrives bearing a toy and goes through a safety inspection by overprotective papa Luke. Laura asks Tiffany if she would like to hold her goddaughter. She tells Tiffany that she is the kindness and most generous person and she can teach the baby about grace, strength and humor and her baby will be blessed to have Tiffany in her life. They laugh and cry together as they share the joy of the new baby (Tiffany had a miscarriage prior to this).  Sonny arrives at GH and meets with Luke. He tells Luke that as soon as he heard about the attack on Laura that he put the word out on the street to find out who did it. He reports the MO doesn't sound familiar and he doesn't think it is local talent. They go into see Laura and Sonny respectfully pays his respects to Mrs. Spencer. She laughs and asks him to call her Laura, all of her friends do. Sonny invites Luke to join him for dinner and Laura urges him to go, that she has a police guard. Sonny offers to also put guards on her. She says no thanks that last time he did, war broke out. Tony comes in next, with Luke bringing Lulu behind him. Luke asks if he has been formally introduced. Tony remorsefully says he still feels like he is an uncle and Luke assures him that he is the baby's uncle.

Alone together, Laura begins to cry and tries to tell Luke how much she loves him, how he always takes care of her. She says she must have done something wonderful to deserve him, that sometimes she gets scared that she isn't enough for him, that he needs someone stronger, braver. He assures her that there is no such woman. She says she wonders if it is possible if he could love her as much as she loves him, then she looks at Lucky and the baby and knows that he does. She just wants him to know that she will never take him for granted. He is taking off for the evening and she promises that if she needs anything she will call the police officer guarding her door.

A nurse comes into Laura's room, picks up the baby and then wakes Laura up. She then warns her not to make a sound, not to make any sudden moves as she has a very important message or her.  Laura promises to listen to anything she has to say but begs her to put down the baby. Laura realizes she is not a nurse. She is told that according to Tiffany Hill's broadcast that she reported Laura would go on making trouble for the incinerator project. She asks if she had any idea how many people would want to have such a beautiful healthy baby and Laura is running around making trouble. Laura is warned not to touch the call button! She tells her that she has a very good life and not to blow it, when she gets out of the hospital to spend time with her children and not get herself involved in things she doesn't understand or someone will get hurt. The woman puts the baby in the incubator as Laura looks on horrified that she might be planning to hurt or take her baby. She pushes the baby's cart towards the wall and Laura starts screaming for help. Amy runs in and wants to call security. Laura doesn't trust them and only wants Luke.

Luke runs into Lucy at the Outback. They talk about the baby, Lucy is less than thrilled with the name "Leslie Lu". She questions "Lu? Why?". Sonny and Brenda come in and join Luke. Brenda brings up the attack and how freaked Laura must be at the thought the guy is still out there and might come back. Sonny stops her as he is trying to take Luke's mind off the trouble tonight. Amy calls him at the Outback, where he is partying with Lois, Miguel, Sonny and Brenda. Luke rushes out after Amy calls. Steve and Sean are in Laura's room when he arrives back at GH. After ripping Sean for his incompetent and corrupt force, Luke insists on taking over and wants her out of there that night, out of the line of fire. Laura doesn't want to be on the run again. He tells her that he wants to get her to safety, for her and Lulu. Laura fought too hard for the right to live here openly. Luke promises her this is just one more battle that they will win. Steve says that medically Laura can be transported. Luke says fine, ambulance tonight.  Luke convinces Laura that it would be a strategic retreat to get her and Lulu out of harms way and to 'the safest place he knows'. Lucky is brought over to say goodbye. Luke says they will sneak off to visit them. Laura asks Lucky for one of his "forever" hugs. Laura cries as she tells him he is her "Lucky Charm" and no one will ever take his place. The Spencers gather together and Luke puts his arms around both of them, he promises that he is already planning a family reunion. (Last Laura scene on this edit, about :35 minutes)

Foster runs into the Quartermaine patio and immediately heads for Annabelle who is sitting next to Edward.  Edward bellows to Sean, "Arrest that damn dog!"  The dogs nuzzle each other.  Sean checks out Foster's tags and since they are all in order, so no need to call the dogcather.  Lucky runs into Mary Mae's, Foster has gotten loose and he figures Foster is off to the Q's where Mr. Q. had threatened to have Foster put in the dog pound if Foster ever showed up at the mansion again.  So Justus offers to drive Lucky to the Q's.  Lucky and Justus arrive and Lucky apologizes profusely and takes the blame for Foster visiting the Q's and is willing to take the punishment so long as Edward doesn't call the dogcatcher.  He promises it won't happen again and Justus steps in to argue Lucky's case.  With that Sean announces there'll be no doggie arrest.  Sean picks up on Sean having already seen Justus once that morning and figures Sean is still on the Bradley case. Lucky and Justus leave with Foster. 

Luke comes to the Bradley house. He checks his machine and finds a message from Edward. Luke hangs up before listening for his other messages, tells Justus who tells him to go see what's up. While waiting at the Q's, Luke call Reg "Jeeves". Reg gives a very brief tour of the gun collection. Edward tells Luke that he thinks that Councilman Blake was behind it. Edward is offering a $25,000 as reward. Luke doesn't believe Edward. Lila comes in and mentions about Monica's illness. Luke goes back to Bradleys to get Lucky and information from Justus. Justus tells Luke all about Kylie and his father, and Steve Hardy's knowledge of the crucial facts. Luke and Justus wonder about hospital records. Luke also tells Justus that running people off the road is Frank Smith's style not Edward's. Luke asks to meet with Kylie and the guys start talking about Blake.

Luke visits a dozing Monica.  He's there for just a brief visit to give  Monica some of Laura's roses, to show their concern and to order her to heal.  Luke meets Kylie for drinks at the Outback.  She has figured out that Luke listens more than he talks and is wary of him when he tells her it was her mention of Frank Smith that peaked his interest.  When she finds out that Frank and Luke are enemies she lets him know that Frank was involved with the PC group pushing for the PC airport. Luke also finds out that at that time the Q's till lived on Long Island but that the assemblyman who turned the votes for the airport was a good friend of the Q's.  Luke speculates Frank staged Kylie and Bradley's car accident which leads Kylie to the conclusion that Frank had Bradley killed and buried in his mother's back yard.  Kylie admits she wasn't brave then, didn't want the Wards to suffer more or subject her father to a scandal of a black married assemblyman having an affair with a white woman.  Luke doesn't blame her,  Frank would have had no problem burying someone who pointed a finger at him.  When Luke mentions luring Frank back to PC Kylie tries to warn Luke of Frank's true nature but Luke lets her know...he knows too well Frank's true nature.  Kylie is less afraid of having the truth come out now, her father knows, but is still worried about the Wards.  Luke figures the Wards won't let a little scandal get in the way of the truth. Kylie reveals she has journals from back when she was seeing Bradley and when he disappeared and offers to look at them and let Luke know if she finds anything insightful.

After Luke's visit with Monica he runs into Bobbie.  He tells his sister Lu is growning fast and Laura and Lu are safe.  He questions how Monica really is and finds out the surgery went well but that Monica has a tough road to hoe and that a person can only take so much.  Luke picks up that Bobbie isn't just talking about Monica.  They talk about Damian.  Bobbie is doing what Luke does, "Don't get mad get even."  A plan is in the works to exploit Damian's weaknesses just like he exploited her weaknesses. 

Luke and Justus begin to discuss Frank Smith and how they can figure out if he is involved with Bradley's death or Laura's accident.  Justus knows his father didn't commit suicide, and will not entertain that idea.  Luke asks if his mother knew about Bradley's affairs with Kyle and Elizabeth. Justus wants to ask his mother about this and find out.  Luke informs Justus that he has a plan to try to catch Councilman Blake.  He tells Justus to leave town while the plan goes down.  Justus gives Luke a sly grin.  Luke warns Justus they may only be scratching the surface of Bradley's possible involvement in Port Charles' history.  Justus bravely says he needs to know everything about his father, and that the most important thing his father left him with was the ability to forgive. His father didn't hate his enemies and he needs to be man enough to apply the same principles to his father.  Luke leaves and goes to Sean's office.  He tells about his plans and Sean agrees, but isn't buying the whole story about Blake being on the take.  Sean tells him that since he will be gone, Garcia will handle the mystery operation when it goes down.

In the park, Luke, Sly, Foster and Lucky spread their blanket on the grass and prepare to enjoy their picnic. Lucky notices that his dad is wearing a "wire" (Luke's got a listening device taped to his body). The kids think it's cool that Luke is out to trap a bad guy and they offer to act as look-outs. Lucy tells Luke that she's a shareholder of ELQ stock and sits in on board meetings.  She says she could be persuaded to "spy" on the board meetings and let the anti-incinerator forces know what ELQ is planning. Luke is intrigued, or pretends to be, and says he'll consider it.  Then Luke spies Councilman Blake stroll by and he leaves Lucy to follow him. Luke and Councilman Blake discuss Laura's "accident". Luke tries to bribe Blake into changing his mind on the toxic thingy for $25K. Blake says he's not interested and strides off.  Soon thereafter, Sean and Luke powwow and Luke tells Sean that Blake didn't bite right away, but he's sure the politico will be back for the money.

Lucky and Sly are getting ready to go door-to-door to sell the worms. Luke fails in getting them to stay in from the rain and in explaining how "strike while the iron is hot" applies to selling worms. The door bell rings, its Lucy who wants to talk to Luke about Damien. Lucy sits down on the couch where upon Foster drools on her lap. The boys talk about their venture and at Lukes urging show her the worms. The boys leave and Lucy tries to be her own best character witness. She then offers to join forces to get Damien. She tells Luke about the extension of the bet and Damiens doublecross with Deception. Luke is amused by the proposition and says that he likes her and she lives up to her reputation. Confused about her motives, Luke goes to the Q's and asks Alan, 'What is a Lucy Coe?'. Alan tells Luke that he thinks Lucy is contrite about the bet and at Luke's behest will look into the Deception buyout. Alan asks if Luke knows what Bobbie is up to.

The boys first stop by Felicia's. Maxie comes out and they all chat. Maxi gets confused about the reference to Robins eating worms. Kevin gives a scientific overview. Maxi asks if the boys need to leave when they get up to go? Kev invites himself over for dinner.  The boys are sitting outside on the steps when they are confronted by a couple of older bullys. Foster's growling saves the day. Sly tells Lucky that Sam (the bully) is always picking on him. The punk picks up a handful of worms and threatens to squish them. Later at home, Luke gives the boys advice about standing up for themselves and how to deal with a bully. They have another confrontation in the park and Sam grabs Sly and puts a choke hold on him. Foster attacks and bites the punk in the butt. The kid and his father, arrive at the Spencer's with the police. The officer wants to take Foster in to have him tested for rabies as the father threathens to have Foster put down as a vicious dog. Luke returns home to hear from Sly that Lucky is on the lam with Foster to avoid Foster's arrest. They decide he must have gone to hide in the catacombs. Lucky and Foster wander around the now flooding catacombs while Damian lies nearly unconscious in steadily deepening water with rats crawling on him (Bobbie's revenge). Damian tries to move but can't while Lucky sits with Foster and relates the story of Catacomb Charlie, the alleged one-armed civil war soldier who haunts the catacombs. Damian begins to hallucinate images of Bobbie and Luke taunting him as well as a campy Catacomb Charlie [played hammily by Tony Geary].  When Lucky hears a man's voice, he goes to investigate. Lucky finally finds Damian who is now nearly dead from a case of third degree dishwashing-wrinkled-fingers syndrome causing him to resemble Dick Tracy's enemy Pruneface.  Lucky heads out to call the police.

Sonny arrives at Luke's house with information about Laura's attack.  He says the job was locally financed, but the guys were from Chicago. Luke asks about Councilman Blake, and Sonny says he's come in handy a few times. Eventually, they head off to look for Lucky.  Luke and Sonny find Lucky in the catacombs. Lucky is worried the police will take Foster, but Sonny offers to take him home for the night and leaves. The police soon arrive, and Lucky leads them to Damian who is nearly submerged. As the paramedics haul off a stretcher bound Damian, Officer Johnson first compliments Lucky for calling the police then asks about Foster.  Luke and Lucky claim Foster ran away.

Luke arrives at GH looking for Bobbie when Tiff gets off the elevator asks where Damian is?  She had heard on the police scanner that Lucky had found Damian in the catacombs and she wants to know how he is.  Lukes tells her that Damian owes Lucky his life.  Amy leaves telling Luke "his friend" is about to arrive in ICU.  Tiff tries to get information about Damian's accident from Luke but to get her off the subject he tells her about Foster the fugitive.  Then he informs her he has Councilman Blake on tape accepting a bribe to switch sides on the incinerator issue.  With Justus to be at Friday's open city council news and Jason to make a speech they decide to drop the bomb (tape) at the meeting with Tiff and her full camera crew in attendance to broadcast it live. Luke hopes it will derail the incinerator project and make it so there will be no more danger to Laura and Lulu.  He promises a big party when Madonna and child return.  Tiff goes off in search of Alan or Steve to get info about Damian.  Luke is left "exhausted."

Luke questions Bobbie about her obsession with Damian. He warns her that she could be charged with restless indangerment, hire a bunch of lawyers to make her life miserable. She points out that he couldn't make her life anymore miserable than he already has. Bobbie wanted to scare him, but she never meant for Damian to break his back. He tells her that Lucky found Damian and saved his life. She doesn't think Damian will come after her but Luke reminds her Damian is a snake and should Damian go after Bobbie that Luke will be standing right behind her.  Lucy arrives, sees Luke near the nurses station and asks him what happened to Damian.  She wonders if someone is after Damian besides the two of them. It's not to Lucy's liking, she wants to be the one to get him for all he's done to Bobbie, Tony, Lucas and yes to Lucy. 

Tiffany tells Luke there better be some fireworks since she's got live TV coverage planned. He assures her it will be good when he pulls out the tape. Luke and Justus notice Edward and Councilman Blake talking and surmise Blake is getting ready to double cross the Q's. Blake starts the session by calling Katherine to testify. She attempts to make a financial case for the project. When she finishes, Alan unexpectedly stands to address the council. Alan makes a far better speech against the incinerator; although he is also long on emotion and short on facts.  Jason is next, telling the council that ELQ is dishonest, and the project should be turned down. Luke takes to the podium and pulls out the tape he made ostensibly of Councilman Blake. Unfortunately, in his haste, he inadvertently loads a tape of Laura and him playing "The Prince and Camilla." After a bit of understandable embarrassment, he finally plays the correct tape causing a general outcry. Taking his cue, Justus jumps up and calls for Blake's resignation.  To the cheers of the crowd, Edward Q looks very concerned.  Despite Blake's vocal denials, the City Council announces that hearings will be held on the charges. Edward explodes at Blake calling him a double dealing crook who will pay; Katherine quickly orders him to shut up.

Foster arrives back at the Quartermaine's and snuggles with Annabelle. An irate Edward calls the police and Foster is arrested. Luke is making breakfast for Lucky when they pick up the phone messages from the machine. Sonny has left a message that Foster took off and then receives a message from the police that he will be turned over to the pound.  Lucky goes to claim the dog, Luke and Sonny come in disguise as animal control officers. They dupe Officers Johnson and Gomez with Lucky keeping Johnson's arms full at a crucial point. The Fowlers come by and raise hell when it comes out that some phonies took Foster and bring Sean down on Johnson's neck. Luke and Lucky come back and fess up. Luke points out that Sean is always offering to help Luke and now he is giving him a chance. Sean agrees that the Fowler kid is a pain in the butt. Sean says that the Fowlers will come down very hard on his department unless they see a dead dog. Lucky gets an idea and says that Foster can do that, play a dead dog. They decide to present a show for the Fowlers and Sean helps them fake Foster's death. Foster plays along and does a great job of playing dead as his family grieves over him. They will get the dog new dog tags and registration and decide to call him "Foster Two". Sonny suggests they put sunglasses on him and call him Foster Grant. Sonny apologizes for the dog escaping while he was watching him. Luke excuses that he is actually Foster Houdini.

Justus and Luke head over to Mae Mae's and immediately bring up Kylie Quinnlin. She looks distressed by the subject. Justus tells her he's ok with the fact that his father was about as faithful as a tom cat. They tell her what they know about Bradley and Frank Smith. Mae begins a long story about Bradley. She says how he called her sounding very tired and over extended. She told him to come over which he did looking old and burdened unlike his normal appearance. MaeMae continues the story of Bradley's affairs with Elizabeth and Kylie.  She tells how he met with Jack Boland and Frank Smith, and how they wanted him to back off the airport and not run for office.  If he didn't, they would go public with the information about Kylie and her pregnancy. As she spoke, MaeMae became upset and Luke and Justus had to talk among themselves. Mae continues the story saying how she suggested Bradley wait till the next day to tell his wife, so he agreed to stay the night, but before first light, she was suddenly awakened by a gun shot [actually they had two]. Mary Mae thinks it was thunder or something that awakened her; right after she wakes up she hears a gunshot. May-Mae thinks that that gunshot was the one of Bradley committing suicide. She continues her tale of woe about Bradley and the night he died. Tearfully, MM tells how she found Bradley's body.  After she heard the shot she put on a robe and went downstairs. She wandered out into the yard looking for Bradley. She found him sitting (slumped but upright) on a bench near the rose garden. His right hand was outstretched on the bench and there was a gun (his gun) sitting loosely in his right hand. She sat down with him [excellent and heartwrenching acting on the part of Rosalind Cash] and comforted her dead son. Then she tells how she buried him, carefully moving his body so as not to hurt him any more she dug a deep grave and maneuvered him into it.  She buried him herself because she could't bear the thought of her baby boy being disgraced in death by the men who had hounded him. Then she cleaned up the area. She picked up the gun and came back to the house.  Her robe was bloody from burying the body, but May-Mae could't bear to get rid of the robe or even wash it ("it would have washed all that was left of Bradley out of my life and I just couldn't do it").  Instead, she hid her bloody robe and the gun under the eaves in the attic. 

Luke says quietly, "and 20 years later Lucky and Sly found what you had hidden."  Justus turns a surprised face to Luke. They explain how Sly and Lucky found the gun. Luke says he never told Sean about the gun. He says he emptied the gun and there were four bullets left. The boys fired one round. "The other one killed my father" says Justus. Then Luke says that he and Laura found something else when they searched the attic. He presents Justus with a box. Justus opens it and inside is MM's robe.  "My father's blood!" cries Justus, deeply moved.  Then she goes on to explain her years of guilt and pain as she kept the awful secret to herself. Justus is clearly struggling to understand.  Luke asks MM if she has any ideas about why the investigation into Bradley's "disappearance" was dropped by PCPD.  She replies that she thinks the people who hounded Bradley to suicide had, perhaps, guessed what she had done and decided to let the whole thing die down.  A troubled Justus has been pacing the room and finally says he cannot believe that Bradley killed himself.  He says that his father wouldn't have given his enemies his was out of character, he couldn't have done it.  Mae pleads with Justus to accept the obvious; Justus says he'll never accept the suicide.  In an effort to calm things down, Luke says they've all been through a lot that night and suggests that everyone sleep on what they've discussed.  Justus sees him out and goes for a long walk; Mae sits in the living room, slumped in her chair.

After a sleepless night Luke arrives at the Bradley Ward house where it's been a sleepless night for Justus as well.  Neither one of them accepts Bradley's death as a suicide.  Luke has a theory and they need to talk to Mary Mae.  Luke questions Mary Mae and they come to the conclusion that the sound that woke Mary Mae could have been a gunshot, making it two gunshots she heard.  Thus it was possible Bradley's death was made to look like a suicide.  They realize a bullet could have gone into the tree behind the bench Bradley had been sitting on.  And Mary May had hosed blood off the tree and had watched the tree heal around a wound that summer.  She realizes that deep down she knew there had been two gunshots and that Bradley had been murdered but had been unable to face it.  Just as Luke and Justus are about to go off to check out the tree Mary Mae realizes if someone killed Bradley then she spent the last twenty years protecting Bradley's murderer.  Luke and Justus figure out where Bradley would have been sitting and where the bullet would have entered the tree.  Luke uses his metal detector and finds a spot which sets off the detector.  He digs into the tree and finds a bullet.  Luke is about to dig it out but Justus stops him.  They shouldn't tamper with the bullet and Justus says it's time to bring Sean Donely into the picture. Sean arrives and Justus fills him in on his father's death, what they thought was suicide but now believe was murder. Sean is angry that she covered up a murder. Justus points out that she thought her son killed himself. Sean asks to speak to Luke and Justus privately, he is angry that they don't trust his men. They tell him the names of very powerful men that were his father's enemies. They show them the bullet in the tree and Sean retrieves it. They immediately say it was not a 38 slug, so didn't come from Bradley's gun so it wasn't suicide but murder. They go inside to break the news to Mary Mae. Sean tells her that he will not bring charges against her, and he doesn't want to tip off the murderer.

At May-Mae's house, she and Justus are in the living room when Luke arrives. Luke has found a possible residence for Justus (a house on a nearby street) and he wants Justus to see it.  Justus doesn't want to be pressured into buying anything, but he knows he's got to establish residence in PC before he can run for the vacancy on the city council.  Mae tells him to stop putting things off and get on with his life! They start to argue with each other but Luke breaks them up.  There's a knock at the door and Sean wanders in. He informs them that Bradley was killed with a 9mm German Luger, 4" barrel. They discuss the exotic origin of the gun and that it might be part of a collection.  A light bulb goes off over Luke's head and he makes his exit. Luke arrives to get a glimpse of the famous Quartermaine Gun Collection, featuring a couple of 9mm German Lugers with 4" barrels.  Edward assumes Luke has come about Foster's "death" and Edward's part in the fiasco, he's worried that Luke will extract some Spencer revenge.  Edward apologizes for causing Lucky any sadness and offers some money to help the Spencers replace Foster. Luke mentions that they're going to find another dog that looks just like Foster, but he's afraid the dog will be expensive.  Edward coughs up $500 toward a new pet for Lucky. Luke then engages Edward in a conversation about the gun collection.  When he's finished with the Q's, Luke hurries back to May-Mae's house and calls Sean.  As Justus looks on, Luke tells Sean that Eddie the Q has a couple of Lugers in his collection.

Lucky is having trouble understanding the importance of the Pythagorean Theorem which launches Luke on a story about the Greeks and doodling in sand.  Luke borrows Lucky's calculator for some family math.  The chips are rapidly running out.  Lucky offers the worm bin but Luke declines. It's time to find a steady source of bread. He tells Lucky about the club he used to run. Luke wants to open his own business, a blues club.  No, not like Macs, but with music, dancing and with something extra.  He needs to do some negotiating and goes to make a phone call. 

**The End**

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