Luke & Laura's Return #1-2, Luke & Laura's Return #3, Luke & Laura's Return #4, Luke & Laura's Return #5Luke & Laura's Return #6, Luke & Laura's Return #7, Luke & Laura's Return #8, Luke & Laura's Return #9, Luke & Laura's Return #10, Luke & Laura's Return #11, Luke& Laura's Return #12

Luke & Laura Return #9  June 22, 1995 - October 4, 1995  8 hour original edit

DVD #9A  Lucy introduces Miguel Morez (Ricky Martin) who sings, “Power To Believe”. Lucky is concerned that maybe Mom didn't see his “Midnight Train” act with his Dad. She was off selling raffle tickets with Lila but assures him she saw his act as a “Pip”. She says they were brillant. Mike meets Laura, sweet talks her, Luke groans that it is getting thick in here. Lucky takes Mike and shows him a spin move. Luke tells Laura he can’t stand being in this room with all of these people, he just wants to be alone with her for a minute.

Luke and Laura go sit on the steps outside. Luke asks her if this feels right to her? She says nothing feels right anymore. He says she has proved her point and now what? She realizes he is angry with her. She just wants a life with her children that is safe. Luke argues that there are no guarantees for a safe life. Laura is upset as Luke promised her they would finally be safe. He argues they are finally home and they are safe now. Laura is reeling that she had to kill someone to protect her family. Luke refuses to give up on them. He leans in close to kiss her, she pulls away.

Luke is attempting to help Lucy into her next dress when Jon Henley comes back with the terrible news that they are $12,000 below last year. Lucy is horrified and Luke mildly suggests a strip-tease to make it up that there is a whole bunch of guys out there who would pay for that! Lucy tells Luke he is a genious! Luke says he was only kidding, is she sure she wants to do this. Jon, amazed, kisses her for going the extra mile and Lucy says one of the great lines of the day,"when I'm through, you may want to reconsider your position."

Lucy comes out and announces they are $12,000 short of last year’s total (due to Katherine’s over spending on orchids and caviar to sabotage the success of the ball). Lucy announces that she is going to auction off her robe and various other items. Monica buys the bracelet, Simone the necklace, by which time the crowd is definitely in the mood. Sonny gets a glove and Damian the other.

Mike gets into the spirit of the bidding and offers $7500 he doesn't have for the cape, but Damian rescues him at the last minute with an $8,000 bid. Felicia wins one shoe, but is sorely disappointed when Luke gets the other one (afterwards they discuss it, it's going up over the bar at Luke's, but Felicia can borrow it sometimes, if she has it back by midnight.)

Alan and Tony share the overskirt. Kevin stands on a chair and offers $10,000 for Lucy to keep the dress ON. Damian, naturally, offers $20K for Lucy to take it off. Lucy has slipped behind the curtain and throws out the dress.  The crowd, including Felicia, stand and chant, "MORE! MORE!" The women of GH come out doing "One Singular Sensation". Katherine hurls Lucy through the curtains in her undies.  Lucy, ever the trooper, shrugs and joins the chorus line.

6/26 Luke tells Stone that he's got a job for him.  Stone asks him if he heard the news? Luke says "what news?"  Stone can't believe he didn't hear about it at the Nurse's Ball the night before and he breaks the news about having AIDS. Luke is stunned by the news. Stone said he was afraid Luke would be angry with him. He explains about Robin testing negative but that she has to get retested in six months and since Luke was Robert Scorpio's best buddy. Luke asks if Mac knows yet? Stone says yes. Luke assures him that he still wants him to work at the club.

Later on, Luke and Sonny discuss Stone's condition. Luke says he's worried about Robin; they agree that Mac was too hard on Stone. A knock at the door interrupts their conversation, it's Robin looking for Stone. Alone, Robin and Luke discuss Mac and his reaction to Stone, etc. She starts to berate herself for being a stupid kid but Luke interrupts her and says he understands and she's not an irresponsible little twit. Luke tells her that the most important thing is to make Stone's life better from now on. Robin is touched and says that sounds like something her Dad would say. Luke offers to be a safe haven if she needs anything.

6/27 Luke, who has excellent rapport with LesLu and holds her the whole scene, tells Laura that Stone has AIDS and that they won't know if Robin's been infected for many months. This tragedy proves just how tenuous life is, and that convinces Laura that she must keep her kids away from Luke. Luke is not happy about this but agrees to see Lucky only on "safe turf." They both agree that a camping trip would fit the bill, but Luke is not very happy. When Lucky comes home, Luke broaches the subject of a fishing trip and is somewhat taken aback by Lucky's enthusiasm. In a round about way, he tells Lucky not to give Laura a hard time.

Mac comes by the Spencer home and asks Laura how Robert would've felt? He asks what information she has about Sonny and what he is into? Laura plays dumb. She tells him that Sonny is probably devastated by Stone's condition. Mac says he is going to go after Sonny to do something active and to clean up part of PC. Laura keeps up the dumb game, which Mac doesn't really buy but can't do anything about. Mac leaves and Laura comes back into the living room where she can overhear Lucky talking to Foster. Turns out that Lucky is not so thrilled about having to go on a fishing trip to spend time with Luke. He tells Foster to keep an eye on things and under control while he is gone.

6/28 Lucky calls Emily to tell her about his upcoming camping trip and he wants to stop by the Quartermaine mansion to see Raoul (Foster’s puppy). Emily invites him to the picnic that night.

Luke walks into Ruby's diner and complains to Ruby  that they only way he can see his son is by pitching a tent with the grizzly bears. Luke grumbles how the separation is affecting him and the kids. Ruby assures Like that if Laura still loves him, give her enough space and she may eventually pull him back into her life. Bobbie arrives at Ruby's diner. Luke tells her about the camping trip and tells her he needs her to pick up Lucky from the Quartermaine mansion before Lucky develops 'conservative' values.

The picnic for Stone is in full swing, Lois, Miguel, Brenda, Sonny, Robin, Stone, Lucky, and Emily are all there. Brenda wonders why everyone is standing around and suggest they all dance. Miguel and Brenda are going through their video routine and are dancing at the edge of the dock. Sonny arrives at the party just in time to see Brenda and Miguel fall into the water. A dripping wet Brenda greets Sonny and he suggests that he cover herself because of her wet t-shirt.

6/30 At Kelly's, Bobbie snarks at Laura. She accuses her of abandoning Luke and blaming everything that goes wrong on him. Laura tries to defend herself with the usual excuse about protecting the children, but Bobbie counters saying Luke's been taking care of Laura for years and stalks out. Bobbie accuses Laura that she will blame Luke if Lucky gets a hang nail and stomps out.

Ruby tries to make excuses for the Bobbie saying she instinctively defends Luke. Laura asks Ruby if what she's doing is wrong? Ruby side steps the question, and they both express a hope Laura will find another way. Laura encounters Justus at the Ward House. He gives her the low down on his recent exchange with Tom. Laura relates how Tom still lets it be known he feels she should have married his cousin Scott Baldwin instead of Luke.

To Justus' discomfort, Laura points out similar traits shared by Tom and Justus, commitment, integrity, love of Simone. Justus and Laura talk about Luke and Lucky. She worries about how soon her son will be dragged into a life of violence. She also expresses her fear that without her influence in his life, Luke might totally fall over the edge. Laura and Justus talked about Laura and Luke's situation. Justus said that Lucky needed a father.

7/12 Sonny shows up at the Spencer’s and asks for Laura’s help though he realizes that she may not want to help him after having bullet holes in her walls. He needs answers to a few questions and asks if she has told anyone about his business? No says Laura, "I'm not a snitch." She tells him she can’t talk about what she doesn’t know, she never asked Luke about specifics regarding Sonny.

She tells him that Mac asked questions but she stone walled him. He wants to know if she had talked to Brenda about Sonny? She says no, that she is just trying to build a life for her children that doesn’t involve violence. Laura doesn’t want to get anywhere near whatever Sonny’s trouble is. Sonny repeatedly expresses his apologies for being any part of tearing Luke and Laura apart. Laura tries to convince Sonny, that even if Sonny/Scully hadn't happened something else dangerous would have happened. Luke came between Luke and Laura.

7/13 Foster barks and Laura looks around nervously. It's Luke and Lucky returning from their camping trip. Lucky is really psyched about the trip and tells his mom that his dad told him lots of stories. He asks if his parents really spent the night in Wyndham’s department store? This brings back and fond memory and Laura smiles softly and says yes they did. Lucky sees that this might be the chance for the big reconciliation and heads upstairs. Laura tells Luke Sonny came by asking if she had discussed his business. She tells him she has been very popular as Mac also came by asking questions as he is worried about Robin’s association with Stone.

Somehow, Luke attracts trouble. She says. "There's no point in fighting when everything is hopeless". Luke begs her to get it out and have a good fight. He says that she doesn’t want to risk a connection with him by fighting. Can she really push him out of his home with a clear conscience? He wants to know what she wants? He asks her to give him the chance to adapt. Laura points out that Bobbie changed for Tony to be what he wanted and look how that ended up. Luke says that Tony just made up the Bobbie he wanted. Laura assures Luke that she loves him just the way he is. Luke doesn’t hear any past tense in that declaration. She admits she loves him but they can’t turn back the clock and be carefree again, now they have Lulu and Lucky.

Luke gets upset and says that the safety of their children is not solely Laura’s domain. He loves his kids and he wants them safe and he has done a pretty damn good job of that so far! He points out that no matter how safe and decent Tony is, he couldn’t save his daughter from the overturned school van. Does she blame Tony for BJ’s death? He tells her that he would die for her and for her children. She yells that he has almost done that! He yells back that they are all safe and still here!  As they are yelling at each other, Lucky comes down and lays down the law. How can they love each other so much and make each other so miserable? He is making them miserable too.

Lucky asks how much more time does Laura need? Is Lucky the reason that Laura won’t let dad live with them, because of him? Lucky doesn’t like being blamed as an excuse. He accuses that she doesn’t know what the real problem is as she gets so upset each time Luke gets close to talking about it. Lucky says there has never been anything they can’t handle together. Luke goes up to see Lulu and Lucky begs his mom, "Dad NEEDS us even more than we need him."  But even though she knows she is probably sentencing Luke to a life ever more on the edge, she doesn't want Lucky joining him one day. Luke goes back to the club and talks to Mike.

7/14 Lucy chats with Luke about her stock market bonanza.  She wants him to meet Madame Maia there later. Lucy blabbers to Luke about coffee; then they briefly discuss Laura with Lucy expressing her opinion Laura is making a big mistake.  Madame Maia arrives and immediately senses a strong aura around Luke. Luke suggests that perhaps it's because he hasn't showered yet since his two week camping trip.

7/17 Luke and Stone mess around together. Stone tells him the bad news is the parking lot is full. He has an idea. Luke jokes that driving cars off the end of the pier is not an option. Stone has worked out a trade for parking spot with a business next door. They discuss the experimental drugs Stone is about to take. Luke advises the kid to remain optimistic. He tells him if he ever needs a wall to punch that Luke has one in his office with Stone’s name on it. Stone talks to Luke about life on the street, Luke is the one person who can really understand where Stone has come from. They talk about the risk of having unprotected sex and how kids don’t pay attention.

Later, Sonny comes down and slams some furniture around to get Luke and Mike's attention then tells them that Brenda wore a wire, trying to record him saying something incriminating.  Sonny tells Luke he's heading outside to cool off.  Tearfully, Brenda stumbles down to the club.  Mike and Luke are stunned when she admits to wearing a wire to record Sonny.  Brenda then tells them that Sonny has been lying to everyone, not just her, about his involvement with organized crime.

Luke is silent here, undoubtedly he's picturing what Laura's reaction would be to THIS little gem of news if she was to hear of it.  When Brenda challenges them, Mike is silent but Luke gets all defensive about whether or not he knew about Sonny and his "connections".  Finally, Brenda wonders aloud to the boys if they knew who ratted her out to Sonny.  Mike looks as wise but stays quiet.  Brenda leaves for the gatehouse.  Miguel comes in looking for her.  He tells Luke and Mike that she had been upset at their rehearsal.  Mike tells him to try the gatehouse.

7/18 -7/19 Luke gets a visit from Bobbie who asks him to move to Ruby's and tells him why she would like him to move out. He makes a crack about the woman in his life showing him the door and regrets it when he sees Bobbie's reaction. Anyway, he agrees readily enough.

Luke gets further bad vibes from Sonny, who is doing bookkeeping early in the morning. Sonny fills him in on Ned being behind the wire plot to get Sonny out of L&B. Luke ascertains that Sonny is worried about things and wants to know how brought the cops in. Sonny figures Scorpio? Luke knows that his chances with Laura fall as Sonny's trouble increase.

Luke rushes off to the Outback to demand that Mac layoff. Mac stands up to Luke. Luke says Mac has nothing but suppositions. Miguel enters and says isn't it funny how everybody is supposing the same thing. Luke then accuses Mac of going after Sonny to get back at Stone. Mac tells Luke to take his pop psychology and stuff it. Luke then tries the nice route and Mac just tells Luke that Sonny was a known commodity when he went into partnership with him, and the heat was going to increase if anything. When Luke returns, he finds Sonny drinking in the morning.  Sonny tells of refusing to let go of his interest in L&B.

7/21 Laura strolls into Kelly’s for some tea. Ruby warns her there has to be an end to this situation. Brenda comes downstairs and asks Laura how she deals with Luke’s life, looking for advice on how to make her relationship with Sonny work.

At Luke's, Sonny gripes to Luke that he knew Brenda would be trouble from the start but let her in so probably he deserved what he got. Luke says no one deserves that kind of betrayal. Stone arrives and tells them about the new drugs he's taking. When Lucky arrives, Luke reminds him that the club is off limits to him. As Stone leaves, he almost collapses, and Lucky asks if he's sick again. Luke again tells Lucky they must honor Laura's wishes even if the woman is nuts.

Luke and Lucky arrive at Ruby's to move Luke in and get a couple of Ruby's Atomic Chili Dogs. In Luke's room, Lucky tells his father to shave then asks about Stone. Luke tells him that Stone has AIDS. Lucky is shocked and asks if Stone is going to die. Lucky asks him the how, where, when, and why? Luke tries to give him the straight truth along with an AIDS info talk. Lucky says he's not ready for any of this stuff yet.

7/25 Luke comes up looking for Stone. Robin points out that her father was Luke’s best friend, and now he is close to Sonny. Robin asks him about Sonny, her and Stone had an argument about Sonny. She recognizes how good Sonny has always been to Stone, and he is Luke’s friend and partner. But Robin can’t get past Sonny’s lying, if he is involved in organized crime and hasn’t been honest with the people around him. Luke says that there is no black and white here, but shades of gray. After all, Ned Ashton, who is opposing Sonny, is an admitted public liar and no one has proved anything. Robin doesn't buy it and tells Luke that she has a dark spot for mob stuff due to her step-father. She tells him the story of the end of Duke and the sacrifices her mother made.

7/28 Luke visits home and strikes up a card game with Lucky. Laura returns home to find Luke playing cards with Lucky. Lucky takes Lulu to give his parents some time alone. Luke tells her he wants Lucky to be able to visit him at the club. She says no as Lucky is underage, she would rather they visit at Kelly’s. He gets angry and accuses her of being unreasonable. He spends a lot of time at the club and Lucky is as safe there as he is at school.

Luke and Laura continue to argue heatedly. She tells him to stop playing superhero because real world violence isn't a bunch of POWs and KABOOMs where the hero never gets hurt. He is insulted at the implication that his feelings for the kids aren't as deep or valid as hers. When she orders him to leave and stomps upstairs, he follows her. Upstairs, she locks the door, but he breaks it in to which she dryly remarks, "You could have knocked." He tells her he loves her and she loves him. As he tenderly caresses and nibbles her neck, she at first says no. However, after a few more nibbles it becomes yes!

Luke and Laura are in bed together, she says she didn't intend for it to happen. He says that was a follow me up the stairs stomp for sure. She tells him that him making mad passionate love to her isn’t going to change their conflict. Finally, she relents and says Lucky can visit the club as long as she knows where he is. He smugly says that it was really good, wasn’t it! Laura doesn’t want Lucky to know they slept together as she doesn’t want to give him false hope. Luke tells her it would never be false, and begins kissing her arm.

Luke returns to the club, Mike tells him that Stone was feeling a little woozy so he sent him up to bed. As Luke heads up to check on him, Mike informs him that Felicia is probably still there as she stopped by to visit Stone. As Felicia begins to search Sonny’s place for evidence, Luke enters and catches her crawling along the floor.

7/31 Luke confronts Felicia in Sonny's apartment and accuses her of trying to plant a bug. She stays cool and tells him not to be so suspicious of her. She's all friendly and says she wasn't snooping. The reason for her looking around the apartment is to retrieve a pair of sunglasses that Brenda left behind. Luke doesn't believe her and they engage in a conversation loaded with innuendos. She finally makes her escape.

Luke and Mike discuss aspects of Brenda and Sonny's relationship. Luke defends Sonny while Mike tries to see Brenda's point of view. Mike gives Luke his insights into Sonny's behavior. Luke doggedly sticks to his point of view. Later, Lucky wanders in and they play some cards. Stone wanders downstairs and Lucky asks him to help build a lawnmower-powered car. He says his dad is too busy to help at the moment. After Stone leaves, Luke expresses his pride in what Lucky just did and while he would like to take credit for it, that is Laura’s compassion shining through in his son.

8/1 Lucy comes in and tells Luke all about Madam and cleansing her auru. She tells him about her first attempt to forgive Damian. He warns her to just keep away from Damian that he is dangerous but she says Madam Maia has been so right about everything. She then gets the brilliant idea that Maia could help Luke and Laura. Luke says he can respect a good con more than anyone and if Madam's scam is making Lucy happy and Maia is making a few bucks, he wishes the two of them happiness, just leave him out. Lucy sarcastically says she wishes Kevin would be that understanding. He then tells her that she doesn't need a medium. Lucy thanks him but insists that she believes that Maia is legit, but will layoff Luke for now. Montage of Luke and Laura scenes as Mary Mae sings, “Around Midnight”.

8/3 Robin comes into Luke’s stuff for Stone to take, she's read that it will help if he takes it twice a day, and he gets annoyed because she's hovering over him. They start to squabble, and Luke, who is sitting at the bar doing paperwork, tells Stone that he shouldn't take out his anger at the disease on Robin. He tells Robin that Stone doesn't need a mother now.

Luke and Lucky are sitting on the couch discussing the AIDS walk when Laura comes in and Luke tips Lucky the wink to go call Sly. Luke asks Laura, "Did you find a carpenter?" She doesn't immediately know what he's talking about, he is refering to him breaking down her bedroom door. Then she says she's not at all sure there will be a next time. "Laura, do you love me?"  She tells him with all of her heart, and says “I love you”. He tells her that he loves her too. Laura tells him they can’t go tumbling into bed anytime they get the urge, that there same old ways won’t work anymore.

Luke goes up to see Lulu and does a monologue with her.  He gently talks to her about how different she looks each time he sees her. He promises her that he is trying, he wants to be there for her as Lucky listens at the door. He admits that he isn’t any great prize as a husband or a father. But they promised till death do us part and no one has died yet. Downstairs, Laura asks Lucky how much longer he is going to punish her? Lucky raises his voice to his mother and Luke comes down and puts a stop to it. Luke gives his son a big hug and says his goodbyes. Lucky confronts his mother and tells her that she is being unfair to him, Lulu, and his dad and she is being selfish. She says she is sacrificing to do the right thing by him and Leslie Lu. He tells her that she is the only person who thinks what she is doing is right.

8/7  Mike, Lucky, Robin, Stone, Luke jubilantly enter the club after the Aids Walk (not shown as Luke didn’t attend). Stone tells Lucky that he picked up wheels for his go cart. They kids go upstairs to make a list of needed parts. Stone tells Lucky that his vision is blurry. Bobbie tells Luke about her attraction to Alan and how it's mutual. Luke advised her to keep distance between them, as their liaison would mess up lots of lives in Port Chuck. He observes that self destruction is a common Spencer family trait. When Luke returns to the club, Sonny tells him that Brenda is “doing” Miguel, that he caught them together. Luke managed to look surprised, and worried and puzzled all at once.

8/10 Laura comes into the garden and finds Lucky working on some contraption which she hazards a guess at, a spaceship?  "MOM! I'm not 9 any more!" She finds out it's a go-kart, and absolutely forbids it. They argue about the safety issue of him riding around on pieces of wood slapped together and powered by a gas engine. He tells her she ruins everything. She wants to know why he ever thought this would be okay? He says his dad said it was. She asks him not to go any further until she talks to his father and she goes to call Luke. Sly and Julie Ann show up.

Laura calls Luke and demands to know if Luke told Lucky that he could build a go-kart and demands to know why? Luke says that he and Lucky talked about it and Luke thinks it is a good idea, an educational process. Laura is worried the end result could put her son in the hospital with every bone in his body broken. Luke assures her that he will provide a crash helmut which Lucky promised to wear. Luke tells her that there are mitigating circumstances. While they were discussing it, Stone came in and Lucky took a quick read on Stone’s situation and asked Stone to help with the project. Luke says that Stone just lit up and that was all Lucky’s idea, Luke is proud of him and doesn’t want to obstruct his decency. He doesn’t want to interfere with anything Lucky might do to lift Stone’s spirits. Laura realizes Luke has backed her into a corner and she can’t say no know.

Stone arrives with gears and a chain. He admits to Sly and Julie Ann that he has AIDS. They're cool with this. Laura comes by to tell Lucky it's okay to build the go-kart. While tinkering, Stone cuts himself and yells, "DON'T TOUCH ME!" Laura just happens to have her handy pack of latex gloves. She bandages him up quite calmly and goes for the bleach to clean the go-kart and area. Both Stone and Lucky are impressed. Sonny tells Luke that he will get out of the club and move after Garcia had showed up with a search warrent, since this is not going to help Luke and Laura. Luke looks disappointed. 

8/11 Later, Luke staggers in looking terrible and muttering about marriage. Amy feeling sorry for him heads out to "simplify things." Amy comes to see Laura and insists she come to hear Mae Mae sing at Luke's. After some heavy lobbying by Amy and Lucky, Laura gives in. All the usual PC denizens converge on Luke's. Laura comes in to Luke's surprise and pleasure. Luke introduces Mae Mae who sings while various people are shown listening and glaring. At the end of her song, Sonny rushes over to Brenda and practically drags her out of the place saying he has to talk to her. 

8/14 Luke and Laura sit at the bar and discuss their own relationship. Luke wonders aloud if he'll ever get to park the Volvo in the garage again. He tells her they have to spend time together. He prefers false hope to no hope at all. He asks if her intention is they never sleep together again? She admits no. She wants Luke, she just doesn’t want the trouble that comes with Luke. He talks her into letting him come back to the house for a little while.

Outside in the parking lot, Luke and Laura find Ned and Sonny about to come to blows. Luke breaks them up, holding Ned back and Lois restrains Ned. Ned spouts off about how they've got the proof on tape about Sonny! Laura gets an earful and storms off. Luke screams at everyone then, telling Lois, Ned, Brenda and Miguel to remove themselves from the premises. He also tells Sonny to take a walk and cool off then Luke heads after Laura for some major damage control. Luke catches up to her and tells her she's jumping to conclusions. He explains about the tape and tries to put a positive spin on the incriminating conversation. He says the cops used it to get a search warrant but they found no real evidence. She says he can’t explain this away. She doesn’t want to go back down the Frank Smith mob life, where mobsters break into her home and shoot it up.

Luke begs her to stop it, that he has nothing but try to take care of her the best way he knows how. She says that is exactly what she is doing for their children now. He asks, “By putting me out of the picture?” He refuses to just skulk off into the night, he can’t! She cries, and he cries. He can’t do it to accommodate her denial about their love. He says he knows it is inconvenient but they are stuck with it. He pulls her to him, cradling her, caressing her hair, kissing her neck. She tries to fight her feelings for him and can’t, finally gives into his kisses. They sink into the grass together.

DVD #9B  8/16 Sonny tells Luke that Stone isn't handling the news about the CMV well and that Sonny doesn't know how to handle it either, it's something he can't control. Luke asks if there is anything he can do for either Sonny or Stone? Sonny says no, then starts apologizing for the mess outside the club the with Ned. Luke actually encourages Sonny to go after Ned as long as Sonny keeps trouble away from the club. Now that Laura knows about the tape, this fight of Sonny's has become Luke's fight as well. Sonny offers to visit Laura but Luke is sure that would only make things worse. Luke warns Sonny of Ned's resources but Sonny's got his own resources. According to Sonny soon Ned will be off Sonny's back.

8/17 Lucky shows Emily his go-kart. It has worms painted on it instead of lightning bolts, since it's the money from his worm farms that paid for it.  Emily notes that the brake isn't all that strong, but hey, says Lucky, the idea is to go FAST.  Emily allows him the first test drive, and sans helmet, off goes Lucky. *CRASH* He's hit a tree, and hit his head on a rock.  Foster licks him trying to wake him up.

8/18 Luke lectures Bobbie about her hots for Alan and suggests she try to put a squeeze on these urges of hers. She counters that he's not one to give advise on marriages.

Emily rushes to get Laura after Lucky crashes his go-cart and hits his head on a rock knocking himself out. She dials 911 for an ambulance then phones Luke at the club with the news.  He immediately heads for GH to meet them. Luke starts to rant about Lucky not wearing a helmet, but Laura counters that she didn't want him building it in the first place. Finally, they agree not to blame each other.  Luke says she can keep him away, but she can't protect the kids completely. Laura and Luke wait anxiously for word about Lucky. Laura muses how far they have come, how much they have been through, Lucky traveled across the entire country by himself. Luke tells her they can still be magic if she will let them. Laura isn’t sure she believes in magic anymore, she is afraid to build her and her children’s lives on magic. Lucky is so much like Luke, he thinks he is invincible and she has to try to protect Lucky. Is that wrong?

Tony comes in and tells them that the news isn’t as good as he would like. Lucky sustained a brain injury with no protection. He has an "Epidural Hematoma" and says they have to drill a hole in his head to relieve the pressure. He says if there is no further damage that Lucky will be fine but there is a risk with this procedure but they don’t have any choice.  Luke urges him to do whatever he has to do. Laura and Luke hold onto each other for support.

8/21 Over at GH, Lucky is finished with surgery and in recovery.  Tony tells his parents that the kid is holding his own and is stale. Tony is encouraged and fills the family in.  Luke is worried because Lucky isn't awake yet. Tony suggests they talk to Lucky and it might help him come around sooner.  Bobbie mentions that it's Lucas' birthday.  Laura starts talking to Lucky, pleading with him to wake up. that no one is mad at him. They tell him that they know what happened to him was an accident, just wake up. Luke and Laura reminisce about the old days and what a cute, impish scamp Lucky was. Laura asks the kid to open his eyes and he does. They fill in Lucky on what happened.  He promises to wear a helmet in the future. Outside the room, Luke talks to Laura.  He tells her that Lucky is aching to have them reconciled again.  He says that getting back together is way overdue; they're a family so why not get together again?  Nope, she says, not yet.

8/23 Luke returns to the club with the good news about Lucky.  Luke is also feeling hopeful that this crisis will put him and Laura back on track. While Luke is upbeat, Sonny has more of his own problems.  Sonny tells about the fizzled plan to get Ned and that now Lois is truly mad at him. Sonny isn't about to give in, it's a stand off.  Luke wonders if maybe Sonny shouldn't take the money from Ned and run but Sonny isn't about to roll over and play dead.

Laura goes to question Ned about the tape and he plays it for her. Laura realizes that Luke loves Sonny and feels incredible loyalty to him. Laura arrives at the club to see Luke and first questions to find out if Sonny is present.  Luke can't believe she actually went to Ned to hear the tape.  Luke tries to claim the tape has no bearing on the Spencers but Laura doesn't buy that.  "Sonny is a full-blown mobster" and as soon as Laura says that she realizes Luke has known all along.  Luke is convinced Laura knew all along as well.  Then Luke brings up the goons that attacked Laura because of her stance on the incinerator and tries to use that as an example of "your fight is my fight" but Laura doesn't buy it, then they were the good guys. That really gets to Luke, now he thinks she doesn't love him anymore. Laura can't convince Luke she still loves him.  He feels blindsided and feels that she listened to the tape to find reasons to leave him.  He feels she has thwarted his attempts to get back and suggests she walk out, and if she won't he will. He heads to the office.  Laura sobs and finally leaves.

Later Luke is drowning in his booze when Mike comes in. Mike can tell not is all well.  Mike takes his life in his own hands as he warns Luke to think long and hard about walking away, or allowing Laura to push Luke away.  It happened once to Mike with a woman he lived and breathed and there are some things once left behind that one can not get back.

8/28 Lucy visits Luke to tell him how sorry she is about Lucky getting hurt in his go-cart accident.  She tells him that he's had more than his share of grief lately.  She tries to gently pry some info about how he and Laura are doing. Luke replies that the situation couldn't be worse.  He talks about his and Laura's relationship, mostly placing the blame on Laura.  Lucy draws a parallel between his and Laura's relationship and hers and Kevin's.  Luke cautions Lucy not to change anything about herself in order to please Kevin. She tunes into Luke and has a "psychic" message about something in his and Laura's past.  Unimpressed, he dryly suggests that he should book her "act" into the club.

Then Lucy explains how she snaps the rubber bands on her wrist every time she's tempted to blab about her secrets. Luke tells her that he thinks he knows the secret she's keeping about two people they know and hold so dear. He promises she'll be very sorry if she spills the beans, that he will personally put a rope around her neck and drop her over the Port Charles bridge until her eyes pop out and she never says anything again. Maia strolls in and says she was "drawn" to Luke's.

8/31 Laura decides to pay Sonny a  visit and stops by the club. She gets straight to the point and tells him that Ned played the tape for her of Sonny's conversation with Harry.  She reminds Sonny of his promise to her that if his outside activities came down on her family that he offered to end his business relationship with Luke.  She wants him to honor that promise.  Sonny claims the tape is being blown out of proportion but he praises Laura for her directness.

Sonny reassures her that nothing he is involved with poses any danger to her family and suggests that she is allowing it to cause trouble.  She reminds him that she isn't stupid and that she has experience with the mob.  Sonny insists that he was only insuring peace with Rivera and that there is such a thing as honor among thieves.  She reminds him that her son has been shot and asks him to honor his promise and sell his interest in the club and then she leaves.

Mike walks in on a stressed out Sonny and pushes for information.  As Sonny is yelling at him to get out of his face, Luke and Lucky arrive.  They invite Sonny to join them for a night in the wilderness.  Sonny laughs at the idea. Luke wants to know if Sonny has ever been camping in his whole life? Sonny is more of a concrete kinda of a guy. The Spencer men accuse him of wimping out and Sonny reluctantly agrees.  Luke asks Mike to cover for him.  Sonny mentions that Laura paid him a visit. Mike runs interference and takes Lucky off to gamble away his allowance. Sonny informs Luke that Laura asked him to honor his promise.  Luke rants that Laura is over the line and that the club is his territory. Sonny offers to go his separate way but Luke will have none of it.  Mike returns with Lucky and Luke departs to pack their camping gear.

Laura arrives at Kelly's to fetch Lucky.  She spots Justus and joins him.  Ruby tells Laura that Lucky left with Luke.  Laura starts to get that look on her face again and Ruby can't hold back any longer.  She tells Laura she is making the biggest mistake of her life and suggests they let Justus eat in peace. Poor Justice tries to leave not wanting to be in the middle of this discussion.  Laura insists she has nothing to hide and Ruby lets her have it, she is making the biggest mistake of her life! Laura justifies her actions that her children are the most important thing to her and she has to put their safety above even her marriage. Ruby tells her she hopes that her self-righteousness will be enough.  Ruby huffs off and Justus looks uncomfortable and has understandably lost his appetite.  Laura looks to Justus for validation and doesn't get any. She changes the subject to Simone. Justus tells her that things couldn't be any worse.  He offers her his opinion and tells her not to let things with Luke get to that point.

9/1 At the house, Luke and Lucky prepare for camping.  Laura arrives and is surprised at the plans she wasn't told about.  Luke angrily counters that she went behind his back to Sonny.  He tells her that buying out Sonny is not an option. She tries to explain that she was just trying to help, but he's not buying into her motivations.

In a particularly well acted scene, Laura continues to bring up the tape of Sonny, but Luke won't listen to her argument.  He maintains Sonny isn't the problem, Laura and he had an agreement when they settled in PC; she got her house and roses, and he got the club.  She wants to know what good is their bargain with Sonny if Luke won't use it. The argument grows in intensity until Luke explodes saying, "If you want me to stay out of your life, stay out of mine."  When he calls to Lucky to get ready, Laura asks, "Without discussing it?"  But Luke snaps back bitterly, "Don't even try it! I'm taking my son camping."

As Lucky prepares to leave, Laura and he get embroiled in another emotional confrontation.  He blames her for their family's problems and says Lulu is better off since she doesn't remember how it used to be, then leaves his mother teary-eyed while he goes outside to wait for his father. In the woods, Sonny stands around watching while Luke builds a lean-to. Meanwhile, Lucky wanders off alone into the woods.

9/4 Lucky puts together a fire while Sonny brings out the food. Lucky tells Luke that he wants an earring. Lucky says he wants one like Luke's. As they prepare to do it, Sonny thinks it's crazy and wants nothing to do with it. Lucky and Luke admire his new earring. Lucky tells Sonny he thinks he's pretty cool. Luke and Sonny discuss kids. Sonny offers to come totally clean with Laura as it might reassure her to know that Sonny can protect them. Luke tells him he doesn't even want him to come totally clean with him. Luke asks Sonny about his family's safety and Sonny reassures him.

9/6 When Laura arrives at Bradley Ward House Mary Mae lets Laura know how bad the day has been ending up discussing the squirrels that have eaten through electrical wire.  Laura wants to do some fundraising to shore up a money deficit but Mary Mae would rather wait till Christmas.  Then they launch into a discussion of Justus, Simone, Tom, Laura, Luke and Lucky. Mary Mae offers to talk to Lucky.  Justus stops by and tells Laura that they may have a disaster on their hands. He informs her that the large land purchase was done by DayCo, and if they are going to stop them they have to move now!

9/7 Luke and Lucky and Foster sneak into the house.  Lucky misses the old days.  When Laura gets home and sees the earring (well the fishing line) she goes ballistic, especially when she hears about the fishhook and the booze.  She rightly thinks it isn't so much about giving Lucky an earring, as it is about getting back at her.  When she finds out about Sonny, words fail her.  Luke storms out, telling Lucky that his Mom is unreasonable. Along comes Emily, and they are introduced.  Luke kisses her hand and turns her head. Emily and Lucky discuss their unreasonable living situations while Laura eavesdrops.

9/8 Sonny shows Luke, Robin, and Stone the new penthouse which was the old Donely place. Robin points out none too subtly that it has a WSB installed security system should that be needed. Sonny offers his old place to Luke. Luke comments that Sonny's new digs must cost plenty, and when Sonny spends more than he makes, people get suspicious. Sonny assures him, all they'll find is an ordinary mortgage. Laura asks Monica in the hospital and asks if the new giant store coming to Charles St. is owned by an ELQ company? Monica says not to her knowledge.  They wonder who does own it and why are they going after Charles Street.

9/13 Luke, Lucky, Laura, join Robin and Stone, Jason and Keesha for dinner party at Kevin and Lucy’s. Justus tells Laura, Mary Mae, AJ, Jason and Keesha that Damian is behind Dayco. Justus and Laura meet with Katherine and Damian who pitch why their project will be good for Charles Street. Justus isn’t buying it, they will run the small businesses out with lower prices and then when there is no competition they will raise their prices. After the the meeting, they return with the bad news that they were not able to get Damian to back down. Justus enters Luke’s for some fried oysters and advice about Damian.  Luke tells Justus he's going to have to get down and dirty because ethics and goody principles don't work against Damian.  Justus cringes at the suggestion that he enlist Edward for help.  Even more distasteful are Luke's ideas for undermining Dayco such as infiltrating the construction crew, delaying deliveries, arson. Justus figures those suggestions won't sit well with Laura.  The idea of Laura involved with this campaign, well Luke doesn't see it as a way for them to get together.

9/15 Lucky gripes to his father about his class schedule. He wants to take a shop class but instead he must take Algebra. At first Luke sides with Lucky, but then finds out that Lucky was really manipulating him against Laura who favors the Algebra class. Luke gets angry and tells him not to make matters worse by setting him against Laura. At the Ward house, Lucky comes to talk to Laura. He tells her he saw Luke and says cryptically that he should be happy they can be together even when they're not. She is perplexed until he explains about Luke getting angry at being played against her.  She agrees that she should coordinate decisions about Lucky more closely with Luke. However, when she tries to reason with Lucky about thinking about the future, he snaps that they're not really interested in what he thinks just deciding what he must do. Mae Mae lectures Lucky a bit and also offers him praise and moral support. Laura and Mae Mae discuss Lucky, then Laura calls Luke, and they discuss the shop/algebra question and decide to let Lucky take what he wants. When Lucky returns, she gives him the good news.

9/18 Lucy wants to take Norma and Eve (Kevin & Mac in drag) out on the town to Luke’s Club and introduces them to Luke and Robin. Luke asks Stone about his wish list of what he would like to do? Stone admits to wanting to go bunging jumping. Luke takes Stone up to the bridge and “Jump” plays as he dives off. The next morning, Sonny tells Luke that Stone is flying this morning and tells him that Stone loved it. Luke shares the experience with Sonny.

9/19 Lucy goes to Luke and asks what men think women want. Luke notes that given his situation, he is probably not the one to ask. Lucy persists, and in the course of conversation tells Luke about Kevin and Mac. Luke says he knew the women were men, but since the English are, well, the English, he didn't make a scene. He did worry about Mac though. Mac enjoyed being Norma a bit too much. Anyway, Lucy persists in her quest and tells Luke to think specifics if it would help. Luke gives in and says, "Don't put wife in situation where they have to use a shotgun to kill someone in your own home."

Laura tells Mary Mae and Justus her ideas about trying to stop Dayco’s project, she has ammunition to use against Damian’s DayCo plan.They head to Edward for advice on fighting dirty.  Edward suggests speaking with the city-planning commissioner to block Damian’s building permits. Edward gets a kick out of helping them and chortles with glee as Laura catches on to his plotting.

Laura, Edward, Justus all arrive at Luke’s Club. Luke says she must be Lady Luck. He asks if she has on her bullet proof knickers? She asks him to let it rest for the night. The commissioner, Carl, arrives and they treat him to a night of poker in Luke’s Club backroom. Laura takes the pot with a full house. Luke calls a refreshment break and points out to her that the commissioner should win in order to butter him up. Laura points out the night is young. Mike asks Luke where Laura learned to play cards like that! Edward casually brings up the Dayco project. He points out that the project will infringe upon wetlands and will bring the “Greenies” out of the woodwork to protest at his office. Carl then wins the next hand and tells Edward that he will look into the project and see what he can do.

9/22 Ned and Lois show up to see Laura. They pump her for info on any connections between Sonny and Damian and what she might know? Laura tells them that if Damian is somehow connected to Frank Smith’s mob that Damian poses more of a threat to the community than she originally thought and promises to keep her ears open. Emily and Lucky talk about Stone and how their lives don't look so bad. Emily makes a valid point that she would like to be able to feel bad about things in her life without guilt, even though she knows other people may have it worse.  She says Raul is well behaved enough for her to sleep over if his mother wouldn't mind. Lucky says great and asks how things are going at the Q's. She tells him sadly that they'll have to work out, because she doesn't have anywhere else to go.

9/27 Emily has headed for the Spencers hoping to see Lucky but Lucky's already gone but Laura invites Emily in.  Emily confides in Laura that the Qs are so hard to figure out.  She thinks she has then something happens to confuse her.  She asks about Bobbie?  Laura manages not to say what she would really like to about Bobbie, only that Bobbie is unique and very much like Luke.  Emily has to leave for school but once again is told Alan and Monica adore her and that though the Qs are not regular people they do love her and are fiercely loyal.

10/4 Lucky's emotions erupt and Laura calls him on his testiness, attributing it to teenage rebellion. Laura tries to get him to see her feelings get hurt too but Lucky doesn't think his mother understands how much anger he is harboring and that she is the cause of it all.

**The End**

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