Luke & Laura's Return #1-2, Luke & Laura's Return #3, Luke & Laura's Return #4, Luke & Laura's Return #5, Luke & Laura's Return #6, Luke & Laura's Return #7, Luke & Laura's Return #8, Luke & Laura's Return #9, Luke & Laura's Return #10, Luke & Laura's Return #11, Luke& Laura's Return #12

Luke & Laura's Return #6  September 28, 1994 - January 5, 1995 - 8 hours

#6A  Luke presents his idea to Sonny and lets Sonny know the something extra Luke wants is a back room for a private gambling club.  He refuses to pay protection to Frank or anyone else.  Sonny assures him Frank has pulled back from that business. Now all Luke needs is a place for this club.  Sonny has the perfect place, "The Paradise Lounge".  It's sitting empty and is a financial drain on Sonny. Luke doesn't have the $$ to buy but that's not Sonny's idea.  He offers a long term lease.  They dicker back and forth and finally settle the terms. Luke gets a long term lease and Sonny gets a piece of the business and some of the profits that Sonny gets go towards Luke purchasing the club.  They're now in business.  The doorbell rings.  It's Lucy to see Luke.  She recognizes Sonny as Sonny, Inc, the guy who wrote a $10,000 check for the Nurses Ball.  Sonny leaves and Luke wonders why Lucy is there.  She wants to know if he's made a decision. A decision?  On what?  Getting back at Damian.  Lucy figures he still wants to get back at Damian.

Luke and Sonny check out Sonny's club. Luke is concerned that Sonny and he might have disagreements, but Sonny assures him that Luke will run the place. Sonny and Luke discuss the Ned/Eddie situation. Luke is amused by Ned's antics. Sonny says he'll eventually get everything smoothed out. Luke and Lucky banter about blues music. Lucky tells him Kylie Quinlin is headed to PC with new information. Kylie comes to see Luke and Justus and gets right to the point, "I know who stopped the investigation," she declares, "and I think I know who killed him."

Justus, Kylie and Luke sit and talk.  Justus asks Kylie for the identity of the person who pressured her father (the Judge) to drop the disappearance of Bradley Ward investigation some 20 years ago Before she says the name, Kylie reminds them that her dad was a political bigwig in addition to his judicial stuff.  Luke chimes in, "was this a political ally?" and Kylie replies in the affirmative. The mystery man voiced serious concerns over Bradley's disappearance.  Kylie tells them there was, indeed, a full-blown murder investigation after Bradley booked, yet this mystery man was certain that Brad had committed suicide. Kylie continues, the mystery man told her father that Bradley was under intense pressure because of his extracurricular activities (which included hiding-the-kielbasa with an assortment of ladies) and that Bradley took his own life rather than go through the embarrassment of exposure and ruin. The mystery man was certain that all the embarrassing stuff about Bradley (and he implied that the info about his and Kylie's baby) would surface if the murder investigation continued.  Mystery man also feared that if it became known who Bradley's enemies were, there would be a negative reaction within the community toward the new airport development [meaning that Bradley's enemies were the guys who were developing the new Port Charles airport].  So, mystery man asked Kylie's dad to quash the investigation in order to protect Kylie and Bradley's reputations and to keep from stirring up the community against the fat-cat land developers.  Justus demands to know who the mystery man was. Kylie drops the bomb: "Edward Quartermaine"!

Then Kylie, Luke, and Justus discuss the fact that Eddie the Q's name seems to come up with alarming frequency as their investigation into Bradley's death deepens. Kylie tells them that her dad already said he would be willing to testify to his and Edward's 20-year-old conversation.  Then Kylie timidly suggests that maybe Edward talked to her father out of a sense of altruism. "Not bloody likely" say Justus and Luke, practically in unison.  "Everything keeps coming back to Edward" says Luke, "it's time to call Sean!"  Later on, Sean drops by and they tell him why the murder investigation was dropped 20 years ago and the identity of the mystery man.

Lucy is in her Deception office and is furious with something Katherine did.  As Luke arrives he determines the target of her anger and Lucy lets him know she could "kill" Katherine.  It turns out Lucy has discovered Katherine made a deal for whale oil to use as a perfume base.  Katherine did save a bundle of dollars but Lucy isn't happy whales were destroyed. The big problem is no supplies have been delivered.  A second order was made and in her investigation she has discovered the "New Zealand Whaling Co." has disappeared, with Deception's money.  Luke listens to all this and eventually they get around to their plan to get Damian.  Lucy wants to know what's next.  Luke has plans to make an unannounced visit to Damian's accountants and hopes Lucy has some more information.  A light bulb goes of in Lucy's head.  When Katherine first contacted the whaling company, she used Damian's name for an introduction.  Luke studies the "fishy" correspondence and asks to see canceled checks.  Lucy is a bit leery, that's really intimate but gives in.  Luke is "very" interested with what he finds.  The cancellation marks on the back of the checks are familiar to Luke.  He needs to do some homework and heads off to copy the checks leaving Lucy frustrated.  Luke won't share what he thinks the info means.

Luke comes to Kelly's to meet with Sonny. He asks him about Damian Smith. Luke asks Sonny about the Hong Kong Canton Bank. Sonny tells him it's the largest money laundering bank in Asia. Luke tells Ruby about his plans to get Damian, and how Damian is tied into the money laundering Hong Kong Bank. Luke determines that multiple companies use the same Hong Kong bank account and that Frank Smith, using an alias, sits on the board of directors of all the companies. Luke is explaining Frank Smith's money laundering scheme to Ruby. He's going to prove that Damian bought into ELQ with dirty money from his father, Frank Smith.

The maid walks in and announced that Luke Spencer has arrived. Luke joins the Q's and claims that the information contained in the envelope he's holding is the ruination of Damian Smith!  The Q's prick up their ears and Luke explains.  He says that inside the envelope is information that exposes Frank Smith's money laundering scheme through the Bank of Hong Kong/Canton. Luke avers that Frank's dirty money was given to Damian and said money was used by D to buy his way into ELQ.  So, what will the Q's offer for Damian's castanets?  Edward quickly offers $50K, then $75K. Alan says the Q's will build a wing onto GH and name it after Luke.  He turns them down, however, and says his price for the information is the junking of the toxic waste thingy.  "No can do" says Edward, "Ned has all the votes on anything to do with the Toxic Incinerator!" Ned says the toxic mess WILL be built.  Luke backs down but names his second price: Eddie the Q and the rest of the family/ELQ will support Justus' bid for the PC City Council.  Edward quickly agrees; Ned is aghast and warns of future trouble if Justus gets on the city council.  The deal is struck, however, and Luke turns the envelope over to Edward.

Luke closes down Kelly's to prepare for a surprise birthday party for Ruby. Lucy comes by and sees that it's closed but that there is a light on. She pounds on the door and makes a big scene. Luke rushes to the door, lets her in and makes her taste the chili he's making before telling her why he called her. He has the goods on Damien. Lucy is excited, hugs & clinches Luke, and says 'I adore you!'. Luke responds,   "Yeah, everybody does." Luke, while chopping vegtables, explains to Lucy the money laundering scheme involved with New Zealand Whale Co. Lucy wants to gloat in Damien's face but Luke warns her that Damien might still have enough venom left for one strike. (Lucy has been munching on stuff this whole time and Luke has been using various veggies when talking with his hands) Lucy says she wants to tell someone the good news and Luke invites her to come back for the party. Lucy says thanks and takes a bite out of the veggie Luke is holding. It's a jalepeno. Luke warns her not to sample at random.

Eventually the place fills up with some people, including Sonny and Ruby comes in and gets surprised.  Luke warns Sonny about possible fall out from the Q's breaking Damien. A cake comes out and Ruby looks pointedly first at Bobbie then at Tony (obviously her wish is for them to work things out) before blowing out her candles. Ruby's birthday party has wound down and just a few folks are left.  After Luke checks on Lucky and Justus determines Mary Mae and Keesha have a way home they turn their discussion to the evidence against Edward.  Justus points out that things aren't always what they seem, as with the circumstantial evidence and Mary Mae's intuition that Edward didn't kill Bradley.  They both agree there is something Mary Mae isn't telling them and decide to try turning over another rock.  The four silver foxes who had the meeting with Bradley the week before he died somehow knew about Kylie's pregnancy.  Luke decides to see what he can find out from Steve Hardy.  Justus thanks Luke for all he's done and with that Luke tells Justus to look out for an olive branch from Edward.

Luke confronts Steve.  He wants to find out who else found out about Kylie's miscarriage.  It was an old and trusted friend, Lee Baldwin.  Steve, of course, never said a thing.  Though he's pouring it all out now.  Nex Luke confronts Lee. Luke then goes to see Damian at GH. Damian tells Luke he will come back from his current situation.  Luke says that's fine, but one thing he can't do is retaliate. Luke threatens that if Damian moves against his family or friends, Luke would not only have Damian's sister in jail but would also see to it that Frank Smith's money laundering apparatus would be exposed. Luke then goes to talk Sonny about Frank Smith. Luke explains to Sonny about Damian then asks about Frank Smith and the Bradley Ward case. Sonny agrees to ask around. Luke and Lucy learned that Kat and Damian were involved with the New Zealand Whaling Company, a bogus outfit that Frank Smith uses to launder dirty mob money.

Luke and Justus drop by PCPD and tell Sean they've got more information that implicates Eddie the Q in Bradley's Ward's murder. Luke relates his meeting with Lee Baldwin who told him that there was, indeed, a meeting in PC on the night of Bradley's death.  Attendees were Lee Baldwin, Frank Smith (at the time they believed Frank was an honest businessman), Edward and Jack Boland.  Edward told the three guys to stop harrassing Bradley Ward; that Edward would take care of him personally. Justus says he's pretty sure Edward killed Bradley, but that Mae-May is convinced of Eddie's innocence.  He respects MM's intuitive powers, so he doesn't know what to think. Sean warns Justus not to go off half-cocked. Luke visits Edward and reminds him about his promise to support Justus. He says he'll expect Edward that evening at a church where Justus is going to announce his candidacy for the empty city council seat. Edward squirms and tries to eel out of it, but Luke pins him and extracts a promise to attend the festivities.

Luke meets with Sonny at the old Paradise Lounge to sign their partnership papers for the blues club.  Luke asks Sonny to nose around about Bradley's murder and Sonny says he'll hook him up with an old mob guy who might have some answers.  Then Sonny proposes that Luke hire some of the L&B talent; Luke says that if Ned wears the leather pants, he'll be assured of star billing!  They laugh.  Later on, Sonny's "connected" guy arrives and the guy promises he'll ask around and see if the Ward death was a mob hit or murder-for-hire. Later that evening, Luke and Lucky appear at the church. Justus is there, as is May-Mae, Tiff and TV crew and many members of the Charles Street neighborhood.  Edward blows in, looking a bit tentative and Justus bristles when he sees him. Luke tells Justus to cool it and just let events unfold; May-Mae seems pleasantly surprised by Edward's appearance. The Rev of the Charles St Church introduces Justus as a candidate. Justus gives a campaign speech. MM looks pleased, Edward uncomfortable. MM then gives a support speech. Followed by Edward taking the podium to all's suprise, except Luke who is chuckling at the effect.

MM, Keisha, Jason and Luke are waiting in the hospital lobby after Justus is beaten up. MM and Luke talk. Sean comes in and asks why didn't any call him? Luke mentions that his corp of blue have hardly done anything to instill confidence. Sean asserts that the police are more up on things than Luke realizes. Sean offers his sympathy to MM who tells she's had enough sympathy, she wants action. Sean and Luke get into an argument about competence. Luke insists that Bobbie keep watch over Justus, since the police are such nincompoops.  Bobbie and Luke talk about the beating and Luke's desire for revenge.  Bobbies warns he might be asking for trouble especially since he wants to bring Laura and Lesley Lu home.  Luke is half asleep leaning up against a wall while Bobbie asks him how he manages.  An old trick he learned in Afghanistan.  MaryMae comes in, and she and Luke go in to look at Justus.  They discuss the possibility of giving up, but MaryMae is going to stick with it, and Luke will back it.  A man delivers subpoenas for them both to testify to the Grand Jury in the Bradley Ward murder.

Luke sees Damian struggling with his walker down the hall and gives him a bit of a hard time.  Luke tells Damian about Justus.  Damian would like to join the campaign, a switch Luke has a hard time accepting. "How do we know you're not a Quartermaine mole?"  Damian tells Luke that he, Damian, is no friend of the Quartermaines.  Eerie foreshadowing music.  Luke and Mae Mae visit with the newly awakened Justus. Sean arrives to ask a few questions. Justus tells Sean that he can't identify his attackers. Luke jumps on Sean for not having made any arrests for the assault on Laura.  Sean snaps back that Luke should save his words for the grand jury, but Mae Mae butts in with a word of doubt over Edward's guilt. May-Mae and Luke held vigil in Justus' room during surgery. Luke tried to get May-Mae to go home and get some rest before their appearance the next day before the grand jury.

Bobbie, Luke and MM are in Justus' room. Justus will be out of campaining mode for a while. Luke tells Bobi about the grand jury hearing for that morining. MM tells Justus that she will tell the truth when he tells her to tell the whole story of what happened that night. They leave for court. At the grand jury, MM gets called in while Luke waits. Kylie walks in, asks where Justus is. Luke gives her the gory details. MM comes out and tells Luke that the DA seemed to be hearing things she wasn't saying. Luke then introduces her to Kylie, then too late realizes that of course MM knew who she was. Before he can dig himself a hole, he is called in. MM and Luke are getting ready to go back to the hospital when Jack Boland comes in. MM says she's glad at least somebody is there to testify for Edward. Luke reminds her that this is a grand jury and that he is here against Edward. MM gives Jack a thoughtfull and venomous look. Kylie comes out and tells MM an d Luke that she plans on staying in Port Charles till the trial is done. Luke feels things will happen very quickly. Sonny and Luke are discussing the indictment.  Luke thinks maybe Frank did it.  They go to meet Harry, the original owner of the Paradise Lounge, who has underworld contacts, and who will continue to keep his ears open.  Sonny and Luke talk about Luke's plans for the club, which is going to be special.  Oh, Ned is performing at the Outback tomorrow night. Luke is definitely going.  Sonny suggests that Luke bring Laura to Puerto Rico with the Miguel tour.

Luke and Damian exchange verbal barbs at Luke's new club. The show begins with a rousing rendition of "Seventh Son". After a second more intimate ballad. Sonny leaves and goes to see Luke at Justus'  hospital room. Luke introduces Sonny to Justus. The two of them verbally spar for a minute. Justus asks Sonny for info on Smith and his father. Sonny replies that's funny, Mac just asked the same question. Sonny says he doesn't mind talking about things except in cases where it might get his throat cut. They figure that Edward hired Mac to get dirt on Bolen and Smith. Luke doesn't buy it, but Justus points out that of the four people on the airport plan, Smith was the most likely one to use murder as a tool. Luke shows up at the Outback and asks Mac to share and if Mac does Luke will share with Mac about Jack Boland and Frank Smith.  Mac won't bite and won't tell Luke for whom he is working and Luke won't tell Mac who told Luke that Mac is asking questions about Frank Smith.  Finally after Luke sees how Mac keeps a good poker face, Luke tells Mac about the union trouble Jack and Frank had during the time of building the airport.  Mac agrees that's a good place to start and Luke figures Mac's a better person to do that digging.  In exchange, Luke will tell Mac all about Frank, Frank's family and Frank's business. Luke tries to get Mae Mae to reveal why she is so sure Edward is not guilty. She only says it's a "feeling" she has. Just then Sonny arrives to see Luke.

Lucky arrives with Foster at the Quartermaine patio door.  He tells Foster to stay and Reginald lets Lucky in.  The door isn't quite latched and Foster is able to stick his nose in the door.  Lila notices the resemblance to Foster and Lucky convinces her that Foster II is Foster's twin. Lucky heads off to check out the worms.  It turns out the Q's have been feeding the worms so well that they have multiplied to the point where some need to migrate to new ground, aka worm crawl.  As Lucky offers additional bins, Ned walks in.  Lila doesn't really want more bins so she suggests they add the extra worms to the general worm population.  As one CEO to another, Ned warns Lucky not to expand too fast and just then in comes Edward.  He starts to comment about Lucky being competition for ELQ till he notices Foster. Edward doesn't buy the twin dogs story and demands Lucky return the 500 clams he gave them for a new puppy.  Lila is just grateful Annabelle isn't there and is at the gatehouse.  With that Foster takes off.  Edward is about to call the cops but Lila stops him.  Ned volunteers to go after Foster. 

Next we see Ned and Foster they are looking in a gatehouse window at Lois and Annabelle.  Ned understands Foster and would like to change places with Annabelle.  He gives Foster a little advice, and tells Foster, carpe diem. When he gets no response out of Foster he asks if Foster wasn't taught any Latin. "That's seize the day Fido" and Ned knocks on the door.  Lois doesn't buy Ned's story that he's in search of the Spencer dog.  When Ned relates that he doesn't believe the twin dog story because of Foster's amorous  movements towards Annabelle, Foster barks, Annabelle takes off and the dogs head off. Lois dashes in to see Lila and apologize for losing Annabelle.  Lucky quite happily announces that Foster will take care of A.  Lila looks appalled at the potential puppies.  Lois says any respectable female will get led astray by a Really Convincing Dog.  Besides, this is all Ned's fault!  Hey, says Ned, they are just dogs being dogs.  "You ought to know."  We see Foster and Annabelle romping together and cuddling in the par.  Lois finds Annabelle, and Foster is sent home, Lucky is going to give him a facts of life talk. 

Mac got some information from a 20-year-ago now-disgruntled union organizer, is telling Luke that Jack and Frank were connected.   Luke figures Foster will learn something and probably thinks the potential puppies will be wonderful.  He says the last time Lucky enlightened him he learned "more about DNA than your average DA, but now everyone's an expert."

Mary Mae visits Luke to tell him Justus is returning home that day.  They discuss Edward's trial. She is still worried that they are after the wrong man. Luke tries to get Mae Mae to reveal why she is so sure Edward is not guilty. She only says it's a "feeling" she has. Just then Sonny arrives to see Luke. Sonny explains to Luke about Cusack's call and says he's pulling his man out and suggests Luke do the same for Mac.  Luke tells Sonny that he doesn't control Mac. They argue a bit, and Sonny says he'd go out on a limb for Luke, but not Edward or Justus. Luke comes to see Mac to warn him about Frank Smith. Mac says he's sticking with the investigation, but he'll watch out.

In a good father/son scene Lucky and Luke feast on fast food.  Luke tells him things may heat up soon in PC, so they go over security plans. It's evident the Lucky has spent much of his life looking over his shoulder and knows the ropes, but he asks if they will have to leave again. When Luke says he doesn't think so, Lucky says good because "Foster" likes PC and wouldn't want to leave. As they chat, there's a noise at the door; Lucky immediately hides, and Luke grabs a bat, but it turns out to be Laura and LuLu returning home. Laura's a bit chagrined to learn that things are heating up in Port Chuck.  Luke threatens to return them back to the safe house but Laura is adamant that she's home to stay!  Lucky is astounded to learn that his parents will be celebrating their 13th anniversary this week. Luke tells Laura honestly about what's been going on with the toxic whizzer and how Justus got beat up, etc.  She says she's glad she's home and is ready to fight!  Laura inspects the house and is appalled at the trashy state of Lucky's room. 

Laura visits with Mary Mae and lets Mary Mae hold Lesley Lu.  Mary May is still worried about Laura's safety.  Laura figures now that she's strong there is safety in numbers and she is willing to be out there since she figures if she's seen they won't dare to attack her.  Besides she wasn't about to spend her 13th wedding anniversary alone in Beechers Corners.  Justus comes in to say hi.  Laura gives him a hug (well not a full blown one) and Justus warns Laura she has returned to walk into a hornets nest.  Mary Mae gets a worried look on her face and Laura points out the irony that Frank Smith
could be involved in both the Spencers' and the Wards' lives. 

Luke has called Sonny.  Things are happening.  He wants to meet with Sonny's friend Harry, under the guise of club business.  Sonny agrees.  They discuss the out-of-town talent that threatened Laura and Luke would like to find out the source of the $$.  But Harry tells them that after the attack on Justus folks clammed up.  Sonny asks Harry as a personal favor to see what he can find out.  Harry agrees and Luke warns Harry to watch his back. 

At the Spencers it is anniversary time.  Lucky tries to get Lesley Lu to say a few words but none come but what a cutie.  It's present time.  Lucky gives his parents CDs. Only one problem, they don't have CD player. It's a hint from Lucky.  Luke gives Laura a little black thing from Frederick's of Hollywood but Laura has nothing for Luke.  That doesn't bother Luke as he points out Lucky and Lesley Lu.  Having her with him is the only present he wants.  He'd give up all his possessions, past, present and future for this moment in time.  Luke and Laura dance to "My Endless Love."

Back at court, the prosecution calls Eugene Furness, Bradley Ward's old friend, who testifies that Edward and Bradley were antagonists and how Bradley was being blackmailed for his extramarital affairs. The prosecution then calls Kylie Quinlin and questions her about her affair with Bradley. She also testifies about how she lost their child when someone ran them off the road.  She manages to slip in a dig at Edward which the defense objects to and is ordered to be disregarded by the judge. Kylie talks about her testimony to Steve Hardy and Luke who praises her for her honesty and courage in appearing. Steve Hardy testifies for the prosecution. He tells how Lee Baldwin asked him to confirm facts about Kylie Quinlin.  Despite objections by the defense, the judge lets Steve say that in his opinion, Lee would probably have told Edward the information.

#6B  Luke and the Wards enter the courtroom. Luke states his opinion that there will not be any more suprises, Frank's hand print is all over the murder. Lee is on the stand and testifies much ado about nothing. When asked by the DA if he thinks  Bolan lied about the phone call from EdQ, he said no. This got Edward all riled up and he started ranting and raving till he collapsed. Edward won't hear of going to the hospital ER (undignified). As he leaves the courtroom he exchanges a very long look with MM.

Kusak tells Frank all is set for that night. Frank says good, even if it doesn't work it will shake Spencer's up. Frank instructs Kusak not to include Sonny in the loop. Kusak tells him Sonny is with his music in P.R. Frank says that interesting, he will be there in a few days. He and Sonny have to have a talk about loyalty. Luke and Justus come to the Spencers' home. Harry knocks and tells them that an old acquaintance of Frank's gave him the dope on the assault on Laura and Justus. Former Councilman Blake went to Bolan, who went to Kusak to get out of town thugs. Luke is off to confront Bolan, much against Justus's advice and wishes. Kusak phones The Idiot and plays a tape of a distorted voice that says Luke was just told the fact that Bolan was behind the attack on Laura. The voice taunts Sean by asking him where and what he thought was going to do. Sean rushes off to Bolan's office where he sees Luke kneeling on the floor. Sean enters the room and draws his gun. Luke gets up with his hands in the air, tells Sean that Bolan is dead, probably a broken neck. Sean curses at Luke why didn't he call the police first.  Luke calls Justus and lets him know Boland is dead and that Luke needs a lawyer.  Luke wonders if a friend of a friend is setting him up.

Once Justus arrives at the PCPD Sean questions Luke.  Luke figures out Sean was set up to be at the scene of Jack Boland's death just after Luke.  It is discovered from the preliminary autopsy report that Boland died 1 1/2 hours before Luke arrived but Justus is Luke's alibi and the only witness was Foster.  Luke figures the tip came to Luke from Frank Smith or at least with Frank's blessing.  Luke is convinced Frank set Luke up.  Sean questions if Sonny is involved. Luke and Justus visit Harry and Luke accuses Harry of setting Luke up.  He informs Harry that Jack Boland is dead from a broken neck and that Luke is the #1 suspect.  Harry denies setting up Luke.  Harry claims he would never setup a friend of Sonny's.  Harry figures he himself was setup to give Luke the shaft and that it was Frank at the core.  In anger Luke remarks that Frank is the only one with a memory.

At the Spencers, Luke and Laura discuss the situation.  Luke figures Jack aired some dirty laundry on the stand and the news got back to Frank and used Jack to stick a finger at Luke.  The phone rings and it's Sonny who tells Luke about the meeting with Frank after Luke tells Sonny Jack was iced and someone tried to frame Luke.  When Luke says he's like to be in PR Sonny says he'll book a room but Luke tells Laura nothing.  Luke goes to "check the kitchen door" as Laura goes to sleep.  Luke tucks a gun in his belt and gets some $$.  He takes a look at Lesley Lu and then gingerly touches Laura's hand before heading downstairs. As Luke leaves a note for Laura and picks up a picture of the baby Lucky comes downstairs to check out the noise.  Luke tells Lucky he's got business to take care of as Luke tries to allay Lucky's fears.  After a hug Lucky heads upstairs and tells Luke to be careful.  Luke picks up his coat and a bag and heads out the door.

It's early morning in PC and Laura was getting Lucky off to school.  She was shocked to discover, via Lucky, that Luke blew out of town last night, headed for parts unknown, to "take care of business"!  Shortly thereafter, Tiffany whipped by and quizzed Laura about Luke's disappearance.  Laura helplessly explained that she doesn't know anything.  The gals chat about Baby LuLu for a bit, then Tiff discovered a letter addressed to Laura.  Meanwhile, Luke has arrived in Puerto Rico and checked into the hotel.  He scampered to a telephone and dialed Sonny's room.  After Laura read Luke's note, Tiff got her to reveal where he'd gone. After swearing her to secrecy, Laura told Tiff that Luke went to Puerto Rico because he heard that Frank Smith was there. Tiffany called Sean the second Laura left the room and blabbed about Luke and Frank. Sean told her she did good and he'd get the Feds after Frank.  Laura returned and she and Tiff resumed their cooing over the baby.

In Puerto Rico, Luke demanded that Sonny set up a meeting with Frank immdiately. Sonny refused and said he needed to meet with Frank first and settle things with him, like the fact that Sonny was finished with Frank and wanted to be out on his own, doing legitimate business.  Luke pleaded with Sonny to let him get to Frank first.  Sonny and Frank agree to meet the next day at a cemetery. Then Sonny turned around and told Luke about the meeting; Luke refused any backup, saying he'd "take care of Frank!"  Lucy arrived in Puerto Rico and  spied Sonny and was surprised to see Luke with him.  Later on, Luke runs into Lucy in the hotel bar. They share a drink and some conversation. Luke won't reveal why he's in Puerto Rico; Lucy claimed to be there to see the Miguel show but also revealed she's suffering from the lovesick blues.  Lucy cried into her drink about Kevin and asked Luke to tell her the secret of a happy marriage.

Luke and Sonny talk about the upcoming meet with Frank in the cemetary. Sonny doesn't know who on Frank's side knows about the meet. Lucy sees the conversation. When the two split up, Lucy follows Luke. Eventually Luke sees her following him. He loses her, backtracks and tells her to get lost. She plays innocent. Luke accuses, "You were following me". Lucy denies it but Luke doesn't believe her and she finally admits it. Luke makes sure she reenters the hotel before leaving in a car followed by Sean. MaeMay visits Laura and asks what is wrong. Laura tells her that Luke went to PR. MaeMay doesn't quite follow why the eniminity, so Laura fills her in and all the trougbles of Frank, including Frank's backing of the attacks on Laura and Justus (and Bill Eckhart). Laura then vents her anger over Frank and over Lukes trip to PR. She then worries about Luke, and MaeMay tells her to keep her faith and/or anger as a tether to Luke over the miles.

We see a couple of thugs walking the cemetary and Luke and Sean hiding in different places. Frank comes by and Sean tips over a flower vase on one the graves as he gets up to follow Frank. Frank turns and hits him in the shoulder with a gun shot. Frank approaches Sean (who dropped his gun). Sean collapses and just as Frank is about of finish him off Luke calls out to Frank, "Approbiate place for this, Frank!" Frank turns and yells "Spencer!?" and they exchange gun shots. Frank misses Luke and before he can get another shot off Luke hits Frank, not once but twice for good measure.  Luke gathers up Sean in a fireman's carry and heads off.  Frank Is Dead!! An out of breath Luke arrives at Sonny's hotel room.  Brenda is surprised to see him.  Sonny asks that she go into the other room.  Brenda tries to listen but she can't hear them.  Luke tells Sonny, "Frank is dead."  Luke relates what happened at the cemetery and tells Sonny he dropped Sean at a nearby hospital, told them to call the police and then slipped out the back.  Sean will be okay.  Sonny hopes to take Rivera by surprise.  For her safety, Sonny intends to send Brenda to the concert site and if the meeting doesn't go as planned Sonny asks Luke to get Brenda, Lois, Lily and Miguel out of PR.  When Sonny asks about Laura, Luke won't call her till it's all over. 

Laura is putting Lulu to bed and telling her about Frank Smith and how they used to have to traipse all over running from him when Lucky was little, when she hears on the radio that Smith is dead.  Tiffany comes in at this point and tells Laura that Frank shot Sean and Luke saved his life.  Laura is mad at Luke because "we're supposed to be a team" and at Tiffany for telling Sean about Puerto Rico.  Once Tiff assures herself that Laura will have Ruby come over, Tiff sails off to the studio to wrap up the story. Laura continues to vent at Ruby.  She's mad because Luke went after Frank with killing in mind.  She digresses into good marriages, and Ruby thinks Luke and Laura's is the best.  Luke can do no wrong.

Sonny looks for Luke at the hotel. Luke has a plan. He rents a boat, and Sonny goes back to Rivera's.  He tosses a coin, one guard goes to investigate and Sonny knocks him out.  He knocks on the door and makes the other guard unconscious.  He unties Brenda and they start to run.  In and out of hotels, down glass elevators and up stairways, on the top of a cable car, past Lucy who then watches the rest of the chase through her convenient binoculars.  Luke, at the boat, checks his gun.  Finally Sonny and Brenda are running across the beach, they leap into the boat, Sonny driving while Luke is exchanging shots with the bad guys in a Miami Vice style action sequence, Luke takes a bullet and falls into the water, but when Sonny circles back for him, Luke waves him off.

Several days later, at 4 am Lucky discovers Laura sitting in the living room.  She can't sleep and Lucky discovered Foster was missing from Lucky's bed.  They are both worried about Luke.  Lucky wonders what not hearing anything means. Laura tries to put a brave face on.  Luke is just lying low until it's safe for him to contact them and return.  Lucky peppers Laura with many more questions including why Sonny hasn't called either. Finally he asks the big one "What if Dad got killed?"  Laura says no, if anything had happened to Luke she'd know.  Sometime later, Tiff comes downstairs to find a dozing Laura.  Tiff tells Laura the news that Sean checked out of the hospital, went to the hotel and the whole PC crowd has checked out and is returning home.  It's hard waiting for Laura.  After eating Laura heads upstairs to check the baby when Tiff tells Laura the plane is due in soon.  There's a key in the door and and just as Sean gets it unlocked Tiff is there to open the door.  She gives him a crushing hug that causes Sean to wince but he still wants her hug.  Sean invites Sonny in. Laura hears them, comes downstairs and asks, "Where is Luke?"  It's a somber group as Sean tells Laura Luke is missing. Sonny tells the Laura and Tiff the story.  Sonny tries to convince Laura it was a tactical maneuver on Luke's part when Luke told Sonny to leave Luke.  If Sonny had believed any differently he wouldn't have left Luke.  Sean informs Laura that no trace has been found of Luke after an all afternoon search but that the search is resuming in the morning.  Laura's response to say that "Luke is not dead" and she repeats it as tears stream down her face.

Laura paces worriedly while Tiffany tries to comfort her.  Lucky arrives and asks about his father. Laura tells him what Sonny and Sean said. Lucky and Laura continue to talk about what happened to Luke.  Lucky gets very upset but he's confident his father swam to safety and is hiding.  Sonny visits Laura but has no new news for her. She is very worried and criticizes Sonny for telling Luke about Frank Smith. Sonny says he was being honest with Luke, but regrets it now. Tony comes and visits Laura, who looks smashing. Laura maintains that her premonition said Luke was in danger and not dead. Lucky comes into the apt with Sly. Lucky didn't go to school. The two talk a bit. Lucky claims, as Laura watches unseen, that the smart thing would've been to go back underground. Laura makes her presence known and they give each other support. The kids break up to do homework and Sly offers Laura his full support and help. Sonny arrives at Laura to find out Laura wants to know if Frank's thugs are going to come after her and the clan. Sonny assures her and promises his protection. Bobbie and Laura talk.  Laura is still convinced that Luke is alive, and Bobbie takes comfort from that. 

Later, Laura remembers scenes with Luke from the past. Ruby brings groceries to Laura, and they banter about the missing Luke. Ruby tries to reassure Laura that Luke is fine, and they reminisce about when Luke and Bobbie came into her life. Laura gets a visitor. It's a sunglassed Lucy Coe who whispers suspensefully that she has news of Luke.  Laura is beside herself with joy when Luke suddenly appears.  Lucy had smuggled him back to PC and hidden him under a rug in the back seat of her car. Luke and Laura cover each other with kisses; Lucy tears up at the emotional scene. Laura tells them that Sonny has assured Luke's safety so they don't need to worry about retaliation by the mob. Luke, still hurting, comes into the house and gently flops on the furniture.  Luke related what happened in Puerto Rico after he got shot. He washed up on some beach the night he was wounded.  It was night and he phoned Lucy at the hotel. She smuggled him into the hotel in a basket of dirty laundry and nursed him in her room. (She used the contents of the mini-bar in her room to cleanse his wounds.) Then she got Luke some clothes, rented a boat to get them to Key West, and bought plane tickets from Florida to NY.  Lucy finally beats it.  Alone, Laura tries to be angry at him for leaving her behind but she can't stay mad.  She insists, though, that Luke make up his mind about being a full-time husband and father.  No more roaming around; he agrees to be a good hubby from now on.

Tony gives a clean bill of health to Luke. Luke asks Bobi if it means anything that she came with Tony. She informs him no. Tony and Bobi leave. Luke asks what was up with Sonny. He is troubled that Laura gave Sonny a hard time. Luke cannot rest till he finds out what the situation is now, and Sonny is the only one who can assure Luke. Sonny arrives the Spencers. Before Laura gets to her room, Sonny tells Luke that Sean was only told that Sonny told Luke that Frank was in PR. Luke says no problem. Sonny then tells him that Sonny is making a bid for Frank's job. Luke says fine, just make sure the Spencers are not involved. Sonny helps bring Luke upstairs. When he leaves, Laura asks if Sonny made a play for the mob job. Sonny tells her no without actually lying.

The staff and children gather for Steve Hardy's telling of the Christmas Story at GH. After the story, Santa/Tony arrives, but Damian interrupts to give Steve a large donation to the hospital fund.  Back home, Luke and Laura decorate their tree and discuss recent PC goings on.  Lucky and Foster arrive, and they all make like a happy family. Laura opens their Christmas tree angel, and Luke places at the top of the tree. The four of them stand picturesquely in front of the tree.

Sean has Luke in and wants Luke to tell him what *really* went down in Puerto Rico.  Sean wants to know how Luke new that Frank would be in that particular cemetary at 9:00 AM that morning.  Luke tells Sean that he was there sight seeing, and wouldn't you know it, Frank Smith shows up.  Sean then tells Luke he knows that Sonny informed him of Frank's wereabouts. Sean wants to know more about why Sonny was in Puerto Rico and his connection to Rivera.  Luke feigns stupidity.  Sean warns Luke that if Sonny has any intention of "taking over" that he's buying into a heap of trouble, and that would make Luke look like Sonny's trigger man.

Luke tells Sonny that he's meeting the contractor for the new blues club.  The liquor license has been granted, all they have to do is sit back and rake in the bucks.  Sonny tells Luke that it's smooth sailing from now on, he's as clean as a whistle. Luke and Sonny are still discussing the nightclub when Brenda arrives with her belongings in tow.  Luke is a little surprised that Brenda is moving in but wishes them a "happy co-habitation."  Luke leaves.  Brenda asks Sonny to haul up all of her stuff.  Once out in the hallway, Sonny scratches his chin and says "here we go!" Luke is walking around his new club daydreaming about the future.  He hears a blues-y sax. he is brought back to reality by the contractor entering. Mae is singing at the Ward House.  Laura tells Mary Mae that she has to go pick up Leslie Lu and go visit Luke at his club.  Laura hits on the idea that Mary Mae should sing at Luke's club. Mary Mae scoffs at the idea.  She invites Laura and the family to a Kwanza feast on Friday. Laura agrees to come.  They gush about all of the good things that they have to look forward to.  Laura heads off.  Luke is rambling on about where the stages are going to be, etc.  Laura suggests to Luke that he get Mary Mae to sing in the club.  Luke thinks it's a wonderful idea.  Laura is glad to see him so excited over this new venture, they agree that their life is pretty good now. Luke, Laura, and Lucky arrive at the Ward house for a Kwanzaa celebration. Edward arrives and is greeted cordially by Keesha and politely by the other Wards. Justus begins the ceremonies. Justus prods Mae Mae into singing "Oh Happy Day." They all join in dancing and singing, even Edward. Luke implores Mae Mae into agreeing to sing at his club. She says yes immediately.

At the club, Luke and Lucky are checking out the newly arrived glassware and discussing the probability of Annabelle having Foster's puppies when a stranger enters and Foster goes into guard dog mode.  But before long the man has won Foster over amazing Lucky and intriguing Luke.  His name is Mike Corbin and he's heard Luke is opening a new club and is interesting in a job.  He claims to be able to do a little of everything, cook, bartend, deal blackjack, and when asked where he's been working lately says, The Rusty Grille in Corning, a name he just happens to get from a box of matches on the bar.  Corbin tries to sell Luke on watering down drinks for the non-regulars but Luke doesn't buy it but does say Corbin can hang around while Luke continues to work in the club.  When Corbin finds out Luke doesn't have dinnerware yet Corbin suggests Luke go funky and get unmatched dinnerware. Corbin says he knows a distributer. Luke's not quite sure but wonders when he could be supplied and will have to see samples.  Luke wants to know why Corbin is doing all this.  Corbin claims that if Luke thinks he's valuable enough Luke will hire Corbin. When Corbin leaves Lucky comes out from the kitchen where he's been working and comments that Corbin is cool.  However, Luke picks up the box of matchs and calls Corbin a very smooth operator.  Corbin is showing Luke samples of dinnerware and claims to have bought a wagonload.  Luke is interested and the price is a "bargain."  Luke thinks it's too low but as long if he wants to add 5% commission for Corbin it's a deal for Corbin.  Luke will write a check to Corbin but will make no other promises while keeping Corbin in mind.  When Luke goes off to get the check Corbin just smiles.

It's election day, and at campaign headquarters,  Luke warns Justus about the Quartermaines.  They all, with the exception of Jason and possibly Lila, have ulterior motives.  Especially watch out for Alan Jr.  Tiffany comes Later, Tiffany goes on the air to announce that Blake has, "conceded defeat."  Justus gives a nice little victory speech as Luke cheers at the good news.

**The End**

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