Luke & Laura's Return #1-2, Luke & Laura's Return #3, Luke & Laura's Return #4, Luke & Laura's Return #5, Luke & Laura's Return #6, Luke & Laura's Return #7, Luke& Laura's Return #8, Luke & Laura's Return #9, Luke & Laura's Return #10, Luke & Laura's Return #11, Luke& Laura's Return #12

My many thanks to Suzette aka hypnoticeclipse for doing the write up of this edit. She did a great job! Hope you enjoy!

Luke & Laura's Return #4  April 1 - June 24, 1994 - 8 hour original edit

#4A  A Lucky expresses his concern over the fact that there are so many baby names out there.  Luke says he was planning on naming the baby "Ichabod" for a boy, so they would be Lucky, Icky and Sly.  Laura reminds them that there is a "50/50 chance" the baby is a girl.  Luke says that Ichabodina will work.  Laura suggests that they all do their studying, but asks if they mind if she puts on music.  As she turns on the radio, Luke begins to dance, Lucky changes the station and the two of them start to hip-hop dance as Laura and Sly look on.  While they are dancing, Jenny and Paul return from their honeymoon to pick up Sly.  Sly and Lucky are less than impressed that Sly will be leaving.  Paul and Jenny tell Luke and Laura all about the honeymoon, they find out Laura is pregnant.  Laura and Jenny talk in the kitchen about the boy's closeness, Laura tells Jenny Sly is welcome any time.  After Paul and Jenny leave with Sly, Lucky asks Laura "Mom, is there anyway you can speed up having the baby?"  Luke and Laura realize Lucky will be lonely without Sly there.  They discuss Frank Smith and Laura suggests maybe Bobbie can help get more info out of Damien Smith. 

Bobbie has a flashback of kissing Damien Smith.  Tony comes in, sees that Bobbie is far away in her mind and questions her about it.  Luke comes in just in time that she doesn't have to answer.  Luke starts discussing Damien and the info Bobbie got on him with Bobbie, the discussion of Damien obviously bothers Tony.  Luke wants Bobbie to press Damien for info about Frank while she and Damien chair the Nurses Ball together.  Tony is not happy and insinuates to Bobbie that there is something going on between the two of them.  He gets upset and leaves while Luke and Bobbie continue to discuss Damien, and Bobbie and Tony's relationship.

Laura is listening to Country music while studying, Foster is growling.  Laura thinks it's because he doesn't like the music.  Foster goes to the door growling, Laura follows and sees there's someone lurking outside.  She calls Luke, who gets his gun.  It turns out to be a realtor wanting to buy the house and Luke tosses him out.  Sonny calls and wants Luke to come over.  Luke drops Laura off at Mary Mae Wards and goes to Sonny's.  Laura is there to help watch the kids while Mae Mae goes out, but Mae Mae falls and hurts her ankle.  Laura takes her to the ER.  Miguel and Dr. Hardy take care of her at the ER.  Laura finds out that Dr. Hardy thinks there was more to Bradley Ward's disappearance than was ever known.  Luke arrives at Sonny's, there's music playing, Luke says Sonny must be better that it sounds like there's a wild party there, Sonny says "come on out girls, the big guy is here." Luke says "Oh shucks, just when my wife was starting to trust us together."  Sonny gives Luke his pay off for helping Frank escape from prison.  They talk about Frank and his whereabouts.  There's a knock at the door, Luke hides behind the door, and it's Brenda.  She wants to know if they are "playing hide and seek."  Luke flirts big time and asks if she wants to play. 

Laura is on the couch, Luke comes in and says he went to the market and bought her oranges.  Laura gets queasy from the smell and tells him to get rid of the oranges, he reminds her that just the day before she ate 5 at one sitting.  She says they are doing a number on her now and asks for bananas instead.  Luke says it's going to be a long summer keeping up with her, she says she's not worried; he always "rises to all her challenges." Luke gets a bit frisky, but the doorbell rings, it's Sonny.  He has a message from Frank to back off Jennifer.  Luke and Laura are happy with that message and tell Sonny to tell Frank that they will back off Jennifer when he backs off them.  Sonny wants them to leave things alone.  Sonny leaves and Luke and Laura talk about the next move on Frank.  They plan to get a hold of Cusack's phone bills to see if they can track down Frank that way.  Luke has a plan, but Laura says it's too complicated and has one of her own.  They proceed to make a machine that they can use to pretend they are checking the air quality in the building where Cusack's office is.  While they are working it out Lucky comes down and wants to know if they are going on a caper.  Mae Mae arrives and questions what's going on after she sees the carpetbag and all of the items Luke and Laura have out for their plan. Mae Mae asks Lucky to come by the Ward House, Lucky isn't sure he can as his parents might need him, to which he gets the infamous, in unison "NO," from Luke and Laura.  Lucky leaves with Mae Mae, Luke and Laura continue with their plans.  Laura wants to know where the spare batteries are; she said she would never be caught with a flashlight and no spare batteries again.  Luke says, "I don't recall you complaining last time." Laura smiles and responds, "That's because you make such inventive use of the dark."

Luke and Laura are at Cusack's office, in 'disguise' to put their plan in motion.  There is someone there, so they have to pretend they are air quality control people.  They convince the man that the air in the office is full of pesticides and they need to do a full check, sending him out of the office so they can look for the phone bills.  Initially, they come up empty handed, until Laura decides to think like Cusack and they find the bills.  As they are making copies, the man comes back, so Luke and Laura have to hustle their way out of it.  They leave and go home to look over the phone bills, trying to find a number that was activated after Frank Smith's jailbreak. 

Meanwhile, Lucky is at Mae Mae's and they talk about Mae Mae's grandfather, who was a slave.  Mae Mae tells Lucky the story of how her grandfather escaped through the Underground Railroad.  She tells Lucky that her grandfather used to read Walt Whitman to his children.  They have a nice discussion about Mae Mae's life as a black woman growing up, and how things are different today.

Luke and Laura are home, going over the phone bills.  Laura wants to train Foster to sleep in the bed she made for him; she has hidden their money and fake ID's in the bed.  Laura is happy that Lucky learned so much from Mae Mae, and wants a copy of Walt Whitman poetry.  They proceed to go through all the phone numbers. Luke finds an 800 number he figures is Smith's.  Laura figures the easiest way to get in touch is to call the number, but Luke says that will create more trouble. They need to get more info on the 800 number, so they talk about how they will do that.

Frank Smith is talking to Cusack about Luke and Laura's visit to Jennifer.  He knows they do have something on Jennifer and is concerned.  He makes the order for his people to grab Laura because he says he needs something as leverage to use against Luke to get the info on Jennifer.

Laura is alone at home and doesn't realize there are two goons watching the house to snatch her.  She ends up on a phone call with Amy, who is gossiping about Bobbie and Tony.  Then Tiffany comes buy to bring Laura the maternity clothes that she can't use.  They talk for a few minutes about the baby Tiffany lost.  Tiffany leaves and the two goons try to break into the house when Laura has gone upstairs.  Foster is waiting for them when they get the door open.  They close the door and take off, but Foster is growling at the door so Laura lets him out.  Foster chases the men into their car and jumps on top of their car, they take off.

Luke and Laura are discussing Bobbie and Tony's marriage and that Tony had punched Damien Smith.  Luke goes to see Bobbie at the hospital to find out what is going on, but Bobbie tries to get away.  Luke won't let her leave and insists on talking about things.  He is not happy that Bobbie is getting in too deep with Damien, but Bobbie tries to convince him everything is under control.  Luke leaves and goes to see Damien.  He wants to know why Damien is going after Bobbie.  Damien smooth talks his way around the whole situation.  Luke is wondering if Damien is not after Bobbie to get to him for Frank.  Luke threatens Damien about making trouble for Bobbie, then leaves.

Laura goes to Mae Mae's to help with the children, but doesn't realize the two goons have followed her there.  They discuss how Dr. Hardy thinks there was more to Bradley's disappearance.  While Mae Mae is in the kitchen, Laura is in the sitting room with a baby and the 2 goons sneak in the house and kidnap her.  Mae Mae calls Luke to inform him and Luke rushes Lucky to Ruby's, and then goes to Mae Mae's to find out what happened.  Mae Mae tells Luke that Laura didn't fight until she was outside the house, so as to protect her and the children.  Lucky talks to Ruby about being concerned about his Mom, he tells Ruby a story how Luke and Laura lost all their money in Afghanistan and how Luke sold Laura to get some money.  He says that whoever took her will be sorry they messed with her.  Laura is putting up a serious fuss with the kidnappers; she kicks one of them and tells them what big, macho men they are for kidnapping a defenseless pregnant woman.  She tells them they can't be Frank's men because she had a deal with him for her safety.  They let her know that they are indeed working for Frank.  They want to tie her up, but she gives them a piece of her mind.  She then demands vitamins, water and pizza.  One of the goons goes to get all of that for her while she worries the nerves of the one who remained behind. 

Luke does to see Cusack and roughs him up, demanding to know where Laura is. Cusack plays dumb initially, but eventually Luke gets it out of him that Smith ordered the kidnapping.  Luke demands to speak to Smith, but Cusack says it isn't possible.  Luke calls the 800 number he and Laura had found and leaves a message with Smith.  While Laura continues to give her kidnappers all kinds of grief, including pretending to be in pain, Luke tries to get in touch with Sonny.  He is looking through a drawer in the kitchen and runs across Laura's scarf.  All he can do is hold the scarf to his face, being so worried about Laura.  Sonny finally gets his messages and goes to see Luke; Luke presses him for ideas of where they are holding Laura.  Sonny gives in and gives Luke an idea of where she may be.  Luke grabs Foster to scope out Laura with the scent of her gloves.  Foster finds where Laura is and Luke gets him to go barreling through the window, jumping on one of the goons.  Luke checks on Laura, then they tie the goons up and leave them.  They go to Ruby's to get Lucky, who has been very concerned about his Mom.  He leans into Laura's pregnant belly telling his "bro" that he's getting all the adventures.  Laura tells him that he and his "sibling" will have plenty of adventures. 

Luke calls to let Mae Mae know that Laura is home and safe, but that she will be staying home for a few days for safe keeping.  Cusack had his 2 goons drag Sonny out of his apartment and bring him to Cusacks office.  Cusack tells Sonny that Frank had his men pick up Laura, Sonny wants to know why he was out of the loop?  It becomes clear through the conversation that Cusack and Frank don't trust Sonny when it comes to Luke and Laura.  Brenda calls Cusack to let him know Sonny has been taken from the apartment, not realizing that he is the one behind it all.  Luke gets a visit from Stone and Brenda, concerned about Sonny. He goes to Cusacks office and pretends to be angry with Sonny, saying that he had betrayed him by taking Laura.  Luke leaves, saving Sonny's butt from Cusack and Smith's suspicions. 

Luke and Laura are getting ready to go in disguise to the phone company to get the information regarding the 800 number for Frank.  Laura is all hormones and ready to jump Luke, who must decline until his battery is re-charged.  Sonny arrives, thanking Luke for his help and wondering what they are up to; Luke and Laura aren't giving up that info.  They make their way to the phone company, work their magic and get the info they need to find out exactly where Frank is, San Joaquin in the Cayman Islands.  Luke and Laura start packing up the carpetbag to go to the Cayman Islands.  Luke runs down a checklist of what he needs to bring, Laura tells him not to forget the handcuffs.  Luke gets excited and asks, "Is this some new, kinky, budding fetish that I should know about?"  Laura says they are in case Frank gets a little frisky. Luke says, "all right, if he doesn't, I will."  They take off for the Caymans, not knowing that Sean has followed them and Sean not knowing Tiffany has followed him to video tape Sean in action. 

Luke and Laura arrive at the resort hotel, in disguise as tacky southern tourists, Roger and LuLu Thornhill.  They are followed by Tiffany, also in disguise as a redhead. Sean arrives, also in disguise. Lukeand Laura stake out the lobby as does Tiffany, and Sean. Sean adds a mustache and colors his hair black; meanwhile Tiffany is in a huge red wig.  They all manage to miss seeing one another as Luke and Laura wait around trying to catch a glimpse of Frank.  Luke and Laura are watching for Frank, Sean is watching Luke and Laura, and Tiffany is watching Sean.  Frank shows up under the name of Jack Harris, he spots Tiffany in disguise and begins to flirt with her.  Luke has a listening device and he is shocked when he figures out that the woman Frank is flirting with is none other than Elsie Mae Krumhold.  They realize Tiffany wouldn't be there if Sean wasn't, so the look out begins to find Sean. When she laughs, Sean also realizes it is his wife! Luke worries about what Frank would do to Tiff if he realizes she is the commissioner's wife!  Meanwhile, Frank and Tiffany go up to Frank's room.  Luke, Laura and Sean follow separately.  Luke sets fire to a chair to get Tiffany out of the room with Frank.  When the all clear is given to go back to the room, Tiffany makes an excuse to get out of it, leaving Frank to go back alone. Luke realizes their plan is not going to work with Mata Hari and Dick Tracy following them. Laura observes it is starting to look like a Conga Line!

Sean, still in disguise, flirts with Tiffany, knowing it's her, but Tiff doesn't know its Sean. When he tells her about his wife back home who doesn't understand him and invites her upstairs, a furious Tiffany pours a drink on his head. Luke and Laura watch in amusement as Sean pulls the wig off of her head. Tiffany accuses him of not knowing it was her and calling him a lowdown cheater. Luke and Laura make their getaway during the confrontation. Luke and Laura head up to Frank's room, pretending to be room service attendants, hiding Luke under the service cart to gain entrance to Frank's room.  They work out a deal with Frank, as long as they don't turn in the info on Jennifer, Frank will leave them alone.  By this time, Sean and Tiffany have worked things out and realize Luke and Laura aren't there anymore. They decide to go check Frank's room to see if Luke and Laura are there.  Frank hears them outside and sends his goons out to catch them. The goons take them out by the bogs where the gators are and tie them to a tree.

Luke and Laura are out of disguise and see that Sean and Tiffany are missing and get concerned.  They go spy outside Frank's room and overhear that they have been taken to the gators, so they go to rescue them.  Tiffany freaks out and starts screaming as an alligator crawls towards them.  Luke and Laura appear to rescue them in the nick of time! Laura cuts Sean and Tiffany loose from the tree while Luke distracts an oncoming alligator. The three of them watch in horror while Luke wrestles the gator, calling to Laura to throw him the knife. After a bit of alligator wrestling, Luke goes under without resurfacing while Laura stands at the water edge in shock whispering Luke's name, fearing that he's dead.  All of the sudden, a victorious Luke pops up out of the water, much to the relief of Laura, Sean and Tiffany. They all return to the hotel, Sean trying to get Luke and Laura to admit that they were there looking for Frank.  Luke and Laura tell Sean they were simply there for a romantic weekend away.  They all end up leaving the hotel together and going back to Port Charles.

#4B  Luke is singing and dancing around with a bowl of cheerios, spilling as he goes, Laura comes downstairs giving her best what are you doing look.  She tells him she has her first sonogram to go to, they talk for a few minutes about how happy they are to be out from under Frank Smith.  Laura suggests they have a party to celebrate, they agree to have a family gathering that evening.  Laura goes to the hospital for her sonogram, meets up with Tony and Bobbie and invites them to the party.  Luke goes to Ruby's to meet Sonny and tells him about meeting Frank in San Joaquin. Later that day, Luke is handicapping the ponies; Laura comes in a bit mysterious about wanting to watch a movie.  When Luke asks the title of the movie, Laura responds, "Baby Girl Spencer, the early years," it's a copy of her sonogram.  Luke is rendered speechless at the prospect of having a girl baby.  They sit and look at the sonogram together; Luke is overwhelmed as he and Laura share in the miracle.  He doesn't want to share the news yet with anyone that they are going to have a girl.

The party at the Spencers has begun.  Tony has BJ show Luke and Laura her ballet.  Luke asks Lucky to show off his tricks, although they are the dog's tricks, not Luckys.  Luke stands at the doorway looking at his family, all the lights seem to fade away as Tony is holding BJ and dancing with her.  Bobbie looks at Luke's expression and makes her way over; Luke wants to know "Whose life is this anyway."  After Ruby gives a toast, Luke goes out onto the porch, Laura follows and finds Luke teary-eyed over having a girl. Luke goes to Ruby's.  Ruby tells him she senses something is on his mind.  Luke proceeds to tell Ruby that Laura is having a girl and all of his fears that he doesn't know anything about girl children.  He says he keeps picturing a little Laura crawling around all soft and pink.  He tells Ruby that he understands boys, but he's scared about having a girl, that he won't do it right.

Miguel is at Mae Mae's and they hear a big crash, as they run outside they see that a bus has turned to its side and is smoking.  The bus is full of children so Miguel runs to save them, the last child he pulls out is BJ. Bobbie and Tony are fighting because Tony caught Bobbie kissing Damien in the stairwell at the hospital.  In the middle of their fight, Amy comes in and tells them they need to hurry to the ER that BJ has been brought in.  Tony and Bobbie are in the ER, Tony is trying to take care of BJ but realizes that it's too late.  Luke is at the hospital to see Frisco, Frisco is telling Luke about Maxie's condition.  He runs into Damien on the elevator on the way leaving the hospital and they discuss Frank.  Tony tells Bobbie that BJ is a match for Maxie to donate her heart. 

Laura has Sly and Lucky in the backyard helping her dig holes to plant her flowers.  As they are digging, Laura accidentally cuts a worm in half, thereby beginning Lucky and Sly's interest in worms.  Luke comes home and he and Laura set on the bench outside watching the boys, talking about how wonderful life is.  Later, Luke has gone in to check the answering machine, he comes back out, sending the boys inside and tells Laura there was a message on the machine about BJ.  Lucky comes out, knowing something is wrong, he thinks its about Frank Smith, but Luke tells him about BJ.  Luke and Laura go to the hospital to comfort Tony and Bobbie.  Bobbie tells them Tony isn't there, and tells Luke about being caught with Damien.  Laura goes off to find Tony and sits with him, comforting him. 

Luke and Laura are at home, Laura comments on how just days before BJ had been in their home dancing.  They sit together wondering if it's wrong for them to feel so safe and happy with all that Bobbie and Tony are going through.  Sly and Lucky are up in the attic talking about the fact that they never knew anyone who had died before.  They end up deciding to explore in the attic.  Sly is reaching into an opening and all of the sudden there is a gunshot.  Luke and Laura fearing the worst rush upstairs and check on the boys.  The boys are unhurt, just shook up.  Laura sends them downstairs while she and Luke start to look through the attic to see what else there might be up there.  Laura comes across an old dressing down that is covered in blood.    Luke does over to Mae Mae's to tell her about finding the gun in the attic. As he gets there, he interrupts a realtor talking to her.   Mae Mae denies knowing anything about the gun or where it came from.  Laura goes to see Tony and tries to make him understand that everything going on is rough on Lucas, that Tony throwing Bobbie out is not fair to Lucas with the death of his sister too.  Laura leaves the brownstone and goes to Mae Mae's.  Luke tells Laura that Mae Mae is lying when she denies any knowledge of the gun.

All family and friends are at BJ's memorial.  Mac speaks on BJ's behalf, and then there is a montage of BJ growing up.  Damien shows up at the chapel and is thrown out by Luke and Tony.  At the brownstone, Lucky tells his parents that he figured out what the difference is in body and soul.  Tony and Bobbie have a very public argument.  Tony asks everyone to leave. 

Luke and Laura are out in the backyard; Luke is digging a hole for Laura's flowers.  He digs deep enough and ends up uncovering a skeleton where Mae Mae's rose garden used to be.  Tony and Bobbie are still arguing with one another.  Tony tells her there is nothing to work out between them.  Luke and Laura call the police about the skeleton.  Sean comes over and questions them about it.  He acts as if he suspects Luke in some manner.  Laura is concerned that the bloody dressing gown and the gun tie the body to Mae Mae, but she keeps that information between she and Luke.  Sean tells them that the department will try to make an identification of the body.  The information returned is that the body is that of Bradley Ward.  Sean needs to tell Mae Mae, Luke and Laura request to be with him when he tells her.  The three of them go to her house and Laura helps inform her that the body they found was of her missing son.  Mae Mae wants the investigation to be left alone, to let Bradley go in peace.  She calls her grandson Justus to come be with her.  Justus arrives and meets Luke and Laura.  He obviously wants to let an investigation go on to find out who murdered his father.  Luke offers his help.

Luke goes to see Monica, who has left a message that Bobbie had taken one of Edward's guns from his gun case and gone after Damien.  Luke goes to find Bobbie, finding her in Damien's room holding him at gunpoint.  She is furious with Damien, she found out that seducing her was all a bet.  Luke sits down to watch the show, eventually talking Bobbie into giving him the gun. Lucky and Laura are at home, Lucky is surprised that there had been a body in the backyard.  Laura tells Lucky that the body was Bradley.  He wonders why it was buried in the backyard, and he is concerned about Mae Mae. Laura tells Lucky if anything happened to him or he disappeared, but she can't finish the sentence, Lucky tells her he would take her with him.  Lucky tells Laura that Sly was talking about ghosts.  Laura tells him that if Bradley were a ghost, he'd be a good one.  Lucky asks if they should go to the memorial service.  He wants to make sure Mae Mae is all right and wonders if he should go visit, but Laura tells him to wait until the morning.

Luke and Bobbie talk in the pink Cadillac.  Bobbie returns the gun to Monica and apologizes for the disturbance she caused. Tiffany and Laura are talking; Tiffany wants to cover the story of Bradley being found.  Laura is trying to protect Mae Mae and tries to talk Tiffany out of it.  Tiffany won't back down; she says it would be an injustice if she didn't cover the story.  Laura makes Tiffany promise that she will go easy on Mae Mae.

Alan and Luke talk, Alan wants to know if Luke is playing in the big poker game.  Luke goes to see Lucy Coe, meeting her for the first time.  He questions her about Damien.  Meanwhile, Lucky is at Mae Mae's giving her flowers and offering condolences.  Luke continues to press Lucy about Damien, and then brings up the bet she made with him about Bobbie.  Lucy tells him it was a mistake.  Luke thinks it might have had something to do with his relationship with Frank, that Damien used Bobbie to get to him.  Lucy tells him it had nothing to do with Luke.  She says that the bet was about ego, money and sex. Luke wants to know the terms of the bet.  Lucy said that Damien said he was so sure of himself about getting any woman, that they bet shares of their stock.  Lucy chose Bobbie herself, thinking for sure Damien would lose.  Lucy obviously feels guilty about the bet.

Luke and Sonny meet at Ruby's and they discuss Damien and Frank.  Sonny wants Luke to give the Smith thing a rest, Luke tells him when the Smith's leave the Spencer's alone, he will.  Sonny tells Luke that he is taking on a Record Company as an investor.  Luke later goes to play poker at the Quartermaines with Edward, Alan, Steve Hardy, Lee Baldwin, Jack Bowlen, Monica, Lila and AJ are there.  Luke meets the love of Fosters life, Annabelle for the first time. Steve brings up the fact that the body of Bradley Ward was found.  Luke finds the whole conversation a bit fishy.

Luke and Justus talk at Mae Mae's about the investigation of Bradley's death.  Justus wonders if he should believe that Sean would do everything he can to solve the case.  Luke tries to reassure Justus as best he can, given his own thoughts on Sean.  Mae Mae listens in on the conversation between Luke and Justus, and then asks Luke to not poke around in the past.  Luke explains that Bradley's name came up in the poker game he was playing and the looks that they all had were more than just innocent.  Mae Mae asks Luke again to please leave it alone and let Bradley rest in peace.  She gets a bit upset with Luke and walks out of the room.  Justus doesn't understand why she is getting so upset, but he tells Luke he will not let things go, he wants to know how and why his father died.  He asks Luke about Edward, Jack, and Lee, wanting to get information on each of them to figure out why they are so concerned with Bradley's death.  Luke warns Justus that those men can "play dirty."  Justus wants to make his own decisions regarding the men and asks how he can; Luke asks if he plays poker.

Laura goes to see Mae Mae to check on how she is doing.  Mae Mae lets Laura know that Tiffany stopped by, Laura apologizes, but Mae Mae ensures her that it's all right.  She shows Laura the flowers that Lucky brought to her, Laura smiles and tells her that she didn't tell Lucky to bring them by.  Mae Mae's granddaughter Keesha comes in and meets Laura for the first time.  Keesha asks Laura wasn't she the one who found her Uncle's body.  Laura offers an open door to Keesha anytime she wants to go and see the old Ward house that the Spencer's now live in.  Laura offers Mae Mae the extra rooms in her home if it is needed for Mae Mae's guests for the memorial service.  Laura tells Keesha that she adores Mae Mae.  Keesha questions Laura as to what she thinks happened to her Uncle.  Laura has no definitive answers for her, and Keesha thinks it is hopeless to find out anything.  Justus comes in while Keesha and Laura are talking.  She lets Justus know that his grandmother's history is more of a part of the house than she is and she respects that.  Justus asks about Sean, Laura tells him he's decent and honest. He seems to be a bit unsure of Laura's sincerity, almost accusing her of a small minded, impractical, 'us versus them' type of person.  Laura sets him straight in her own Laura-esque way.  Justus makes it clear that he won't let the case of his father's death drop. Laura is standing in the backyard by where they found the body.  She seems to be lost in her own thoughts when Tony shows up.  They sit on the bench talking and Laura comforts him as he talks about BJ's death. 

The memorial service for Bradley Ward begins.  The church is full of friends and family, and Tiffany is doing a story on it.  Before the service begins, Lee Baldwin, Edward Quartermaine and Jack Bowlen come into the church. Luke and Laura wonder why they are in attendance.  The pastor speaks, and then Justus speaks on his father's behalf.  Mae Mae gets up to speak, as she begins to sing, she loses control and begins to cry.  Justus stands up to help her finish and Mae Mae sings a beautiful song in tribute to her son.  As they are leaving, Mae Mae stops and thanks Edward for coming to the service.  The three golden boys talk amongst themselves briefly; Jack says something about Bradley's son starting up where Bradley left off.  Luke and Laura are still trying to figure out why they were in attendance.

Mae Mae is being brought into the ER with an apparent heart attack.  Laura, Keesha and Justus are with her, Laura asks for Monica to be there and Steve is on duty.  They talk outside Mae Mae's room, wanting her to slow down and not take so much responsibility.  Keesha says she is staying in Port Charles for the summer to help her with the kids.  Justus says he will be staying until the murder investigation is complete on his father.  Laura lets them know that she will help until she has to stop because of her own baby's birth.  Keesha and Justus meet Monica, who informs them that Mae Mae must stay overnight.  They go in to see Mae Mae and let her know they are going to be taking over responsibilities for her.  Mae Mae isn't thrilled with the idea, but gives in.  Laura goes home, Luke asks how Mae Mae is.  She tells Luke that she will be taking on more hours at the Bradley Ward house to help out.  Luke lets Laura know he is trying to figure out the link between the Quartermaines to Damien and Frank Smith. The numbers in Luke's head are working on his "libido" as always.  He tells Laura she looks tired, she tells him she's worried about Mae Mae.  They discuss Sean's involvement in the case.  Luke tells Laura Justus will need backup and wants to be the one to do it.  He thinks he should have a poker game with Lee, Jack and Edward, including asking Justus.  Laura reminds him that the Nurse's Ball is coming up; Luke is none too thrilled about going, but agrees. Luke stops off at the hospital with flowers and homemade muffins for Mae Mae.  Keesha is telling her that she has to cooperate and take it easy.  Luke takes Justus out into the hall to talk about going to the Nurse's Ball.  Justus isn't too sure about it, but Luke lets him know that the Quartermaines, Lee, and Jack will be there.  Justus agrees to go.

The Nurse's Ball begins.  Luke, Laura, Keesha and Justus have the table right next to the Quartermaine's.  Edward and Justus meet for the first time.  Justus questions Edward as to how well he knew Bradley.  AJ has obvious eyes for Keesha.  Luke, Laura, Keesha and Justus sit and talk about the 'undercurrent' they felt from the Quartermaines.  Bobbie comes to the table and speaks to Luke, who introduces them to Keesha and Justus.  Bobbie watches Tony at the bar, Laura comes to her and lets her know that they are family and no matter what happens she and Luke are there for her.  She asks Bobbie to come sit with them.  Damien comes in with Lucy; the press wants pictures of Lucy, Damien and Bobbie since they are all co-chairs of the ball.  It is a very tense moment to say the least, but Monica saves Bobbie by saying she needed to see her.  She asks Luke to look after Bobbie.  Lucy begins her duties as the hostess of the ball. She unveils the AIDS project quilt.  The first sketch is done by Simone, Kevin Collins and Monica, very humerous.  Between shows, Luke, Laura, Justus and Keesha talk. Keesha asks about AJ, Luke warns her that he is a Quartermaine so she should watch her back.  Lucy tells Tony that she needs his help; she needs a tango dancer, but doesn't tell her that his partner will be Bobbie. As the music starts, they both turn to one another and see who their partner is.  Bobbie begins the dance but Tony walks off the stage leaving Bobbie there.  Damien comes onto the stage to do the tango with Bobbie to the shock and disgust of everyone as well as infuriating Tony.  After the dance as they walk off stage, Tony and Damien get into a fistfight, which Luke helps to break up.  While this is going on, the women are doing another number on stage and as per usual Lucy, she ends up in her panties and bra on stage.  Steve Hardy does a great baseball monologue.  Laura tries to talk to Tony about Bobbie, not very successfully.  Tony has pretty much given up on Bobbie and their marriage.  Felecia does a sketch with Maxie, Bobbie watching from the sides whispers that BJ's heart is out there dancing.

**The End (Nurse's Ball continued on next edit)**

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