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Basic Rules
Combat Rules
Magic Rules
Moderator Rules

Society Info
Social Structure
Social Groups
Maps Page

Posting Boards

E-mail Quest

IRC Chat

Misc. Pages
Awards Page

Fighting between two or more groups in societies is to be expected.

No one gets along perfectly, EVER!

Thus in Shadow Realm, we have devised a system of different ways to go about this by the rules....

Champion Method

Each Group chooses their fighter, and they settle things with one fight 1 on 1 a Champion can be from that group or that of an ally group.



Each group chooses an equal number of fighters (3-8) and they hold 1 on 1 matches,
The winner is the group with the most wins.


If you see them, kill them, simple enough.


This method is the most involved, and perhaps the most fun of all.

Maps are used, and strategy plays some small part...
One group starts off as the defender and gives the God of War a list of all the positions of their defenders,
which are of their clan and npc armies and their allies as well for a very large war...
The defenders and the God of War are the only ones that know where these fighters are stationed...

The Attackers choose their path on the map, and when they run into a defender a fight breaks out,
the winner of the match can either kill the loser or take them as a prisoner of war. (no death blow for POW)

If the Defender wins, then the groups switch and the previous attacking group is now defending,
and must give the God of War their positions...
It keeps going back and forth like this till one or both of the groups either cannot go on fighting,
or they start talking Peace, at this point, prisoner exchange can be discussed for the POW's