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Room Moderators

Room moderators will typically be computer users for the simple fact that WebTV users do not normally have all the functions available to them. However, their are a number of webtv IRC's that will allow a webtv user to use room operator commands, and we can give the links to these to anyone on webtv that is interested in the position of moderator.

It is not a desire to descriminate, but we need people with the ability to use all the functions such as banning, kicking, and taking away of voice... etc...

We are looking for room moderators to play characters that are part of the Shadow Realm work force so to speak. Barmaids and Bartenders for the pubs and taverns... serving people... constables... just to name a few suggestions.

Once you are accepted as a room moderator, you will be opped upon entering the room... once you have proven you can be trusted with OPs in the room.. you will be given the ops in the room.

You will choose 1 moderator character, and that is the ONLY character you will be allowed to use Ops under. You will not be allowed to use OPs under ANY of your other characters, and any violation of this will result in being removed as a moderator. All moderator Characters will be clanless.

The Gods will also act as Moderators where able as they are the ones that run the game. Their Avatars may also be given that right if deemed trustworthy.

All moderators must abide by ChatFirst standards as usual. As soon as we have the Chatfirst standards for room moderation, we shall post them on this page.

Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES are you EVER to OP someone who is NOT a room moderator, or been approved as a moderator trainee.

What Moderators Can Kick For:

• Excessive OOC. Give them two warnings, on the third violation, they get kicked.

• Harrassment of the players. This is where it gets tricky for a moderator, if it is part of a SL we need to let it run its course..however if all are not willing participants, then the offenders can be kicked if they do not heed the warning.

•Also, random people who come in not to RP but to mock the players or try to pick up people can be kicked if they do not heed the warning. If a player does not follow ChatFirst's guidelines and risks getting the room shut down, they can be kicked.

• Always remember to use your power responsibly. Any infraction can result in our room getting shut down for the night or possibly losing it for good.

• If you are intersted in becoming a room moderator, email the Goddess of Nature or the God of Magic.

Current Moderators

God Moderators





Standard Moderators
