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Types of Magic:

1. Chant: A chant is the most basic form of magic in the Shadow Realm RPG. Anyone can use it if they have been trained to. Chants are non-binding. To perform a chant you simply "chant" (say) what you want to happen through words words or through the mind.

      Player 1: /me chants null's arm to freeze

      Player 1: /me sees ice form

2. Spells: A spell is a more powerful form of magic, most often used by mages, clerics,priestesses and healers. You don't chant a spell, you cast it.

      Player 1: /me casts a fireball at null's arm

      Player 1: /me sees it burn

3. Binding: A binding is a form of magic that makes a spell or chant permanent. It is only able to be donr by a second degree magic user or above. A bind is mixed with a chant or spell to work properly. When someone is bound: By a second degree or above magic user,

the binding will last for 24 hours or until the binder unbinds the spell. By an Avatar of a God/dess, the binding will last for one week or until the Avatar unbinds the spell.

(The Avatar's God/dess may make this permanent if he or she believes it to be neccessary.) By a God/dess it is Permanent, until the God or Goddess unbinds it.

      Player 1: /me chants null's body into a cage

      Player 1: /me sees him go

      Player 1: /me binds the chant

      Player 1: /me sees it bound

NOTE: No chant or spell can be death or godhood, or anything else that goes against the established rules of Shadow Realm.


When performing bindings, it is necessary to have it confirmed for it will not take effect. It takes three regulars, family members, or clansmen to confirm and make a binding legal. If the proper number of confirms is not obtained, then the binding is void. If a bindingis confirmed properly, then the binding takes effect and lasts for 24 hours or until the binder unbinds the chant or spell (which ever comes first). After binding something, you need to post it. The post must include: The binders nic, the person who was bound's nic, the three regulars, family members, or clansmen that confirmed and the place where it took place.


      Player 1: /me chants null's body to ice

      Player 1: /me sees ice form

      Player 1: /me binds the spell

      Player 1: /me sees it bound

      Player 1: Confirm?

      Player 2: Confirmed

      Player 3: Confirmed

      Player 4: Confirmed

Defending and evading:

There are basically two kinds of defenses against magic. The first is to evade before the action can be followed up with a reaction line. Doing this makes the chant or spell a miss altogther. This is to be used with a spell that is thrown at you, such as fireballs, flying daggers, Ice projectiles, etc..., it will not work on a spell that is cast directly on your body.

Player 1: /me chants fireballs to hit null's arm

Null: /me runs right

Player: /me sees it burn

The next defense against magic is to unchant (if it was a chant) or to dispell (if it was a spell). Doing this breaks the chant or spell. You only need two words to unchant or dispell. The /me is one, and 'unchants' or 'dispells' is the other word.

Player 1: /me chants null's legs to ice

Player 1: /me sees the ice

Null: /me unchants

NOTE: If your head is chanted to ice, you cannot very well chant, yet to be fair it will be assumed that you unchant in your mind. If you don't want to use 'unchants' you can also use other defense lines to break spells or chants, such as:

Null: /me thaws (If you are frozen)

Null: /me cools (If you are burning)

When 'unchanting' something, it only works for one chant. So say you were chanted to ice and fire, you MUST unchant TWICE. Only ONE 'unchant' per Chant placed on you. /me unchants can only be used when you have been chanted. /me dispells can only be used when you have had a spell placed on you. Unchants and dispells don't work if you have been bound so make sure to unchant or dispell before /me sees it bound hits the screen. Being bound is not always the end for a player with a lot of imagination. Say they chant you to the form of a toad or frog, and manage to bind you that way,You can in turn chant them to a fly, bind it, and go after them for lunch, You will find that a fly in the mouth of a frog will not be able to undo their bind and chant fast enough, and you can spit them out and continue....