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Knights Guild

The Gods of War and Peace watch over this Guild.

The Knights Guild keeps order among the ranks and classes of fighters that generally operate under a code of honor. The honor of the warrior. The Knights themselves must operate under a much higher code than expected of the other fighting ranks however, they are to live and die by their code, and their code is enforced by all the knights of the kingdom. This Guild ultimatley controls all the Lands Knights. The Knights Guild may strip the knighthood from a dishonorable knight if it is neccessary. They may also suspend the Knights privelage to spar or Quest.

Knights of Social Groups obey their clans in all things so long as their actions are honorable. The Knights Guid clearly defines waht is honorable or dishonorable for a Knight. If a Knight acts dishonorably, this Guild takes him to trial. If he or she is found guilty, punishment is decided and immediatly dispensed. A Knight may be restricted from quests and spars for a time, demoted to a lesser Knight level, stripped of knighthood, or even killed if the act was found dishonorable enough. If a Knight is ordered to act in a dishonorable manner, honor dictates that he or she remind their leader that this act is of the dishonorable nature, and if the leader insists, honor dictates that the Knight report their order to the proper authorities, and break with their Social Group and become a wandering knight until such time as they find an honorable clan (they may also stay clanless if they wish, and

remain a wandering knight) If the group in question seeks retribution on this Knight, he is under the protection of every Knight of the land, because he is under the protection of the Guild itself. (all for one, one for all etc) No Knight of the Land may seek to harm this Knight, or the Guild will Immediatly strip them of their Knighthood and mark them for death. The Social Group attempting to get this Knight to act dishonorably and seeking to punish him after he leaves them shall be brought to trial in front of the Councils. If found guilty, they will be stripped of their status and all privilaes of a resident social group in the game, (HP, and voice in the Senate). After a long while, if they act honorably etc, it can be restored by the Councils if they vote them back in, but if they are again voted out for similar deeds it is forever. The Knights Guild is the closest thing to police in the Land, and they enforce the laws, and seek to keep the peace in the Land.

The Knights Guild is also responsible for classes other than just Knights, Examples of what classes you would find here are knights, swordsmen, samurai, calvary, templars, paladins, barbarians, berserkers, rangers, soldiers, militia, archers, constables and other lawmen, mercenaries, and guards... (and also some bounty hunters, though this is a grey area)


Magic Users Guild

Watched over by the God/dess of Magic.

This Guild makes sure that the rules and laws of Magic are not broken. If they are, the one doing so is dealt with. Punishment may be restriction from magic duels, and questing, or even taking away the magic users abilities for a time, or even permanently. The severity of the offense dictates the punishment, the Magic Users Guild makes the call... if it is a minor offence, magical powers may be suspended in the person in question, for a determined amount of time. A major offense is punishable by taking away all magic ability forever. This shall make the guilty party Human if he or she is a magical creature. They will become Mundane (incapable of magic for the rest of their life).

In this guild you would expect to see Mages, Wizards, Sorcerers, Bards, Illusionists, Invokers, Evokers, Diviners, Seers, Shamen, Conjurers, Necromancers, Shapeshifters, Alchemists, Elementalists, Enchanters, witches....

Priests Guild

This Guild keeps the spiritual ranks and classes in order. In the beginnings of the Realm it will be a subguild of the Magic users guild, until it is large enough to be operated individually, however, they will never truly be seperate, as one would expect they would work together in many things.

In this Guild you would find Priests, Priestesses, Clerics, Druids, Healers, Apothecaries, herbalists, midwives...

Theives and Assassins Guild

Honor among theives... Only a catchy phrase? perhaps... but we all work under our own ethical codes....
This Guild is very good at keeping itself hidden just well enough to not be brought to justice, yet seen enough to inspire fear in those that know of it's existance... and lets face it, everyone knows, it's just no one is talking... and those that try typically don't live long enough to say a word...

As you may recall reading in the knights guild, the knights guild contains the honorable fighters of the land, here is where the ones that don't give a fig about honor fit into society... the backstabbers, etc

Think of this guild like a medeival mafia... many well to do business fronts, bodies found mutilated in back alleys, if they are found at all...

Here you will find the Theives, pickpockets, cut throats, pirates, and swindlers of the realm;
As well as the Ninja, Assassins, Spies, Black Knights, and the less than honorable bounty hunters...

Merchant & Crafters Guild

Here you will find the smell of capitalism! This Guild exists to help regulate prices and make sure the citizens are not being fleeced, making sure that everyone gets quality merchandise at reasonable prices (we hope, that is at least what they tell us they are about... some say the Theives and assassins guild has infiltrated this guild, but when we looked for them to ask them to explain this we couldn't find them... left town perhaps...)

Here you will find all aspects of commerce classes and positions... Blacksmiths, Armorors, Pub owners, Merchants, street vendors....