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Basic Rules
Combat Rules
Magic Rules
Moderator Rules

Society Info
Social Structure
Social Groups
Maps Page

Posting Boards

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Misc. Pages
Awards Page

Ruling Body:

The governing bodies are as follows:

1.The Council of the Gods

2.The Senate

3 The Guilds

When needed, these governing bodies conveine, Such as when a rule is broken or on some rare occasion a law needs changed or added (this is for the Gods Council as they are the GM's and help run the game and is something truly rare).
The Senate is composed of Representatives from each group. If a Rep cannot make it then their vote can be posted on the board. It shall be counted so long as it was up before the meeting commences. If a vote is about a person, that person has the right to show up in their defense. If the vote is concerning a clan or family that clan or family must choose a representative to speak in their defense. (their reps cannot vote on this matter, they would be biased) Such a vote will take 2 weeks, the first week to hear all the arguments for and against, and the second to vote.

The Council of Gods

The Council of Gods is made up of the 8 God/desses of the Land of Shadow Realm. These are the God/desses of Death, War, Peace, Love, Fate, Wisdom, Magic, and Creation. Each of these positions has it's own duties in helping run the game. Depending on the amount of Believers that a God or Goddess has, the more powerful that God or Goddess is. This is reflected by a raise in Hit Points (HP) . The Base HP of a God/dess is 15 HP. The ceiling is 25. For every 5 believers, a God or Goddess gains 1 HP.

These are Powerful entities, though their are limits to their power. Each is in charge of his or her own Provence. These Provinces at times overlap each other and for this they must work together.


The Senate

The Senate consists of 2 reps from each of the Lands Clans,Tribes, and Kingdoms, and from each of the lands families. It also has 2 reps from the Lands Rogues Faction, depending on the population of the Rogues. There must be at least 20 Rogues for a Rogue Faction. The Senate meets when one of the laws of the land are broken, or a new one needs made or gotten rid of... The Senate holds no power over the game itself like the Gods, but instead, it is the governing body of the Realm. For the most part, it governs alone, but should it be needed, the Gods or the Guilds can step in to keep the Realm in order, and make things fair for all the players so no one group runs the entire world.


Rogues are those whom have no social group perse. Whether this is by Choice or consequence. The Rogues choose 2 spokespersons from their numbers as their voices in the Senate.


A Family is the bridge between the rogues and a full clan. A new Clan is a family first before it becomes a clan. Families are between 5-11 members. They start with the same HP structure that the rogues have, but they offer positions that allow higher HP then a Rogue can ever achieve. A family would have 500-1,100 NPC units


A clan is the second highest social group in Shadow Realm. They have 12 - 49 members A clan has higher HP. a clan would have 1,200-4,900 NPC units


This is the next step up for a social group to evolve into, A Tribe has between 50 - 99 members. a tribe would have 5,000-9,900 NPC units


This is as high as a group can hope to acheive. A Kingdom has 100 or more members. A kingdom would have 10,000+ npc units.


The Guilds

The Guilds of the land are the groups that bind the classes together and keep them operating under their ethical codes, codes of honor etc.... and keep the Realm from becoming too corrupt. etc...


For every member of a group, that group gets 100 NPC units for quests or war, the group gets to choose what manner of units they have. A necromancy / black mage type group may wish lich units, zombie units, and ghouls, etc, a more knightly based group would want paladins, crusaders, and clerics, etc... these units are for use in war and in quests and what type they are is entirlley up to the individual groups, giving them an extra bit of storyline, all units are created equal.

that means a family would have 500-1,100 npc units, a clan would have 1,200-4,900 units, a tribe 5,000-9,900 and a kingdom would have 10,000+ npc units...
