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Lesser Gods

There are 9 Lesser God/desses in the Pantheon of Shadows.

These 3 work under Caillean:


The Goddess of Nature Oversees all things of Nature, and the Elements.


Oversees births (and resurrections in correspondence with Death and Fate.).


oversees deaths and makes sure that they were legal and right, if Death believes that they were not, s/he may work with Life and Fate to resurrect the character.

These 3 work under Thorne:


oversees all wars, makes sure that they are IC and that OOC is not brought into it. Watches out for cheating, if cheating is discovered War can take away the cheaters ability to fight at all. (CM's 'Combat Masters' are Wars minions.)


Weaves the web of Fate. oversees the Quests, runs quests (QM's ''Quest Masters' are Fates minions) Keeps an eye on story lines to make sure that they flow well and stay IC at all times.


Acts at times like a Muse. Players bring new ideas to Wisdom so that they are brought to a vote anonymously. This lets everyone vote on an issue without prejudice to the source of the idea. Whether it be for or against the player that was the source. If an idea is voted in, the player that brought it to Wisdom is given the credit for it in the "Chronicles of the Muses" Page, kept up by Wisdom.

These 3 work under Maeve:


oversees magical systems. Makes sure Magic is used correctly in the game. Oversees theMagic Users Guild. Can suspend a characters ability to use Magic, natural or learned.


oversees Peace, negotiations, and treaties and bonds between clans.


oversees marriages and divorces, defines the social rules for courting.


Each Lesser God or Goddess starts out with 15 Hit Points (HP), and one Avatar with each 5 believers they get 1 more HP, but they can get no higher than 25 HP. When a God reaches 20 hp he or she is allowed another avatar, and another at 25, at this point the hp they earn in believers is divided among their avatars until they reach their ceilings as well.


Each God or Goddess is alloted 3 Avatars to help them with their duties at full power. They start with one and work their way up to 3 as they gain followers (see above). These Avatars are likened to angels, and are the servants of that God or Goddess. . Once a God/dess is at 25 HP they themselves can no longer gain anymore HP themselves, instead they give any HP they earn after this ceiling is reached to their avatars. The Avatars start out with 10 HP, and they receive more when their God/dess gives them more after they themselves have reached their HP max. The Maximum HP that an Avatar may receive is 15. The strongest Avatar is as powerful as the weakest lesser God.
This HP ladder system will inspire the avatars to work diligently for their Gods, the better job they do, the more people believe in their God, the more people believe, the stronger the God, the stronger the God, the stronger the avatars. This makes the Gods and the Avatars work to the best of their ability for the players and the game itself, for their own best interest. In the end, everyone wins.


Rules of Gods:

1.The Elder Gods are the Heads of the Gods Council.

2.Gods do not attack or harm the other players unless it is in defense of themselves or someone under their protection. In an extreme circumstance, Gods may even hunt down one who attacked them or someone under their protection, for example: Their Avatars, Priests, Family, or any others they have declared under their protection. The Gods also have the power to mete out Justice, should it be called for. Preferably, it is brought to the Gods Council and a Council decision is made...however should it call for it, a God can mete out justice on the spot..BUT ONLY IF CALLED FOR! Afterwards the Gods Councl will review the situation and determine if any further action needs to be taken.

3.The Council of Gods enforces the rules upon each other, when one looks to have stepped out of line, or is no longer able to perform their duties for RL or IC constraints The Council of Gods can strip them of their power and place in the game, and another may be set up in their place.

4.The Gods must follow the same rules as anyone else in the game, though IC as gods they have the power to have information that a normal character would not, such as what is said in logs given to them as evidence, such is the power of omnipotence, a power of a God, this shall not be used unless a game rule is broken.

5.Each God office changes somewhat with the god that holds it, they may use their powers differently or call their avatars something different (avatar is a general description of the Servants of the Gods) Creation may call hers Divas, Love may have Cherubs, War can have Horsemen....... Setting up their own system is up to them.

6.Gods of Dubhar Tiliath, the Shadow Realm must remember, that while their character may be written to behave a certain way, and we wish to be as true to our characters as possible, certain aspects must be sacrificed to fulfill the obligations as a God. In other can not run a muck as you normally would. The gods have guidelines that must be followed.

7.The Gods must be able to seperate IC from OOC. The Gods are able to RP yes, by all means, do so and have fun, but the Gods also have an OOC responsiblity to the game that must not be forgotton. For example: A god may not step down from their position as part of a SL.

8.When Gods are being chosen by the Goddess of Creation and the Elder Gods, OOC will be taken into account as well as IC. Since the Gods must interact and deal with the public of Dubhar Tiliath, the Shadow Realm on an OOC basis often, we must be assured that they can be fair and rational OOC.

9.As Dubhar Tiliath, the Shadow Realm is still a very new land, the Gods hold a large part of the responsibility to help it grow. They accept this responsibility when they accept their Godhood. If this means staying in AnLar when there is no one else their and waiting for someone to come in, fine.

10.The Gods are expected to show at least the bare minimum of respect to their fellow Gods. However, should the Gods decide a fight, etc... are part of a SL, that is left to them to RP at their discretion. Do be sure to inform the other Gods that it IS in fact part of a SL, however.