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Magic Rules
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Posting Boards

E-mail Quest

IRC Chat

Misc. Pages
Awards Page

Interactive storyline Quests:

Open to all characters and players.

This is one of the easier quests and it helps supplement specific storylines for your character and or clan. These take place totally on the posting boards. Someone starts a Quest by typing the beginning of it as a story on the Questing post. after it has begun anyone may jump in and post. they can post a piece wherein they offer help in some way, or be a villain and attempt to oppose them (must be in story form, in the perspective of their character) This causes all the participants in the quest to work together and really use their imaginations.


Speed Typing Quests:


Open to those in training of a rank, or those whom have already achieved rank in a class. speed typing rules, and Hit Point table

X amount of players decide to go on one of the quests posted on the 'LIVE QUESTS"

board. They get a GM or choose one among them who knows the story line behind it to do this. They then go to the room for that quest.

Once in the room, the GM describes the gaming environment, the characters have to respond accordingly to the situations. The GM will play all 'NPC"'s or Non Player Characters which would be designated as such:

sR_Ravyn_HK <Lady WindChime> "I have seen the dark one's minions, they have come to the castle more than once. I fear their return, but yet, with the lord gone, I know not what to do..."

In this case I would be playing the GM who is 'embodying' the NPC. It would work the same for Traps and Monsters. For a Trap, the character would have to dodge it before the effect line. Like so:

sR_Ravyn_HK <Floor Trap> Springs open swallowing up NiteLily.

NiteLily Flips Left

sR_Ravyn_HK <Floor Trap> Has her within

^ would be a miss. Nite would be safe (for now lol) For Monsters, the same type of system would be in effect. All monsters are assumed to have 3 HP, unless it's a 'BOSS' creature... then it's at the discretion of the writers or the GM. No boss creatures should have more than say 8 HP. Multiple attacks do count against Monsters.

sR_Ravyn_HK <Ogre King> Slashes Styl's face

sR_Stylwater_HT Leaps Right

sR_Ravyn_HK <Ogre King> Sees him whine

^miss of course, but it gives you an idea of how it would work. Also, for a 'multi-monster' attack, someone who can only be on for a short period of time for the quest can opt to play 'monsters' for that time rather than partake on the side of the heroes.

Death on a Quest:

If a character dies on a quest, they are dead until they can be hauled back to a temple and revived. This cannot occur during the quest. That way it makes the quest a challenge, without causing the permanent loss of a nic. A quest death typically lasts one hour.

Dice Quests:

Currently we are working on switching servers for IRC chat, to allow us to use dice bots, and to once again use speed typing, thanks to talk cities use of a buffer to filter speed typing on that server (fascists).

We do have a new option however, Quest by e-mail, to take part in this, read the new dice rules at the bottom of the combat rules page and subscribe to the questing email list to take part.