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Welcome to the newly added crystals page. Crystals are important in helping you in several ways. To find which crystals suit you check on the elements page or the zodiacs page. Select your stone which you want to use and clean it under cold running water or leave it in salt water for 4 hours.
Below, please select what crystal you are looking for by clicking on a letter.



Agate: Good overall healing stone, believed to help ease pain. There are different types of agate which have different effects.

Alexandrite: For luck and love. Helps to heal the body, mind and spirit as well as bringing mind and emotions to a balance

Amazonite: Aka the Amazon Stone (energy-receptive, element-earth, planet-Uranus) Use this stone if you are a deep thinker it promotes creativity and also attracts money and success

Amber: (energy-projective, element-fire, planet-Sun) Also associated with life (akasha)Aids longetivity, beauty and forgetfulness. Becomes charged when rubbed on wool or silk

Amethyst:(energy-receptive, planet-Jupiter) Used for psychic awareness as well as promoting sleep, dreams (especially intuitive dreams). Also cleanses the body and mind of negative energy and the blood

Aquamarine: (energy-receptive, element-water, planet-Moon) Enhances the psychic awareness and cleanses body of negative energy. Anxiety reduction
Aventurine: (energy-projective, element-air, planet-Mars)Promotes muscle tissue growth. Good for eyesight/perception and enhances intellect. General good luck crystal

Azurite: Aka Lapis Lingis/Lingua (energy-receptive, element-water, planet-Venus) Blue in colour, increases psychic powers and encourages prophetic dreams when placed under pillow. Strengthens blood flow, excellent for decision making and for meditation



Beryl: (energy-receptive, element-water, planet-Moon) Related to sea/water and guards wearer against sea sickness, psychic manipulation

Bloodstone: (energy-projective, element-fire, planet-Mars) Encourages body strength and long life. Women wear it to prevent miscarriage and ease childbirth



Calcite: Aka Ice Spar

Carnelian: (energy-projective, element-fire, planet-Sun)Reduce anger, hatred, jealously and envy. Encourages positive energy and dispels depression

Cat's Eye:(energy-projective, element-earth, planet-Venus) Used with other stones usually quartz and used to increase beauty and wealth

Celestite: (energy-receptive, element-water, planet-Venus/Neptune) Reduces stress and encourages compassion and creativity. Reveals the truth

Chalcedony: (energy-projective, element-water, planet-Moon) Banishes depression, fear, mental illness, hysteria, fear of dark, nightmares. Protects wearer while travelling through negative times and enhances good luck

Chrysocolla: (energy-receptive, element-water, planet-Venus) Enhances wisdom and creates peace and love atmosphere as well as attracting love. Increases feminine energy as it sooths period pains and PMT

Chrysoprase: (energy-receptive, element-earth, planet-Venus) Life emotions up and shields against negative energy. Attracts friendships and banishes greed, envy and selfishness

Citrine: (energy-projective, element-fire, planet-Sun) Encourages self esteem reduces self-destructive behaviour (self harming). Increases sense of direction in life

Coral: (energy-receptive, element-water, planet-Venus)Also linked with life (akasha). Protective and guards children from negativity. Attracts love and luck

Crystal Quartz: Aka Witch's Mirror/Star Stone/Iris (energy-projective + receptive, element-water + fire, planet-Sun + Moon) Therapy crystal, relieves physical and medical pains by placing on affected area. Balances energies on pain. Excellent pendulum and scrying tool



Diamond: (energy-projective, element-fire, planet-Sun) Promotes spirituality and amplifies the full spectrum in body, mind and spirit

Dioptase: (energy-receptive, element-water + earth, planet-Venus) Balances and revitalises body and mind. Strengthens central nervous system and stabilises emotions and mind. Healer



Emerald: (energy-receptive, element-earth, planet-Venus) Crystal of "unconditional love", strengthens immune system, protection. Introduces higher self to inner divinity



Fluorite: (energy-projective) Clears thought and shows direction, greater concentration and strengthens teeth and bones

Fossils: Aka Witches Stones/Snake Stones (energy-receptive, element-akasha) Increase life span and protection. Used to recall past life experiences and helps overcome problems



Garnet: (energy-projective, element-fire, planet-Mars) Enhance body strength and endurance. Strengthens aura, shield of positive energy. Soothes skin problems



Hematite: (energy-projective, element-fire, planet-Saturn) Heals body and repels illness. Adds oxygen to blood stream, helps cope with stress



Jade: (energy-receptive, element-water, planet-Venus) Attracts love and money and if placed on third eye, shows wisdom


Jet: Aka Witches Amber/Black Amber (energy-receptive, element-Earth + Akasha, planet-Saturn)Absorbs negative energy, believed to absorb some of wearer's soul so they were careful not to lose the stone. Increase psychic awareness and ward off danger



Kunzite: (energy-receptive, element-earth, planet-Venus + Pluto) Excellent balancer, good for obsessive, compulsive behaviour, balances physical/emotional/mental aspects. Induces relaxation and releases tension and stress. Attracting love or grounding

Kyanite: (energy-receptive, element-air, planet-Uranus)Enhances creativity, communication and loyalty. Connected to third eye and helps astral travel



Lapis Lazuli: (energy-receptive, element-water, planet-Venus) Soothes mental/physical/emotional/spiritual/psychic conditions. Healing, calms fear, strengthens eyesight, eases depression and enhances spirituality

Lepidolite: Aka Peace Stone (energy-receptive, element-water, planet-Neptune and Jupiter) Calming and soothes anger



Malachite: (energy-receptive, element-earth, planet-Venus) Guard against negative energy and physical danger. Believed to help arthritis, promotes tranquillity and sleep. Success is promoted as well

Metal Copper: (energy-receptive, element-water, planet-Venus) Stimulates healing and balance, relief for rheumatism and arthritis and other painful conditions. Lucky metal which attracts love and wards off negativity

Moonstone: (energy-receptive, element-water, planet-Moon) Dedicated to Moon Goddess, brings love into the life of the wearer and resolves problems between couples. Placed under pillow ensures good sleep

Mother-of-pearl: (energy-receptive, element-water + akasha , planet-Moon + Neptune) Protect new born babies and promotes wealth



Obsidian: (energy-projective, element-fire, planet-Saturn) Beneficial to stomach and intestines. Scrying tool

Onyx: (energy-projective, element-fire, planet-Saturn + Mars) Protective stone, relieves stress, promotes serenity, encourages concentration

Opal: (energy-projective, element-all, planet-all) "Rainbow Stone" can be charged for any use, bring inner beauty out and enhances self esteem



Pearl: (energy-receptive, element-water + akasha, planet-Moon) Normally used for luck but some believe it has bad karma because the oyster has to be killed to get the pearl

Peridot: (energy-receptive, element-earth, planet-Venus) Clearing organs of negativity, attract love, dispel negativity, opening new doors

Pyrite: Aka Fool’s Gold (energy-projective, element-fire, planet-Mars) Attracts wealth and luck. Improves digestion system and circulation



Rhodocrosite: (energy-projective, element-fire, planet-Mars)Lends energy during extreme physical activity, soothes and de-stresses body. Cheers the depressed

Rhodocrosite: (energy-projective, element-fire, planet-Mars) Lends energy during extreme physical activity, soothes and de-stresses body. Cheers the depressed

Rhodonite: (energy-projective, element-fire, planet-Mars) Casts off confusion, promote balance, self-esteem and confidence. Refreshes the weak and tired

Rose Quartz: (energy-receptive, element-earth, planet-Mars) Stimulates love and opens heart chakra, forgiveness and compassion encouraged. Rids of negative emotions (anger/resentment/fear/guilt), soothes and softens pain, helps scarred tissues

Ruby: (energy-projective, element-fire, planet-Mars) Preserve mental health, increases body warmth, produces joy, dispels fear and strengthens willpower. Encourages integrity

Rutilated Quartz: (energy-projective, element-earth, planet-Saturn) Very powerful healer, enhances life force, stimulates mental activity and eases depression



Sapphire: (energy-receptive, element-water, planet-Moon) Stimulate the third eye, encourage wisdom, guardian of love, promotes health

Silver: (energy-receptive, element-water, planet-Moon) Strengthens your faith in your higher self and balances emotions and speech

Smoky Quartz: (energy-receptive, element-earth, planet-Saturn) Grounding stone, eases moods, depressions and negative emotions

Sodalite: (energy-receptive, element-air, planet-Venus) Healer for emotional illnesses, strengthens metabolism

Sugilite: (energy-receptive, element-water, planet-Jupiter) Promotes psychic awareness and of spiritual world. Physical healing



Tiger’s Eye: (energy-projective, element-fire, planet-Sun) Beneficial to entire digestive system, protects wealth and money. Carried or worn for protection and creates courage

Topaz: (energy-projective, element-fire, planet-Sun) Protective stone, relieves pain related to rheumatism and arthritis, enhances creativity and a charm against fire and accidents


Turquoise: (energy-receptive, element-earth, planet-Venus + Neptune) Absorbs nutrients, strengthens entire anatomy, protects against environmental pollution. Promotes harmony in marriage and attracts friendships. Generally a lucky stone



Zircon: (energy-projective, element-fire, planet-Sun) Protection and promotes mental clarity, often substitute for a diamond and protects against insomnia and depression
