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Companions of the Heroes

Fizban appears as a befuddled old man wearing mouse- colored robes and shapeless hat, which he often loses. He often forgets his name and can't remember his spells. Everyone assumes he's just crazy old mage. Fizban is the avatar of Paladine, the god of good.
"It was a weapon similar to-no, it wasn't. Actually it was closer to...almost a...rather it was, sort of a- lance, that's it! He nodded earnestly. "And it was quite good against dragons."(Fizban trying to discribe the Dragonlance)

"I say, did you hear me?" The old man shook a worn walking stick at the oak. "I said move and I meant it! I was sitting on that rock" -he pointed to a boulder- "enjoying the rising sun on my old bones when you had the nerve to cast a shadow over it and chill me! Move this instant, I say!" The tree did not respond. It also did not move. "I won't take any more of your insolence!"The old man began to beat on the tree with his stick."Move or I'll- I'll-" "Someone shut the looney in the cage!"Fewmaster Toede shouted, galloping back from the front of the carven. "Get your hands off me! the old man shrieked at the draconians who ran up and accosted him. He beat on them feebly with his staff until they took it away from him. "Arrest the tree!" he insisted."Obstructing sunlight! That's the charge!"

"What is your name, Old One,"Tika asked. "My name?" The old man hesitated, frowning."Fizban? Yes that's it Fizban." "Fizban!" Tasselehoff repeated as the cage lurched to a stop again. "That's not a name!" "Itsn't it? the old man asked wistfully."That to bad. I was rather fond of it."

"I am magi! Raistlin said, struggling to sit up. "No kidding!" Fizban seemed immensely tickled. "Small world, Krynn. I'll have to teach you a few of my spells. I have one...fireball..let'see, how did that go?"

"Me? Splatter! I never in my life splattered!"

"That got 'em Wonderful spell, Fireball" "That's the way the fireball bounces!"

"What was that name again? Fizbut? Furball?"

"Got to go build another world. Let's see. How did that go? You take a bit of dirt and mix in some bat guano..."

"Yes, sirree-bob, I'm gonna cast a spell this time that'll knock your eyeballs out."

"I was feeling a bit under the weather this morning, but I had no idea it was as bad as all that." His shoulders sagged. "So I'm dead. Done for. Brought the farm. Kicked the bucket." He staggered to a bench and plopped down. "Was it a nice funeral?" he asked."Did lots of people come? Was there a twenty-one gun salute? I always wanted a twenty-one gun salute."

"I've got a spell", Fizban protested "Take care of those pests instantly. Poof!" No!" Tanis said "Absolutely not. With my luck, you'd turn them all into trolls.

Lauralanthalasa Kanan, daughter of Solostarn--former Speaker of the Suns in Qualinesti, is a very determined person who is used to getting what she wants. She fell in love with Tanis at an early age, much to the dismay of her father and her brother Gilthanas and Porthios. Later, she became a general at the High Clerist's Tower and became a hero when she led the Knights of Sloamina against the forced of evil. Laurana became known as the Golden General.

"You told me that there comes a time when you've got to risk your life for something you believe in."

"I have been trained as a warrior-all elven women are, in memory of the time we fought beside our men to save our homeland."

"You except a noble speech. Noble speech honoring heroic deeds of this men who died. Well, you want get it. Not from me. This men, who should have been untied in a botherhood forge when Krynn was young, died in bitter discord, brought about be pride, ambition, and greed. Your eyes turn to Derdick Crownguard, but he was not totally to blame. You are! All of you took sides reckless bid for power. Only one man was above this. Only one man here among you lived the Code everyday of his live. In for most of the those days, he was not a knight. Or rather, He was a knight where it meant the most-in spirit, in heart, not in some offical list.

"There is only one man I love, only one man I have ever loved-though now I am beginning to ask myself it perhaps I havent made a mistake! You said that awful place, the Sla-Mori, that I was behaving like a little girl and I have grown, Tanis Half-Elven. In these past few bitter months, I have seen suffering and death. I have been afraid as I never knew fear existed! I have learned to fight, and I have dealt death to my enemies. I'm so numb I can't feel the pain anymore. But what hurts worse is to see you with clear eyes.

"Goblins and draconians, in all their hideous evil, do not sink to fighting among themselves." While we elves, the ancient embodiment of good try to kill each other?.

"I am Lauralanthalasa, daughter of the Qualinesti. We elves have our own code of honor, and as I'm sure you know, I can see you quite well in the darkness. I could have killed you. As it is, I believe you, will have some difficulty using that arm for a long time. In fact, you may never hold a sword again."

"Touch his body, and you will die," Laurana said softly. "Your dragons will not be able to save you. This knight was my friend, and I will not let his killer deflie his body."

Gilthanas Kanan, Gilthanas is Porthios and Laurana's brother. He is very protective of his sister and disapproves fo Tanis love for her. He is very proud of his elven heritage. As a result, Gilthanas often comes off as a haughty individual. During the War of the Lance, he falls in love with a young Kagonesti elf named Silvara, who was later revealed to be a silver dragon.

"Because I know what my people are wrong, their laws, their customs are wrong. I know this in my heart! But I can't make my head believe it. It torments me-"

"I know how much you love him. I understand now what it is like to , to love someone that much. "I understand what it is like to have that love betrayed. (Gilthanas talking to Laurana)

"I have always despised humans," the elflord said slowly, "and now I find myself preparing to take on the responsibility of protecting them." He smiled" It is a good feeling."

Kitiara Uth Matar-half sister to Caramon and Raistlin, lover to Tanis, mercenary, becomes the Blue Dragon Highlord, but helped out the true heroes numerous of times.

"And the might of my sword-arm gives me all the right I need to command you, gallant red. As for my bidding, I ask that you capture these pitiful humans, do not kill them. They are wanted for questioning. Bring them to me. You will be well reward."

"I don't know why I let you get away with it. Any other man, who refused me like that would have died on my sword.(Kitiara talking to Tanis)

"The fortunes of war, my dear." She said "We were both soldiers, he and I. He unerstands. His spirit bears me no malice."(Kit talking about Strum death to Tanis)

"I am able to separate the pleasures of the flesh from the pleasures of business-some-thing you where unable to do, from what I know of your life."(Kit talking to Lord Soth)

"Sometimes, in the still watches of the night, when he lies in bed beside her, Tanis will find himself thinking of me. He will remember my last words, he will be touched by them. I have given them their happiness. And she must live with the knowledge that I will live always in Tanis heart. What love they might find together, I have poisoned. My revenge upon them both is complete."

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