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National Federation
of the Blind
of Greater
Summit County


About the NFB of
Greater Summit County
(Greater Akron, Ohio, USA)


The National Federation of the Blind of Greater Summit County is a 501 (c) 3 consumer organization comprised of blind and sighted people committed to changing what it means to be blind.

Though blindness is still all too often a tragedy to those who face it, we know from our personal experience that with training and opportunity it can be reduced to the level of a physical nuisance.

Here in the Greater Akron area we carry on the mission of the National Federation of the Blind (NFB), whose scope is nationwide, & whose achievements are often recognized worldwide.

We work to see that blind people receive the services and training to which they are entitled and that parents of blind children receive the advice and support they need to help their youngsters grow up to be happy, productive adults. We believe that first-class citizenship means that people have both rights and responsibilities, and we are determined to see that blind people become first-class citizens of these United States, enjoying their rights and fulfilling their responsibilities.

The most serious problems we face have less to do with our lack of vision than with discrimination based on the public’s ignorance and misinformation about blindness. Please join us in educating Ohioans about the abilities and aspirations of the blind citizens throughout the Greater Akron area.



Home | NFB National Website | NFB of Ohio State Affiliate Website | About the NFB of Greater Summit County | National Organization of Parents of Blind Children | National Association of Blind Students | NFB Scholarships | White Cane Bank of Ohio | Diabetes Action Network | NEWSLINE for the Blind | Jobline | Aids & Appliances Catalog | Literature Catalog | Braille Monitor | Buckeye Bulletin | Kernel Book Series | Questions Kids Ask Us | Get Help With Your Vision Loss | Advocacy for the Blind of Ohio | Would You Like To Help? | Blindness Resources Throughout Ohio | Local & Upcoming Events Calendar | Officers & Board Members | Contact Us! |