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National Federation
of the Blind
of Greater
Summit County


Would You Like To Help?

Would you like to get involved? Would you like to participate & help change what it means to be blind?

We are always in need of motivated persons to join us in working to educate the public in the truths of blindness. We continuously do everything we can to disspell the misconceptions & negative attitudes towards blindness.

We can always use volunteers to help staff our events, but also are often in need of volunteers with the following skills:

    --Public Relations
    --Desktop Publishing
(We can always use your services & talents if you care to occasionally read printed materials onto cassette or help read someone's mail to them)

(We know of numerous blind & visually impaired persons in the Greater Akron area, & in just about any area in the U.S., that would love to participate more fully in society, both socially & by fulfilling their responsibilities as U.S. citizens. But, all too often, they are not given a proper chance to show that they can.)

    --Primary & Secondary school tutors


Please contact us if you have any of the above skills, & would like to volunteer some of your precious time to help us change what it means to be blind.

Whether you have any specific skills or not, if you just want to help in whatever way you can, please contact us today to find out how YOU can help. We look forward to hearing from you, & working with you.

Please call us at (330) 865-8471 or e-mail us.

If you would like to help, but are not in the Ohio area, please call our national headquarters in Baltimore, MD, at (410) 659-9314 to find out how to contact the National Federation of the Blind in your state or local area.



Home | NFB National Website | NFB of Ohio State Affiliate Website | About the NFB of Greater Summit County | National Organization of Parents of Blind Children | National Association of Blind Students | NFB Scholarships | White Cane Bank of Ohio | Diabetes Action Network | NEWSLINE for the Blind | Jobline | Aids & Appliances Catalog | Literature Catalog | Braille Monitor | Buckeye Bulletin | Kernel Book Series | Questions Kids Ask Us | Get Help With Your Vision Loss | Advocacy for the Blind of Ohio | Would You Like To Help? | Blindness Resources Throughout Ohio | Local & Upcoming Events Calendar | Officers & Board Members | Contact Us! |