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National Federation
of the Blind
of Greater
Summit County



More than 500,000 (five hundred thousand) people in the United States are legally blind, and each year at least 50,000 (fifty thousand) more will become blind. Studies show that, after AIDS and Cancer, blindness is the medical condition people fear the most. When blindness strikes, many people turn to the National Federation of the Blind.

The National Federation of the Blind is an organization which acts as a self-help group of blind people who provide peer support for one another. The NFB can help you understand that blindness need not be a tragedy. We work together to promote the goal of integrating blind people into society as equal and productive members. We work towards this goal by helping people outgrow their many misconceptions about blindness and by changing the laws which Negatively affect the blind.

The National Federation of the Blind is not an organization speaking for the blind - it is the blind speaking for themselves.

The National Federation of the Blind (NFB) has over 700 chapters nationwide. The NFB has 52 state affiliates including Puerto Rico and the district of Columbia. It is an organization comprised of over fifty thousand blind and interested sighted members. It is the voice of the blind, organized to speak for ourselves.

This is the Website of the National Federation of the Blind of Greater Summit County. We are a local chapter of the NFB of Ohio, which is the Ohio state affiliate of the National Federation of the Blind.

Below are links for more information on subjects concerning blindness, Vision Loss, & all aspects of the NFB.


Contact Us!

NFB National Website
NFB of Ohio State Affiliate Website
About the NFB of Greater Summit County
National Organization of Parents of Blind Children
National Association of Blind Students
NFB Scholarships   "Scholarships
to help blind students get through school."
White Cane Bank of Ohio   "Providing blind
children with white canes and replacement canes."
Diabetes Action Network
NEWSLINE for the Blind   "Complete access
to national & local newspapers via phone!"
Jobline   "America's Jobline, A
Universal Public Access Job Search Network."
Aids & Appliances Catalog
Literature Catalog   "All kinds of
information involving & affecting the blind."
Braille Monitor   "The NFB's
monthly national publication."
Buckeye Bulletin   "The NFB of
Ohio's quarterly statewide publication."
Kernel Book Series   "Each of the Kernel books
includes a series of short articles written by the
blind, from their perspective.   These stories cut
through the sentimentality and misconceptions of
blindness, to the very 'kernel' of the subject."
Questions Kids Ask Us   "...and some great answers."
Get Help With Your Vision Loss
Advocacy for the Blind of Ohio
Would You Like To Help?
Blindness Resources Throughout Ohio
Local & Upcoming Events Calendar
Officers & Board Members


You are visitor #1 in our book!

If you, or someone you know,
has experienced vision loss, contact us.
If we can help, we will. We WANT to help!

Contact Us!