Free, Family-Friendly, Fun: FAST
Online since 1997!

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Printable Resources

Allergen-Free Retro Recipes This is a sweet cookbook, complete with a contents page, subject dividers, index. And, oh I forgot, over 75 old-fashioned recipes! Print it out on both sides of sheets of paper, then fold the pages in half for a cookbook. You're welcome to print out copies for friends as well--it's an especially nice gift for someone newly diagnosed. Aside from one, the recipes don't appear on other pages of FAST. Downloadable PDF.

Allergies and Emergencies is a free downloadable/printable booklet that includes steps that can be taken to prepare for emergencies before they happen.

Allergist Print-out A letter for your allergist, along with a letter s/he can distribute to others diagnosed with allergies. A great way to spread the word about FAST if it has been helpful to you.

Contact Form for parents of school-aged children to fill out and give to their schools, churches, etc.

Food Journal is a 12-page booklet for documenting a week's food intake. Downloadable PDF.

Ingredients of Medications Print this one out, and take it with you to your doctor when he's working on your, or your child's, prescriptions. Double-check all ingredients!

Milk Allergy Print-out/Handout By Jeni Cruts.

This website is for personal support information only. Nothing should be construed as medical advice.