![]() Free, Family-Friendly, Fun: FAST |
The FAST website is intigrated, so that both adults with food allergies and parents of children with food allergies will find resources here that apply to them. However, this is a quick, printable guide of webpages within FAST that especially apply to parents of allergic babies and children. Feel free to print this out for anyone whose child has been diagnosed with food allergies.
Allergen-Free Summer Day Camphttps://www.angelfire.com/mi/FAST/camp.htmlGive your children an unforgettable, allergen-free camp experience. No food-related stress and very little fuss...easy activities and simple instructions make it a fun experience.
Chat Roomhttps://www.angelfire.com/mi/FAST/chat.htmlA chat room specifically for the topic of food allergies. If you belong to the mailing list, you will be informed of meetings.
Children's Allergies and Schoolhttps://www.angelfire.com/mi/FAST/school.htmlShould I choose home schooling or traditional school for my sick child? Positives are shared for both options.
Communication with Childrenhttps://www.angelfire.com/mi/FAST/communication.htmlThis article explains why speaking to children about their allergies and reactions can be difficult.
Contact Form/Sheethttps://www.angelfire.com/mi/FAST/contact.htmlOur well-known contact form, which has even been reprinted in The Food Allergy Field Guide by Theresa Willingham! FAST members and moms just like you put this form together to help with informing day-cares, pre-schools, and schools about children's allergies.
Cooking TV Dinnershttps://www.angelfire.com/mi/FAST/tvdinner.htmlSometimes you just want a quick meal, you know? TV dinners -- store-bought ones, at least -- may be off-limits, but they can be easily made in the home.
Food Allergies Can Be Fatalhttps://www.angelfire.com/mi/FAST/fatality.htmlThis is not a funny page on FAST, unfortunately. However, it is a very important read.
Hey, Sherlock!https://www.angelfire.com/mi/FAST/mystery.htmlThis humorous and helpful article tells how to duplicate those products you use all of the time -- just by looking at an ingredient list!
Ingredients of Allergy Medicationshttps://www.angelfire.com/mi/FAST/medication.htmlDid you know that the medications your allergist prescribes for your child may contain his or her allergens? It's important to check the ingredients of any medications. Work with your allergist to find medications that are safe for your child.
Just Diagnosed Children FAQ for Parentshttps://www.angelfire.com/mi/FAST/newmoms.htmlThis fun FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) was put together by moms especially for other moms dealing with the challenging (but rewarding) situation of raising a child with food allergies.
Kids and Teens Pageshttps://www.angelfire.com/mi/FAST/kidsnteens.htmlPages just for your kids and teens.
Mailing Listhttps://www.angelfire.com/mi/FAST/form.htmlThis mailing list is just like the bulletin board in its ability to bring a virtual "support group" to you right in the comfort of your own home. Posts arrive in your e-mail in either digest form, or as individual posts.
Personal Stories by Kidshttps://www.angelfire.com/mi/FAST/kidstories.htmlIt's very important to know how your child feels about having food allergies. However, s/he may be afraid to tell you. A few children have written to FAST to express how they feel about having allergies. Their stories may help you, or your child, know you are not alone.
Personal Stories by Parents of Allergic Childrenhttps://www.angelfire.com/mi/FAST/candid2.htmlParents share the ups and downs (but mostly ups!) of having children with food allergies. This is a great read for anyone whose child was just diagnosed.
Recipeshttps://www.angelfire.com/mi/FAST/recipes.htmlRecipes -- tons of 'em! Most are very easy to make and generally taste better than the ones in food allergy cookbooks.
Support in Your Communityhttps://www.angelfire.com/mi/FAST/support.htmlCheck to see if there are any local support groups in your area. This is all fine and dandy, but how do I join?! I have often been asked "how do I join FAST?" Some people have sent me their home addresses, asking for more information, how to join, etc. FAST is an entirely online endeavor, and entirely free! There is absolutely no hidden agenda -- no "cures" or supplements for sale. FAST was a free group started by an allergic teen in 1994, and went online in 1997. Enjoy your time here, and keep checking back! |