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This page attempts to show the devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina on
August 29, 2005.

Created in Slidell, Louisiana

I document the recovery or lack thereof from Katrina more than 4 years later in my blog. Click here to read it

A Katrina Diary from a New Orleans resident who stayed behind

At this link he writes of his escape from New Orleans after Katrina. Heart wrenching.

He looks back at his experiences at this link.

Here's a link to photographs - by neighborhood - of Katrina's aftermath in New Orleans

Hurricane Katrina: What Happened?

A Field Trip
The Geology of the Katrina Disaster in New Orleans

life in Slidell/Pearl River right after Katrina.

Some Videos


You Tube video on Slidell

Another You Tube

In order to create some semblance of organization to this site, I'll be migrating sections related to certain areas to their own webpages. Just click on the webpage name to go there.

Pearlington, Mississippi

Venetian Isles and Lake Catherine

Mississippi Gulf Coast

St. Bernard

Fort Pike

Bayou Liberty

Chef Highway - New Orleans East


Pictures from Hwy 11 & Rats Nest Road, Slidell

Maritime New Media has pictures taken in October 2005 in New Orleans

Seen on Laurent Road in Slidell, 3-19-2007

Click here for a look back at Katrina - one year later

Carr Drive - Slidell, Louisiana

Katrina's winds bent this cypress' branches down

Thousands of trees were broken & twisted by the fury of the storm

Photos of Katrina from Pascagoula, Mississippi

Photographic Realities dot com
A pictoral essay of the Gulf Coast a few weeks after Katrina

Before and after shots with a history from homes and businesses in Waveland/Biloxi-Gulfport

How am I feeling 350 days after Katrina? a little uneasy. Click here to find out why.

Water flowing over the levee close to Chalmette, Louisiana - August 29, 2005

Here's a page that documents recovery from Katrina.
Click here to check it out.

A NOLA Katrina Renovation Gallery

Slidell Votech, July 2006
I am continually amazed that whole buildings were brought down by the storm, yet those stupid magnetic letters stayed in place!


In Irish Bayou, this camp was blown across the marsh intact
And it's still there almost 18 months later!

More than a year later, many boats are still orphans due to Katrina. Click here for the documentary.

Northshore Slidell, July 2006

A Katrina poem with pictures is at this site.

This website
shows a short video of the storm surge that drove thru Olde Towne Slidell
It also has several stills of the aftermath.

Here's a story of one strong man's "adventure" during the week following Katrina's landfall

I've created a blog (click here) to document my roller coaster feelings

LSU Law Center's Hurricane Katrina Photo Index

Striking black and white photographY depicting Katrina's carnage in SE Louisiana

There's a lot of focus on what went wrong during and after Katrina.....
Here are some findings of what went right

Voices of Katrina Weblog

From the New Orleans Times Picayune, Katrina survivors detail their stories.

and more...

Seen at Bayou Liberty - March 2006

Same Boat - December 2006

Below are a couple of links to albums of pictures taken by a friend and coworker.

Hwy 11 & Winchester Subdivision about a month after Katrina

Photos of Kingspoint Subdivision in Slidell.
It should give you some idea of the personal losses from Katrina

Rats Nest Road, Vera's Restaurant and surrounding area

Big Eye in the Sky

Panoramic views of the Mississippi Gulf coast and the New Orleans area taken by helicopter


I'm sure there are other folks out there who are bored and tired of hearing about what's going on down here. Folks, try living it every day. Just because you don't SEE it on the news, you think it's over, like snow which melts. Well, houses blown to smithereens don't melt away. We're tired of Katrina too. Just remember, we have to live with what Katrina did down here every day, you can turn away.

The biggest factor in the catastrophic events during and after Katrina is the erosion of the wetlands. This allowed the waters to bring the horrific damage to Louisiana's coast. We need to do all that we can to restore the wetlands. It may take the rest of our lives, but it is something that needs to be started right now.

America's Wetland dot org

Visit that site, get educated. Every thirty mintues Louisiana loses 100 yards of wetlands. We must stop this now.

A Flickr photo album
Slidell after 8/29/05.

The State of the Levees, Hurricane Season 2006

The State of the Levees, December 2006

Here is the contraflow map in case you misplaced yours

This is why FEMA should be abolished....and ashamed of themselves

For all you hurricane evacuees - A directory of more than 25,000 hotels, B&B's, ski resorts, campgrounds, and beaches that are pet-friendly, along with tips and tricks to helping Kitty or Rover become a seasoned traveler.

Through Hell & High Water.

from the Atlanta Journal-Constitution
A serial narrative told in 22 daily chapters, reveals what happened inside two hospitals, one private and one public,(Tulane and Charity) during the days after the levees broke in New Orleans
there is a pulldown menu on the left side of the page to navigate through the chapters...

Here are a few images of what we still see today all around Slidell

This house is half in the canal, half on the roadside

What's left of Cap's Produce Market

It amazes me that this car is STILL suspended over water!

Ah, but the pelicans are back!!!

No Need for Narration…
A home video which shows the floodwaters rising up through the first two levels of a New Orleans three-story house in just over four hours on Aug 29, 2005, the day Katrina made landfall on the Gulf Coast.

Louisiana mulch is termite free (click here)
Just don't buy cypress our wetlands.

Here is the transcript of an interview with Kennard Jackley of 265 Carr Drive in Slidell. He shot a home video from before Katrina until a day or two after she made landfall. It's both humorous and riveting. You can't find the video on the web (I've tried).
But you can purchase it from him (the money is used to rebuild his home, with some going to Habitat for Humanity
Click here to buy his video

A "tribute" to the New Orleans cops who confiscated Cadillacs during Katrina

New Orleans' flooding was caused - not by Katrina - but by the breaches in several levee's as shown above. The cause was not natural, the cause of most of New Orleans' flooding was MANMADE...mainly by the Army Corps of Engineers.

This link will bring you to an animated map, showing the timeline of Katrina's flooding

For more information on this Click here

Here on the north shore, we experienced Katrina's wrath in both 23-26 foot tidal surges and sustained winds (reported by the Weather Bureau in Slidell) of 176 mph and gusts to 190 mph.

The historic Salmen-Fritchie house's first floor was spared, thanks to their cellar - something quite rare in the south.

This is what a ~20 foot storm surge does to houses

It even pushes U-haul trucks!! They weren't driven there, folks!!!

How's New Orleans doing seven months post Katrina?
We are not okay

Go to this website to read on how to handle post traumatic stress syndrome......

And here's an article by NOLA's Chris Rose commenting on our collective emotional/mental state

Here is the GAO's report on the poor performance of FMEA's response to Katrina

Go here to view a map to see where Katrina refugees scattered

Click here to a site that shows Katrina's devastating affects in Gulfport-Biloxi Mississippi

The End of the World
There used to be a sign at the end of the road in Delacroix, at the termination of Highway 300, that said "End of the World." Chris Rose reports of what it's like down there in St. Bernard Parish seven months post K.

Pontchartrain Drive in Slidell - August 29th.
This street is like a levee, and all of the streets
coming off of it are lower. So you can imagine
what all the surrounding neighborhoods experienced

Curious about what it's like in New Orleans lately?
Here is what an outsider found in post Katrina New Orleans

And here's another one
From a lady who visited NOLA almost nine months Post K.

This site has an excellent post on what this year's Mardi Gras means to New Orleaneans.

Look at the face of the cat on the left

A bunch of links to Katrina Photos here
It's called photosfromkatrina dot com.

Do you know what it means to lose New Orleans.....
Ann Rice penned this thought provoking article on New Orleans' rich history and her feelings on the way the city was portrayed by the press and seen by America immediately following Katrina

I love Louisiana. I am not a native, but in the 30 years I've been here I've grown to love it's beauty, it's people, the way it just feels so right.

The McDonald's arches near Hwy 11 in Slidell took quite a beating.

Ray Nagin's lost another piece of his mind!!!

Click here to see the history of Ray Nagin's'reign as New Orleans mayor

Seen in Irish Bayou

An archive of all Chris Rose's writing from 2005-2007

Times Picayune columnist Chris Rose's articles throughout the Post Katrina experiences have made us all laugh, cry and nod our heads in understanding.
He has now published a book which contains the first four months of the "PK" world. Excellent stuff

To all of you out there who've been so generous with your donations, your prayers and coming down here to help, a heartfelt thanks from everyone of the Katrina survivors. We are forever grateful to you all.

A special thanks to all of the kids that took an "alternate spring break" and came down here to help gut houses, clean up and everything else. Y'all rule!

Seen in the French Quarter in March

This rig originally was off the Louisiana coast pre Katrina....this picture is an aerial photo taken at Dauphin Island, Alabama

Stormchaser video footage and pictures of Katrina in New Orlean

Katrina Fever
it's what a Times Picayune columnist Chris Rose calls it. An article detailing the state of mental health in a post-Katrina world. It'll make you smile

This video is the first responders in Slidell during and after Katrina. After the interviews it shows pictures of our devastated city. Very moving.

And in response to Rush's purporting that New Orleans is “back on track” Click here to view New Orleans' 9th Ward as it looked recently. Now THIS isn't back on track. It's sobering.

This site contains pictures from post Katrina holidays

While the rest of the country is moving on with their lives, people here are still waiting for insurance claims to come to fruition. Some are still living in tents, others in FEMA trailers. We sincerely appreciate the outpouring of help and support in our hour of need. Please keep the people of this area in your prayers.

Hurricane Katrina dot org
A website chock full of info on Katrina related lists and stories and links related to Katrina

"Hurricane Digital Memory Bank" website
More incredible pictures there, too

Hwy. 11 travels from left to right along the bottom of this picture. Eden Isles is at the top. All that water around Eden Isles usually isn't there.

Click here to view the alternate universe created by Katrina


You can get an idea of the enormity of the storm damage by looking at the size of that trash pile. As of the end of October, the trash rounded up could fill 12 superdomes...and they're just getting started!


One of the hardest hit areas was the 9th Ward. Kind of makes you want to cry.

Click here
to view an auto trip thru the 9th Ward in March '06.


This sight was repeated over and over again in the 9th Ward.


It was flooded twice...once when the levees broke and three weeks later during Hurricane Rita

The Louisiana State Museum recently went to Fats' house to rescue his pianos


A tribute to Fats
Fats didn't get to play this year, but we love him nonetheless!!!!

A Jazzfest Moment
with "The Boss". Thanks for the uplifting set, Bruce Springsteen!

A 2006 Jazzfest Experience
Don't tempt the fates!!!

Prince Charles

He and Camilla visited the city. Here they tour the Ninth Ward. That barge was washed over the levee



Located on the shore of Lake Ponchartrain, this small community was just about wiped out.


Notice the water line


Gone forever :(

click here to see how New Orleans was doing three months post Katrina

For an personal, in-depth look at Pearlington after Katrina visit Operation Eden, written by Clayton Cubitt

Katrina keeps killing - an article written by Chris Rose of the Times Picayune



If you're familiar with Irish Bayou, you'll be happy to know that the castle is still standing. One of the few places that are down there.

There've been people there every day, working on fixing it up.

Irish Bayou, July 2006
At one time, this was a sweet little home

Irish Bayou, July 2006

This is all that remains of the "pyramid house".

Telephone and electrical wires tangled in a tree in Irish Bayou


Big boats washed ashore


Beauvoir - Jefferson Davis Home

click here to see and read storie from the Mississippi Gulf coast's Katrina memories

And God looked away
A book related to one person's Katrina memories

Taken from Beau Rivage in Biloxi,
this video shows the strength of the storm surge


Looks like a ghost ship

GRAND CASINO..they had to blow it up to get it out of the road!

A year from now, it'll be back!!! Go, Mississippi!!!

City of Biloxi Website

With photos and links of Katrina stuff


Eden Isles is surrounded by water and took a beating from Katrina

Links to blogs detailing life after Katrina:

NOTE: Some have - rightly so - stopped blogging, but hopefully you can relive what it was like. Let me know if the links don't work
New Orleans Site detailing post-Katrina status and news

Poppy Z Brite
A web journal from a fascinating lady in New Orleans.

Hurricane Archive dot org
Many pictures from post Hurricane Katrina

The Survival of New Orleans blog...
Many pictures and blow by blow telling of surviving Katrina and the aftermath in a New Orleans highrise.

click here to watch an incredible photo montage
of Hurricane Katrina done to 'Wake Me Up When September Ends' - very appropriate

Click here for a New Orleans' blog that is down to earth

Click here for Post Katrina photos of the
Gulfport-Biloxi area

Charley Varley is a British photographer who's creating Disaster and Recovery: A Year in the Life of New Orleans: A photographic journal of New Orleans from the day Hurricane Katrina devastated the city
Excellent pix!! Thanks, Charley!

Flood and Loathing,

a New Orleans blog detailing PK life in the Big Easy

Surviving Katrina in Pascagoula, Mississippi

good reading here, detailing what it's like to put your life back together after your house takes on 8 feet of water

Katrina Images
Over 2,000 photos of her wrath

Here is a link to pictures taken in Mississippi following Katrina


New Orleans Site containing a group of bloggers detailing daily life in a post-Katrina world.


>Video of Katrina coming ashore in Gulfport, MS

Katrina Timeline (very interesting reading)
There are video collages of Katrina at this site

A Baton Rouge blogger details recovery from Katrina.

Post Katrina news and experiences.

Click here for an excellent commentary on rebuilding New Orleans while working around the racial tensions

Dancing With Katrina - a Gulf Coast blogger...great writing/awesome pictures


That's a billboard, bent by the winds


Those familiar with Slidell will mourn the loss of this wonderful Italian restaurant.

Lakeview, a residential section in New Orleans, was inundated when the levees broke.
Click here for photos of the flooding

80-90 percent of the houses in Katrina's path had roof damage, as evidenced by this picture.

Check out the waterlines on those homes in New Orleans

on a New Orleans Levee


Bayou Labatra outside of Mobile.




In New Orleans.


grounded barges.

Grounded ships.


What's left of City Hall.


Sad Lighthouse.

Here is a link to an awesome weblog detailing a family's struggle to recover from Katrina's wrath in Pearlington, Mississippi (Operation Eden)

What's left of Our Lady of Lourdes Church

Thanking all those wonderful people who helped the area after Katrina.


Gulfport took on an almost 30 foot storm surge. The power of water is stunning.


The storm surge ruined the railroad tracks.


Slidell's main thoroughfare - Gause Blvd - took quite a beating.


I-10, Gulfport, Mississippi

SLIDELL'S NORTHSHORE (south of Slidell)

Surrounded by water, this section of town received massive damage. I commute through here on a daily basis and have witnessed the progress in the last ten months.

I think that the building way back in the picture once stood on the other side of the bayou, where what's left of the foundation sits.

This camp was blown off it's pilings just to the edge of Hwy. 11

This place knew Katrina's wrath. Note the cooler on what used to be the roof

What's left of Deepsouth Seafood. Used to be a big warehouse. The owners' home is gone also. Lately, they've had their refrigerated trucks parked here, so it looks good, as if they'll return.

Northshore a few weeks after the storm. The cleanup job is enormous.

Heck's Place. Note the grass on the roof. This came in with the storm surge.

Every other home in Northshore looked like this after Katrina.

Wonder how this place made it?

On August 28th, this tree was all green. The storm surge shocked it. This is typical of most trees in the hurricane's path.

Slidell's mountain range of trash. Taken about three weeks after the storm, most of this has been taken away.

Washers, dryers, refrigerators. No appliance on the Northshore was spared

Wind damaged mailbox in Northshore

I-10 in Slidell
That boat was washed in from Lake Pontchartrain, about 3 miles away.

The power of winds

Katrina's winds bent this billboard, as it did to many, many pole pines


This bridge was washed out during Katrina's passing.


The bridge that connects Lake Catherine with New Orleans. It runs on Hwy. 90, which was badly damaged by the storm surge.

Update April 20: U.S. 90 bridge work drags on
Workers will need an additional three months and $1.5 million to repair the last broken section of the U.S. highway that links New Orleans to the Mississippi Gulf Coast.

VENETIAN ISLES IS RECOVERING Click here for the story


This was seen in a hard-hit area in Slidell.

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I lucked only loss was the top of the cypress tree on the side of my house.


One of the BEST places for crabmeat au gratin.... Ain't there no more. :(

They said they were returning in the spring of 2006,
but this is how it looked on March 10th

Captain Humble's is reopening soon on Pontchartrain Drive, right by Slidell Hardware. Glad you're comin' back, Cap!!


Right after Katrina passed thru, the only way to communicate was thru home made signs...usually spray painted on the boards that we used to protect our windows from storm debris. It proved to be very effective. Here are some humorous and sometimes poignent signs seen in the Katrina area

Wondering what's happened to all those refrigerators? Click here

Debris Art

Click here to read an interview with the man who wrote "Heart Like Water", Joshua Clark.

Speaking of hell, this place has been there and back in the wake of Katrina.

But we're slowly rebuilding. South Slidell was especially affected and will take a little longer. But it's looking better every day. Pray for us.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank some of the devoted people (in no particular order) who are working round the clock in this area trying to get us back to "normal" (which will never be the same again):

* Mayor Ben Morris
* Slidell & St. Tammany Parish employees
* Bellsouth
* Acadian Ambulance
* The Slidell Police & Fire Departments
* Asplundh (how DO you prounounce that name?)
* Heart to Heart International
* Leake Oil Co, St. Francisville
* Lifeguard Air/Ground Ambulance
* Police Departments from:
- Lake County, Indiana
- Marion, Indiana
- Inkster, Michigan
- Craddock Hills, Pennsylvania
- Hammond, Indiana
- Roswell, Georgia
- Iowa, Louisiana
- Houston, Texas
- Fort Worth, Texas
- Dickinson, Texas
- Shereville, Indiana
- Galveston County, Texas Sheriff's Dept
- Franklin County, Texas Sheriff's Dept
- Montgomery County Constable
* Red Cross (get better organized, guys!)
* The Salvation Army
* Operation Blessing International
* The U.S. Marines (hoo-ah!)
* Pike Electric, Mt. Airy, NC
* The U.S. Army
* Piney Volunteer F.D.
* Atmos Energy
* The National Guards from all over
* Progress Energy, Raleigh, NC
* Lewis Tree Service, Rochester, NY
* Haynes Electric, Asheville, NC
* OPPD, Omaha, NB
* Noah's Wish (Pet Rescuers)
* Walmart & Sams Club
* United Radio Broadcasting of New Orleans

as of July '06, many boats are still orphans due to katrina. Click here for the documentary.


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The Times Picayune database and profiles of lives lost due to Katrina.

As of August 2, 2006, bodies are still being found.... this blog mirrors our disgust with the people "in charge" who should have done this months ago
here's the link to the August 2nd finding

Other Pieces of this Website

Thanks, Katrina
My blog helping me deal with my Post K feelings

Venetian Isles & Lake Catherine
Following their recovery post Katrina

New webpage!!!
Inspired by New Orleans Mayor C. Ray Nagin. This link will take you there

The Tammany Trace Pictures
Pictures of scenes from the Tammany Trace, a 31 mile rails-to-trails bikepath I love biking on

Dauphin Island
Pictures from the little piece of paradise we experience once a year

Go back to the main page

A Woman's Retreat
A place I've set up to celebrate women

A tribute to children
They grow so fast!! I've created this page to remember how sweet and pure children really are.

Need some inspiration? Go here
Writings that have inspired me and help me when I'm feeling blue

My Quit Smoking Links
Links to places I've found that have helped me "keep the quit" for over 10 years now.....

Herb/vitamin page
Information on the nutritional and medicinal uses for a variety of herbs. Links, too

My page dedicated to pets
Readings to help you deal with the grief of losing a pet and other thought provoking pet stuff

Patriotic thoughts
Something I started right after 9-11-01 and want to continue to add to...

Bayou Liberty
Pictures from the scenic Bayou Liberty, near Slidell

My favorite quotes
Quotes from all over about all aspects of life


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