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Dauphin Island

This rig was originally off the coast of Louisiana, pre Katrina.

Welcome to our Dauphin Island Page

Dauphin Island is a barrier island off the Alabama Gulf is an absolute paradise! Here are pictures we took Thanksgiving week of 2003...Looks like Katrina has taken half of the island no future Thanksgivings are planned.....sigh

Click here for an info page on Dauphin Island if you're interested in finding out more

Dauphin Island Storm Pictures
Fantastic pictures taken on D.I. of the gulf and skies

Click here for a Dauphin Island photo album, which contains post-Katrina photos

All photos copyright, Judyb & Billy Thorne

We were there for seven days and ~every evening~ presented a unique, breathtaking sunset......

Thoughts from another Dauphin Island lover, this sums up the total experience of the island:

We see the sand and hear the rumble of the waves and feel the rush of the ocean breeze across our faces and we realize that the earth, the stars, that life itself transcends our brief time here. That's what Dauphin Island brings to us. It is our connection to true reality. It is the whisper of God on the breeze telling us that these are here for us to enjoy. That our troubles will melt away with time and that as surely as the tide rises and the winds blow, the island will greet another day, and if we're fortunate, so too shall we.

We stayed at Estes House on Taos Court in '03. Due to the devastation from Hurricane Ivan on the west end of the island, our accomodations this year will be at Shore Thing, on President Jefferson....

The Colors of Dauphin Island

We slept through all but one sunrise: our last day there


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Other Pieces of this Website

Hurricane Katrina Aftermath
Various photos detailing the after affects of Hurricane Katrina

Pictures of My Bayou
Pictures of the beautiful Bayou Liberty and surrounding areas. Updated March 29th '04

Pictures along the Tammany Trace
Pictures from our numerous bike trips through the Tammany Trace, a 31 mile rails-to-trails bike path in St. Tammany Parish

A Woman's Retreat
A place I've set up to celebrate women

A tribute to children
They grow so fast!! I've created this page to remember how sweet and pure children really are.

Need some inspiration? Go here
Writings that have inspired me and help me when I'm feeling blue

My Quit Smoking Links
Links to places I've found that have helped me "keep the quit" for over 12 years now!!!!!!

Herb/vitamin page
Information on the nutritional and medicinal uses for a variety of herbs. Links, too

My page dedicated to pets
Readings to help you deal with the grief of losing a pet and other thought provoking pet stuff

L i n k s !
My eclectic links.....

My favorite quotes
Quotes from all over about all aspects of life

Patriotic thoughts
Something I started right after 9-11-01 and want to continue to add to...

Main Page
go back to main page


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