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Another Palladium Site???

Palladium Web Ring This Palladium Web Ring site is owned by ___Chris___.

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This Ring of RIFTS site is owned by Chris.
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7/4/01 - Happy Independence Day Peeps! Well, I've been a bit lacking on my site here, but I'm going to add some here today. A new piece of equipment, new monster & some definate tweaking on the ol' Archon O.C.C. I've been doing some real comparison checks between Fantasy Palladium & Rifts & well...the power scale is a bit more than I was first led to believe.

In other news...sometime in the next couple months here, this site will be split. I don't know if I'm going to just really hack it up into two sections or just make a second site completely. At any rate, one will be for Fantasy Palladium & the other for Rifts. So that's another thing to anticipate.

Another cool thing is that my brother Shane has gotten hold of a scanner. Not a large scanner, but one none-the-less. So hopefully I can start making some illustrations to start going w/ this stuff. Don't worry, my drawing exceeds mere stick figures. It exceeds most Palladium artists, "ahem", but we won't go back into that one. I can also use it to start uploading some maps of Zanzabar. Now you can have an idea of where you're going. Cool, no?

As always, I am STILL in need of online gamers here people. I know people check out this site, but hardly any of you ever write. I mean, joining our online gaming group is not a prerequisite of dropping me an e-mail & letting me know what you think of the site. So give me a yell. Tell me what you like, what you don't like, what you'd like to see. Just click letter.

Revised Archon O.C.C.
A Bit More On Zanzabar

Bio-Regenative, Thermal-Optic Suit
Dark Knights
Fantasy Palladium Campaign
...And At Long Last The Archon O.C.C. Is Done!!!

Palladium Optional Rules

Optional Rules Page 1
Optional Rules Page 2
Optional Rules Page 3
Optional Rules Page 4

Palladium Accessories

New Weapons, Armor & Equipment
New O.C.C.s & R.C.C.s
New Monsters & Critters

Adventure, Campaign Material & More...

Adventure: Staves Of Gating
Palladium Legal Disclaimer
Fantasy Palladium Adventures