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Palladium Optional Rules

The Rule Of Five

This new rule will have dramatic effects on the old, ho-hum Palladium system. This particular rule better reflects the realism of weapons, in that one shot could kill you. The Rule of "5" is properly named due to the five point increments of the system. It works as follow, for every five places the attackers roll exceeds the defenders, the damage multiplier is taken up one stage. The examples below will better illustrate:

The Rule of "5" should only be used on direct fire weapons. Like lasers, rifles, etc. Do NOT use this rule on missiles or grenades. This has been play tested & using this rule w/ indirect weapons proved...well...messy.

Example 1: Attackers Modified Roll = 15
Defenders Modified Roll = 11

Since the difference of the two rolls is 4, the
attacker hits with normal damage, no multiplier.

Example 2: Attackers Modified Roll = 18
Defenders Modified Roll = 11

Since the difference of the two rolls is 7, the
attacker hits with double damage.

Example 3: Attackers Modified Roll = 24
Defenders Modified Roll = 11

Since the difference of the two rolls is 13, the
attacker hits with triple damage.

Example 4: Attackers Modified Roll = 26
Defenders Modified Roll = 1

Since one is a "critical failure", the roll is
considered a "0" & all bonuses are dropped.
Therefore, the difference is 26 which ends up
being a multiplier of x6 DAMAGE!!!

Called Shots

There are two different sets of Called Shot rules. One pertains to Mecha & Vehicles (anything with located MDC or SDC) & the other to characters. In other words, characters don't have "X" amount of hit points in there arm, leg, etc. They have a set number of HP & SDC. Where as Mecha & Vehicles have listed locations of MDC or SDC.

If you're making a Called Shot on Mecha or Vehicles, you have a -5 penalty to strike roll. If you miss (modified 9 or less) or are dodged, you take no damage. If you hit, you use The Rule of "5" as normal.

Example: The attacker aims at the head. The GM informs him of his -5 to hit. The players normal bonuses to strike are +5, that along with the penanlty makes his modifier 0. He rolls a 16 & his defender, a modified 10. The attacker succeeds with a difference of 6, x2 damage.

Now, if you're making a called shot on a human character (& most aliens) the rules are quite different. You have a -5 to hit arms & legs. You have a -10 to the head & vitals. Anything super specific like the throat, eye, etc...will be at a -15 penalty. Now these rolls are still subject to The Rule of "5", but get the following additional multipliers:

LOCATION: MULTIPLIER: Head & Vitals +3 to multiplier Arms & Legs +2 to multiplier Throat, eye, etc. +4 to multiplier

NOTE: The following examples do include the strike penalty in the "modified" roll.

Example 1: The attacker aims at the defenders head.

Attackers Modified Roll = 16
Defenders Modified Roll = 10

Since the attackers roll exceeds the defenders by 6, the attacker hits the head for x4 damage!!!

Example 2: The attacker aims at the defenders left leg.

Attackers Modified Roll = 12
Defenders Modified Roll = 9

Since the attackers roll exceeds the defenders by 3, the defender is hit in the arm for x2 damage.

Example 3: The attacker aims at the defenders right eye.

Attackers Modified Roll: 25
Defenders Modified Roll: 13

Since the attackers roll exceeds the defenders by 12, the defender is struck in the eye for x6 DAMAGE!!! "He's dead Jim."

NOTE: Missiles CANNOT be used to aim at specific regions.

Critical Strike

This section won't be a very long one...heehee. The critical strike rule is more of an abstract rule now, much like the critical failure rule. A natural 20 no longer causes double damage, but is an automatic hit for at least normal damage. However, a natural 20 may cause a critical electrical boo-boo in power armor or knock a character on his butt.