50 Things To Do With A Spike Doll (Besides *AHEM*)

1.  Well, you know...

2.  Take it to bed with you (Get your minds out of the gutter!), and cuddle like a teddy bear.

3.  Make it beat up your Angel doll.  (Or any other character you don't like)

4.  Have it watch while you slice&dice/boil/burn/feed to your dog the Angel doll.

5.  Let it play with railroad spikes. (You know, the paper clips you broke up and let rust)

6.  Make it use the paper clips/railroad spikes to stick holes in the said Angel doll. (or whatever doll you don't like)

7.  Have it shag with whatever character you like.

8.  Have it shag with a doll that looks strangely like you.

9.  Make a house for it out of lettuce with a spork fence.

10. Check to see whether it'd look good with briefs or boxers.

11. Decide it does look best in none.

12. Make it go after your little brother when he sticks one of your other dolls in the vent or some other equally dire situation, like into one of those large blow-up toys.   ("Dad!  Xander's stuck in Godzilla's butt!")

13. Take pictures of the doll to put on your Christmas cards.

14. Put it up to ward off Angel crap and other bad things.

15. Kidnap Joss and use it to bonk him in the head for all the mean Jossy things he's done.

16. Cuddle it while writing Spikefic for inspiration.

17. Have it show Ken who *really* has the biggest wrinklies.

18. Try different clothes on it-- leather vs. fatigues.

19. Then decide you like "none of the above" best.

20. Use it in a voodoo spell to make JM appear at your door, infatuated with you.

21. Scan a pic of it, then make a barbie of yourself, scan that pic, and combine it to make a "cute couple"

22. Put Aunt Ida's red punch to a different use: feeding your Spike doll!

23. Make an alter and worship it.

24. Practice your Spike accent by talking as the doll.

25. Put in in doctor's clothes and have it do surgery on Barbie.  The boobs *can't* be real.

26. Repeat the procedure with using the Buffy doll instead of Barbie.

27. Be your own psychic by asking the doll questions and nodding as though you could hear him speak.

28. When you tire of watching Buffy reruns, take the Spike doll and rewrite Lovers Walk to suit you.

29. Then rewrite the whole series and make it "The Spike Show."  You know better than Joss.  He only created it.

30. Have it attack people that dare eat *gasp* lettuce.

31. Look at it's eye color and then yell at the manufacturers for not getting that perfect shade of blue-grey.

32. Try to get your boyfriend to dress like Spike and bring the doll to the stores to show him what to get.

33. Use it to bonk people in the head when they diss you for having a crush on a doll.

34. Say it's a magick doll that will curse people if they say Spike is a stupid name. (Who cares if Snoopy's brother is "Spike" too?  He's one cool dog!)

35. Have it take a bath with you to see if it floats.  (Okay, so that's just another reason to undress it...)

36. Recreate the Creation Story with Spike and Dru dolls using lettuce instead of leaves.

37. Compete it with your little sister's Ken doll-- who looks sexier in leather pants?

38. Then decapitate the loser.  (You know Spike's gonna win!)

39. When people ask "Who is Spike?" whip out the doll for a complete introduction.

40. Use it to bonk your little brother in the head when he throws it in the washing machine to see if it can swim.

41. Bonk said brother in the head with it when he ties up one of your other dolls to a chair with your bra. (if you're a girl, that is)

42. Use it scare your grandma when she compains about "those darn teenagers of today"

43. Bring it to dances when you don't have a date.

44. Use it for comfort after a bad break up.

45. Use it for comfort anytime you want.

46. Threaten your boyfriend with it when he acts Angel-y.

47. Tell that dorky date that it's been fun, but you have your William waiting at home.

48. Tell people they haven't seen anything until they've seen Spike in a turquoise bikini.

49. Use it to cuddle while watching Spikey eps and listening to Spikey music then tuck it in bed with you and have lovely Spikey dreams.

50. Make a list of things to do with your Spike doll!

Have Snyder doll for lunch
Use as a hood ornament, rearveiw mirror, or radio antenna decoration for your car
Have it steal the Angel doll's hair care products (the flat hair will drive him nutz)

If you have any more post on the lovely board 0;-)

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