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Anna's Nexus HomePage

Hey, welcome to my little corner of the Nexus! Feel free to look around, have some donuts or chocolate chip cookies or some nice, hot tea and meet the characters. Of course, I'm not the player of everybody on Nexus, nor would I want to be! But, if you want to learn more about just my little group, feel free to click on their names.

There's Stryck, S'orn, Vixen, Mithril, Sera, Quinn the Eskimo, and Trouble, so far, with more appearing all the time. :)

You may have some questions about some of the things you read.. like..

Who are the Plane Hoppers?
What's a G'Ryth?
Who are the Psionic Knights?
And what's Nexus, anyway?
How can I join?

The Nexus Code
List of threads
You know you're addicted to a mailing list when...


The official Nexus homepage- with bios
Eodrakken's Nexus Page
Serena's Lair
Jeff Wilson's RPG page
Brood and Purrzah's Crystal Mountain
Caer Lleu Enaid- Home of a light soul
John's Nexus Page
Sara's Nexus Homepage
Zephyr's page
Uncle Figgy's Realm

SettingsMisc. links
The Ring: A settingThe FAQ
Daedalus: A settingUncle Figgy's Guide to Good Game Mastering!
Thunder Island: A setting
Dead Life: A settingAnna's more normal page
