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Friday, 16 September 2011
Peace Principles...
Topic: Peace

   Peace-- its why I'm even here on the web. Its why I do anything other than the daily grind. I have hope that we can all (me too!0 awaken to what we need to do, and the vital urgency of doing all we can to heal this planet. 
          In that hope I am posting this.  

 Quite impractical, you might say. But building foundations doesn't always show immediate results.
  Its a process, and we can all be part of it right now. So here we go...
Principles for Peace:

Independent investigation of reality; Banishment of all prejudice.

 The Oneness of the world of humanity;

The Oneness of the foundation of all religions.

 The unity of science and religion.

 A universal auxiliary language; Universal education; Equality of the sexes.

 A Social Plan for Justice: The parliament of the human family;

 Action and a Plan for Universal peace.  

  From the Baha’i Scriptures

Posted by hi5/unite at 2:56 PM HDT
Updated: Monday, 19 August 2013 9:28 AM HDT
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Friday, 12 August 2011
The Mirror's Face
Topic: Recovery


The Person In The Glass

When you get what you want in your struggle for self
And the world makes you prize for a day,
Just go to a mirror and look at yourself,
And see what THAT person has to say.

For it isn't your father, mother, husband, or wife
Whose judgment you must pass;
The person whose verdict counts most in your life
Is the one staring back from the glass.

Some people may think you a straight-shooin' gal
Or call you a wonderful guy,
But the person in the glass says you're only a bum
If you can't look them straight in the eye.

This is the one you must please, forget all the rest
For the one in the glass is with you right up to the end,
And you've passed your most dangerous, difficult test
If that person you see is your friend.

You may fool the whole world down the pathway of years
And get pats on the back as you pass,
But your final reward will be heartaches and tears
If you've cheated the face in the glass.

Author Unknown 


Posted by hi5/unite at 8:14 AM HDT
Updated: Monday, 19 August 2013 9:29 AM HDT
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Friday, 29 July 2011
water is good for you
Topic: Water

Is Your Water Safe to Drink?

By Bradley SaulCreated 2010-05-26 14:01

Is Your Water Safe to Drink?

Author: Dr. Alan Goldhamer [1]

 In 1989, Congress struck a blow to the Safe Drinking Water Act when it stipulated that public drinking water supplies must be made available "economically." This requirement meant that standards involving contaminants must consider not only the quantity of contamination but also the cost of removing contaminants.

When drinking water is declared "safe," it means only that the water's purity meets government standards. Now that the requirement of "economy" has been thrust into the drinking water safety equation, it is questionable whether we can count on government standards to protect our health.

In 1986, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency estimated that some 40 million Americans were using drinking water containing potentially hazardous levels of lead. Acute lead poisoning can cause severe brain damage and even death. Effects of chronic, low level lead exposure are subtle, and infants and children are most vulnerable. Learning disabilities and hyperactivity have been associated with lead exposure, as have increased blood pressure, stroke, loss of hearing, chronic anemia, nerve damage and infertility.

Current government standards permit 50 ppb (parts per billion) of lead in drinking water. A stricter standard of 7.5 ppb has been recommended, but it is estimated that it would cost $5 billion to accomplish this. To reduce the lead in public water to 5 ppb would cost an estimated $21 billion.

Is it worth the cost?

There is no "safe" level of lead in drinking water. And keep in mind that the government's 50 ppb standard only applies to water as it enters your house, not how it comes out of your tap.

Most lead enters the water from home plumbing. Plumbing installed before 1930 most likely includes lead pipes. Even in homes built more recently; the solder used to connect copper pipes may contain lead.

Unfortunately, lead is merely one of the possible contaminants in your water. Testing by an independent laboratory may disclose that there are unacceptable levels of other toxins. Fortunately, there are various methods of home water treatment available for specific problems.

follow the links for more, or check out http://AtYourTap.com

 Source URL: http://www.healthpromoting.com/Articles/articles/water.htmLinks:
[1] http://www.healthpromoting.com/doctors/dr-alan-goldhamer
[2] http://www.healthpromoting.com/category/article-topics/environmental-health
[3] http://www.healthpromoting.com/category/article-topics/health
[4] http://www.healthpromoting.com/category/article-topics/water
[5] http://www.healthpromoting.com/category/article-topics/water-safety


Posted by hi5/unite at 12:01 AM HDT
Updated: Sunday, 11 March 2012 8:16 AM HST
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Monday, 18 July 2011
water 2
Topic: Water

Is Your Water Safe to Drink?

By Bradley SaulCreated 2010-05-26 14:01

Is Your Water Safe to Drink?/

Part 2


Author: Dr. Alan Goldhamer [1]


There is no "safe" level of lead in drinking water. And keep in mind that the government's 50 ppb standard only applies to water as it enters your house, not how it comes out of your tap.

Water contaminants

There are five principal groups of water contaminants: 1) particulate, which includes particles of rust, dirt and sediment; 2) dissolved inorganics, including heavy metals (mercury, lead, chromium, silver, etc.), and asbestos; 3) organics, which include calcium and magnesium carbonates, the components that make water "hard," and nitrates, chemical solvents, pesticide residues, and industrial pollutants; 4) radiological contaminants, both natural and industrial, such as radon and radium; and 5) biological pathogens, including bacteria, viruses and protozoa.

is a particulate. Particles of it can enter the water from home plumbing. Plumbing installed before 1930 most likely includes lead pipes. Even in homes built more recently; the solder used to connect copper pipes may contain lead.

Unfortunately, lead is merely one of the possible contaminants in your water. Testing by an independent laboratory may disclose that there are unacceptable levels of other toxins. Fortunately, there are various methods of home water treatment available for specific problems.


Problems associated with the particulate category involve mainly appearance, smell and taste. Particulates can be removed with simple filters. Filters are inexpensive and are made from fabric such as cotton, wool or fiberglass. Filters are effective only against larger particles. They are ineffective against dissolved toxic chemicals.

Dissolved inorganics

Dissolved inorganics are a very serious problem, especially lead, as previously discussed. However, another major inorganic pollutant is nitrate. Nitrate contamination occurs mainly in groundwater, especially in agricultural areas. Chemical fertilizers and manure from animals are particularly concentrated sources. The danger is particularly great for children. Nitrates are converted to nitrites in the digestive tract, and nitrites interfere with the ability of blood to carry oxygen, which can result in brain damage and death.


Dissolved organics include some serious problems. Many public water supplies contain low levels of organic compounds created as byproducts of water chlorination. Although these compounds are highly toxic, they are justified as acceptable because of the effect that chlorination has on microorganisms. Pesticides, industrial effluent, and hazardous waste sites are other sources of organic pollutants. These chemicals are associated with liver, kidney, and nervous system damage, and possibly cancer.

Dissolved organics include some harmless, although annoying, chemicals such as calcium and magnesium carbonates. These may leave deposits on sinks and tubs, and they may interfere with the effectiveness of soap. From a nutritional viewpoint, these minerals are present in extremely small amounts, and, even if fully absorbed, would contribute little nutritional benefit.

Radiological contaminants

Radiological contaminants, such as uranium, radium and radon, occur naturally in various parts of the country. The most serious effects of radiation exposure include birth defects and cancer.

Biological pathogens

Biological pathogens, such as viruses, bacteria and protozoa, are uncommon in public water supplies due to chlorination. But some organisms are becoming resistant to chlorine, and this may become more of a problem in the future.

follow the links for more, or check out http://AtYourTap.com

 Source URL: http://www.healthpromoting.com/Articles/articles/water.htmLinks:
[1] http://www.healthpromoting.com/doctors/dr-alan-goldhamer
[2] http://www.healthpromoting.com/category/article-topics/environmental-health
[3] http://www.healthpromoting.com/category/article-topics/health
[4] http://www.healthpromoting.com/category/article-topics/water
[5] http://www.healthpromoting.com/category/article-topics/water-safety


Posted by hi5/unite at 12:01 AM HDT
Updated: Monday, 19 August 2013 9:31 AM HDT
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Saturday, 2 July 2011
Topic: Virtues

      Meditation clears & settles my mind.

    When I fail to meditate, my day seems empty, I am frazzled, and something just doesn't feel right. On the other hand, when I take the time - especially when I do it BEFORE I jump into activities, my day runs smoother, and I can handle that which seems too overwhelming when I try to carry the load myself.    

    For many of us, being still and sitting quietly are difficult and painful at first. The practice of letting go of the constant chatter in our heads can lead to a gradually evolving peace of mind. This serenity is a soothing, Meditation lets me experience myself in letting go of the small things of life,  insulates me from fears, insecurities, resentments or compulsivity. Renewed, I move back into my day in a more balanced way.

  Meditation helps me work through negative attitudes, like anger or other misconnections.

"Avoid anger as you would a lion", Ab'dul Baha said.

  “Realize that even though your opponents appear to be harming you, in the end their destructive activity will damage only themselves. In order to check your own selfish impulse to retaliate, recall your desire to practice compassion. Retaliation based on the blind energy of anger seldom hits the target.” -Dalai Lama


connection with a Higher Power, whom I may call God, settles me.

Posted by hi5/unite at 4:18 AM HDT
Updated: Monday, 19 August 2013 9:32 AM HDT
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Monday, 27 June 2011

Posted by hi5/unite at 2:36 PM HDT
Updated: Sunday, 11 March 2012 8:32 AM HST
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For Our World
Now Playing: peace Spirit &investigation
Topic: Our World

<html><body> <table> <table border="1" cellspacing="30"><tr>  <td>     

Friends, Have u seen my Heart’s Awaken website?

Exploring Transformation -- Healing Ourselves & Our World   

                      Seeking Peace, the crying need of our time—      will likely require "Something More" than mere human power-- 

 We need no less than the Greatest Power on earth... To find that Greatest Power, we need truth as our Foundation… 

              Personal Investigation of truth is a powerful key* for our lives and the lives of humanity...

              Spirit- (Heart) Connection increases power when it is based on reason. This Connection influences the political realm...

             For that we need Open Investigation-- 

         The Awakening of every Heart Can Transform our World  For the needs of Peace....


   "A religion or way of thinking" can help, but it must be based on reason & in harmony with science --


This could be vital in meeting the needs of our world... 


 Spirit's faith-- or religion --

has great power for unity having shaped civilization and great transformation... 

We can reclaim the power of the Faiths for their true purpose-- the re-uniting and advancement of humanity  Without unity, neither justice nor peace can be achieved... *¹The misunderstandings of religion must be de-bunked, for spiritual alienation has deprived us of this powerful force.

   When Unity is attached to Spirit its circle can widen to embrace the whole Earth...     </td></tr>   <tr></table> </body></html> 

Posted by hi5/unite at 2:27 PM HDT
Updated: Monday, 27 June 2011 2:32 PM HDT
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Thursday, 21 April 2011
The brain: Master of illusion
Mood:  incredulous
Topic: The Brain
<html><body> <table> <table border="1" cellspacing="30"><tr>  <td>    <pre>


More from the Brain Workshop! 


    Do you know that the brain is a master of illusion?   


  Take the faculty of vision, for example.  What we see with our physical eye is actually backwards & upside down as well as being inaccurate in about 25 other ways. The brain has to “edit” or turn it around and fill in bits so that we can function on the world.  Like the blind spot on the retina that we “fill in” with made –up stuff that is conjectured from the other parts of the picture that we can see.  We “fool ourselves” in other ways, like in experiencing events as simultaneous that our brain is registers as juxtaposed—the time lag in way nerves register things.  It’s amazing the things the brain has to coordinate to keep us functioning; about 200 or 2000 factors working in concert just for ONE simple connection.


        Memory is very selective— what is remembered depends on how a question is asked. Current experiences are generally over-rated, while those from the past are under-rated. As for events of high emotional impact, it is remembered that they happened, but not the details. The intensity of both good & bad memories fades with time.   

   This is amazing—and not so different than what I already suspected—that we are very suggestible beings.  People’s memories are found to be very inaccurate, and how accurate a person thinks their memory is tells you nothing about how accurate the memories actually <i>aren't</i>, I might add...

Posted by hi5/unite at 7:52 PM HDT
Updated: Monday, 27 June 2011 2:17 PM HDT
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Wednesday, 30 March 2011
Brainy or not !!? Neuroscience & YOU
Mood:  bright
Topic: The Brain

 A Great Workshop! With Dr. Mark Olson Brain- Master & Neuro- scientist extraordinaire asks:

   Can a neuroscientist tell the difference between the brains of the Buddha and a violent criminal? 

 Answer: Yes! (Read on!)

Does “being enlightened” or “being saved” have an objective (measurable) neurological signature?   

   Answer: well, something like that…

 Could God use an MRI to decide who may enter heaven’s gates...or determine who is already there?J

     The Neuropsychology of Sex, Spirituality, and Society  Play/ Workshop  explores what science can reveal to us about the nature of who we are and what it means to ‘be spiritual.’ To some, spirituality equates with the possession of particular internal states of belief; to others, it equates to the attainment and maintenance of particular internal feelings (love, joy, bliss, etc); still others define it in terms of practice...internal and external actions in relation to one’s self, or external actions in relation to one’s environment and others. The neuropsychological basis for each of these is VERY different. I attended it & learned plenty!  

 Stay tuned for more stories from the playshop…

Posted by hi5/unite at 10:42 AM HDT
Updated: Wednesday, 30 March 2011 10:44 AM HDT
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Friday, 4 March 2011

Topic: Health
·        Hawaii residents most short of Z's - Hawaii News - Staradvertiser.com www.staradvertiser.com

Here's an eye-opener: 

 Hawaii is among the most sleep-deprived states, with many residents getting fewer than seven hours of slumber a day, according to the latest national survey by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The state topped the survey for sleep deprivation, the most adults who snore, unintentionally falling asleep during the day and nodding off or falling asleep while driving, said the Unhealthy Sleep-Related Behaviors report published yesterday on the CDC's website.

Local residents have to work harder than people in many other places because of the high cost of living, resulting in less time for rest, said Ford Shippey, a sleep medicine doctor at Sleep Center Hawaii and hospitalist at the Queen's Medical Center.

"A lot of people in Hawaii work more than one job or are working six to seven days a week," he said. "And there are many families with children where both parents work. That eats away at the time they're able to sleep. We're all overworked."

Posted by hi5/unite at 9:42 AM HST
Updated: Monday, 19 August 2013 9:33 AM HDT
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