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Wednesday, 30 March 2011
Brainy or not !!? Neuroscience & YOU
Mood:  bright
Topic: The Brain

 A Great Workshop! With Dr. Mark Olson Brain- Master & Neuro- scientist extraordinaire asks:

   Can a neuroscientist tell the difference between the brains of the Buddha and a violent criminal? 

 Answer: Yes! (Read on!)

Does “being enlightened” or “being saved” have an objective (measurable) neurological signature?   

   Answer: well, something like that…

 Could God use an MRI to decide who may enter heaven’s gates...or determine who is already there?J

     The Neuropsychology of Sex, Spirituality, and Society  Play/ Workshop  explores what science can reveal to us about the nature of who we are and what it means to ‘be spiritual.’ To some, spirituality equates with the possession of particular internal states of belief; to others, it equates to the attainment and maintenance of particular internal feelings (love, joy, bliss, etc); still others define it in terms of practice...internal and external actions in relation to one’s self, or external actions in relation to one’s environment and others. The neuropsychological basis for each of these is VERY different. I attended it & learned plenty!  

 Stay tuned for more stories from the playshop…

Posted by hi5/unite at 10:42 AM HDT
Updated: Wednesday, 30 March 2011 10:44 AM HDT
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