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Saturday, 2 July 2011
Topic: Virtues

      Meditation clears & settles my mind.

    When I fail to meditate, my day seems empty, I am frazzled, and something just doesn't feel right. On the other hand, when I take the time - especially when I do it BEFORE I jump into activities, my day runs smoother, and I can handle that which seems too overwhelming when I try to carry the load myself.    

    For many of us, being still and sitting quietly are difficult and painful at first. The practice of letting go of the constant chatter in our heads can lead to a gradually evolving peace of mind. This serenity is a soothing, Meditation lets me experience myself in letting go of the small things of life,  insulates me from fears, insecurities, resentments or compulsivity. Renewed, I move back into my day in a more balanced way.

  Meditation helps me work through negative attitudes, like anger or other misconnections.

"Avoid anger as you would a lion", Ab'dul Baha said.

  “Realize that even though your opponents appear to be harming you, in the end their destructive activity will damage only themselves. In order to check your own selfish impulse to retaliate, recall your desire to practice compassion. Retaliation based on the blind energy of anger seldom hits the target.” -Dalai Lama


connection with a Higher Power, whom I may call God, settles me.

Posted by hi5/unite at 4:18 AM HDT
Updated: Monday, 19 August 2013 9:32 AM HDT
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