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This lists all of the secrets/glitches found in the game. Feel free to submit your own. This section also includes fake codes, marked as fake. If the code is all in asteriks, it is fake, so don't try it. I test all codes before posting them! It's just too bad SMA isn't filled with than many secrets.

New Title Screen Decorations
Contributed by Webmaster
From completing SMB2, the title screen will now have a darker, brownish-colored sky. There will also be a Yoshi Egg on the hill beside the logo. If you get all 100 Ace Coins, the egg will turn red. If you get all 40 Yoshi Eggs, the egg will hatch into a red Yoshi (green if you didn't get all 100 Ace Coins). These are simply decorations; they have no use.
Mario Heads
Contributed by SuperJet3000
Every 2,000,000 points you get a Mario head appears at the top score at the file select, but you can only get 5 (9,999,000 pts. max) but it doesn't do anything.
Unlock Yoshi Challenge
Contributed by Webmaster
Complete SMB2 and you'll unlock a new mode. Select EXTRA on your file to play the Yoshi Challenge. There are two eggs hidden in every stage. They are hidden in Subspace. If you lose, you lose all of the eggs you have collected while playing. That's the challenge. It's difficult, but adds to the replay value!
Nothing Can Stop Pokey!
Contributed by Webmaster
Pokeys have the strange ability to walk right through any obstacles. This leads to glitches that still aren't fixed in SMA. Try it! Pokeys can walk through walls! Pokeys can even walk off ledges and walk right on mid-air! They don't fall! Try it yourself; it's interesting.
Odd Yoshi Eggs
Contributed by Blastoise321
Go to Yoshi Challenge mode and secect world 1-2. Pick up the first Yoshi egg. Instead of being in the first egg slot, it will be in the second egg slot.
Goodbye, Toad
Contributed by Lothar281
Before you start, make sure you have Toad. In world 2-3, pick up the second potion that you find, after that, fall down to the area below you, you should see a Tweeter, a Shy Guy, and a locked door. Drop the potion on the sand below you. After that, go in and dig! Make sure you hurry up and try to reach the bottom. Once you lift the last section of sand between you and the bottom. You will fall off the screen!
* Play as Yoshi *
Contributed by Webmaster
After getting all 100 Ace Coins and all 40 Yoshi Eggs, Yoshi will appear as a playable character.
99 Lives Instantly!
Contributed by Webmaster
Go to World 3-3. Once entering the dungeon, enter the upper-rightmost door. Inside, climb to the very top. The last grass patch is a shell. Carry it all the way back down. Stand on the left wall beside the hole with the door in it. Throw the shell in the hole. It will bounce back and forth repeatadily as Shy Guys fall in. The shell will keep defeating Shy Guys. After a while, each defeating Shy Guy will give you an extra life. Wait until you have 99 lives!
High Score Instantly!
Contributed by Webmaster
Go to World 6-3. Once entering the cave, climb up the second ladder and just hang there. Bob-ombs will begin to generate and walk around. They can't reach you, and once they explode, they'll defeat the other Bob-ombs resulting in larger points. Just hang there until you get a lot of points. This is the fastest method I have found for getting points fast, so far.
High Score Instantly! 2
Contributed by Lothar281
In world 7-2, go find the Birdo that doesn't say anything or give you anything. Defeat the Birdo and run back to the chain you climbed up with. Then go back to where the Birdo was and you will see another Birdo! You can keep on doing this to get as many points as you want. WEBMASTER ADDITION: This trick can also be done with the Birdo at the start of world 4-3.
High Score Instantly! 3
Contributed by Webmaster
The simplest and probably most effective method is to take Peach to world 4-2. At the very beginning, take out every Porcupo with her POW Block to get a ton of points and some extra lives right there. Then climb the vine and slide back down to revive the Porcupos and POW Block. Repeat.
Level Select
Contributed by Webmaster
Highlight your file and use Left or Right to go back to any stage you have already finished. If you use a Warp, you can play any stages you skipped! Warp locations can be found in my FAQ.
Quick Extra Life
Contributed by Lothar281
In world 7-1, go to the area where there are red Shy Guys coming out of the vase. Once you are there, pick up the Mushroom Block and place it one space away from the vase. Wait for a Shy Guy to come out and pick it up, next, stand on top of the Mushroom Block and wait as the Shy Guys come, if you followed the directions right, they will then fall into the pit between the Mushroom Block and the vase and be trapped. Once the vase stops producing Shy Guys, throw your Shy Guy into the others, this should give you enough points for one life. It is also affective if you throw it while you are standing right next to the Mushroom Block.
Mushroom Block Lock
Contributed by QuickManX
In the third screen of World 3-1 (the screen with the Pansers and the giant Shy Guy), pick up a Mushroom Block and carry it all the way to the door at the end of the screen. Position yourself where the door is (make sure you're under the part of the wall that blocks the top of the door), then throw the Mushroom Block. The Mushroom Block will get stuck in the door, and you won't be able to open it anymore!
Free Hearts
Contributed by Lothar281
Look for a giant Shy Guy. Jump on it, pick it up, then throw it on the ground again. A heart will come out for you to collect. You can do this an infinite number of times to the same giant Shy Guy, too. This is a great help at the beginning of stages when you only have one heart because many stages will have a giant Shy Guy at the beginning. WEBMASTER ADDITION: This trick also works with giant Ninji.

Send in your codes! Go to the Contribute section to find out how!

Mario, Luigi, and all related characters are trademarks of Nintendo of America. All rights reserved. I am in no way related to Nintendo.