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Western Europe

© 1999-2000 Imminent Storm of NEWST.

Chapter One: April, 2102

It took a while to finally secure what was once North America as we hunted the last few bands of marauders and the remnants of the New Paradigm and Collective. We decided that Europe would be the next logical place to go....

Chapter Two: August 21, 2102

The 3rd Armored Corps arrived early the next morning, bringing much needed firepower with it. But apart from occasional skirmishes and light VTOL raids, we saw no major attack for several days....

Chapter Three: Enter the FRA

The 12th Infantry Battalion departed at dusk on the 8th of September, to travel around Paris to the east and then north. They would hopefully find the force at Charles De Gualle Airport less hostile than our current enemy....

Chapter Four: To Know The Enemy

Paris seems to be a main command center for the enemy, so HQ has deemed the capture of Paris our top priority. Once our forces are together, we will assault to the west and attempt to take an enemy command post intact....

Chapter Five: Preparations

Analyses of the enemy's systems revealed a gold mine of secrets. But alarming news came on the 20th; we had to hit them hard and fast, or we would be toast....

Chapter Six: Battle

We had been working all night in preparation for this battle--we had to keep the enemy a good distance from the base. Our spotter VTOLs picked up that the enemy had managed to set up and secure a landing zone for transports 10 to 15 miles north of the base, so enemy reinforcements should be expected....

Chapter Seven: Intermission

With enemy reinforments coming, we had little time to come up with a plan to take out the enemy LZ. But when the enemy bugged out, so did we in order to get our own repairs and replacements; we knew the enemy was doing the same....

Chapter Eight: Operation Ice Breaker

We had no choice but to trust HQ and defend our position as long as possible; we were fighting for our lives north of Paris, completely unaware of what was about to happen....

Chapter Nine: Enemy Revealed

With enemy raiders making unending skirmishes along our flanks, the last thing in the world we needed was bad weather. But interrogation of the enemy soldiers yielded a wealth of information that had eluded us earlier in the campaign....

Chapter Ten: The European Dominion

The European Dominion was unlike any enemy we had faced so far. Things have fallen quiet along the border, but it's just a matter of time before we attack or get attacked....

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* Side Note: These chapter titles are un-official; they do not exist in the original copy.