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Western Europe

© 1999-2000 Imminent Storm of NEWST.

Chapter Two: August 21, 2102

The 3rd Armored Corps arrived early the next morning, bringing much needed firepower with it. With 3 Retaliation Half-Tracked groups of 25, armed with needle guns; 3 Retribution Hover groups of 30, each armed with various weapons; and 4 groups of 20 heavy Vengence Tracked units mounting our heaviest weaponry. We prepared to dig in; two groups of 5 Tiger hovertanks mounting SAMs and Flak guns took up station to cover the four trucks that came from VTOL attacks. Our first objective was to build a forward base to serve as a repair facility and Landing Zone for transports carrying replacements and reinforcements.

Apart from the occasional skirmishes between our scouts and theirs, and light VTOL raids, we saw no major attacks for several days. We finished the forward base rather quickly and set up VTOL rearming pads; these were for the VTOLs that had finally got here after much of the enemy AA was cleared out. We finally had some air cover.

The enemy was very well-equipped, possessing superior weapons and technology. We were reminded of that when one entire scout force of Retribution hovertanks was lost on the 2nd of September. The last images, transmitted before contact was lost, showed the same big red tanks we had encountered when we entered the city. There were, however, other tanks that were somewhat smaller and of a different design; but they still bore the same red coloring as their bigger brothers. These smaller tanks still outclassed even the Vengence tanks we had.

The decision to advance came on the 5th of September. We were currently located in the south-east portion of Paris. Our plan was to send 2 of our Heavy tank units north along the west bank of the Seine, with hover groups guarding our land flank; another hover group would go up the Seine itself and capture the island that once held the Notre-Dame Cathedral. Our hover trucks would then turn the island into a fortress of bunkers and hardpoints, and then build many Hellstorm Emplacements.

As we advanced, we met fierce resistance. Thanks to our air support, many enemy tanks fell victim to bombs and laser fire. When we reached the island, we found that many of the bridges accross the Seine were still intact enough for our tanks to cross. It seems that the enemy had the same idea--to use the island as an artillery platform. Shells began impacting all around us. But fortunately, our hovertanks were too fast to hit, and we captured the island by 12 noon the next day.

We crossed the river, but soon found ourselves pinned down by VTOL and artillery fire. Our commander ordered us to dig in until the island fortress was completed. So we waited; but still, no more enemy attacks came. They only prevented us from advancing further. We were expecting to see those huge red tanks roll out of the ruins at any moment, but it never came to pass.

Now that we were now inside the city, we noticed the sound of heavy artillery firing far off in the distance. Oddly enough, it wasn't directed at us. This led us to believe that another force was involved in this battle besides us and our enemy. This could explain the lack of attacks, because the enemy was concentrating on the other force. They would keep us pinned down until they finished their other battle (which was likely going on before we showed up), then they would come after us.

This was confirmed by Headquarters when they analyzed satillite image data received via an Uplink center recently re-activated in Madrid. It showed a large force fighting in the area of the Charles De Gaulle airport. A smaller section of this force had made its way to the northern section of the city, and was now engaged in a large battle with the same enemy we had faced. This fact gave HQ an idea. They would send the 12th Infantry Battalion around the east side of the city and then north to meet with this force. Then, if they are not hostile to us, we will attempt to join forces against this mysterious enemy.