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Western Europe

© 1999-2000 Imminent Storm of NEWST.

Chapter Four: To Know The Enemy

By now, a distinct front line had formed accross France with us on the west, and the enemy to the east. The line started in LeHavre in the north, then going down along the Seine to Paris. It continued southeast to Troyes, and then Dijon. After that, it went due south to Lyon, and then followed the Rhone river to Avignon. The front line ended at Marseille on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea.

Our other forces along the front were pinned down, much as we are here in Paris. Paris seems to be a main command center for the enemy, so HQ has deemed the capture of Paris our top priority. News of our alliance with the FRA was received very well at HQ, who saw a new opportunity. The plan would be to have the north Paris FRA force link up with our forces still pinned down at the Seine. This would give us a fortified corridor that would link us to the FRA command center in Charles De Gualle Airport. Also, this would give our VTOLs and transports a clear path in and out of the city. Once our forces are together, we will assault to the west towards an enemy command post. We will attempt to take the command post intact and analyze their systems to determine what, if any, relation they have with NEXUS.

On the 12th of September, we were ready to break out and link up with the FRA force. Word had been sent to the FRA's underground resistance members of the upcomming assault. They told us that they had a few surprides waiting for the enemy when we were ready to move out. Around daybreak, massive explosions rocked enemy positions and in the ensuing confusion, our units advanced. Our hovertanks raced forward and overtook several artillery nests before the enemy could respond. The FRA units did the same, swiftly overtaking enemy defences amid more explosions set off by the underground resistance.

Our two forces met up around noon that day, and we began fortifying the area. Our artillery on the Seine provided cover fire for the reinforcements that arrived for our next attack. The enemy command center was about 2 miles away; most of its defending units had already been knocked out by resistance members. We moved to attack right away while we still had the advantage. The enemy clearly wasn't prepared for our attack; they only had a few Dragon tanks and mostly Tigers and Pythons. With our Retaliation Hovertanks, we quickly surrounded the command center while the Vengence tracked units moved in to take out the defenses. By midnight, we had accomplished both objectives while only losing 8 to 9 units total.

When we began analyzing the enemy's systems, we found that most of them had been sabotaged by the enemy. However, we still found plenty of information to keep us occupied for weeks. The preliminary analysis in particular revealed some very informative and shocking information.