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Beer Reviews By Style

So you consider yourself an ale kinda guy, huh? Or perhaps lagers are the only brew you reach for.... Stouts? Pilsener or nothing at all? We here at the SBR can appreciate that, as each of us harbors (to some extent) a preference for one beer style over all others (we still try to be fair to all styles while reviewing, of course). This page will help you skip right to (in your opinion) the 'good stuff'. For simplicity's sake, we originally had all beers classified as either ales, lagers, stouts, or pilseners. More styles had to be added, though, as our reviews encompassed a greater variety of brews. The following list will continue to expand as we continue to broaden our tastings so as to provide you, the reader, with an ever-larger selection of reviewed beers. Enjoy!

Ales (112 beers reviewed)

Barleywines (6 beers reviewed)

Black & Tans (4 beers reviewed)

Bocks (7 beers reviewed)

Cask-Conditioned Beers (6 beers reviewed)

Lagers (43 beers reviewed)

Oktoberfests / Fest Beers (24 beers reviewed)

Pilseners (17 beers reviewed)

Porters (10 beers reviewed)

Stouts (19 beers reviewed)

Tripels (5 beers reviewed)

Weizens / Wheat Beers (24 beers reviewed)

Other Styles (6 beers reviewed)

For more information about the SBR, please contact Brewmeister G. All fermented contributions are cheerfully accepted.

Layout, design, & revisions © 2001, Brewmeister G
Revised -- 27 September 2003