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KI Detection.

Heres a bit about Ki detection/powerlevel detection.

Introduction To Ki

Before we begin, here's a quick introduction on what Ki is. Ki, in Dragon Ball, (And in real life mind you.) is energy which is in all living things. It surrounds you and grows with you. Now, by our real life standards, we can't produce energy blasts or fly or anything, (And don't even begin to think you can.) but by concentrating enough with our mind, we can do some pretty incredible stuff, such as breaking through brick and concrete blocks. How is that done? Not by brute strength alone, but by focusing and concentrating your mind, you can focus your energy and with the right steps, break the bricks. Now, for the love of God, do NOT run outside and try this. You need the right kind of practice and training for this and this is not something you can pick up right away.

But continuing on, now you know what Ki is. You now have a basic grasp on what real energy in life is and can begin to understand it. Now, in Dragon Ball, Ki is the same as the above, but through intense training, the characters have been able to harness their energy into balls of pure energy and use it for their own wishes. (Please note that I am not stating that you can, in time, learn how to produce Ki balls or anything. Come on, this is all fantasy. Don't be stupid and believe you can actually do any of the following.) They can even use it to fly. The benefits with being able to use Ki are limitless and the things the Dragon Ball Z characters learn are quite amazing and even pretty cool to watch in action. Now, let's begin on how Ki is sensed/picked up throughout the Dragon Ball series.


The earliest form known in Dragon Ball, which started with Goku. Since he had barely any real training, (And mainly because he was a Saiyan.) Goku didn't have any real Ki detections, but he could "feel" people out. They had to close by, since he couldn't detect anything really far away. This is shown in the village, which Oolong terrorized way back in the beginning of Dragon Ball. Goku told Bulma he could "sense" people nearby and knew they were hiding. This is Ki Detection in its earliest form and can be trained, which allows the user to sense Ki world wide, possibly even Universal.

Later on in Dragon Ball, after gaining training, most everyone had a better grasp on sensing Ki. They could now sense it far away and even be able to get a pretty good grasp on how strong a certain Ki is. Though it wasn't exact, it was basically an estimated guess. You either knew "Hey, that's a strong Ki. What could possibly be that strong?" or "Huh. I'm detecting alot of normal powers out there...nothing major though." They couldn't tell EXACTLY who had this Ki. An example is in the start of Dragon Ball Z, with Goku and Piccolo both being confused as to who had this insane amount of Ki. (It was Radditz, but Piccolo thought it to be Goku, while Goku was unsure to who it was.) As for everyone else, this applies to them as well.

Continuing into Dragon Ball Z, as training got harder and everyone grew stronger, sensing Ki became something very easy. They could now begin to figure out who held a Ki. Everyone could basically locate a Ki and go "Yeah...that's Goku alright" or something to that effect. They could now tell this, since sensing Ki had become something easy for them and because that Ki was familiar. Take for example when Goku tried to locate Krillin and Gohan once he arrived on Namek. He had to sense their Ki. He got it and instantly knew it was them and that they were in trouble, due to their Ki being almost gone. Another thing is they could now determine if this Ki was good or evil. This also applies that as Ki training continued, sensing Ki only added to the user's benefit.

As the series went on, everyone only continued to develop the ability to sense Ki and continued to even be able to sense Ki out in the Universe. Pretty good, eh? One interesting way sensing Ki can be used, is by means of Goku's Shunkan Idou (Instant Transmission.) technique. The user just has to lock onto someone's Ki and then they are able to teleport there. It's just another good reason that sensing Ki has over most of the other ways to detect Ki.


Early in the beginning of Dragon Ball Z, a strange device was used to instantly locate the strongest beings on Earth. This device was called a Scouter and was used by Radditz to locate Goku.

The using of a Scouter is in ways similar to sensing Ki, but it isn't the best. For example, the Scouter usually only picks up Kis when they are nearby or there is a fairly large increase in Ki. (Though using the Scouter manually allows the user to search for Kis.) An example is when Vegeta fights Kuwi on Namek and during their fight, Zarbon's Scouter goes off suddenly, monitoring the increase of Ki. This is also an example that sometimes the Scouters don't always pick this up, since Dodoria's doesn't go off, until he checks himself. (This could be my mistake, for if the Scouter is just turned off, then it couldn't pick up a power, but if it was turned on and put in standby, then that'd explain why some Scouters picked up Ki while others didn't.)

One pro thing about the Scouter, is that it shows an exact distance to where the Ki is and also information on the person being monitored, such as speed, power and possibly even movement. The Scouter, as seen with Frieza, can also be used to monitor attacks and even later giving information on how the attack is performed and how to do the attack. Since this is never shown for sure, nothing else can be stated.

One con about the Scouter would have to be its readings of Power Levels. Sure they can give numbers of the levels, but most races can vary their power to fit battle. Such is an example when Nappa scans Gohan, Piccolo and Krillin. Nappa thought the numbers were the real thing, except they were just random numbers of what all 3 had decided to increase their Ki to. This is what got Radditz killed, since he depended on the numbers too much and totally underestimated Goku and Piccolo, being shocked that Goku suddenly jumped from 416 to 924 and Piccolo from 408 to 1,330. If they had used the Scouters, they would've seen the numbers increasing and decreasing as they fought. But, since everyone except everyone from Earth, basically couldn't really hide their Power Level without effort, all the readings on the Scouters are as true as can be. (Such as a reading of Vegeta's Power Level when fighting Kuwi. It was really 24,000 and he wasn't hiding anything.)

The final downside to the Scouters was that if a Ki suddenly starting going insanely high way to fast, the Scouter would short circuit and explode. This happens many a times in Dragon Ball Z. Later on, Scouters are rendered useless, since alot of the fighters either learned to sense Ki (Such as Vegeta.) or they could hide their Power Levels. (Vegeta again.) Many different Scouters were seen throughout the Frieza Saga and they show that as newer models came out, new options and features also became available. (Take Frieza's special Scouter Jace brought him when the Ginyu Force arrived on Namek.) Newer models could handle higher Ki levels and could also provide information and even locate things other Scouters couldn't.

Over all, Scouters would only be good for maybe locating random powers around a planet and showing information on a person.

Android Sensors

Starting in the Android Saga, it is shown that Android #19 and #20 were both able to find and locate random powers anywhere they wished to. Much like how Scouters operated, these built in Sensors allowed for more to be done. Instead of just giving out a Power Level and some small information on a person, if the Androids had built in information on a person, they could find out anything they wished to on that person. Such is when Android #19 scanned Yamcha. It listed his name, address, height, weight and even a list of his special attacks.

Though the only downside to the Sensors would have to be, if they didn't have information on a person, they could only tell so much about them. Such is when Androids #17 and #18 both had no info on Trunks. They could see how strong he was, but they had no other info on him at all.

There are three types of Sensors that we see used with the Androids. Androids #19 and #20 use a more type of information based Sensor, while we see Androids #17 and #18 using a more analyzing/power reading (Not Power Level.) based Sensor. As for Android #16, he has a Power Level reading Sensor, along with a information type Sensor. It's not really known if each Sensor is different from the other or if they are the same and each Android only used a different way of using the Sensor. My guess is that since Androids #17 and #18 are different models than Androids #19 and #20, then they might have a better or different Sensor. Same applies for Android #16.

Over all, the Android Sensors are probably the best way to go, since they can to a point, tell a person's power and also list information as well as great detail on how they fight. Ever notice how when Vegeta fought Android #18 or Cell that each one kept one step ahead of him? Well, from what we see from Android #17's scan of Android #16 and all, it looks as if they can monitor the body of their opponent and thus be able to predict movements a few seconds before they're performed. Sense nor Scouters could do this and since the Android Sensors have barely any downsides to them, it's probably the best way to find a power there is.

Energy Meter

The Energy Meter is a unique device, which allows the user to monitor power in an area. The Energy Meter works kind of like a scale does. It monitors power and shows you how much is there. Like on a scale, if you weigh more, the arrow will go higher. Same goes with Ki for this device. The higher the Ki, the higher the dial will read.

There are two types of the Energy Meter device that are used to monitor this way. One has a scale, which goes in a total 360 degree turn, while the other only goes to about a rough 30-45 degree turn. Though, neither of them show to read power differently (Except for the smaller dialed one, which, what I mean was that power wasn't shown as differently read.) or even have a different feature over one another.

When looking at the pros and cons of this device, there really isn't any good pros for it. Sure it can read Ki and all, but it's really unpredictable and it only gives the reading in an area and not the exact point to where it's reading the Ki from. It also can't do anything Sensing, Scouters or Android Sensors can. It just reads a Ki in an area and throws it onto a scale to monitor it.

Over all, the Energy Meter really isn't that good and unless someone in the Dragon Ball Z series can't read Ki, (Such as Supopovitch and Yamu.) then I guess this is the way to go, since Scouters and Android Sensors can't be found just lying around.


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