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Thanks to Linda for giving me most of the pictures on this page, to Trish for sending several, to Kristen for sending additional images to include, and to the very cool Jay for contributing as well to this page.

The Invitation Caption
The Bride Arrives Caption 1
The Groom's Arrival
Queen Anne-Marie Arrives
Felipe Enters St. Sophia Caption
Outside St. Sophia 1
Outside St. Sophia 2 Caption 2
Crowns 1
Crowns 2
Ceremony 1
Ceremony 2 Ceremony 3
Caption 3
Brit Royals

You can also view the Pre-Wedding Parties, The Newlyweds Outside St. Sophia, The Hampton Court Palace Pictures, and The Formal Wedding Pictures.

Go to the Articles Page to see a selection of magazine and newspaper accounts about the wedding and reception.

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This page was created on November 16, 2000 by Alex B.
URL: https://www.angelfire.com/celeb/millers/start.html
and all pages on this site are maintained by Alex B.
© Copyright 2000