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Pro Football Restoration- Page 2

I created this second page to further document the restoration of Pro Football. Following is my progress at plugging it in and getting the game functional again.

We Have Power!!

Attempts at plugging it in and starting it.

On Feb. 9, I Installed lightbulbs in the coin slots and part of the backbox. I then figured out how to connect the power connections without the on-off switch, and plugged in the machine. The lights I installed came on. I hit the start switch and the main motor started right up, however, it kept running. I am still working on cleaning and replacing some missing switches on the score reels, which would prevent the machine from resetting.

On Feb. 14th, after cleaning and reassembling the score reels, and jury rigging some wires until I can replace some switches, I made a second attempt at starting the machine. All the score reels reset to "0", but the motor kept running. I checked and adjusted the ball count unit and tried again. This time everything reset to "0", but the machine stayed in 'tilt', but the motor stops running.

On Feb. 16th, I worked on the tilt problem and discovered a tilt switch closed that should've been open. Fixed it and hit start. The machine started up. Since the ball launch coil is missing, and the mechanism now blocks that switch, I manually triggered the switch and Ball 1 lit up. If I had the switches for the score reels, I would be able to try hitting some things on the playfield. Instead, I triggered the point relays manually, then closed the ball launch switch. The machine went to ball 2.
Some other bugs are popping up, which I will detail later and their remedy....

Feb. 17th. Replaced the missing switches on the score reels and was able to check and make final adjustments on the score reels.

Feb. 21st. I am going ahead and restoring- mechanically- the playfield- so that when I get the replacement playfield, if anything on it needs to be replaced, they will be cleaned, adjusted and ready to go, and just transfer them over. Over the last couple of days I replaced the 2 missing yellow point targets, which solved the problem of the other targets not scoring- the circuit wasn't complete. I also replaced the missing flipper plunger and link and the ball launching coil. I can now trigger some points- both on point score and high score. I am now- with the instruction manual as a guide- able to check if the different scoring systems, bonuses, etc are working properly. I am still in the process of cleaning and adjusting some switches on the playfield. Also, by process of elimination, I was able to hook up the connections for the point bell and score chimes and free replay knocker.

Feb. 23rd to 29th

Over the last several days, have continued to clean and adjust the playfield mechanics. I have run into a few problems:
1. The machine will not reset to play a game.
2. I can reset the game by hand and trigger points, however, when I hit the left flipper, it advances the game to the next ball.
3. The replay unit subtracts 5 credits when I try to start the game. Also, the total play meter advanced 5 plays.
4. The "I" or advance relay is not working.
5. The "A" or Alternating relay is fluctuating like it has a weak connection somewhere.
6. The ball count unit: 1. Sometimes will not click into Ball 1 and: 2. Also sometimes skips a ball- advances 2 steps.

Solutions to problems:
1. I checked all the relays and contacts involved in the startup sequence according to the manual and the main motor label. Everything checked out. I determined the problem to be the AB relay- the tension of the switch blades against the plate that pulls in was too great and the two edges were not lubed. I adjusted the tension and lubed the plate edges. Switched the machine on and hit start. It kicked right in and the machine reset and went to ball 1.
2. A strand of wire worked loose from a switch contact on the "Q" (ball return control relay) and shorted with another switch contact. Clipped it loose and checked it. Problem fixed.
3. A switch on the main motor that controls the subtract replay unit had a bent blade end where the wire is soldered on that was touching and shorting against another switch on another stack. Bent it back into position. Disconnected total play meter until Problem is fixed. Problem fixed. Reconnected total play meter.
4. After testing and determining that the coil was not getting any voltage, I followed the wires by their color code that are involved in that circuit and traced one to a relay involved in the 6 point score relay. I jiggled the wire to check the solder connection and the wire came off the switch. At some point the wire had been snipped, but not all the way through, in the insulation above the solder connection and was not visible. I unsoldered the broken off wire, striped the wire and resoldered it. Turned the machine on and started it up. I hit the rollovers that were supposed to advance the yardage lights on the playfield and they advanced....problem solved!
5. I recieved the schematic from a contact who was willing to copy it for me and tracked down the problem. The "A" relay controls how often the Pop Bumper values change to 1,000 points. The bad contact was on the switch mounted in the 00-90 relay. I unmounted the switch and cleaned it a little more thoroughly and adjusted the tension and gap on the switch and remounted it. Problem solved.
6. I made a minor adjustment to the position of the wiper on the ball count unit and I put a little Pinball Lube on the disc of the ball count unit for smoother switching motion.

The machine is now mechanically fully functional. Now to wait to get the replacement playfield and backglass......
In the meantime, since the paint is literally flaking off the playfield, I stripped it to the bare wood so I could play it. Below is a picture of the stripped fully functional playfield. For more on the 'Pro Football' Restoration, Please visit:

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