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    Natalie/Female/21-25. Lives in Australia/NSW/Sydney, speaks English. Spends 20% of daytime online. Uses a Normal (56k) connection. And likes Film, Cyberculture, History, Sociology and Media Studies.
    This is my blogchalk:
    Australia, NSW, Sydney, English, Natalie, Female, 21-25, Film, Cyberculture, History, Sociology and Media Studies.

    Saturday, August 09, 2003

    I <3 Owen and Wes

    Wednesday, August 06, 2003

    This is so cute, I had to post a link :)

    There's a lot of advice on the net for those who love geek boys; you know, things like "when the lights are low, whisper to him in your best Majel Barrett (Star Trek computer) voice" or "bring him a cold Coke without asking" or "tell him you want to spend a romantic weekend at home, just the two of you playing Doom". But precious little has been written about the XX side of the equation -- geek girls and how to love 'em.
    Why? Beats me. We're just as needy as our hacker brethren. We have our quirky whims and nerdly desires. We want to be loved just as much as they do. And there are quite a few of us out here. Read more...

    Eh, it is 5am, maybe I should get some sleep.

    Freaks and Geeks at 2am is seriously disturbing any chance of returning to a normal non-holiday sleeping pattern and ouch! my eyes hurt already.

    I thought I'd get some work done yesterday but all I ended up doing was rearranging my bookshelf. I was subconsciously sabotaging myself by going into procrastination mode again.

    But my bookshelf looks good if I do say so myself. I ordered it into fiction and non-fiction by title this time rather than author and I have my DVD's on the top shelf. How lame is that?

    I may not have much space but I sure like to mess around with the space I have.

    Angel wasn't on :( I am slowly beginning to like it again after a massive patch of time of just flat out just hating it.

    HOLLYWOOD, CA—Focus groups at advance screenings for Gigli, a romantic comedy starring Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez set to open nationwide July 30, have demanded a new ending in which both stars die "in as brutal a manner as possible," sources at Sony Pictures said Tuesday. Read More...

    Hell yeah :D

    How much am I scared for Kevin Smith that Jersey Girl will tank because he let Ben talk him into casting Jennifer (who I refuse to call by her other much shorter 'stage' name). How much Bennifer can people take, godamnit! By the sounds of how bad Gigli is doing at the box office, not fucking much.