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    Natalie/Female/21-25. Lives in Australia/NSW/Sydney, speaks English. Spends 20% of daytime online. Uses a Normal (56k) connection. And likes Film, Cyberculture, History, Sociology and Media Studies.
    This is my blogchalk:
    Australia, NSW, Sydney, English, Natalie, Female, 21-25, Film, Cyberculture, History, Sociology and Media Studies.

    Friday, June 20, 2003

    Jennifer Aniston is at the top of the Forbes Celebrity 100 List, no comment!

    I was (am) feeling depressed and everything and I think my mum felt sorry for me so she brought me an outfit tonight. We went to Grace Bros. they are having mid year clearance sales at the moment so she brought me a tweed skirt, white fitted shirt, black jumper and black slip on shoes. I am going for the preppy look at the moment.

    I had tofu, vegetables and rice for dinner, yum. The place where we went has a big new food court, at least there is more variety now more choice for Vegetarians.

    My book arrived in the mail today, Kick Me: Adventures in Adolescence by Paul Feig! (Creator of Freaks and Geeks) I can't wait to read it. I read a few pages it seems really funny. It is strange, the place where I ordered it Angus and Robertson Online seem to have taken it off their online catalogue after I ordered it! You can't buy it from there anymore, I wonder why.
    I feel really horrible. I have a cold which I got off my sister.I was so lucky I didn't have it last week when I had essays due. My throat is killing me and my head hurts, gah I hate this shit.

    On top of that I have been launched into depresso mode. Things just never get better for me, at home the same old fights keep breaking out over and over again and I am sick to death of it all. I have to get out of here but I feel like in my current situation I am stuck and the future seems bleak.

    I feel like I wasn't asked to be born and just wish I wasn't born at all. Then I wouldn't have to worry all the time. How great would would it be, just not existing.
    It's Friday morning, I'm on holidays and I haven't gone to sleep yet. Seeing I have some time away from university I felt like fixing my page up and my blog so that maybe I might be inclined to use it once in awhile. It is okay now, better than it was so there's a plus right there.

    At the moment I am working on content, I don't know what I want to put up on here yet but I'm giving it some thought. Oh in case you didn't notice or live under a rock the theme is Freaks and Geeks, yay! I luv this show its one of my favourites but alas like all my other favourite shows (The X-Files, Buffy + Northern Exposure) it has ended, only this show ended way before its time :( It lasted for one measly season... why didn't you watch people damn you!) Anyway it lives on in my head *weird huh*.

    I deleted everything I had here before. I couldn't bare being reminded how pathetic everything I write is so I am starting again. Yes I am very, very critical of everything I do. I probably should be in threapy or something but who shouldn't.

    I don't expect anyone to read this so I guess I can ramble to myself whenever I want. Side note- I am an insomniac. I enjoy night time, it is quiet and peaceful and everybody else is sleeping.