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    Natalie/Female/21-25. Lives in Australia/NSW/Sydney, speaks English. Spends 20% of daytime online. Uses a Normal (56k) connection. And likes Film, Cyberculture, History, Sociology and Media Studies.
    This is my blogchalk:
    Australia, NSW, Sydney, English, Natalie, Female, 21-25, Film, Cyberculture, History, Sociology and Media Studies.

    Saturday, June 28, 2003

    Greedy people on Kazaa that won't share files...that annoys me.

    There is this one particular file I want- Freaks and Geeks episode Discos and Dragons but it keeps getting cancelled. Not many people have it but the ones that do don't like to play nice.

    I went out with Mel the other day. Hmm, it was interesting. Made me think even more about how much I do not fit the mould of a typical 21 year old. I feel like an alien. She goes on and on about her and her sisters exploits and it makes me think how much I don't give a shit. I am my usual self even though I am barely keeping my eyes open as we eat lunch and I listen to her telling me about Billy and Richard and lalala. Boy crazy Melody is back... maybe it was better when she was with Karl. Everytime I gently changed the subject she would go right back to talking about these guys, even showing me the scraps of paper with their email addresses that she got. I know she is on the rampage after her break up but damn, I don't need to know! She tells me all about her and her sis's trip down to Sydney to see some American marines that are in town. Side note- they know they are only after one thing and they don't care. These guys wil screw anything that moves and must have 50 different STD's but who cares, right, after all they have an accent! So yeah they ended up in their hotel room. Mel's sisters friend had sex with one on the bed right next to them, then Mel's own sister had sex with another one while Mel was in the bed next to them with another Marine. She makes the point of telling me that she wasn't having sex with him just making out and stuff. Then launches into a report at the top of her voice on her sister's sexual exploits and all the men that come in and out of her house making me cringe at her continual substitution of the word 'sex' with 'fucking' and calling her sister a 'slut'. By the way her sister is 20 with a little daughter that she had when she was 17. Later she I mention how I haven't had any sleep and she says 'oh that's why you weren't very interested when I was talking at lunch'... yeah thats why.

    Phone Booth sucked! What a over-hyped piece of quickly put together muck. I had actually heard good things about this movie, I even waited for a supposed twist that was going to happen at the end. It didn't come, or it came and I missed it because it was lame. I don't see any redeeming qualities in this movie accept it actually made me sleepy.

    I printed off my course material for my next semester class called Cyberculture. It is all up there already so I can get a jump on it before I become overwhelmed with readings and essays for my other classes. I'm still on holidays so I have a little time yet before I am back to torture land.

    Karin emailed me back. I took the effort to write her a long email asking her questions and she send me back a two sentence response. Fuck I hate that! She writes that she is writing me a email while she should be studying. I wouldn't call two lines an email more like her using it as an excuse to procrastinate while she surfs the net. I'd prefer no email than a half assed one being passed off as an email.
    My Nan's close friend Mary died this week.

    I feel really bad for my nan. It is so horrible, I can only imagine what she might be feeling right now. Mary had cancer, a really aggressive kind and thus treatment did nothing for her. I think she found out a year ago. She was really ill recently and went into hospital and just died.

    And life just goes on. People continue, someone has left the universe and no one really notices.

    Really we are all just expendible but what makes us think otherwise.

    Wednesday, June 25, 2003

    Mmmm, Red Fanta.

    Meant to get up in six hours to go see Phone Booth with Melody.

    I haven't been to sleep again. Seems that staying up all night and then going to sleep about 10 the next morning and sleeping till 5 in the afternoon is becoming a very bad habit.

    and still I am tired.

    Mel has recently moved back down here from Armidale or as I affectionately call it Armihell. Her and her boyfriend Karl broke up, it was all pretty messy and he is already with another girl. Mel and Karl had been having problems and he had been flirting with a girl he works with and texting and stuff. Melody read the messages and got so angry she threw his brand new Nokia phone across the room and broke it.They had been together for 4 years, goes to show that people can surprise you. They may appear devoted to you and the next minute, bam!