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    Natalie/Female/21-25. Lives in Australia/NSW/Sydney, speaks English. Spends 20% of daytime online. Uses a Normal (56k) connection. And likes Film, Cyberculture, History, Sociology and Media Studies.
    This is my blogchalk:
    Australia, NSW, Sydney, English, Natalie, Female, 21-25, Film, Cyberculture, History, Sociology and Media Studies.

    Saturday, July 26, 2003

    I don't know whether to laugh or cry at my result....

    You are Hansel from Zoolander! You are very in to
    extreme sports and are a great model. You might
    not be that smart, but you make up for it in
    fashion! It's a mircle you are doing this quiz
    seeing how you are horrible at computers!

    Which of Owen Wilson's characters are you most like?
    brought to you by Quizilla

    I <3 Owen.
    Cold, so cold *brrrrr*.

    I made a new email addy, so email me stuff! :) :)
    I have yet to blog about The Fight, which is partially why I haven't been blogging up until today. Last Saturday I had a fight with every one of my immediate family members, go me. My sister and I were tired, she had worked till 12:30 the night before and I stayed up trying to finish watching those movies I mentioned prior.

    It is strange how one little thing can become a catalyst for the events that follow... the catalyst being that it was 8:30 am and my father started playing his music. The room with his CD player in it just happens to be situated behind my bedroom (lucky me) and I sware that he is deaf as he plays his music up so fucking loud, it is torture. On this fine morning he decides a mix between Pink Floyd, various artists and their interpretations of Led Zeppelin, Stairway to Heaven and the Notting Hill soundtrack would make a delightful mix. He does shit like this all the time, he doesn't care if people are sleeping because it is his house he believes it is his right. Maybe it is, but like I care when it is 8:30 in the am. Well of course I complained to my mother because that's just what I do, you know. My sister had been lying awake also but didn't bother to say anything until I did. My mum got the shits as per usual, she turned it down even though she hates getting my dad offside but she didn't turn it down low enough so my sister and I just got up and proceeded to conduct a bitch session about it to each other.

    The events that followed I blame on this because; well I can. My sister well she is not a morning person, she decided to have a go at me about the washing, she had, previously had a mark on her clothes from the soap powder, her clothes were fine now mind you. I can't stand it because she doesn't do anything around the house and she was saying this stuff and my reaction is that she should wash it herself then. She gets angry then says that she doesn't want to go out anymore, we had made plans... and makes another nasty comment. I got really upset, told her to leave me alone. Went away (she was in my room, mind you), my mum asked me what was wrong so I told her and it escalated. I went to my room my sister followed me back in to mouth off some more so I kept telling her to get out and she wouldn't, anyway we ended up yelling at each other and I screamed at her to fuck off. Would you like to meet some prissy parents? Come and meet mine, they are the worst. They can't stand confrontations and they especially can't stand swearing... my mum freaks at me, my dad hears so he comes to level in, be the big macho man. He starts yelling at me (He is fucking scary, I am telling you) like I did the worst thing in the world. He is like 'Don't you swear in my house' , and he starts to rush at me only my mum is there to close the door, so I shout back 'Shove it up your ass'. Then my mum starts to flip at me so I scream at her... anyway she ends up telling me I should go stay at my Nan's for the weekend as we were having visitors staying over the weekend and she didn't want me moping around and I couldn't pack my bag soon enough... I wanted out.

    It turned out to be for the best, I didn't want to be stuck in the house with them here, they are their friends not mine. I had a peaceful weekend and a much needed break and my Nan was a sweetheart she looked after me even though I was a depresso. Took my mind off things... she even made me lunch in a paper bag and slipped me $20 :)
    So okay an entry... hmm where do I start. It has been awhile since my last post.

    Last week rented some movies:-

    Mulholland Drive
    Natural Born Killers
    The Last Time I Committed Suicide
    The Godfather
    Reservoir Dogs
    Run Lola Run
    The Big Lewbowski
    and Vertigo.

    I watched all of them but ran out of time to watch The Godfather maybe next time and I can get the whole trilogy and watch it back to back. Amelie what an adorable movie... loved it! Mulholand Drive was also good, spent some time going over the plot though trying to make sense of it all, but Lynch has said that it is not meant to be rationalised, it is what it is. If you want to put it into a context I believe this theory is a good one but everyone is different. I have seen Vertigo and Trainspotting before, I realised... I guess I needed a refresher. Anyway all the films were good, I am too lazy to blog on them all at the moment. Never even got round to talking about Adaptation and Bowling for Columbine :( Rent, rent, rent!!!

    Okay I'll stop talking about movies for a second. Didn't go out tonight... was meant to go out with Ms White (I decide to give everyone code names based on the film Reservoir Dogs, It feels less mean to bitch about people in code) but she pulled out cause she had a blind date and a 40th Birthday tomorrow (yeah she is only 21, but you never know maybe she can pick up there). So normally I wouldn't care but she did the same thing last week and on both occasions it had been her idea to do something in the first place. I hate being her back up if something else falls through. She messaged me last week saying that she couldn't go because she had to go perve on a Rugby Union team and didn't know how long it would take. WTF do I care... she has to let everyone know that she is horny. Anyway I was pissy so I sent a message back saying, 'I don't care. It is just that you asked me in the first place. Have fun'. Think she'll get the picture? Haven't even checked my phone since, I don't care... I hate mobile phone's, shitty fucking invention.

    Just saw an ad on TV, Marilyn Manson is playing in Newcastle soon. I wouldn't mind going but I think the fans that show up might intimidate me just a little. I wouldn't know what to wear... On the other end of the spectrum, I am going to try and see Ben Lee at The Metro, have to buy tickets soon though.

    I am back to Uni this week. Oh the joy of it :) I get to start all over again with a new timetable, classes, books to read and essays to write. Yay... Surely I didn't sign up for this shit, oh yes I did. At least I have a lecturer from last semester, again this semester, he was a cool guy, really laid back. This other lady seems like a real bitch though, a born task master. Am I scared? Yes, yes I am. On Thursday I went to one class, Heresy and Witchcraft and the teacher didn't bother showing up... the class started leaving after half an hour, god knows what happened to her.

    I am so broke this week, I have to buy a text book still on Monday :( :( AHHHHH! At least one of my classes is online! Cool huh, I am loving it, so easy to participate in discussions and stuff, I feel liberated... I am finally in my element. It is called Cyberculture and it is fun, everything I need is online. I wish all my classes were like this *sigh*.

    I am reading The Shining at the moment. I luv the movie so I figured why not read the book. I went into the Uni second hand book shop looking for a text book but ended up looking at the novels and I saw a whole heap of Stephen King books on sale and thought 'wow maybe they have The Shining' and yes they did. Just my luck... it is kinda crappy looking but it was only six dollars, probably still more than it is worth but anyways. I needed something to read, it was that or kill someone, so it worked out for the best.

    I haven't mentioned yet but I got my exam results back and I got a credit and a Distinction, so that was alright :)