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    Natalie/Female/21-25. Lives in Australia/NSW/Sydney, speaks English. Spends 20% of daytime online. Uses a Normal (56k) connection. And likes Film, Cyberculture, History, Sociology and Media Studies.
    This is my blogchalk:
    Australia, NSW, Sydney, English, Natalie, Female, 21-25, Film, Cyberculture, History, Sociology and Media Studies.

    Saturday, July 12, 2003

    I brought The Royal Tenenbaums yesterday from BigW. It was about 6 or 7 dollars cheaper than in HMV. They finally released it here in all the stores so when I saw it I was just too tempted to buy it. Donnie Darko was there also, so I had to make a decision between the two but Tenebaums won out as it is my favourite out of the two.

    I love it... the set design, photography and not to mention the costumes and props. It is awesome! Oh, and the Wilson Brothers and Ben Stiller too :)

    I've looked through all the special features and am watching the movie again at the moment. There isn't an audio commentary though, so that makes me sad! But there was this doco on Wes Anderson making the film which was good. The special features weren't bad for region 4.

    I went to the movies and saw Bruce Almighty- there wasn't anything much on at the moment and I had free tickets so I went. We'd been shopping so we were there and everything. It was pretty poor... not my usual kind of movie, I wouldn't have seen it if I had more options but anyway what can I say... It didn't help much that Jennifer Aniston was in it. For some reason I can't stand her. The laughs were really cheap laughs at that and most people in the cinema weren't really laughing much either.

    I also brought this pretty little box with flowers on the top (looks better than it sounds) it is made out of what I think is white soapstone, so it is prone to scratches it seems. It was only $2 though from this hippy shop that I love so that was cool and I got this Moroccan glass for $5 (it was on sale too) from David Jones. I love Moroccan glasses... you serve mint tea and things in them but I'm using mine as a candle holder. It is clear with gold and pink detail.

    Felicity and I brought some soy choc chip ice-cream in waffle cones. I'm not a big ice cream person though, actually I don't like it to much but it wasn't bad. Some rude lady tried to push in the line and I was like no fucking way. I didn't let her... fuck I hate that.

    I got my essay and exam back for film I didn't do particularly well but I'm not going to dwell on it... don't get me wrong I passed and everything. Final results are out next week or something... can't wait (insert sarcasm here).

    Thursday, July 10, 2003

    Ah, that reminds me I rented Bowling for Columbine and Adaptation the other day.

    I might blog about it later.
    I was watching a repeat of The X-Files episode Detour yesterday actually two days ago now as it is early morning. It wasn't a bad episode either. It is the one loosely based on Mothman, Mulder makes reference to Point Pleasant.

    It is set deep in the forest and there are these 'ancient creatures' or 'people gone bad' that run around the forest camouflaged. The story goes that they started to blend into their surroundings and have basically become invisible to those that enter the forest. Their aim is to protect it so they do anything they have to, to preserve it including kill everyone! They are smart too, they split the group apart and they attack the leader first and they have these rocking red eyes, hence the Mothman reference :)

    Ah, I miss The X-Files!

    Just felt like blogging about it because I have something in common with them... Mulder tracked their footprints and they walk on the balls of their feet, which is what I always do (not all the time of course).

    Yes, what a freak :)

    Wednesday, July 09, 2003

    Went to the football on the weekend.

    The Roosters played the Rabbitohs. We won of course, I think it was 38 to 16? Hmm, can't remember what the Rabbits got for sure but anyway you get the picture, the Rabbitohs got kicked.

    Rabbitohs, did I spell that right? It looks wrong for some reason... maybe because it is just such a bizarre word...

    I went with Mel and Felicity. We went to Market City in Chinatown before hand and had some lunch/dinner. I got to have my tofu, Chinese mushrooms and vegetable hotpot, which is yum and a Pina Colada. Mel and I also had a rainbow flavoured Snow Cone, which wasn't as nice as it may sound.

    We look briefly around the shops but of course I am poor at the moment so I couldn't really buy anything and looking when you are strapped for cash is quite painful. I already had my hair done that morning- a cut and some foils and that cost $80 something dollars (strangely this cost magically alters everytime I go even though I always get the same thing).

    I hate going to the hairdressers... trying to make small talk is so taxing. I prefer to just get in and then out. I don't think I have anything in common with any of the hairdressers there. It just serves to make me feel more uncomfortable. It is not like I can talk about my kids... I don't have any.

    Anyway back to what I was talking about. Hanging out with Mel is always an experience... she has become even more crazy. It becomes almost like a non-stop laugh fest though you feel like you have to laugh even if you don't really think its funny. The more time we spend together the more I realise we aren't much alike but that doesn't mean I don't like spending time with her- she just has a one track mind, once fuelled with alcohol is unstoppable.

    On the train up there was this strange guy reading the bible out loud in a white skivvy and white tracksuit pants. I had to poke Mel to stop her looking. Just thought I'd add that, um... oh and after the game we went to Hungry Jacks to get a burger... I got one with just salad, and we were waiting in the line and this woman asked for some money... I forget the sum. So I gave her a bit and my friend did too, we actually gave her more than she asked for and then she turns around, doesn't say anything to us, not even thanks but then she turns around and asks for some more. Mel and I were like noooooo. I didn't mind but Mel (who is a smoker herself) was like, 'did you see her pack of smokes, if she wants to but fast food she shouldn't be buying cigarettes'. I don't know... that's her opinion I guess, I'll leave it at that.

    When we got back home we went out to the club and had a few drinks, Felicity drove. I kind of hate that place, you always bump into people you went to high school with, which in my opinion is not a good thing. I'm a fan of moving on, I think so much so that when I finish Uni I'm outta this town. As much as I don't mind the area, it is just annoying when there are only a few places you can go to have a drink. There are so many places in this world it is amazing the amount of people that stay in the same area.

    Mel invited me to see one of those 'manpower' type shows where men parade around on stage half naked and the women are meant to get drunk and dance around with their tongue's hanging out of their mouth's and jump up and down in a strange fit of madness because they are actually out of the house for a night away from their husbands. I think I might decline... not really my style.

    Sunday, July 06, 2003

    I am tired... I want to move out.

    I have been officially worn down. I hate it here, I want to leave and as far as I'm concerned mum and dad can live together in domestic bliss without me.

    Financially I have it easy here and I'm the first one to admit it but emotionally, well that's another story. I am sick of arguing and most of all I am sick of never being heard.

    My mum loves to ignore any problems our family has preferring to pretend everything is normal. I know she is trying hard to hold onto the illusion that she has a marriage with an ideal husband who is supportive and caring, children that are emotionally well adjusted and stable that do everything they are told and follow their parents values and morals and a wonderful house in the suburbs complete with swimming pool and little fluffy dog.

    Fuck it... I'd rather an ounce of honesty and a little confontation then this bullshit life.

    My father is well a total and utter jerk. Any chance he gets he shuts me down and makes me feel like nothing. I have resolved for the last 21 years not to blame my parents for anything bad in my life but you can't help but notice that if both your chldren have low self-esteem and both hold similar opinions of you there has to be something wrong. I am sick of trying to make nice with someone who does that to me. If I dare to voice any opinion in opposition to my father's treatment of me my mum freaks out, scared I'll rock the boat and maybe force her to wake up. I get told I am too negative, well there is only one role model I got that from and that is my father and he hasn't given me one reason to feel otherwise.

    I would have moved out long ago if I had any money. I really want to finish university to improve my chances later but I don't know if I can manage for my own well-being here anymore.

    I need to look at other options...whether I want to or not.