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  • 15.06.03
  • 22.06.03
  • 29.06.03
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  • 13.07.03
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  • 27.07.03
  • 03.08.03

  • [currently]


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    Natalie/Female/21-25. Lives in Australia/NSW/Sydney, speaks English. Spends 20% of daytime online. Uses a Normal (56k) connection. And likes Film, Cyberculture, History, Sociology and Media Studies.
    This is my blogchalk:
    Australia, NSW, Sydney, English, Natalie, Female, 21-25, Film, Cyberculture, History, Sociology and Media Studies.

    Sunday, August 03, 2003

    The URL for this page is now-

    and the URL for the splash page is now-
    Check out-

    The Artwork of Eric Chase Anderson
    Flush the Genius
    My blogger code: b6 d- t k- s- u- f- i o++ x- e l+ c++ (decode it!)

    Saturday, August 02, 2003

    I am moving this page and the splash page to a shorter url tomorrow probably. I registered recently so it will probably be some variation of that. The splash page I may also shorten. Tossing up between moving it from Brinkster and just having them both on Angelfire but Angelfire sucks because of the banner ads and such which Brinkster doesn't have. Only problem Brinkster doesn't have ftp access with it's free accounts which I need for my blog updates.

    I went to the football tonight. The Roosters won 20 to 16, this game was a killer. They played the Raiders at the SFS (Sydney Football Stadium) and it was so close it came down to one try at the end. The Roosters we behind but it was a great finish or course I can say that because my team won :) The atmosphere was like it was a final, the crowd loved it.

    Man there are some weirdo's on the train at night... Friday night = stupid drunk people night. Apparently some guy puked at the other end of our carriage near the doors and some people had a domestic as well, agh. That was actually tame compared to past experiences on the New South Wales rail system. Thursday on the way home from Uni waiting at the station some guy was laying down on the ground drunk and he had a boom box which he proceeded to play some really loud music, the song I didn't know the name of but was quite catchy. Everyone waiting on the other platform was just staring across at him, he was with friends that were also drunk. One triped up the stairs onto the landing dropping his stuff everywhere but instead of getting up he just stayed there. Then the boom box guy started to sit with his feet dangling over the side of the platform just begging for a train to come by and chop them off. The guys that work there finally told him to get up (sometimes you can't tell people actually work at these stations, they avoid conflict at all costs) but he was so out of it one of his friends had to drag him up.

    My sister is so frustrating she is always trying to start fights with me. It is fucking annoying I am so damn sick of her, she is such a goddamn princess. I am going to keep a track on my blog of how many times we have a fight this coming week... should be interesting. She is tired and grumpy all of the time and now she is PMS-ing, so that is fun.

    Someone hacked into the system we use called Blackboard at uni for online learning. They added people into the nursing course on Blackboard (this doesn't effect our actual enrollment), so I was added and I could read the discussion board and they posted this first-

    'Please join me in celebrating our triumphant attack upon the nursing faculty. the time we have all been waiting for IS NOW. the most powerful empire in the university of newcastle is embarking on a new era. we have overpowered the meagre defences and are firmly entrenched in nursing. It is fitting that this should occur on the eve of autonomy day, so let us all join together in celebration of our domination of the campus.


    your leader
    field left blank.

    ps please enjoy our victory song(see attachment)'

    Don't ask me what was in the attachment, I wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole though I am sure some moron opened it.

    This is the reply someone wrote-

    'Why are engineering students i this list when this discussion board is predominately by us 3rd year nursing students?


    Fucking idiot.

    They also wrote this which was kind of funny considering this board is dead serious-

    'Hi, my name is jim. I am 20 years old. I am 6 foot tall and i have blond hair and blue eyes. I enjoy warm afternoons, rainy nights in front of the fire place, and walking along the beach hand in hand. Im looking for a lovely young lady between the ages of 18-23. I look forward to your reply. ;)'

    The reply-

    'black nalu,
    you're just what i am looking for!
    cafeteria at 8?'

    Before I go, I want you to take this quiz. It is all 80's trivia, television, news, movies, music... You will appreciate it more if you are a child of the 80's like myself :) My result 69-89.

    Good Night :)

    P.S. See my little blog chalk down the side at the bottom where the sun is? Aint' it cute ;)

    Wednesday, July 30, 2003

    New entry, while I'm waiting for Freaks and Geeks to come on :) :)

    Nothing much is happening I guess. I have been thrown in the deep end with plenty of Uni work to keep me busy for the next 6 months.

    Starting a new semester is unsettling in a way... new teachers, tutorials, deadlines, etc. Got to get all settled in again, a bit like a new year of high school accept it happens more often.

    Cyberculture is turning out to be great. We have our discussions online on a board so I am in my element. I feel really comfortable and I can say what I want to unlike with tutorial groups I feel uncomfortable. I hate calling out and volunteering information in front of strangers I just never get used to it. You go through high school and the whole time you are told to put your hand up if you want to speak, do this, do that... at uni they actually 'want you' to say what's on your mind and you get marked on it, yay (insert sarcasm here).

    One of my lecturers this semester is kind of intimidating as well.

    I got an email back from my lecturer that failed to turn up to class last week:-

    "In the course guide there is a notice at the front informing you that lectures do not start until week 2 and tutorials commence in week 3. I am overseas at a conference which is why there are no classes in the first week.

    Sorry for the inconvenience. I'd hoped people would get the course guide before turning up for the first lecture."

    Ha ha, funny seeing we never get the course guide until in class in the first week... what does she think the class is psychic or something. Maybe the history department operates differently to the behavioural sciences department :D Asking someone she works with to put a notice on the door of the lecture theatre would have been helpful!

    Otherwise things are going okay overall... I have tomorrow off :)

    I added a comment section to this blog. More for my own benefit, because I really wanted to have one like all those Moveable Type people. But I have revealed this page to hardly anyone and the people that know about it are unlikely to comment so basically it is effectively a useless function. Oh well :)