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What's New?

This page is contains short explanations and links to new information in the site. Click on the icon to visit the page and look for the "NEW" icon; the information following it will be just that, NEW!

The date new information was added to the page is indicated.

New Info on Page, Big Changes -- as of 4 February 2000
New information about Jack's two shows, Raven Returns and IMAGINOCEAN. Raven Returns is NEW. IMAGINOCEAN has been changed quite a bit.

New Page -- as of 4 February 2000
Learn about Jack's newest production, Raven Returns: The Story of the Human Beings, which premiered last October at the Alaska Native Heritage Center.

New Pages -- as of 4 February 2000
Read about the stories in Parts 1 and 2 of Raven Returns, including Jack's world famous retelling of "The Creation Legend of the Yup'ik people."<==Click here to read this story.

New Info on Page, Big Changes-- as of 4 February 2000
Jack has totally revamped IMAGINOCEAN as a showcase for his most popular contemporary stories to date. Explore this new incarnation of a critically acclaimed production.


New Pages -- as of 4 February 2000
Read about the stories in Parts 1 and 2 of IMAGINOCEAN, including one of Jack's most popular stories "The Two Teachers."<==Click here to read this story.

New Info -- as of 4 February 2000
There are two new reviews of "Raven Raturns" from the Anchorage Daily News. "Raven Returns" premiered in October of 1999 in Anchorage and was then performed in Calgary, Alberta, in November.

New Information -- as of 16 March 2000
Raven Feathers & the Wind has now earned Publishing Status with the ISBN Agency, which allow us to publish and distribute books. Our first book is Jack Dalton's Gemini.

All information, programs, titles, images and design are Copyright 1999 by Jack Dalton