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Two Shows by Jack Dalton

Jack has two productions available to perform: Raven Returns: The Story of the Human Beings and IMAGINOCEAN: A Voyage of Storytelling, Motion & Music.

These are great productions because they are simple. The set requires only a plain backdrops, simple lighting, a CD or tape audio system and, depending on the size of the venue, a wireless microphone. Curtain, lighting and sound cues are minimal. Since I am the only player, travel and accommodation costs are minimal. Your local talent can provide the technical assistance needed. Everything for the performance travels easily in one suitcase.

And, being a graphic artist, I can provide numerous advertising and promotional materials, including press kits, photos, and footage for advertising and public relations purposes. I am completely comfortable with television, radio and print interviews. I can also be available for pre- and post-show public appearances.

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Stephan Nowers/Anchorage Daily News

All information, programs, titles, images and design are Copyright 1999 by Jack Dalton