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   Special Guide
This little story starts out with the appearance of baby Goku. He is in a small crib like pod and has been born no more than a day ago. His father Bardock was off on a mission with a crew of other saiyans to capture planet Connasa. The warrior with the help of his other four saiyan companions handled his mission easily by transforming into oozaro’s. Which is the true power of a saiyan. They experience this by looking at a full moon and then the transformation begins. That following morning the crew was bumming around when an interesting conversation came up. According to rumors this planet gave those who lived there psychic powers. In the middle of their chitchat a Connasian soldier appears out from under a pile of rubble. The creature charged at Bardock and then moved out of sight. He then reappeared with the end of his tail in the back of the saiyan’s neck. Torra then tried to destroy it with an energy blast but this had an interesting effect. It surrounded the Connasian with an aura of blue energy. The beast then bragged that Bardock will have the abilities to see the future and read minds. So that he will be tortured by seeing his not so far end. This enrages our saiyan warrior who then blasts the creature away and shortly after wards passes out. During thit same hour of time prince Vegeta was training back on Freeza’s ship. The brave saiyan ruthlessly took on five saibamen all at once with ease. He then approached Freeza and demanded a combat assignment. Freeza with a plan of his own in mind decided to send the saiyan off to a foreign planet. Meanwhile Bardock was recovering in a rejuvination tank. His crew got word from Freeza him self on a job and so they headed off without their wounded leader. While in the bacta tank Bardock had nightmarish visions off his son Goku on earth. And of some planet that was familiar to him exploding. His mental readings went out of control and the recovery crew was forced to extract him form the healing pod. After hearing the news of his crew heading off the warrior decideds to get in his space pod and head on after them. Little does he know his crew had been ambushed. Dodoria one of Freeza’s main hench men had a band of his goons with him to eliminate the group of strongly progressing saiyans. For it appeared Freeza was beginning to fear how powerful they were becoming. When Bardock arrived on the scene he found his friend Torra trashed and barely alive. Bardock’s good friend shared with him the horrible news about the ambush. Before he could say much more Torra passed away. This enraged the brave warrior and that’s when the perfect opportunity to take his anger out in someone arrived. Four of Dodoria’s goons showed up all smirking at the upset saiyan. That is until the fighting began. With speed and great tactics Bardock dominated the battle field. He crushed one and tricked their ring leader into destroying another. When it was just down to two left the saiyan had sudden visions of his son Goku fighting Vegeta. This threw off his concentration and he began to lose badly. When the head punk threw what looked like the final punch Bardock finally pulled himself together. He flipped over the other warrior in front of his opponent’s lethal fist. Thus forcing the leaders bare hand through his own partner. Bardock then flew back a distance and released a blast that destroyed them both. When it looked like the fighting was over Dodoria showed up on the scene. He simply took one look at the saiyan and then blasted him away. Fortunately Bardock lived through it and after Dodoria left he got into his space pod to return home. When the warrior was just about home another saiyan pod passed him and Bardock had more visions. He then also sensed that Freeza was coming to destroy his home, planet Vegeta. When the warrior arrived home he found out that his son was just sent off to planet Earth. Then the truth hit him… the visions of Vegeta being destroyed must be true if the other part of the vision was. Bardock then tried to warn every one in the commons about Freeza coming. They laughed at and ridiculed him. So the warrior decided it was up to him. Bardock had been heading towards the top of the building when all went black. When he re awoke a devilish voice was announcing that planet Vegeta had been destroyed and that he was now dead. The saiyan then regained consciousness and continued up the stairs. When he got outside he had another vision this time it was of his son. Goku was an adult and he told his father that it wasn’t too late to stop Freeza. Then Bardock sighted Freeza’s ship. He flew at it in rage. When he was close up on it thousands of warriors began to appear out of the ship. Bardock had to blast through them all to get to Freeza. When he did Freeza was holding up a small energy ball about the size of a dime. Bardock chuckled and told the tyrant that it was his time. He then released a huge blast at Freeza. Then right as it looked like it would destroy the freak the dime sized energy rapidly began to expand. By the time Bardock’s blast reached Freeza the small ball had turned as large as the ship. The saiyan’s blast was absorbed into Freeza’s and then the lizard let go of his ball of destruction. It destroyed the entire planet with quite a bang. Goku arrived on earth and Vegeta was informed that a comet had crashed into the saiyan planet and that he was the only known survivor.

This is the story of the future that never was for future Trunks. It starts off with the death of Goku one of earth’s greatest warriors who was infected by a deadly heart virus. Just a few months later the indescribable dreams of Dr. Gero known as androids 17 and 18 came out of no where to claim the earth. Responding to this all of the Z-Fighters including Vegeta and Piccolo came to the earth’s aid. Unfortunately everyone even Krillin was destroyed. The only known warrior that survived was Gohan. Thirteen years later a boy who had been born just before Goku had died entered the picture. His name was Trunks he was the son of Bulma and the once greatest saiyan Vegeta. He has lived with the horror of the androids terrorizing everyone his whole life. Finallly one day when a city is under siege Trunks decides that he can handle the rage inside of him any longer. He leaves his mother and heads off towards the city where terror was striking. However it appeared he had arrived to late to do anything. While he was looking over the mess Gohan showed up and took Trunks home. They talked and after some time the young inexperienced saiyan convinced Gohan to train him so that he could help the people of earth. For Gohan was now a super saiyan and constantly fought the androids one on one. The two immediately begin their training. It appears Trunks had been doing some personal fighting because he was well along the road to becoming a super saiyan. One day while the androids are terrorizing citizens at super world Gohan and Trunks decide to put their strength to the test. Instantly Gohan and android 17 go head on in battle and surprisingly Gohan with his super saiyan strength took the lead. He was doing fine until android 18 the beautiful blonde stepped in. Together the robotic beasts began to pick Gohan apart. Trunks was enraged at the site and treid to interfere. A blast sent the boy flying back but he was to determined to stop now. He launched at android 18 soon finding that he had not prepared enough. She was beating him when Trunks’ knee came crashing into her ribs. This angered the android who then prepared to kill her enemy. Gohan got in the way redirecting a blast from 17 onto Trunks. The two saiyans barely managed to escape. Both androids took a few pop shots at what was left and then took off. Gohan had a senzu bean left and only one arm. He decided to give it to Trunks who then flew them both back to Capsule Corp where Bulma was working on some machine. When she saw her son and his friend in such a mess she got Gohan to a bed. He spent less than a day recovering when he awoke only to want to continue the assault on the androids. Gohan and Trunks Continued their training immediately. The young saiyans were both very strong but not strong enough. One day while Trunks was nearly at the peak of transforming an explosion lit the area in front of them. The androids were assaulting another city full of innocent people. Gohan powered up to super saiyan and got ready to head off when Trunks insisted that he tag along. Gohan refused but when the boy wouldn’t leave him alone he went along with Trunks coming. When they were ready to take off Gohan knocked out his friend to save him from any trouble down in the town. Just as expected both androids were destroying a city once again. The place was a wreck and there were no survivors. Gohan went super saiyan and made an awesome drop kick entrance on android 17. The three then engaged in battle. This time although with only one arm the saiyan managed to keep up. He even began to get the hits in on them while defending himself from any assault. It wasn’t long though before he began to tire out. After a machine gun like attack from both androids Gohan fell. Trunks gained consciousness from the sound of the explosion. He shortly realized what had happened. He went to find his friend Gohan only to come upon the saiyan’s dead body. Trunks cried out in rage it just wasn’t fair his best friend, his master, hia only hope was now gone because of those mechanical demons. The sky lit up and with a great surge of power Trunks became a super saiyan. Three years later Trunks was working around the house and his mom on a time machine when the radio made an announcement. The androids were attacking a city right near them and that’s when Trunks made up his mind. He was going to avenge his lost friend. His mother tried to convince them that they should use the time machine and go back to deliver Goku the heart medicine for the disease he had. Trunks refused and grabbed his sword then headed for Pepper City. The androids had added one more black mark to their collection in the world. Trunks arrived on the scene as a super saiyan with blood rushing through his veins like never before. He began to senselessly fight with android 18 who proved to be superior to the boy. So Trunks evened the odds out by unleashing the power l of his sword. Yet one thing he hadn’t counted on they still had one more android to help out. Together the androids dominated the battlefield. When all look lost Trunks came in with a brutal attack knocking both 17 and 18 back. He then went airborne and launched a massive blast. He did it he had destroyed what had been haunting this world for over a decade now. The rubble where the androids had been finished lifted to reveal they had both survived. This was insane a blast undefended at point blank range hadn’t done the trick, could they be defeated at all? Trunks believed so as he let his anger get the best of him he launched dozens of powerful blasts at the robotic freaks. Smoke gave away to show it hadn’t even scratched them. This made the saiyan outrageously angry. He then launched hundreds of nuclear beams of energy at them. He was spent he could barely even move now. The androids then began to ruthlessly beat the boy painfully. Once done they left to go find another city to destroy. Trunks woke up at his mother’s side. Somehow he had lived the attack and was going to be alright. After spending a few days recovering Trunks decided to go into the past and help Goku so that at least one generation could be peaceful.

Little Son Goku is a failure at everything he tries, to Pan’s disgust. He leaps into cliff walls, falls off the large log he is supposed to ride for balance training, and can’t even play catchball successfully. The boy complains, and Pan reminds him of the great feats that his namesake had accomplished. The boy states that he’s starving, which seems to be his only similarity to the original Goku. At Satan City Jr. High, some teacher is prattling on from a textbook, while Pakku tries to throw his paper airplane, and gets reprimanded for it. Goku is playing with his favorite toy-a Capsule Corp. pen filled with water, and little floating bits in the shape of stars, a ship, and an astronaut. The class ends, and Pakku trips Goku down the stairs. Pakku tries to start a fight, and is joined by his two partners. They want to see if Goku is as strong as Pan, but the boy just smiles weakly and acts spineless. Pakku takes the Capsule Corp. pen and the three bullies leave. At the Son home, Pan berates Goku for not fighting back, and he replies that it’s pointless, because the bullies are so strong and he doesn’t have a chance against all three of them. Pan refuses to believe that a Son would back down from a fight, then suffers an apparent heart attack and collapses. Pan is taken to the Satan City Hospital. Goku pleads with her to get well, so that she can protect him from everything. Pan answers that his only problem is a lack of courage; adding that he’s a very special kid, being so similar to the Old Man. The boy doesn’t believe that he has any strength at all, although Pan says that she’s seen it in him when he tries hard. Then, she suffers a relapse. Goku is ushered out of the room. He tries to get the nurse to promise that they’ll keep Pan from dying, and the girl can only look at him sadly. Goku runs crying from the hospital into the rain. At home, Goku is crying into his pillow. He notices a photo of Pan when she was a child, holding the #4 Dragon Ball, with Gill perched on her shoulder. He recognizes the Dragon Ball, and remembers when Pan had tried to tell him about it. She’d stated that LONG ago, she’d gone into space to get the Balls; but little Goku had been more interested in playing with his Nintendo game. He thinks that maybe the Dragon Ball can save Gradma Pan. The next day, Goku sets out, carrying a heavy pack stuffed with food, maps, and things. He encounters Pakku and the other two on the street. Megane asks where he’s going, and Goku answers "Paozu Yama". They rag him, saying that Paozu Yama is legendary for all of the scary monsters there. The weasely bully bumps Goku aside, which angers the smaller boy; instead of weakly backing down again, he powers up a bit. A little gold lightning appears, and the two minor bullies are knocked back a step. They act surprised as Goku marches forward. Pakku tries to block his way, and Goku walks around him. Pakku is also surprised at this new behavior. Goku disappears down the road. Goku reaches the freeway, hot and tired. Things go downhill from here. Eventually, a big fat trucker stops to give the boy a ride to Paozu Yama. Bull’s rig is filled with garbage. Bull himself is a sloppy stupid pig of a man with long brown hair and a mustache. He offers Goku a bite of his hamburger, and the boy answers that he has his own food. Bull finishes the burger, and starts eyeing Goku’s pack. He tricks Goku into leaving the rig to go to the bathroom, then empties Goku’s pack and drives away. Left with only the empty pack, Goku trudges to a truck stop, where he gets hit in the head by a pebble thrown by Pakku. Pakku, wearing a miner’s helmet, berates the boy for allowing the driver to steal his stuff. Goku asks the bully what he is doing here. Pakku answers that school is boring, so he’s decided that it’ll be more interesting to watch Goku trying to cope in Paozu Yama. He’s not sure what Goku will do at the scary place, though. When Goku claims to still want to continue to the mountain despite not having any food, Pakku looks at the nearby convenience store. The store clerk yells for someone to stop, and Pakku rushes out the door, his pushcart filled with food. Goku gets thrown into the cart, and they roll down onto the freeway. It is an exhilarating ride through traffic. They leave the freeway, and slide down a hill. Pakku asks what the boy thinks of the adventure, and Goku answers "It’s great!" As Goku relaxes below a tree, Pakku drops a caterpillar on his face. They take a piss from atop a rusted car near a river. Pakku gets urine on his hands, and chases Goku to try to wipe his hands off. They run for a while, until Goku stops abruptly. He points ahead of him. From a cliff, across a dark and misty valley, they can see the green towering spire of Paozu Yama. The two boys suddenly become more serious. Some time later, they make camp for the night out in the woods. Pakku eagerly eats roasted wieners, and asks why Goku isn’t hungry. The boy asks if Pakku has heard about the mysterious Dragon Balls that can grant you any wish. Pakku hasn’t, and he thinks that it’s a boring thing, adding "is that what’s supposed to be at the mountain?" Goku hopes so, and he says that he wants to use the wish to save Gradma Pan. Pakku is surprised that there’s something bad happening to Pan. He remembers when he’d tried to start a rumble against three rival bullies, and had been stopped when Pan grabbed his baseball bat. He says that Pan is a good person. Then, he decides to give the Capsule Corp. pen back to the smaller boy. Pakku brushes off Goku’s thanks, notices that they’re now surrounded by starving wolves, and yells for Goku to escape. The wolves attack, Pakku uses a burning stick to hold some of the them off, and Goku gets chased by another wolf. Goku gets trapped next to a big tree by at least 20 wolves. He tries to protect himself with the sausage, and a wolf lunges forward to destroy it. The other wolves leap in, and Goku panics. He is surrounded by a brief yellow flash as he jumps up. The wolves smash into the tree. Pakku falls to the ground, with two wolves on his back. A pretty young woman with long brown hair appears and shoots a rifle. The wolves are scared away. The woman walks forward, trying to assure Pakku that everything is all right now. Pakku yells out to find Goku. He’s nowhere near the tree now. But, they hear the boy yelling for someone to save him, crying in blind panic, at the top of the 200 foot-tall tree. Pakku has trouble understanding how the boy had gotten all the way up there. Later, in the woman’s forest lodge, Pakku thanks her for not only saving them, but for providing lots of good food. She very politely says that there’s plenty for seconds. As she leaves the room and steps out into the hallway, she changes into a blue-skinned, red-haired young witch with pointy ears. She expects the two boys to make a good meal for her, and is irritated when the wall lamp turns into a big blue shape-changing rooster, and a blue frog monster oozes from the wooden floor. They tease the witch for not inviting them to share in her dinner. In bed, Goku asks Pakku if they should trust the woman. Manba comes up the stairs, asking herself which one she should eat first. She enters the bedroom, and jams a big butcher’s knife into Goku’s blankets. Outside the window, Pakku congratulates the boy on his good call. They are interrupted when the witch finds them. They re-enter the house, fall through a trapdoor, and land in the basement next to a giant caldron hanging over a bonfire. Manba appears on the caldron, commenting on how good her meal looks. Pakku and Goku are frozen in fear. Manba evilly anticipates cooking them, and floats down to the ground. Goku tells her that this kind of evil grin detracts from her beautiful face, and she immediately turns human, stares into a mirror, and talks to herself about how pretty she is. Goku tries to inch to the door, but is seen in the mirror-Manba throws the knife, and cuts off some of Goku’s hair. Goku wets his pants. The witch reaches out with her own hair and starts choking the boy to death. Pakku decides to save his friend, picks up a barrel, and goes wide-eyed as human bones fall out. He grabs a fry pan, and Manba creates a cleaver to use on her next meal. Goku goes limp, and Manba tries to cut him open. But, the boy recovers, his hand begins sparking, and he blows Manba against the far wall before collapsing to the floor. Pakku dumps the boiling contents of the caldron at Manba, sending her rapidly up to the ceiling in pain. Pakku uses the cleaver to cut Goku free, and they escape through a window out to the woods. Manba vows that she WILL cook them. The boys race to a rickety wooden bridge spanning a deep chasm, and stop for breath. Pakku comments that the "old woman" is a monster, and tries to get Goku to keep moving. Goku is afraid of the bridge because it looks dangerous. So, Pakku goes first. His foot breaks through a plank, but he makes it to the other side. Gokuu slowly follows, looks over the side, and almost freezes up. Repeating "I’m not scared", he keeps crawling forward. Then, the wind picks up and throws the bridge about. A few of the ropes break, and Goku falls off. He holds on to one rope, yelling for help. The wind stops. Pakku returns to the bridge to save Goku, telling the boy to grab his hand. Goku can’t, and yells back that he’s going to fall. Pakku asks him how the boy will save Gradma Pan if he falls, then the other ropes break. The bridge collapses, dropping Pakku into the chasm, and slamming Goku into the cliff wall above a ledge. Goku crawls out of the chasm some time later, in the daylight. He’d landed on the correct side of the chasm. He makes a campfire, bandages his scrapes, and imagines Pakku eating with him. In self-rage, he gulps his food. He keeps moving, reaching a tree that had fallen across another gap. On the other side, Pakku yells for him to hurry on over. Goku thinks that his friend is still alive, but it’s just his imagination. With tears in his eyes, and a runny nose, Goku crosses over the tree. Later, in a sunlit clearing, Goku stops, playing with his pen. He thinks that if he’d grabbed Pakku’s hand, the other boy would be alive now. He sobs out to a vision of Pan that it’s obvious that he has no courage. Then, he’s startled as a bear cub breaks out of the bushes and hides behind him. Gettou jumps out, announcing that he’ll eat the cub now. The cub looks at Goku with big helpless eyes. Goku looks at Gettou, then at the cub, and runs away yelling "I’m scared." But, he envisions the cub’s face again, stops, and tries to feel courageous. Then, he turns around and runs back. The frog monster is about to swallow the cub whole, when he gets bopped on the back of the head with a tree branch. He recognizes Goku as one of the boys from Manba’s house. He asks if Goku thinks that the branch will defend him, and anticipates that the boy will make a better meal than the cub would. Goku attacks, the branch shatters, and Goku is batted to the ground. Gettou wraps his mouth around the boy’s head. In response, Goku screams, powers up a little, and launches Gettou into the air like a rocket. The frog disappears in the distance. Goku bandages the cub’s foreleg, talking out loud about trying to find the Dragon Ball, and how his friend has fallen into the chasm. The bear licks his tears away, and he thanks it. Then, papa bear shows up to rip him to shreds. The cub growls out an explanation; papa calms down and grins his thanks. The cub growls some more, and papa bear throws the startled Goku up onto his huge back. Goku guesses that they know where the Dragon Ball is, and the cub grins, squeaking in agreement. Eventually, the three reach the high ground, and Goku sees a small Chinese-style plaster hut that he recognizes from Gramma Pan’s description as Old Man Goku’s old house. He runs forward, and is blocked by Manba and the other two villains. The witch snarls at Goku, for the damage to her hair, and Rakkaru compliments her for looking pretty with a shorter hair style. The witch gets embarrassed again, and Gettou yells at his companions that their supper is escaping. Goku and the bears disappear from sight, falling over a short cliff. The villains think that their prey has used magic, and the frog adds that the kid is obviously not a normal human. When the villains find him, Goku has his pants down and is slapping his butt at them. Rakkaru gets angry and flies after him-a trick that Goku wasn’t expecting. Suddenly, a huge cannon ball is fired from down the valley it smashes into Goku and plows the boy into the ground. A giant, shape-changing boar turns his cannon arm back to normal, and announces that he is Paozu Yama’s Emperor, "Yohmaoh". Yohmaoh orders the three minor villains to leave the boy to him, and they immediately prostrate themselves and apologize. They’re interrupted by the sound of the massive cannonball rolling away, and Goku’s complaints of the pain. Yohmaoh is surprised that the boy is still alive, blows fireballs from his nostrils, and tries to stomp the boy to death. Papa bear attacks the demon king, and gets bashed away. Goku and the cub run, until the cub trips. Then, papa bear attacks again. It gets bashed off a cliff, and Goku and the cub rush to it. The boar jumps down, boasting that he’ll eat them all. Papa recovers somewhat and lumbers forward, growling at Goku to stay back. It stands up and threatens the demon, only to get smashed around more. Yohmaoh grabs papa by the neck and turns his hand into a solid piece of wood to choke the bear. The bear tries to get Goku to run away. The boy says "Kuma-san, I’m scared", gets a little lightning around his fist, then grabs the cub and runs off. Papa goes limp. Yohmaoh turns his other hand to a sword. The cub sees that its father is about to die, wriggles free, and dashes back. Goku turns around, yells "stop!", and goes Super Saiyan. Saying that he won’t put up with this anymore, SSJ Goku, Jr. roughs up the boar a little. Yohmaoh can’t believe Goku’s power, and then gets punched deep into the cliff face. The demon asks what kind of creature Gokuu is, then passes out. The other three villains panic and run away. Goku powers down and falls unconscious. He wakes up with the two bears beside him. He sees the monster buried under the rubble, and thinks that the bears had saved him. He thanks papa, and papa looks confused. At the little house, the place is a dusty shambles. Goku searches around. Eventually he sees an orange glow on the wall as sunlight hits the Ball from under some broken boards. He finds the 4-Star Dragon Ball, takes it outside, and prays to it. He asks Kami-sama God to save his much-beloved Gramma Pan. Then he tries to pray to have Pakku saved. Nothing happens, and he gets angry trying to figure out why Shenlon isn’t showing up. Finally, in a tear-filled rage, he throws the Ball away. It lands at the feet of the adult Goku looking just as he did before being turned into a child Adult Goku says that this is not the way the Ball works. Little Goku asks who the stranger is, and is told "I’m your great, great, great..." Adult Goku loses count. "Anyway, I’m your Old Man." Adult Goku praises the boy for becoming so strong. Little Goku disagrees, thinking that he’s still weak. Adult Goku corrects him, tries to figure out how many generations are involved here, and gives up. "Anyway, you are SON GOKU!" The boy is please with this, then thinks about his fallen friend. Suddenly, a Police helicopter arrives, with Pan and Pakku aboard. Little Goku thinks that the Ball has granted his wish after all, and turns to thank adult Goku. But, no one is there. Pan claims that no one should think that she’d be overcome so easily. The adult Goku’s voice tells the boy that it wasn’t the Dragon Ball that saved everyone it was "Courage". He adds "Keep trying hard", and the boy promises to. The narrator tells us that this is the end of this story. Little Goku says that because he’s going to try hard, he wants the Old Man to keep watching him. The narrator continues, saying that the 4 Star Ball is the one that the original Goku had thought had the spirit of Old Gohan in it, and that little Goku is now ready to carry on the family name. The helicopter flies into the sunset, and we get to see the image of adult Goku smiling down at us.