USSJ Network

In order to be considered for affiliation with this site you must meet these requirements:

1. You must 1000+ hits per day for Elite, 500+ for regular affiliates.

2. You must have a good variety of material on your site.

3. You must have a nice layout on your site.

4. You must have a site which is easy to navigate and not filled with pop-ups.

5. You must have a 88x31 site button.

6. Must be based on the Dragonball or some type of Anime.

7. NO HENTI, PORN, POKEMON, DIGIMON, or any other thing that is related to those subjects.

8. No long name or your name DBZ page. Ex. Gary's DBZ Page

9. Must Be a Cool Webmaster.

10. Must Have My Button Up In 48 hours of notice of affiliation.

Your Name

Average # of Hits a day

Site URL

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If you meet these requirements, email me by clicking your site here and I will review your site for affiliation. If you do not meet these requirements, do not email me because I will not respond.

Anime Heaven
Anime Heaven

Dark Alliance
Dragonball Fury


- Dragonball 100
- Dojo 100
- Dragonball Village
- GT 100
- Da'x Topsite
- Ultimate 100
- Anime Zen

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