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   Card Game
Tooken from the Quick Start Play Sheet.

1] Both players get their cards. One plays as Goku, the other plays as Radditz.
2] Both players put out their 3 Main Personality cards and Life Decks, and set their Scouters and warrior swords.
3] Goku is first, so he draws 3 cards from his life deck.
4] Goku can play a Non-Combat card now, but has none. Next, Goku Powers Up by moving his Scouter up by his PUR [1 Power Stage].
5] Goku decides to attack Radditz, so Radditz draws three cards, too.
6] Goku attacks with a One-knuckle punch. This causes Goku's anger, tracked on his Warrior Sword, to move from 0 to 1.
7] Radditz defends with a Shoulder Throw... which blocks the One Knuckle Punch...
8] ... and raises Radittz's anger to 1.
9] Raditz attacks back, with a Lunge Punch, which raises his anger by one to 2.
10] Goku blocks the attack with Mother's Touch... which must be discarded from the game.
11] Goku attacks with his card power, the Kamehameha Energy Attack, from his Main Personality card, which costs him one power stage, to 900.
12] Radditz defends with his Main Personality card power, Saiyan Energy Deflection... which reduces the damage to discarding only two life cards.
13] Radditz now attacks with the last card in his hand, Goku's Anger Attack [a cruel twist of fate used against Goku].
14] Since Goku's last attack card won't block the attack, the attack is successful. Damage from a physical attack is determined on the Physical Attack Table.
15] The Table indicates Goku, the defender, loses 2 power stages. The attack card doubled it to 5, so Goku moves his scouter down 4 power stages to 500.
16] Goku's last card won't inflict any damage, so he passes. Radditz passes, also, since he is out of cards. 17] Combat cards that were played are discarded, and Goku's turn, which began in Step 3, ends.
18] The game continues with Radditz's turn. Radditz draws 3 cards. Play until one of you wins!

Ways of Winning
- Become the highest level personality... [higher levels are achieved through higher anger]
- ... be the last surviving player [the player still having a life deck]...
- ... or collect all seven Dragon Balls to win!