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Tuesday, 15 February 2005
At-Home Dad Penguins
Topic: Playgroup News
Taking a quick google news check with the keyword

We all know at-home dad penguins can treat their wives like this on a bad day, but would you believe they stand outside in sub-zero temps with no food for 65 days for their kids?    The National Geographic reports that the penguin egg?s father balances it on his feet and covers it with his brood pouch, a very warm layer of feathered skin designed to keep the egg cozy. There the males stand, for about 65 days, through icy temperatures, cruel winds, and blinding storms. And they eat nothing that whole time. Due to this evidence, the Northeast Wisconsin At Home Dads features their new hero on their site

Reporter Anna Krejci, of the Green Bay News Chronicle interviewed the Northeast Wisconsin group leader Bruce Cantrall and 2 other dads about the penguin while they were corralling 6 kids at their local library. Bruce reports, We were asked by the reporter if we do a "background check" on our members. (We have an application process on our web page before joining the email list or having anyone look at photos).  I do not expect a reporter would ask anyone from a Mom's group that question. I asked the reporter if she had children or was married,  she said she was single with no kids .   I suggested that she could always become a work-at-home or away mom as a reporter with a stay-at-home dad taking care of her children.  Did she ever think of that when looking at possible mates?  No was her answer.  All in all, the story bought in one more dad and Bruce notes that The group feels it was a very positive article on the importance of dads in their children's lives.  They included 3 nice photos with the kids and the dads doing things together

Posted by athomedad at 10:24 AM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 15 February 2005 1:16 PM EST
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