I first learned of him on David Icke’s web site which exposes conspiracies and the Draco reptilian agenda. David Icke explains how some of the predatory extraterrestrial factions have made alliances with governments all over the world. The conspiracy seeks to consolidate all governments into a global superpower ruled by an elite cabal that receives orders from malevolent extraterrestrial spirits [fallen angels]. At the top of the Cabal is Lucifer himself. Below him are a 'Jesuit Black Pope,' who resides in the City of London and controls the various Masonic orders, and the 'White Pope of the Vatican,' who controls the global Roman Catholic Church. Below this network are the bloodline-family members of the Satanic Council/Committee of 300 and their organizations, which include the Club of Rome, the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Group, the United Nations, NATO, the Federal Reserve system, and so on, right down to your local chamber of commerce. The Cabal’s [Freemasonry's] goal is to create a New World Order and its project is codenamed Project Omega.
James Rink
Which is the greatest city in Europe? Without doubt the capital of my country, London. What a city! Why ‘tis Babylon!
Tancred by Benjamin Disraeli
Behold, I will show you the judgment of the Great Whore that sitteth upon many waters: whom the Kings and inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication: and I saw a Woman sit upon a Scarlet-coloured Beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. And the Woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls having a Golden Cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication and upon her forehead was a name written, Mystery: Babylon the Great, the Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth. The Woman which thou sawest is that Great City [born from Rome] which reigneth over the Kings of the earth.
Revelation 17; The Holy Bible
Blood[line] of the One demanded of London Burnt by a raging Great Fire in the year 1666 The Ancient Lady will fall from her high place And many of the same Cult will be killed
Nostradamus C2 Q51 Predicting The Great Fire of London in 1666
How much she hath glorified herself and lived deliciously for she saith in her heart, I sit a Queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow. Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: And the kings of the earth shall lament for her, when they shall see the smoke of her burning. Every shipmaster and all the company in ships and as many as trade by sea, stood afar off saying What city is like unto this Great City and they cast dust on their heads, and cried, weeping and wailing for in one hour is she made desolate. And a mighty Angel took up a stone and cast it into the sea, saying, Thus with violence shall that great city Babylon be thrown down, and shall not be found.
Revelation 18; The Holy Bible
The Club of Rome is a conspiratorial umbrella organization promoting World Government, and the marriage between Anglo-American financiers and Noble families of Europe, particularly of London. The key to the successful control of the world is their ability to create and manage savage economic recessions and eventual economic depressions.
To the Holy Blood Holy Grail authors, Plantard explained that certain American Bankers were involved with Priory because they supported the concept of a United States of Europe.
The Sion Revelation p. 268
Central bankers based in the City of London control the cartels that dominate the world. They finagled the right to print money based on our credit and quite naturally used this advantage to buy everything worth having. This might be tolerable if limitless wealth was all they wanted, but they also want limitless power (not just a one-world dictatorship) but total control over our minds and souls. Popular culture is engineered to brainwash each of us from cradle to grave. Trends and megatrends are manufactured, engineered by corporations. Society evolves slowly toward "social efficiency" all by itself; society under stress, however, evolves much faster. Thus the deliberate creation of crisis is an important tool of evolutionary socialists.
✠ The City of London as Capital of the Emerging New World Order There are two operant Crowns in England, one being Queen Elizabeth II. Although extremely wealthy, the Queen functions largely in a ceremonial capacity and serves to deflect attention away from the other Crown, who issues her marching orders through their control of the English Parliament. This other Crown is comprised of a committee of 12 banks headed by the Bank of England (House of Rothschild). They rule the world from the 677-acre, independent sovereign state known as The City of London, or simply 'The City.' The City is not a part of England, just as Washington D.C., is not a part of the USA. The City is referred to as the wealthiest square mile on earth and is presided over by a Lord Mayor who is appointed annually. When the Queen wishes to conduct business within the City, she is met by the Lord Mayor at Temple (Templar) Bar where she requests permission to enter this private, sovereign state. She then proceeds into the City walking several paces behind the Mayor. Her entourage may not be clothed in anything other than service uniforms. In the nineteenth century, 90% of the world's trade was carried by British ships controlled by the Crown. The other 10% of ships had to pay commissions to the Crown simply for the privilege of using the world's oceans. The Crown reaped billions in profits while operating under the protection of the British armed forces. This was not British commerce or British wealth, but the Crown's commerce and the Crown's wealth. As of 1850, author Frederic Morton estimated the Rothschild fortune to be in excess of $10 billion (today, the combined wealth of the banking dynasties is estimated at around $500 trillion). Today, the bonded indebtedness of the world is held by the Crown. The aforementioned Temple Bar is the juristic arm of the Crown and holds an exclusive monopoly on global legal fraud through their Bar Association franchises. The Temple Bar is comprised of four Inns of Court. They are: the Middle Temple, Inner Temple, Lincoln's Inn and Gray's Inn. The entry point to these closed secret societies is only to be found when one is called to their Bar. The Bar attorneys in the United States owe their allegiance and pledge their oaths to the Crown. All Bar Associations throughout the world are signatories and franchises to the International Bar Association located at the Inns of Court of the Crown Temple. The Inner Temple holds the legal system franchise by license that bleeds Canada and Great Britain white, while the Middle Temple has license to steal from America, still the most powerful and wealthiest nation in the world, so we are told. There are three distinct landscapes to the appearance of the Harlot "Babylon" which can be figuratively referred to as her body, spirit and soul. According to Scripture these three aspects of Babylon are to be destroyed at three different points in time. The first aspect according to Jeremiah 51:59-64 is the literal geographical city of ancient Babylon, in present day Iraq. This would refer spiritually to the "body" of Babylon, a literal city that has existed in various states of ruin, renewal and rebirth by various ethnicities and powers throughout its various incarnations from ancient Mesopotamia to Egypt, from Egypt to Rome, from Rome to Londinium that became London, and last from London to the United States (via Freemasonry, a belief system born out of the occult and having kabalistic roots originating in both Babylon and Egypt). Ancient Romans built London circa 40 AD, and out of London came the United States, so there is a direct connection that most never contemplate but is so obviously key to understanding where true evil sits from the Jesuit/Masonic-held Vatican still in Rome to the Masonic Corporate City of London to our Masonic-controlled Washington DC, generation after generation.
In the Hebrew Bible, the name appears as בבל (Babel) interpreted by Book of Genesis 11:9 to mean "confusion, dispersion" (of languages), from the verb balal בלל meaning "to confuse and disperse". Babylon as a city rose to power drawing from the Mesopotamian histories of the earlier Sumerian culture before it to itself become one of the wonders of the ancient world, a Kingdom later reflected in the vision of the Prophet Daniel who saw a large statue with a Golden Head to represent Babylon being part of the larger body of global Satanic Kingdoms that would rule the world. In time Babylon would fall to other influences such as the Persian Empire, the Macedonians under Alexander the Great, yet eventually Babylon became nothing but a few barely maintained structures in the desert, the physical city never rising again to hold the epic prominence it was had in the ancient world. By that which is revealed in Jeremiah 50:18-20, 51:19-24 we know that the final destruction of the literal city of Babylon was prophesied to occur within the last days, specifically in the Great Tribulation, the last 42 months of Antichrist's power. The second manifestation of that yet-to-be future "Mystery Babylon" is thus spiritually called, and not to be taken in the literal sense, meaning, the Antichrist's future Church Kingdom will arise from the spirit that was Babylon, to culminate in that future sacrilegious seat by which the Antichrist and his False Prophet establish as a global religious system to further solidify the Antichrist's total control of the planet, but it will not rise up out of Iraq proper, as so many falsely interpret. This same religious system is in its maturing stages at present with the globally accepted New Age Movement and its major tenants drawn from ancient Babylonian witchcraft and Occult magickal systems. This "spirit" of Babylon is already infecting the minds of millions globally in one form or another and guiding the planet into 'One World' thinking in advance of the Antichrist's arrival. The belief that spiritual power can come to an individual outside of God through self-effort, or 'nature spirits,' meaning, the demonic powers masquerading as those same supposedly benign spirits are all part of the mystery religion that still is Babylonian paganism. All world religious beliefs not founded on the absolute truths of the Bible have descended from Mystery Babylon and can be described as religions of Babylonian paganism. Therefore, those who claim they are not Pagans because they are not witches or are witches and claim they aren't Satanic simply do not understand the common root and source of all polytheistic and pantheistic beliefs that originated from the ancient Babylonian mystery religions dating back over 4,000 years.
The third aspect of the 'Babylon' to rise is the physical Kingdom of the Antichrist whose own future Kingdom has in itself two aspects, the religious and the economic. These two seemingly opposed aspects may have been what was referenced to in Daniel's prophecy when the Angel Gabriel told him these aspects are as iron mixed with clay. Now while the Mystery that is that future Babylon seems to be rooted in the Middle East, very few doubt that it is in the West where one can literally see how Babylon's paganism fused into ancient Roman worship, past, and indeed in the present. The European Union, which was established by the 'Treaty of Rome' is without a doubt the ultimate fulfillment of the restored Roman Empire with Europe's affinity to identify itself with Babylon, even as the European Union has adopted symbols which are of stylized Babylonian design, specifically, the images provided by the Book of Revelation's Great Whore, which is telling in itself. They know of what they're working toward, and for whom. Outside the Council of Europe building in Brussels there stands a sculpture of a woman riding a bull, a representation of the Greek myth of Europa. This building is the nerve center of the EU, where laws are written by unelected men, only later to be rubber stamped by the EU parliament. Its new parliament building opened in Strasbourg in December 2000 is deliberately modeled on Brueghel's painting of the Tower of Babel. When asked by a secular journalist ‘Why the Tower of Babel' an EU official replied, ‘What they failed to complete 3000 years ago - we in Europe will finish now.' An EU promotional poster has a reproduction of The Tower of Babel with construction cranes above it and the caption ‘Many tongues, one voice.' This coming Satanic Empire, therefore, whose own soul and spirit is derived of Babylon yet whose physical territories encompass modern Europe, shall become the power base of a New World Economic system as well as a World Religion. This is the Mystery behind the Whore of Babylon. The author of Revelation's own prophetic vision into these future events were remarkably similar, yet even more detailed than Daniel's, as John was shown the Whore of Babylon (the religious system) riding the power of the Roman Empire/Beast that rules from a city on seven hills, interpreted as Vatican City, the one city that throughout its history has never had any pretensions about her rights to rule over the kings of the earth from her city upon seven hills. Interestingly, the Demonic-worshipping Scottish Rite Freemasons refer to the Queen of England in their dark ceremonies as 'The Queen of Babalon.'
A Survivor's Account of THE SATANIC ELITE NETWORK Working in Australia I
The Roman Church pushed itself into the place of the Roman world empire, of which it is the actual continuation. The Pope is Caesar's successor.
Adolf Von Harnack: What is Christianity? p. 269-270 (1901)
A Survivor's Account of THE SATANIC ELITE NETWORK Working in Australia II
The colossal wealth of the Vatican includes solid gold bullion worth billions and is stored within the Rothschild controlled Bank of England, of which the Queen controls. Similarly, the US Federal Reserve Bank, with all of its own physical gold assets having been shipped from Fort Knox to the same Bank of England, proves that it won't be the Vatican that is slated to rule the coming post-American world, but the British Monarchy and its Masonic handlers. Thus, the Vatican Whore has given over all of its centuries amassed wealth over to the British Royal Family, and ultimately, in so doing, to the Antichrist himself, in order so that when he arises, he is instantly made the most powerful man in the world, financially, metaphorically, figuratively, literally, and spiritually. The Vatican still holds enormous business venture investments with the Rothschilds in Britain, with big oil, like Shell, and black project weapons corporations such as General Electric among several others. Therefore, Revelation's quasi-religious Whore of Babylon could be no other than Catholicism, albeit a coming twisted version of Catholicism, and one that has gone back to its own pagan roots, which must don't know, is precisely the spiritual cesspool that the Judeo-Christian turned counterfeit Roman religion arose from in the first place. In stark terms to how actually Christianity arose, with Jesus Christ heading up the true faith, Catholicism was created by mixing ancient Babylonian Paganism with pagan Roman god and goddess traditions, that infused a bastardized form of Christianity, as a template, over the combined result, to form a new global religion under the premise of unifying the ancient world, the same already conquered world that Rome was losing as its empire was fading into obscurity. Therefore, Rome created the new religion, that they wantonly sold as 'Christianity,' in order to allow Rome, via its new Vatican, to still hold power over the world, spiritually, that they were losing, militarily. As such, ancient Rome has managed to stay in power over all these centuries, and quite effectively, as a result. This is what is meant by Revelation in its reference to Rome as being that which the whole world has been drunken with, even as Roman Catholicism has infected the entire planet with its Antichrist paganism, that is now becoming blatantly Antichrist under the current Pope. It is the Book of Revelation that so perfectly portrays future Rome and its religious Babylon as intoxicating herself on the blood of the true martyrs of Jesus Christ over these last 2,000 years, which of itself, becomes our greatest clue marking her as that defiled institution existing since the time when Christians were being martyred, until the end times, when Antichrist uses the Roman religion to further his own takeover of the planet. Moreover, this Babylon Whore has become rich off the blood of martyrs, using Christ in the most twisted ways as a leverage to gain such heights of majestic power, globally, but ultimately, for Satan himself. There is certainly no denying the many historical atrocities committed by the Roman Church in all its horrors, inquisitions, or Crusades by which they slaughtered Jews by the thousands, or any of its other forms of rampant anti-Semitism most recently seen in their turning their backs on the European Jews as they were systematically led to slaughter by genocide in the Holocaust, and yet the face of this great evil lives on still, in Rome. (See also Freemasonry, Armageddon, and Rome.)
Even so, God shall destroy this global religious institution once and for all at some point after the midpoint of the Tribulation. Her temporary control over the Beast was only tolerated by the Antichrist so that she could be used to bring her illegitimate children together in unity so that together they may be destroyed all at once. The Ten Kings will then devote all of their power, authority, and will, to the establishment of the finalized Kingdom of the Antichrist by destroying the religious aspect of Mystery Babylon. Just before this event, Revelation 18:4-8 informs us that 'I heard another Voice from Heaven, saying, Come out of her my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. For her sins have reached unto Heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities. Reward her even as she rewarded you. How much she hath glorified herself. Therefore shall all her fiery plagues come in one day. Revelation 18:7 reveals that in her final form, Babylon the Economic Center from which Antichrist holds all power over the planet's wealth, is no longer referred to as a Harlot, but instead as a Queen (i.e. Britannia). Like Vatican City, London’s Inner Temple is also a privately owned corporation, or city state, located in the heart of Greater London. It became a sovereign state in 1694 when King William III of Orange privatized and turned the Bank of England over to the bankers. By 1812 Nathan Rothschild crashed the English stock market and scammed control of the Bank of England. Today the city state of London is the world’s financial power center and the wealthiest square mile on the face of the Earth. It houses the Rothschild controlled Bank of England, Lloyd’s of London, the London Stock Exchange, all British Banks, the branch offices of 385 foreign banks, and 70 US banks. It has its own courts, its own laws, its own flag, and its own police force. It is not part of Greater London, England, or the British Commonwealth, and pays no taxes. The city state of London houses Fleet Street’s newspaper and publishing monopolies. It is also the headquarters for worldwide English Freemasonry and headquarters for the worldwide money cartel know as the Crown. The Club of Rome is a conspiratorial umbrella organization promoting the One-World Government, a marriage between Anglo-American financiers and the old Secret Nobility families of Europe, particularly the so-called "nobility" of London (Queen Elizabeth, Prince Philip and Prince Charles), Venice and Genoa. The key to the successful control of the world is their ability to create and manage savage economic recessions and eventual economic depressions, and first to be taken down will be the United States. Because of the prophecy in Daniel 9:26 which reveals that the Antichrist will come from the people that destroyed Jerusalem in 70 AD, we know the Queen's city will be found in what was once the Roman Empire albeit the future Queen of Economic Babylon is therefore perfectly represented in Britannia, the Whore of Babylon. The fact that London burned in the year 1,666 was God's obvious omen shown, after which the Masonic powers ruling London rebuilt the Whore in a massive rebuilding program that same ill-fated year. God is not without providing mankind a sign.
We are now in the last days of Satan’s reign and he is working overtime through his agents to complete the takeover of the world. His agents are nothing less than the Freemasons who have permeated to the very heart of the Catholic Church. It is the task of Freemasons to lull Christians, especially priests, into believing that the Devil and his demons do not exist. These agents of Satan were waiting for their time to come. The Freemason antichrists became priests for this purpose. They aim to take religious power throughout the world, just as they have taken far-reaching economic and political power over the West.
In a two-hour presentation, Father O’Connor gave a homily titled “The Reign of the Antichrist,” in which he described how changes within society and in the institution were already at work before his death to provide for the coming of Antichrist. In this sermon and elsewhere, O’Connor outlined the catalyst for this scheme unfolding as a result of “Masonic Conspirators” within the organization whose plan, called “Alta Vendita, would essentially take control of the Papacy and help the False Prophet deceive the world’s faithful into worshipping the Antichrist.
The Grand Grimoire, circa 1520 AD, also called the Red Dragon and the Gospel of Satan, was discovered in the tomb of Solomon in 1750 and is written in either Biblical Hebrew or Aramaic. The 4-part book is owned by the Roman Catholic Church and is kept in the Vatican Secret Archives, where it remains unavailable to the public. How do we know it exists? The Church claims official ownership of it. The legend of the Red Dragon is that the manuscript was based on writings by the apocryphal Honorius of Thebes, who many claimed was possessed by Satan. The book is said to contain proof of demonic evocation and Occult spells as well as the process whereby newly elected Popes are slowly won over by Satan's greatness.
✠ The Whore of Babylon and the Spiritual City of Antichrist London was actually founded by the Romans in their expanse toward a New World Order of the ancient world to quickly became a large industrial port city linking it directly to Rome. After which, Rome then flooded thousands of troops into the New Roman City where they conquered it and ancient Britain north to Hadrian's Wall. Along with the soldiers, came Roman architecture, roads, culture, art, laws, Latin, and more importantly, Rome's Empire and spirit into Britannia where it later resurrected into the powerful British Empire (and will again.) Biblical prophecy authors and researchers have debated for decades declaring that Antichrist must be a Roman and arise out of Rome from their linear understanding of the Scriptures in Daniel and Revelation. A more careful look at those same prophecies however clearly indicate that the coming Prince arises out of a nation (and city) that was part of the ancient Roman Empire, not Rome itself. The fact that London was actually created by Roman hands does lend an interesting connection and shows us that London became, in effect the New Rome. As Rome and the Roman Empire, itself waned in power, England and its new capital city of London gained in power, prestige, and global influence. We can see by this example how a historic commercial and financial Goliath like the 677-acre former ancient Roman settlement, the City of London with its renown Bank awash in Masonic connections will certainly fulfill its intended role. With the British Isles historic Celtic beliefs together with what is known as British Israelism, one can find a strong foundation for a religion which can be used to position the Antichrist as the last day's false Messiah. Combining these facts with the January and December 1999 reports from the Electronic Telegraph with the proposal to replace Britain's Coronation services with a multi-faith ceremony having contributions from many other faiths and that the religion of the United Kingdom would no longer be explicitly Protestant, in opposition to Roman Catholic inclusion in government affairs, but instead adopt more of a syncretic faith that includes all religions and cultural beliefs, including a New Age form of "Celtic Christianity," which believes Christ was merely an ascended mindset of whom anyone could become, as well as teaching that Christ and His "lost years" were inextricably linked to Glastonbury, and the teachings of pagan Druidism, from which He supposedly derived His Godly power. Clearly, Great Britain is therefore well on its way to fulfilling its roles prophesied in Revelation: "And the Woman which thou sawest is the great city that currently reigns."
As the world recently saw once again afflict the questionable Anglican Church that the British royals have historically been intimately connected with, the Windsor's not excluded, was the resurfacing of one of its most evil and prolific serial child abusers and likely Queen-serving Satanist, John Smythe QC (QC stands for Queen's Counsel). The resignation of Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury on Nov. 12, 2024, came as a surprise to many in the Anglican Communion and its more than 85 million adherents in 165 countries, but hit hardest perhaps in the United Kingdom, where the king heads the Church of England and the Archbishop is its most senior cleric. While many Anglicans find their faith challenged by the latest scandal that brought Welby down — his role in a conspiracy of silence to suppress the largest sexual abuse scandal in the Church's history should bring the anger of all of Christendom itself. First, a bit of history behind the Archbishop of Canterbury which has its roots in the Middle Ages and has endured through centuries of turmoil. In the sixth century, Pope Gregory the Great sent Augustine — not the northern African doctor of the church but an Italian monk — to Britannia to convert a people who had experienced waves of invasions by pagan peoples after the Romans retreated from the island. Landing in Kent in 597, Augustine found a Celtic church that had no wish to accept outside interference. But after baptizing King Ethelbert, who ruled from Canterbury and held sway over neighboring tribes, Augustine established the authority of the pope and the Roman Church and is considered the very first Archbishop of Canterbury. Given the turbulence of the early Middle Ages, secular and religious leaders were dependent on one another to maintain the loyalty of subjects and the loyalty of believers. This should not suggest, however, that a king’s and archbishop’s goals were always in alignment. Until the Reformation in the 16th century, the Archbishop of Canterbury exercised his own power and influence, independent of the British throne. It was not uncommon for the Archbishop of Canterbury to be promoted from a smaller English bishopric, with formal election by the monks of Canterbury Cathedral and confirmation from the pope. Sometimes the pope tried to parachute in a foreign candidate to further his own political ends; sometimes the monarch tried to arrange the election of one of his political allies. These almost symbiotic relations could lead to evil, turmoil, and murder and did. Fast forward to today, the consequences of Welby’s resignation will be complex and, in many ways, politically significant. Protocol and precedent require that the prime minister advise the British king on whom to appoint as the next archbishop, though the call actually falls on a committee that decides on behalf of the monarch. The man at the center of this latest British scandal that involves the British royal family is a Smith, spelled Smythe, who was a barrister who ran "Christian summer camps" in the 1970s and 1980s, but also committed physical, psychological and sexual abuse against more than 100 boys and young men from Britain to South Africa across five decades, subjecting them to traumatic physical, sexual, psychological, and as reported, even spiritual attacks [proving he was a Satanist masquerading as Christian --C.O.].
Born in Canada, Smyth became a QC in 1979 and was the barrister for morality campaigner Mary Whitehouse, who took cases against Gay News and the National Theatre as part of her campaigns opposing homosexuality in the 1970s and 1980s. The barrister moved to Zimbabwe in 1984 - two years after allegations were first made - and set up similar evangelical camps there. In 1997, Smyth was arrested after the death of a 16-year-old boy at one camp. The case was dropped before trial and the barrister moved to South Africa. He died in Cape Town in 2018 aged 75. After a Channel 4 documentary broadcast in 2017, Hampshire Police opened an investigation into Smyth's sex abuse on boys. At the time of his death, he was wanted for police questioning and was being considered for a request for extradition to the UK. He sexually, psychologically and physically abused about 30 boys and young men in the United Kingdom and 85 in Zimbabwe and South Africa over five decades. The first allegations were made against Smyth in 1982 when an internal report by the Iwerne Trust referenced "horrific" beatings of boys and young men that left some of them bleeding. Church officials were first made aware of the abuse at that stage when they received the results of the internal report. Smyth knew the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby because he attended the Iwerne camps in the 1970s and knew many of the victims who were being abused at the time. The independent review said there was no evidence Mr. Welby "maintained any significant contact" with the barrister. But the Makin Report found that Justin Welby failed to inform police about the abuse as soon as he became aware of it in August 2013, soon after he became Archbishop of Canterbury. Mr. Welby said he had "no idea or suspicion" of the allegations before 2013, but the independent report concluded that it was unlikely he would have had no knowledge of the concerns regarding Smyth in the 1980s. The most recent Makin Review found that the report's recipients "participated in an active cover-up" to prevent its findings from coming to light. Smyth's abuse wasn't made public until the Channel 4 documentary. When confronted by the channel, he said he was "not talking about what we did at all." But those boys have grown and they are speaking. One such man is Andy Morse. Andy Morse, one of Smyth's victims, told Sky News he met his abuser at a Christian meeting at Winchester College in 1975. "Over a number of years he groomed me," Morse said. "He introduced sadistic beatings when I was an older teenager and through my university days up to a point when I made an attempt on my life to stop the abuse." He said the abuse was "physical," adding: "It was caning, many hits with a cane [because CAIN -- C.O]. "But far more damaging to me was the mental and spiritual anguish that came with it and the counting down from one beating to another" that's led to extreme form of PTSD and mental illness. This does seem to be the consistent and constant effect such serial abusers desire for the lives of their innocent victims as well as ripping apart their innocence from them. Such innocence cannot be extended toward either the Archbishop of Canterbury nor King Charles himself, not when both of them purchased a house for the Anglican Church's other serial sex abuser of boys, pedophile bishop Peter Ball AFTER he was convicted of molesting a dozen boys during his tenure as bishop.
Friendship with Prince Charles made pedophile bishop Peter Ball 'impregnable' -- The disgraced paedophile bishop Peter Ball made himself apparently “impregnable” by cultivating friendships with Prince Charles and other senior establishment figures who later rushed to support him when he was accused of sexual abuse, according to a BBC documentary. Ball, the former bishop of both Lewes and Gloucester who died last year, boasted of his role as “counsellor to royalty”, Cliff James, one of his victims, says in the programme. He cultivated friendships with Margaret Thatcher, peers of the realm, senior judges and headmasters of leading public schools. The former bishop was investigated by police in the early 1990s, which resulted in a police caution. In 2015, he was convicted of sexual offences against 17 teenagers and young men and jailed for 32 months. He was released in February 2017 after serving half his sentence. The second episode of the BBC’s two-part documentary, to be broadcast on Tuesday evening, draws on the testimonies of survivors and material and evidence given to the independent inquiry into child sexual abuse (IICSA), which conducted a case study into how the Church of England handled allegations against Ball. James said Ball boasted of his connections. “He kept mentioning his friendship with Prince Charles in a flippant way, [as] anyone would talk about a friend – but he’s talking about Prince Charles,” he said. “Here he was having a friendship with someone as low down as me … The next minute he’s dropping into the conversation, ‘oh, he’s counsellor to royalty’. It just reinforced his specialness and the idea he was impregnable.” The family of Neil Todd, who made the first allegation of abuse in 1993 and killed himself in 2012, said he had been portrayed as a liar and a “mischief-maker” by Ball’s friends in high places. At a hearing last year, the independent inquiry heard how members of the establishment, including the heir to the throne, the then archbishop of Canterbury and a senior member of the judiciary, rallied to support Ball. “The story of Peter Ball is the story of the establishment at work in modern times,” William Chapman, representing survivors, told the inquiry. “It is the story of how the establishment minimised the nature of Peter Ball’s misdeeds … and silenced and harassed those who tried to complain.” Prince Charles told Ball in a letter in February 1995, two years after the bishop had accepted the police caution, which was read to the inquiry: “I wish I could do more. I feel so desperately strongly about the monstrous wrongs that have been done to you and the way you have been treated.” Charles later arranged for the Duchy of Cornwall to buy a house to be rented by Ball and his identical twin, Michael, also a bishop. In a six-page statement to the inquiry, Charles said he had been deceived over a long period of time “about the true nature” of Ball’s activities, but denied he had sought to influence the outcome of police investigations. He said he was unsure whether he was told about Ball’s caution until 2009. In its report published last year, the IICSA concluded that the church had put its own reputation above the needs of victims of sexual abuse, and that Charles and other members of the establishment were misguided in their expressions of support for Ball.
Another tentacle of the mission of the modern "Christian" establishment of churches that have been infiltrated by Satan's own, are the method of reinterpreting Christendom into a much more liberal view. A recent report concerning the growing efforts of Great Britain to establish economic control was its parallel attempt at developing a far reaching religious authority in the world, shared in the Electronic Telegraph January 2000 article which stated that "Leaders from the nine religious faiths in Britain stood together in the Palace of Westminster yesterday and made a public commitment to work together for the common good in the Third Millennium.' Hosted by Catholic Prime Minister Tony Blair, the event brought together Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Jews, Sikhs, Jains, Bahai's and Zoroastrians in the Royal Gallery of the House of Lords where the Archbishop of Canterbury Dr. George Carey, stood shoulder to shoulder with Chief Rabbi Dr. Jonathan Sacks, Iqbal Sacranie, the secretary general of the Muslim Council of Great Britain, among several other leaders of multicultural faiths to offer "a joint Act of Commitment to work together in a world scarred by the evils of war, racism, injustice and poverty, to help bring about a better world now and for generations to come." Tony Blair described the occasion as progress of a very special sort, showing how Great Britain will "lead the way in such efforts now and especially in the future." Dr. Carey emphasized the Christian nature of the Millennial celebrations but acknowledged "the increasingly important contribution of other faiths." He went on to say, "This event will, I believe, be seen by future generations as truly historic." Interestingly, Revelation 18 closes out the chapter with a call from Heaven that believers rejoice over the final destruction of Babylon whose roots are ancient yet culminate in future having the singularity of all faiths bound together under a single banner to a strange god far removed from that of the Bible, to one connected with modern Satanism, Paganism, Occult and the Antichrist 666. This final aspect of commercial/political Babylon is to be destroyed, along with the Antichrist, at the close of the Great Tribulation by Jesus Christ Himself. Her final moments will come by an unparalleled earthquake (Revelation 16:16-19) along with swift acting plagues and the earth being in complete shock leading up to the Battle of Armageddon. Understand, the Satanic elite operate under the term "Zionists" in order to counterfeit God's true Zion, meaning, His plan with Israel in placing His Son as its King in Jerusalem (Psalm 2). But as is believed by racist, most often White conspiracy theorists, Jews are the "Zionists" who are preparing the world for Antichrist. However, in reality, Antichrist is the globalist Anglo-elite's greatest weapon against Israel, even far worse than Adolf Hitler could ever have hoped to accomplish. Why? Because whereas Hitler was merely oppressed by demons, Antichrist will be possessed by Satan himself! Therefore, with this term "Zionism," and how it gets thrown around today, in complete ignorance to the fact that everyone is falling under Satan's spell when they turn anti-Israel, anti-Jewish, or anti-Semitic, is again, Satan's plan all along. Have you fallen for it? Jews are completely ignorant to the fact that Satan has always been the one making them hated among the nations, first and foremost because they are the modern-day inheritors of the totality of God's promises to which Christ will ultimately fulfill in His return to Israel at Armageddon, when Israel will be saved.
Expressing his belief in the inherent racial and cultural superiority of Anglo-Saxons, Rhodes argued that only the British should rule the world. To this end, Rhodes put forward his own vision of an expanded British Empire that would be achieved by the formation of the Round Table secret society. This society would have "its members in every part of the British Empire," including in the schools and universities to select new members and in the Colonial legislatures, where they would "advocate the closer union of England and to crush disloyalty and every movement for the severance of our Empire". He also envisaged this secret society owning "portions of the press, for the press rules the mind of the people." By the late 1890s, Cecil Rhodes embraced the idea known as "Empire scholarships" for white men drawn from the British Empire and the United States with the aim to instill in the minds of the students "the advantages to the Colonies as well as to the United Kingdom of the retention of the unity of the Empire" by strengthening "those invisible ties which will keep together the Anglo-Saxon race." Rhodes’s detailed instructions for his scholarship scheme provided for 60 students from the Empire, 32 from the United States and a smaller number from Germany to be taught and accommodated at Oxford for one year, and so the "Rhodes Scholarships" were born and still exist to this very day. Prominent Rhodes Scholarship alumni include the former US President Bill Clinton, as well as at least 9 senior officials in the Clinton Administration and 11 in the Kennedy Administration, and a few Rhodes Scholars are found in the current Bush Administration lending many to speculate that a disproportionate number of its candidates will continue to achieve the most prominent positions of power, i.e., business, law, intelligence, and the military. The Round Table is also responsible for the formations of the Satanic-Zionist Royal Institute of International Affairs, Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, and others propagating their Anglo-Racist Global 'Zionist' Rule. This is why whenever most of these Satanists are exposed, they are they are almost always found to be European, American, or Australian, and NEVER Jewish. There are small exceptions, of course, such as the European-Jew, Miriam Abramovich, but it's still debatable at this point just how deep she is into the global Satanic cabal - as a MK Ultra-styled "performance artist." In lieu of the coming New World Order to be carved out of the modern evil "Zionist" European nations which are already held in secret subjection to the growing Anglo-British Empire, via its powerful arm in the United States, a movement and foundation was set up in 1909 called The Round Table Society which sought to create a world entirely governed by England [specifically, London]. In 1888, Cecil Rhodes, diamond-mogul and owner of De Beers, realized this vision while collaborating with Alfred Beit and London banker Nathaniel M. Rothschild (a "Jew" in name only, who was actually of Anglo-Germanic descent).
Satanist Jimmy Savile After Being Awarded a "Knighthood" from Queen Elizabeth
The black witches and magicians, being aware of this, and knowing that this terror could come from the very depths of the dark side of the subconscious, accepted sex rites and blood rites as a basic foundation for their worship, and they learned to control this terror that could come from within themselves to wreak havoc among the unsuspecting (page 16). The general accepted symbol of the left-handed path is the inverted triangle, called the triangle of darkness, symbolic of the Christian darkness [actually symbolic of Sheol], and it is passed on to this day among the initiates.
Since the so-called "Enlightenment," mankind has gradually fallen under the spell of the Kabbalah. What we have been taught to believe is "progress" is actually the resurgence of an ancient satanic pagan fertility cult, epitomized by the Kabbalah. The "god" of the Kabbalah is not god at all. It is Lucifer. Freemasonry is based on the Kabbalah. The Kabbalah is based on ancient pagan mythologies which recount the story of an original God who created the Universe, and a usurper god (Lucifer) who eventually defeats God and comes to rule the Universe in His stead. Essentially, the god and the goddess were seen as two aspects of a single god, Lucifer. He was known as a "dying God" because every winter he died and descended to the underworld where he ruled over the spirits of the dead. Kabbalism is a sex cult tied to the cycle of the seasons. Lucifer demands sacrifices and must be appeased to avert his evil and direct it against one's enemies. The most evil sacrifice is the slaughter of a child. Livingstone explains: "This [child sacrifice] became the basis of this cult as it was worshipped throughout the ancient world. Rituals of death and resurrection imitated that of the god [Lucifer]. Participants would imbibe intoxicants and dance to music in order to achieve a state of ecstasy, [so] they could achieve supernatural abilities like shapeshifting, clairvoyance and other magical powers. In this state, they would slaughter a child and eat its flesh and drink its blood so that the god [Satan] could be reborn in them." These rituals afterward involve sexual orgies where a priest and priestess impersonate the god/goddess [Lucifer/Diana] in a "Sacred Marriage" and produce a "son of god" who would then rule as 'King [of the world].'
The initial training [of the witch] consists of teaching the first degree initiate how to ... use the athame [ritual knife]. In fact, the first-degree training teaches the young initiate how to cast the Circle and erect the Sacred Temple of the Witches. To be able to do this correctly, they have to visualize certain magickal images; we call them the Lords of the Watchtowers, from the high god and goddess aspects through the rulers of the elements. When this is learned, the art of visualization has been fairly mastered. The initiate is taught how to induce clairvoyance (page 52). Other witches may ... wish to induce trance. This leaves them open to spirit [demonic] possession under the guidance of teachers, whereby a spirit controls the physical body and uses them for a particular type of phenomena that the spirit [demon] wishes to control, whether healing clairvoyance clairaudience physometry materialization telekinesis apports, or whatever the spirit is capable of doing within its own sphere (page 53).
Keep in mind that this ritual is not of modern origin. It has been practiced by Satanists since the days of Babylon. It is a multi-generational practice and it involves human sacrifice and the Satanic “Sacrament” the consumption of the Sacrificed victim’s literal blood and flesh. The British General, Lord Cornwallis, was an initiate who fully understood this dark and unholy secret ... (Kabbalah) has instructed the literal Children of Satan the world over how the conjuring and controlling of powerful demonic entities (they falsely believe they can actually control these entities) can be accomplished; that by utilizing certain geometrical lines combined with very specific harmonic frequencies of sound – the protective “Watchtowers” can be temporarily disabled, allowing very real and very powerful demonic Fallen Angels to communicate with the sorcerer or the “Mother Goddess” witch [or 'Grand Dane'].
I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews [e.g. British Royal Family, the Antichrist, Kabalistic/Satanic Global Elites, etc.], and are not, but are the Church of Satan. Behold, I will make them of the Church of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; I will make them to worship before thy feet, [at Judgment Day] to know that I have loved thee.
Revelation 2:9, 3:9; The Holy Bible
The promoters of Witchcraft, and especially Wicca, are constantly reminding us that their religion is not Satanic, but research into their history proves otherwise. One of the foundational texts of Wicca is called 'Aradia: The Gospel of Witches.' According to the text, [there's] unholy union between Diana and Lucifer [and] Lucifer as the true head of the witches was too 'strong meat' for the beginning Wiccans.
Crossroads were considered sacred to Diana-Hecate, the deity who is both Virgin and Whore. Such crossroads were the favored sites of witches and Masonic sorcerers who were her votaries. Crossroads were and are of significance to ritual sex magic. Crossroads were also places of human and animal sacrifice and such rites were often carried out in conjunction with magica sexualis, since the participants recognized an existing relationship between fertility and death. These sorts of activities are extremely secret in keeping with the lore of Hecate as illustrated in the saying "Triple Hecate, who giveth forth rays cognizant of secret mysteries."
I published two books that advanced my research undertaken during the previous decade of works dedicated to the fundamental virtues of Lucifer, Satan and the Devil and how the myths and histories relating to them are configured within the Craft, and how that has primarily affected my own Tradition, the Clan of Tubal Cain. Tubal Cain haunts us as the ante-diluvium progeny of Cain. All who carry ‘that’ mark [of Cain] find reference ... through the dark trials of sacrifice. Partake of ... divine life-blood ... the raw gift of life, Manna borne of earth. In their sacred consumption, each participant observes the triune grace [of Hecate].
It is also interesting that a particularly distinguished brand of traditional British Witchcraft was named after Cain's descendant, Tubal-Cain, who is honored as the maker of the Athame, or ritual tool of Witchcraft used for many diverse purposes, with [sacrificial] ritual blood-letting among them.
Cain has always been at the center of true Satanism, placed somewhere within its offspring in Druidism or Witchcraft. Adepts assert it was Cain who first used the Craft to debase God, which culminated in the murderous sacrifice of Abel. Being greatly influenced by Graves, the London Occultist Robert Cochrane formed his magickal Coven "The Clan of Tubal Cain."
We believe Wicca is just a modern interpretation of Gnosticism where the Serpent is the 'Horned One' [Satan] and the Goddess represents Eve, to whom it is alleged the Serpent copulated with, and instructed her in the secret wisdom or knowledge of the gods, making her the first Witch by which all others emulate as the Great Whore/Mother Goddess. 'Aradia, in her quest of knowledge ...naked and bound she was brought before Lucifer, his light shrouded in darkness. She perceived the veil that covered the radiance of Lucifer, and seeing him to be that which she sought, they made love and were one.' - I have repeatedly said the [Wiccan] Great Rite was re-enacting the alleged sexual relations of Eve and the Serpent, this account by Alex Sanders of the Wiccan belief behind the Great Rite confirms our suspicions.
The Kingdom of the Cainites ...maintained since the fell deed by bloody Cain was done, which first inflicted Death, the doom of Sin, pronounced upon our nature at the fall. Succession earned to their imperial Throne. Such horrid intercourse was frequent then, of Cain's cursed progeny ...produced a monstrous brood of half-devils and half-men.
[While] Witchcraft current has been cultivated in Europe through those who hold the key to the gnosis within their minds; it seems to speak through the blood. This unspoken aspect of the tradition of the old is known as Witchblood. It is a silent, unspoken yet natural degree of the folk ability to practice Magick. This is the inner magickal voice of Angels and Demons, the very core essence within each initiate... While the direction of those involved in the Luciferian Tradition in America are well aware of its context of approach, the defining state of consciousness must be adhered to. The Order of Phosphorus is founded upon the techniques taught through the lore of Luciferian Witchcraft. Witchcraft was a natural tool, taught by Luciferic Angels known as the Watchers, and their Cain–inspired brethren known as the Nephilim. It is through the Luciferian Circles that the Watchers and Fallen Angels brought to us the gift of what is called Witchblood, the Black Flame of Awakening that offered an awakening of senses. Each Angel [demon] still exists in spirit form upon the earth, allowing a lineage to emerge.
Baphomet was used by the Knights Templar to represent Satan. Through the ages this symbol ... represents the Powers of Darkness combined with the generative fertility of the goat. Many people in the Middle Ages thought some women rode at night with Diana, Goddess of the Pagans. The Goddess of [all] witches had various names, but learned texts commonly refer to her as Diana, Goddess of the Moon.
Anton Szandor LaVey; The Satanic Bible p. 136; Exploring the Unknown p. 207
The concept of a 'Great King' would thus have constituted a fulfillment of Nostradamus's prophecies. And it would have actualized at least in some sense, [with] the monarchist blueprint outlined in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. The Hapsburgs would haven been more than imperial heads of State. They would become a Dynasty of Priest-Kings like the future Messiah anticipated by the Jews.
Holy Blood Holy Grail p. 229
The highest degree of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry is the Meritorious Degree, or the Degree of the Illuminati, whose motto is "Ordo Ab Chao" or "Out of Chaos Comes Order." This literally means if Freemasonry can break down the existing structure and cause the population to cry out for order, they will emerge as the rulers and will have the world that they seek.
The Royals of Great Britain have arranged for the destruction of Christianity. The Holy Grail blasphemously represents the Blood of Jesus as having been preserved in the British Royal Family, heirs to the Throne of Jerusalem. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion speaks of a New King who will preside over a Masonic Kingdom.
Crowley's wife Rose repeated the strange phrase over and over again, adding "It's all about the Child." On April 8th, Crowley sat down alone in the apartment and awaited the message of the gods and for three days, Crowley wrote down all that he heard. The result was the Book of the Law which announced the passing away of the Aeon of the Dying God (Jesus Christ) and the inauguration of the Age of the Crowned Conquering Child, Horus [Horus: Egyptian deity used by Satanists to symbolize the Son of Satan, Antichrist]. This book became the foundation stone for modern Witchcraft.
Witchcraft Out of the Shadows: A Complete History p. 95-96
Whether the country wants to address the horror or simply bury their heads in the sand - the inconvenient truth implies that the British Establishment is in fact a Freemasonic club of psychotic pedophile murderers, in which the entire House of Commons, the judiciary, police and Royalty are nothing more than the managers of a vast organization, tasked with maintaining the status quo and the worship of Lucifer for their own evil and nefarious ends.
On moonlit nights during the reign of England's King George III, immensely powerful members of His Majesty's Government could sometimes be seen travelling up the Thames River to a ruined abbey near West Wycombe. There, they dressed in monkish robes and indulged in every manner of depravity, culminating in a Satanic Black Mass celebrated on the naked body of a debauched woman. Diabolical devotions to Satan concluded, the inner circle would adjourn to plot the course of the British Empire.
Keep in mind that this ritual is not of modern origin. It has been practiced by Satanists since the days of Babylon. It is a multi-generational practice and it involves human sacrifice and the Satanic Sacrament, the consumption of the Sacrificed victim’s literal blood and flesh. The British General, Lord Cornwallis, was an initiate who fully understood this dark and unholy secret. In a last-ditch effort to salvage his ego, Cornwallis divulged the hidden agenda of the bloodlines by declaring to Washington and his adjutants: “A holy war will now begin on America, and when it is ended America will be supposedly the citadel of freedom, but her millions will unknowingly be loyal subjects to the Crown.” Cornwallis went on to explain to his shocked audience what would seem initially to be a self-contradiction: “Your churches will be used to teach the Jew’s religion and in less than two hundred years the whole nation will be working for divine world government. That government that they believe to be divine will be the British Empire.”
The UK and American Governments need to have "The Watchlist" so they can help facilitate the world's potential conflicts on the back end, where weapon contracts, "investment banking," political corruption, and population control are still their driving, albeit untenable, business while then pretending to "save" those same nations on the front end.
✠ The Whore of Babylon and the Future Church of Antichrist From New Age notions of a Mother Earth Goddess figure to the Goddess of Witchcraft, the basis of Satan's future Church is firmly rooted in the present age. Add to that the heavily propagated figure of Mary Magdalene clearly being used to deceive the entire world into thinking Antichrist's lineage is Christ's lineage and the foundation for a great end-time apostasy is already being set in motion. Consequently, is it any wonder why the Merovingians and their complicated genetic histories have found such renewed global interest at this time in history, when the world is besieged with such Antichrist doctrine that brings Cain's genealogy to the forefront to be masqueraded in only Messianic terms? As such, any serious undertaking and well-read research into the Occult proves the personage of Mary Magdalene is being used not to represent any female disciple of Christ (as Christ produced no heirs), but the New Age's so-called Divine Feminine, of which Satan (via his Antichrist and False Prophet) later uses to establish their global Judeo-Goddess religion. This Scarlet Woman is today revered as the Mother Goddess within all Witchcraft and in Secret Societies, interestingly enough. As Satan's spiritual consort, the Scarlet Woman Babalon [Hebrew: ShNI AShH =666] sometimes referenced as "Lilith," carries with her the Golden Cup filled with the blood of martyred [murdered] Saints and is the "Mother of Abominations on the earth." As the Black Madonna, this Satanic Matriarch who laid with Cain and begat Enoch, of whom Cain named that first city after, shows us how from Cain to Enoch to Antichrist, Satan will fulfill the destiny of his children. Lillith's own evils are written across time, and most notably within the Zohar itself. Like Satan, she is known by hundreds of names: Hecate, Ishtar, Isis, Artemis, Aprodite, Astarte, Inanna, Brigid, Cerridwen, Rhiannon, and Diana. In her role as 'Our Lady Babalon, she is the Mother of all those who falsely label themselves Rex Deus, the Royal Lineage of Judah, the supposed "Blood Royale," or more accurately: the Royal House of the Dragon, aka Synogogue of Satan. In 2005, the European media reported that Italy has been overtaken by a growing tide of Satanism and Satanic activity. Meanwhile, there were separate reports citing Satanism even being practiced in the Vatican itself, by high-ranking Cardinals and those nearest to the Pope.
Since the future World Church of the Antichrist will be rooted in ancient Babylonian paganism whose ancient Goddesses are still venerated by millions worldwide and because the Antichrist has already been determined to be both Biblically connected to ancient Greco-Roman as well as Celtic protoculture, certainly this Goddess who shall be received as central to any Antichrist Church must be one that was worshipped in the ancient world, including Rome and Dark Ages Britain, right up until to the present day. As such, Diana was not only vehemently worshipped and violently adored in the ancient world, she is still being invoked as a relevant Goddess right up until the modern age. The name Diana is not lost in its eerie coincidence to that of Prince William's mother, herself seen as the modern version of a benevolent Goddess figure adored the world over, in life, and even moreso in death. Also interesting is the fact that Princess Diana was buried in Althorp on a small isle surrounded by water, recalling the timeless Arthurian Lady of the Lake saga. Even the Scriptures cite how Diana was held in such high regard among those who withheld not to invoke her name at the dawn of Christianity, which still holds true today. The Goddess Diana is so intertwined within modern Witchcraft that those invoking her are known as Dianic Witches, and it shall be Witchcraft (and its male counterpart, Celtic Druidism) that shall make up the core belief system of the future New Age Church of Antichrist. The Scriptures of Revelation 9:20-21 and 1Timothy 4:3 detail a future time when people accepting the Antichrist religion will worship demons in the form of idols, as well as abstaining from eating meats and partaking in marital sex (or the Godly institution of marriage will be banned altogether in Antichrist's Kingdom). For just as Christ will be given over in Marriage to His Church which is called Virgin [Revelation 19:7-9], so shall the Antichrist have his counterfeit Church, albeit a Whore. Instead of having Christ's Blood wash away the sins of man, Satan uses Christ's Blood(line) to perpetuate the Antichrist's washing of man's minds. Instead of being built on God's Truth, it is built on lies, from the original liar to mankind who since Eden has sought to destroy man. Witches today want to erode the Bible in favor of Witchcraft that place women above man, as Satan adores for his own twisted purposes of deception, as goddess above God.
In Occult lore, Babalon is the Dark Primal Mother Goddess holding the Grail which contains the Knowledge of both Womb and Death. There is a Satanic prophecy that speaks to this 'sacred feminine' Antichrist aspect comparing Babalon to a return of Jezebel with her children (see Revelation 2:20-24) culminating in the Whore of Babylon, the feminine aspect of the male-dominated empire of Antichrist whose sole existence is to lie in direct opposition to Christ's Virgin/Bride Church and is metaphorically responsible for birthing Cain's evil seed as false and carnal Royalties collectively called the Holy Grail, Christs (false) lineage of 'Messianic successors.' She is the Temple Babalon and Divine, the Bride of Satan described so perfectly as a Whore. The Magdalene (Merovingian) Bloodline, from which is brought forth flesh for the Antichrist. This is the reason why Catholics, who have been worshipping their version of a Virgin Goddess for over two millennia, will easily be able to assimilate themselves into that future Rome, the Satanic Vatican, the probable location of that future Antichrist Church called Mystery, its children called 'deceived.' The fact that the Book of Revelation depicts the Whore of Babylon as riding upon the Beast proves that these two distinct entities share power in their meteoric rise to power, however once Antichrist achieves all that brings him complete control of world power, he suddenly brings the Whore down to her utter destruction. Interestingly, as early as 900 AD, the Church actually addressed the pagan worship of Diana in the Canon Episcopi, a document which stated that the followers of Diana were deceived by Satan himself regarding her worship, of course this was all done at a time when the Church itself practiced Goddess worship itself in the form of Mary [Encyclopedia of Wicca & Witchcraft p. 450]. The Canon Episcopi itself helped establish the historical concept of the Sabbat which also cited that as chief of the Demon horde, Diana was equated with Satan therefore the women who follow her must be worshippers of the Devil [History of Witchcraft p.54]. The Canon specifically says: "some wicked are perverted by the Devil and led astray by illusions and fantasies induced by demons, so that they obey Diana's commands...on certain nights are called out in her service, for Satan has the power to transform himself into a god/goddess."
The Devil would not lead us to death and fire, but to life, creation, pleasure, ecstasy and wisdom. Lucifer has been described within a Sabbatic context before, specifically as the husband of Diana from the legend originating from Italian folklore. Lucifer (the Sun) was the husband of Diana (the Moon).
It is virtually impossible to understand the Witch cult without first comprehending the position of the deities of Wicca ... The "Horned One," ... was Satan. The Goddess, whose name is also secret, is of great significance to the witches themselves ... Thus Diana went to the fathers of the beginning, to the mothers of the spirits which were before the first spirit and lamented unto them that she could not prevail with Lucifer. They told her that to rise, she must fall; to become the giant of Goddesses, she must become mortal and in the ages in the course of time, when the world was made. Diana went to earth, as had Lucifer, who had fallen even into the Underworld. Prince Charles, Prince of Wales, ex-husband of Diana is the current top Noble of that Order of the Knights of the Garter. Is he a High Witch of the Wicca cult?
This necessarily places her in the role of a goddess figure. And just like the Virgin Mary, the figure of the Magdalen built up by legend, and portrayed in Catholic iconography, has most certainly been patterned on the imagery of the ancient goddess Ishtar or Venus. Mary Magdalen is shown wearing the same headdress in a statue outside the church at Rennes-le-Chateau. Ishtar was actually called “the Mother of Harlots.”
The Temple of the Great Goddess Diana should be despised, and her magnificence should be destroyed, whom all the world worshippeth. And when they heard these things they were full of wrath and cried out saying, Great is Diana of the Ephesians!
Acts 19:27-28; The Holy Bible
The whole spectacle was yet another example of what the Bible condemns as an abomination. Perhaps it was the figure of Diana that John [author of Revelation] has in mind when he conjures up the Mother of Harlots. Diana was an ancient Moon Goddess known earlier in Greece as Artemis. Witches had been publicly linked with the worship of Diana in Rome as early as 30 BC in the writings of Horace, Ovid, and Lucan.
A History of the End of the World p. 67; Encyclopedia of Wicca & Witchcraft p. 23, 453
And I saw a Woman sit upon a scarlet coloured Beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. And the Woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a Golden Cup [Satanic Grail] in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her [sexual] fornication: And upon her forehead was a name written, Mystery, Babylon the Great, the Mother of Harlots and of Abominations of the Earth.
Revelation 17:3-5; The Holy Bible
After her divorce from Alex Sanders in 1973 she briefly turned away from Witchcraft and joined the semi-Occult Liberal Catholic Church. Today she runs a Coven from her London home. As Christianity in the West wanes and new faiths rise to eclipse it, what will be the fate of Witchcraft? It has spread across the country and she is nominally the head of the Alexandrian tradition of Witchcraft.
Out of the Shadows: A Complete History p. 143
Roman Catholicism stems from Mithraism, the ancient Luciferian cult in which male priests were married to boy brides (alter boys), and temple prostitutes (nuns) bore children to the priests for ritual murder on key ritual dates. The Latin mass is a whitewashed version of the high Luciferian black mass in which a new-born baby is ritually murdered, and its blood and flesh eaten. This is the ritual that occurred at Bathurst City Hall in 1985, presided over by the current president of the Australian Human Rights Commission, Rosalind Croucher. When I was 14 years old, Grande Dame Patricia Anne Conlon chose me to succeed her. With Sydney being the capital of Luciferianism, this effectively made Conlon the highest-ranking female Luciferian in Australia. I was selected based on my Aryan appearance, IQ level, bloodline, skills and teachability. Women with blonde or red hair are favored candidates because this relates to the appearance of the Aryans that Nazis aspired to.
Luciferianism is arranged according to a hierarchical structure which vaguely resembles a caste system. At the very top sit 13 family dynasties including the Rothschilds and the British Royal Family. These are recognized by the cult as demi-gods. Below these sit approximately 300 Luciferian bloodlines who are generally high IQ, although this tends to have been watered down in some families due to intermarriage. Below this group sit the commoners who can never attain higher status because they lack the desired bloodline. These are your random covens based on nationality (e.g., there’s a strong Scottish coven in Bundaberg), sexual orientation (e.g., Bond University has a lesbian coven), gang membership (drug cartels, biker gangs, etc.), or self-styled whatever goes these days. It is from these lines that the cult obtains ‘breeders’ – women who are forced to breed unregistered babies for porn, sex trafficking, and/or sacrifice. We refer to them as ‘coven scum’. Their behavior is usually barbaric and requires constant management to stop them exposing the cult, and they show no respect for those in the caste above them. There is much jealousy and animosity directed by these lower members toward the bloodliners.
✠ Year 2012: The London Olympics as Elaborate Ritualistic Ceremony for Satan Since the Future King will have turned 30 years of age on June 21 2012, which is the same age Christ was at the beginning of His three year ministry, when He was baptized by John and immediately anointed by God as Israel's King, as well as the same age King David was when he was anointed as King of Israel. One would also be wise to pay close attention three years later, on the Summer Solstice of 2015, when the young Merovingian King turns 33, the age Christ was when He was crucified and His earthly work ended, as this might be the fateful year when the earthly work of Antichrist would begin. Closer to the present, and as the year 2012 plays itself out, 2012 will certainly prove to be a vital year in regard to the British Royal family, beginning in early June 2012, with the celebration of Queen Elizabeth's 'Diamond Jubilee' (60th year) on the Throne. Only one month later, also in London, comes the London 2012 Olympic Games, officially known as the London Games of the XXX Olympiad, held July 27 to August 12 of the ill-fated year. The fact that Britain is turning increasingly into a Orwellian police-state, with the games only further expediting the sheer numbers of close circuit monitoring and secret control over the masses, certainly Britain sees itself, already, and London specifically, as the epicenter of Masonic global control. With so much going on in London in the Summer of 2012, certainly the eyes of the whole planet shall be upon London during that time, as well as on the Royal Family itself, and no where is that manufactured light shone brighter than upon Prince William and his new wife, as carefully orchestrated by those who make these global events happen. The very fact that the opening ceremony of the XXX Olympics amounts to a giant Occult ritual in itself, with Prince William seated so prominently in attendance, as they showcase Britain's unique role to a magical abode that was Arthur's Avalon, should speak volumes to the extent in which our Masonic overlords will go in their attempt at projecting the Antichrist as a World Messiah. The 2012 Occult Olympics shall go down into in future hindsight as being an obvious attempt at brainwashing the world using the enigmatic Tor of Arthur's Avalon as a "future center for world Transformation." Remember, it is still Occultists who control this world, and it is all of their twisted beliefs that mankind is allowing into his world, that controls him already.
Notice how Glastonbury Tor was tethered with the Arthurian mystique and archetype in the ceremony, that while one could argue is simply England's greatest folk tale, told the world over, and of course became a part of such a globally televised ceremony, I would ask, according to that logic, what did all of the rest of the ceremony mean to pass along to the world? Moreover, why where all of the flags of the world placed around Glastonbury Tor's base, as if to show Glastonbury is already the spiritual center of the world? The fact that this mock-up of the Glastonbury Thorn Tree with the world's flags around its earthwork base was even placed exactly where Kensington Palace sits, providing a strong clue to what that overall message was to potentially convey. Such a memorable scene such as the globally viewed 2012 Olympic opening ceremony perfectly shows just how far King Arthur and the entire Celtic mythos is being thrust deep into the global consciousness. It is literally everywhere now, sometimes subtle but increasingly not as subtle. In find it very interesting that some who are partially awake to what is happening around them, took strong note of the 2012 Olympic logo itself, which appears to spell the number 2012, but also easily forms the letters for "ZION," whereby even the "i" is dotted to make sure ZION could be at least subliminally read. I've stated for over a decade in this very website that the British Royal Family and their Masonic ties with British-Israelism play a pivotal role in the same coming events that end in Antichrist, whilst having Masonic fingerprints all over it. The events about to transpire in London are clearly no exception, and they will use the event as a major subliminal advertising toward establishing Prince William as Zion's King, with the target of this psy-mind operation being directed at Israel itself. Another aspect about the increasingly promoted XXX Olympics that would make it directly connected with Israel, is the date it begins. The date of July 27th of 2012 just so happens to fall on the most infamous and ill-fated date within all the Jewish calendar, called Tisha B’Av (the Ninth of Av). This is the same ancient date that saw both destructions of the First and Second Temple in Jerusalem, albeit some 600 years apart. The Occult message being sent to the world, therefore, is that British Royalty, and specifically Prince William, will become an anointed "King of Zion" and that ultimately, he shall bring about the next destruction of the Jewish (Third) Temple, as that British "Zionist" King. That said, one could only imagine as to what kind of intense hype the puppets within the global media have planned for the world watching, knowing that the Future King William V will have just turned thirty years of age on the Summer Solstice, five weeks before the Olympic events in London get underway, considering that was the exact same age Christ was upon His public Baptism and being anointed of Spirit by which Christ became possessed by the Holy Spirit, and officially became 'the King of Israel.'
Naturally, the Antichrist should have no less of a public spiritual awakening at age thirty, albeit in a counterfeit way. Instead of the ego-liberating Holy Spirit of God by which he should be saved, he is indwelt by Satan's own beguiling, controlling spirit, in direct opposition to anything called God. Instead of being baptized by Holy waters, the Antichrist is baptized with the blood of innocents, and washed in the deaths of thousands, a fitting start to his own later bloody reign of terror. Perhaps intriguing to some reading this, the Olympic games have been used before by the Illumined powers in control, to put forth their secret Occult signs and symbols, because just like anything where there is mass viewership, those in the Occult believe that common people can be slowly indoctrinated, educated, and finally infused with the force that lies behind the Occult. They also believe such a mass global demonstration of people bound together by viewing the games, provide them the perfect captive audience for new and even more subtle brainwashing techniques, toward the goal of establishing a grand, global Luciferian indoctrination, by which the world sees Lucifer as similar to the Olympic torch carrying god, Prometheus, a benign being who gave mankind the "light of (God's) Wisdom" freely, when nothing could be further from the truth. Satan only cares about establishing himself as God, whilst destroying anything of God, and taking down with himself, as many of us as he can. Before the opening of the Olympics comes the Torch Relay ceremony in which runners are depicted as the Bringer of Light, e.g., Prometheus, the "one who stole fire (Knowledge of Good and Evil) from Heaven" and gave it to man, whose myth was entirely built around the pagan god Pan and Lucifer himself, the so-called "Bringer of Light" who has since become the standard bearer, literally, of the ancient Greek Olympics themselves, to the present day. Look for this Torch Relay to occur on May 18th (6+6+6=18) 2012, as runners run thru key British towns around the nation toward London, July 27th. Once the 'Torch Bearer' lights the fire which officially begins the Games, the Opening Ceremony begins, which also depicts some kind of Satanic reference and or message from those who control such events, want to get across, subliminally. For example, in the games from 2008, a clear representation of the Tower of Babylon was burnt, depicting the dying of the old world Order and the beginning of the New Order. Specifically, the 2008 ceremony was in keeping with the Bible prophecy in Revelation 18:16 where the Beast, who with his Ten Kings, shall "hate the Whore [of Babylon] and burn her with fire." We should expect no less a ceremony in 2012, especially, in London, home territory of the Freemason and the Antichrist King himself, and on the date which is well-known to be the unluckiest date in the entire ancient Jewish calendar. Why has God allowed the same date for the two prior destruction of the Jewish Temple before? Obviously, so that we will know the future date by which the coming Third Temple itself will be made desolate by the Antichrist himself. (See also The Ninth of Av Date Calculator.)
Meanwhile, the endless genealogy of a damned heresy continues, a doctrine of demons and teaching of devils that has been released into the world and is being taught in these last days exactly as prophesied. You can now see how this DaVinci/Magdalene heresy easily assimilates itself into British-Israelism, and how together, it can deceive those whose target is has been prepared for. Furthermore, this known revelation of Princess Diana as some New Age/Catholic Magdalene is only the shadow of the reality which the Occult version of Magdalene is effectively based, but in Truth is actually referring to Eve who spawned such a seed of Satan more than any Co-Redemptrix in the guise of Mary Magdalene ever could, even as they are now desperately making her out to be. As the Scriptures clearly state - this yet unknown woman who has given us the Bloodline of Antichrist has as her name Mystery and she does have in her hand a golden cup (Grail) brimming with the Blood(line). Interestingly enough, Diana as a newborn was christened Diana Frances Spencer (Stuart) on 30 August 1961 at Mary Magdalen Church, in Sandringham, U.K., whose last words before her death in 1997 are reported to be "I will rise." As mentioned, the current figure of Mary Magdalene is used to deceive the world into thinking this Satanic lineage, is Christ's lineage, while the figure of Magdalene portraying Christ's wife is completely archetypal. The Occult figure of Magdalene is only a personage used to tempt both Roman 'Christianity' and pagan alike, because as one quickly learns within Occult teachings, what they refer to as Magdalene is not the first century female disciple of Christ, but at its core is actually to represent a more ancient feminine principle traced to the most primal Goddess. Another portent and prophecy which coincides and connects these specific destructive events to happen in Rome and its future Antichrist/Goddess Church was put forth by Saint Malachy the 12th century Bishop of Ireland. According to the traditional account, Malachy was summoned to Rome by Pope Innocent II in 1139. While in Rome, Malachy experienced a vision of future Popes which he recorded as a sequence of 112 cryptic phrases, all of which indicate some noticeable trait of all future popes from Celestine II, who was elected in the year 1130, until the destruction of Rome and the end of the world. This manuscript was then deposited in the Roman Archive, and thereafter forgotten about until its rediscovery in 1590. The last of these prophecies concerns that destruction of Rome (at the hands of the Antichrist and his Ten Kings) and reads as follows: "In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church there will reign Peter the Roman, who will feed his flock amid many Tribulations, after which the seven-hilled city will be destroyed and the dreadful Judge will judge the people, the end." Interestingly, being that Malachy only predicted 112 Pontiffs, knowing that Pope John Paul II was #110, and that the short-reigning, scandal-plagued, Pope Benedict XVI is #111, we are obviously very close to this last Pope to reign, that Malachy called
Petrus Romanus.
It is under the reign of Petrus Romanus whose reign coincides with the end of the world, or, the Christian religion as we know it. Indeed, we continually see this melding of the Catholic faith with that of liberal politics, and with Pagan, even Masonic, mystery religions that is telegraphing that last world religion to come. As such, Pope Francis is certainly plunging the church into dangerous waters that look much more like modern Wicca, than traditional Christianity. His liberal views on abortion and homosexuality, that are still two clear tenants of the Satanic Black Mass and are both rooted in the most ancient forms of Satanic worship, as well as paganism, are taking the global Roman church into its final form, exactly as predicted. Revelation 17:9, 18 clearly tell us where that future Antichrist Church is located, a Whore sitting upon the seven hills, calling it a city which reigns over all nations. At the time Revelation was written, the city upon seven hills which reigned was none other than Rome, where today's Vatican City rules over 1.1 billion Catholics worldwide. As Christ is shown with the Holy Woman that births Him in Revelation 12, so too we see the Apostate Woman that bears the Antichrist in Revelation 17. The future Antichrist religion therefore is the ever-melding combination of today's increasingly liberalized Roman Catholic Church with that of the future Whore and its 'mysteries revealed' to create something closer to a Christo-pagan system by which the entire world could be included into its fold (like lambs to the slaughter). Thus, the Catholic church as the lingering dead Roman Empire it always was, has certainly held on to its once waning power by circumventing true Christianity, in favor of its strong, unifying principle it undoubtedly carried, and so it was that which the third century Romans were attempting to annex unto itself, in order so the Empire would not so quickly fall away. In other words, they saw the undying rise of Christianity as mortar to their crumbling brick. Despite "the Church" being used by God to further True Christendom at various points in history, they never were, have been, actual Christians belonging to Christ's Church Bride. The Whore is still filled with vain superstitions who have their actual origins in the pagan world, and as such, shall she appropriately meet her fateful end as a whore. However, Just as Christ forgave the woman in the act of adultery, telling her to go and sin no more, so shall He call out those who belong to Him away from that Great Whore. Just before her destruction at the hands of the Ten Kings, God loudly declares for its inhabitants to "come out of her my people, for her sins have reached Heaven." Therefore, inasmuch as the Romans killed Christ, following after Satan, so too are their spiritual descendants rightly called the Great Whore of Babylon, and reside in Rome.
HRH Prince William Said He Will Not Include Christianity at His Future Coronation
Since The DaVinci Code was released in 2003, many have asked in their vanity-laden ignorance, why Christ being married and having sex could be of such evil. After all, ancient Rabbis were allowed and even supposed to marry. In this have actually answered their own question. Of course, mere human Rabbis can and it is their ancient tradition to marry, however, Christ was no mere human or traditional Rabbi, but the co-Creator of mankind itself, and therefore Christ's Wife could be no mere mortal woman, but that metaphorical Woman that is the Christian Church itself. Moreover, The DaVinci Code nor any one of the hundreds of similar books which followed them are the Holy Scriptures, but are in fact hold the exact opposite agenda, even as they turn Christ into a common man and assign absolutely none of the Divine to the Lord whatsoever. This is where they do err, and yet it all following an ancient design prepared long ago as part of Satan's Great Work and platform by which he can later present his own 'Christ,' this deception is allowed to flourish so without any great contention. Those researchers and authors turned 'Grail' converts who attempt to crush the Divine Christ under the weight of their twisted assumptions based on lies just to support their own Antichrist Bloodline agenda are just as guilty as Satan and his people in this world who push such an agenda in the first place, the foul spirits not knowing Christ is the Lord and Savior King who arose from the dead and is seated at the right hand of the Father in all Power and Glory and Majestic Divinity, just as He was before He was sent to earth to eradicate the power of Satan - sin and death. In stark contrast however, citing the torn pieces of some gnostic heretical gospel that He was tempted to fall in love with Magdalene, that He survived the Cross, and moved to France or Britain taking the once demonic-infested, possessed, and pregnant Harlot Magdalene with Him. Of course this would mean He was not the Messiah fulfilled, no perfect sacrifice prophesied by God's many Prophets, certainly no 'God in Man.' For this cause, the teachers and people believing such blasphemy already have the spirit of Antichrist and are therefore readied to see their blasphemous King arise. In this, their heretical interpretations make Christ of nil effect, and this must be for a reason which suits only Satan's cause, as the strain of their efforts are grand in their design while the Scriptures depict a prophesied Christ, Holy, who must be found perfect, spotless, a Passover atonement and sacrificial Lamb for the complete remission of sins to be the eternal and acceptable sacrifice unto God and man (see John 14:6, Heb. 4:15, 2:18, 1Tim. 2:5-6, 1Cor 15:47, 2Cor 5:21).
No where is Jesus Christ debased more than on the Internet today, among people who have no clue about any of these things mentioned in this website. In their vast ignorance, do they consistently like to connect every evil of that spiritually dead, so-called "Christian" Catholic church, with that of worldwide Spirit-filled Protestant Church that is The Body of Christ, even the true Church without walls that upholds every Biblical teaching, that puts reveres no other 'man' or Pope, save the Jewish and Gentile Messiah, Jesus Christ, as our only Heavenly emissary, thus, having the right to be called by His name. Therefore, this generation today that is 'ever-learning by unable to come to the knowledge of the Truth,' is just that. In all their bashing of Christianity, as directed to them by the same Satanic elites that they vainly believe they are against, does it also escape them that they are making an enemy of their own Creator, while at the same time, standing firm on the side of Antichrist, of whom they know even less. In this are they willingly ignorant, for the same Bible by which they will be judged by, is the same they consistently reject at every moment of their earthly lives. As such, while true Catholicism has NEVER been Christian, it also needs to be said that the Catholic church, despite all its own sins, has never taken away from the Holy Spirit or Christ's own Divinity, nor has it taken anything away from us, as The Body of Christ who follow after the Holy Spirit. Moreover, there is nothing that any mere Christian among us has ever done that removes Christ's Father from His eternal Throne. They would be wise to know this the next time they unwittingly spend the day bashing Christianity all day, a work that only pleases the Synagogue of Satan. Christ, who has overcome the world and everything in it, is risen and seated upon His Sapphire Throne at the right hand of God. How interesting it is then, that so many would have you believe Christ has become utterly useless, while at the same time promote His supposed Bloodline that makes Antichrist the King of their world. In effect, it is by this Magdalene teaching that not only removes His Divinity from reprobate minds of those easily seduced, it works to promote the Royal Grail Seed that actually comprises Satan's lie and lineage. Despite their turning Jesus into a lustful creature based on Satan, Christ's examples of physical virginity are found everywhere in the Holy Scriptures, across both Testaments and it is the Holy Scriptures that put the matter to rest, in regards to all of this global deception that wants to demote Christ as a mere man, a good teacher, but having the carnal lusts of any other ordinary Rabbi who marries, or worse, has sex outside of marriage.
Revelation 14:4 that looks into the future and sees 144,000 ancient Jewish Messianic believers who are sent to the earth as a witness of Christ, puts the matter to rest with the following "These are they which were not (notice past tense used) defiled with women; for they are virgins. These are also they which follow the Lamb whithersoever He goeth. These were redeemed from among men, being the first fruits unto God and to the Lamb [Christ]." So, there it is, the death of their entire Christ Bloodline theories. If even the 144,000 shall be "undefiled of women" while yet in their earthly bodies, following the Lord in every example and wherever He goes, how much more would the Lord Himself be undefiled and a Virgin, even the High Priest of this Church to which His Father was so vocally well pleased in Him! That said, the Lord Jesus Christ has only one Wife, called the Church washed in His Blood, a Bride which Revelation 21 perfectly describes during the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. Therefore, beware of so-called scholars who reject Biblical Truth in place of apocryphal lies found in strange heretical texts which imply Christ to be little more than a carnal sexual being who has fallen for Magdalene. For they are antichrists, of the Antichrist, preparing the world for the Antichrist. Therefore, under her deceptive guise as a Goddess/Queen/Mother of all, this New Age Church will gather all her wandering children in their final march to destruction, as worshippers of none other than Lucifer himself. As Harlot it is made known to us that he/she is found in the role of a counterfeit archetype of the faithful, and betrothed Church of this world's only true King, the Lord Jesus Christ. Along with the enjoyment the Whore of Future Babylon derives from destroying true believers we are told that she is a bejeweled and extravagantly draped Harlot whose vanity and pride only exceeds her great wealth, yet we know from Daniel Chapter 11, the Antichrist shall have all power, including a vast earthly wealth over gold, silver, gems, and other precious stones and metals of the earth, as stated in Daniel. As it is written, once Antichrist has established enough global control, he will shake loose from being under his church's counterfeit religious yolk and order his Ten Kings to burn her with fire, fulfilling also the will of God for her many sins, for this Mother Babylon and Harlot of Mystery which began to spread over the face of the earth since the days of Genesis 10:8-10 shall be heard no more for ultimately, Satan destroys all of those utterly foolish enough to follow him. You may have heard the wise adage about Satan's greatest deception is convincing the world that he does not exist. Together, with the aid of his angels, Satan has thus placed himself as the main Messianic figure in countless religions across the world, both as a male and even as beautiful female deities, desperately wanting nothing more than to come out from the global religious closet and be called by his true name and worshipped in the place of God, and one day he will, thanks to those who worship him even now, under any one of many names. This is the purpose of the Antichrist, first seen as a humanitarian figure, then as a global King wielding true power, then as an "ascended being" possessed by "The Light," and finally, when he has placed the entire world under his subjection, only then will he finally show his true nature, seek to destroy Israel, and claim to be God Himself.
✠ BBC News: US Television Being Set for Christ-Magdalene Bloodline Storm "A leading US TV news reporter has said her Disney-owned network is taking a huge risk with a news special which puts forward the question whether Jesus Christ had a wife. The American-produced programme is partly based on the bestselling novel The DaVinci Code, the book alleges Mary Magdalene, a Biblical figure widely thought to have been a prostitute, was actually Jesus's wife, startling information purported to have been kept alive by an ancient secret society known as the Knights Templar." ABC News is breaking a major conditioning program designed to convince the world to believe that the Merovingian Bloodline, by which Antichrist will later convince the Jews he is their Messiah, is the heart of a very clandestine conspiracy involving the Catholic Church and what could have easily destroyed its iron first over the medieval European way of life, or at least that is the story they so badly want to attach to the ancient Roman Church, which is to be purposefully pulled down if Revelation 17:16-18 is any indicator! The very fact that this formerly so-called "secret information" is now being widely publicized by a top-rated American television station would mean that the time has arrived for hundreds of millions of people the world over to be exposed in perfect accordance to the Great Work, the Illuminati plan of restoration. Researchers of the "Merovingian Bloodline" and the new world order have recognized that the plan to produce Antichrist runs through a bloodline that claims direct descendancy through Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene. Occult legend states that Jesus really did not die on the cross, but merely fainted and that after the Crucifixion, His own disciples helped him escape from the guarded tomb during a nighttime excursion bringing Him then into the home of Mary Magdalene for the tending of His wounds. According to their own belief, it was shortly after this that Jesus Christ was reported to have wed Mary Magdalene. Shortly before the destruction of the Temple and of Jerusalem at the hands of the Romans in 70 AD, Magdalene fled to France with certain children in tow, where she later gave birth to more supposed 'Royal children' called 'Kings of the earth' a reference to them having the Bloodline of Christ, to which this Merovingian Bloodline is traced. The Children of Christ, as it is said, eventually married into the Royal Frankish family of the time thereby pouring the most 'Holy Grail' Bloodline into Celtic Gaul and also upon the Thrones of other European nations. This blasphemous lie is one of the greatest frauds perpetrated on mankind to date, yet it will be utterly believed. By who you may ask...the very ones who should be the most guarded. The Jewish Talmud and Kabbala state that Jesus did not die on the cross, but fainted, then escaped the tomb with the aid of His disciples and had intercourse with Mary Magdalene. The Jewish Talmud specifically goes on to state that Holy children came from this 'marriage,' and that the Bloodline of King David lives on thru a select few of those within the Houses of European Royalty.
Israel, therefore, is in direct line to receive these lies in the future, and the ones responsible for perpetuating such a myth shall even have other things in store for the near future that are much more deceptive, to be propagated on a much wider scale, with great effect. The Merovingian history itself then moves to its first known King of the fifth century named Merovee who is said to have worshipped a Sun Bear ['Arthos'] in the form of the Roman Goddess Diana (who is also known in the Greek as Artemis), she being the ancient "virgin-mother goddess" of the Moon who is also symbolized by the white Unicorn at her side, it being her offspring. Bringing it all up to date and tracing this supposed Merovingian lineage from France into Scotland only adds to the mystique whereby the current royalty of Europe, especially that of Great Britain say (or have said of them) that they can "prove" their direct lineage to Jesus Christ through the use of these same, now well used lies. Specifically, since those of mainline religious Judaism (those who do not study Kaballah, Zohar, occult mysticism, etc.) still await a Messiah from the lineage of King David, Judaism today is primed to believe the Satanic Merovingian lies, yet in a slightly altered form, focusing on their King David instead of Jesus Christ. Time Magazine, CNN, and NBC all have their hand in the latest revelations about the harlot turned 'Saint,' yet the very reason all this seemingly "new information" of the former 'secret information' is now being made public, and now presented to the hundreds of millions of ABC viewers as 'news,' already implies it is fact, despite it being one of the greatest cons ever perpetuated on the medieval world then, and modern society now and for the future. When in Revelation 18, God calls out to Israel to leave this future One-World Antichrist Church, He does so by saying in no uncertain terms "Come out of her my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues." For her sins have reached unto Heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities. Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double. How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow give her. For she has said in her heart, I sit a Queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow. Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire (Revelation 18:4-8). Her reward shall be as that given Sodom and Gomorrah. Atlantis was also said to be destroyed in a single day. From the Solar Priests of Atlantis to the "sacred knowledge" of the Celtic Druids, from the Mystery Schools in Greece, to the later heretical occult beliefs of Europe. From the Knights Templar to the many Anglo-central secret societies who came after, all have worked to keep the flame of their Messianic Sun-God alive, preparing for a future time when he would rise up, take on flesh, and restore a lost Golden Age. He has taken on as many mythic personages as he has names: For he has been Apollo, Mithras, Helios, Prometheus, Pharon, Thoth, Ra, Hara, Horus, Tammuz, Hermes, Lleu, Hu, Cernunnos, Herne, Shiva, Buddha, Set, Taliesin, and countless more. He is the Adversary, Satan, seen as a God and Morning Star by his worshippers throughout the ages. (See also The Roman Emperor Constantine never Left His Secret Worship of the Sun God.)
From the very beginning of time he worked through men in order to bring about his long-lost place among the Angelic Stars of Heaven as the King of Hosts. In this regard has Satan's children labored for centuries, deceiving men into rejecting the Truth of God and His Salvation through Christ, into accepting any myriad of lies which work to build the finalized personage of Antichrist. These same works can be tracked throughout history as they are the writings of vain men possessed of evil which speak of Christ to be as one of them, a mere mortal figure, and gnostic. From at least the time the above Scripture was penned, certain men have written legends and tales of Christ, many knowing they would cause division and strife in a future Church, even a future time. Today, you see it everywhere, secular scholars in heavy debate after discovering the latest heretical "gospel" which ultimately displays a 'Sexual Christ,' a very mortal figure quite different from the traditional view of the Church, to say the least. Of course, the Catholic Church has supposedly repressed this "secret" all along to keep their global power. What's actually happening however is that these so-called lost gospels that debase the Divinity of Christ are being released by Satanic men within secret societies to set the stage for a time when Christ would be rejected. In summary, there are two Women portrayed in the book of the Apocalypse who play pivotal, albeit opposite roles in end-time events, one being a Virgin Bride of Christ, the other a Bloody Whore of Antichrist. These both are correctly interpreted to mean two distinct, opposite Churches, one of Christ, one of Antichrist. The future church of Satan, called the Whore of Babylon or Synagogue of Satan, and Christ's Virgin and blameless Church whom he "marries" in Heaven, after the Rapture. The prophet of God, Daniel, being led into a vision by the Angel Gabriel, was first shown this future Kingdom by which Antichrist shall provide the world for their Satanic religious worship. The later prophet, John, was also shown this same frightening image of a Woman, as 'Mystery Babylon the Great,' straddling a Beast in his Revelation (Rev. 17:6-7), even seeing her glorious adoration the world gave her, this false Goddess. Even so, one must remember this same Harlot is later stripped of her mighty power that saw her uniting the world under a single religious banner. She will be burned and her flesh eaten by the Antichrist's Ten Kings. For she is the ultimate Witch, the false Church, the Final Temptress to the nations. Once the world is completely taken by her every blandishment that Satan has unleashed against them, through her, and once he has secured complete control over the world, she, as that Global Goddess Church of the New Age is no longer needed, she has served her purpose. Alas, Satan ultimately will control the world solely through Antichrist, and he will not share power with anyone, for he alone will claim to be God, Satan speaking through him. Metaphorically, this Whore, being the female counterpart who still carries the Cainite lineage within her, like Diana has done literally whilst pregnant with the Beast, is likewise no longer needed to birth another Unholy Child of Cain, for the 'Transgressors have come to the full.'
In recent years, you may have heard of the so-called "Pizzagate" conspiracy, that, while based on well-known rumors that go back decades about government and Satanic secret societies who traffick in missing and exploited children for the purposes of both cultish mind-controlled sex slaves, as well as for Satanic cannibalistic rituals involving murder of others. These rumors are in fact, true and have been since the founding of our nation, however, such Satanic rites of the Black Mass are far older than America. The Black Mass originated in 14th century France, when The Knights Templar, in particular, became the richest men in all Europe, having both kings and popes indebted to them. The Templars were in charge of a secret that was said to place the Church under its subjection, but in reality, the Church itself was part and parcel of the conspiracy that Satan held certain authority over both the Church and most of the crown heads of Europe itself. Upon returning from the Crusades, carrying with them authority from the Devil, Templars became the bankers of Europe and wasted no time in making it known. In their own masses held in various Cathedrals around Europe, namely in Paris but also in the south of France, the Templars engaged in secret Satanic rituals where they conducted many blasphemous rites in which they denounced Christ, worshipped idols composed of stuffed human heads, sacrificed infants, women, and children, and/or animals in their place. Urine was used at various times substituted for holy water, and human, goat, or cat's blood for the 'wine.' When not human flesh, sliced pieces of rotted turnips, black leather, or black triangles were substituted for 'communion bread.' The end result and purpose of the Black Mass was to conjure Satan's demons to either have sex with women presented or become possessed by them to invoke their supernatural powers. Despite the king of France and the Pope of the time rounding up the Templars and burning them at the stake, most infamously, on Friday the 13th, 1314, when the Templar Grand Master Jacques DeMolay was put to death, it soon became clear that that Black Masses themselves outlived the era of the Knights Templar in France. As a Templar remnant found its way to Scotland, where it ultimately became the British Order of the Freemasons, in London, the growing popularity of the Black Mass seemed to spread throughout Europe during the 15th and 16th centuries. There is recorded the arrest of a French baron, Gilles de Rais, who was accused of conducting Black Masses in the cellar of his castle in order of acquiring riches and power. The accusation claimed that he kidnapped, tortured, and murdered more than 140 children as sacrifices. He was executed in 1440. In 1500 the cathedral chapter of Cambrai held Black Masses in protest against their bishop. A priest in Orleans, Gentien le Clerc, tried in 614-1615, confessed to performing the “Devil’s mass” which was followed by drinking, and a wild sexual orgy. In 1647 the nuns of Louviers claimed that they had been bewitched and possessed, and forced by chaplains to participate naked in masses, defiling the cross and trampling the host. A defrocked generally performed the Black Mass wearing vestments of black or a color of dried blood, and secretly embroidered with inverted Crosses, Pentagrams, or other magical symbols, in areas not seen.
The magical significance of the Black Mass rests in the belief that the Holy Mass involves the miracle of the transubstantiation, that is, the magical or mystical changing of the bread and wine into the body and blood of Jesus Christ. If the priest can affect this miracle within the Holy Mass, then, it is reasoned, the priest, or magician, could effect similar magic in other masses for other, usually harmful, purposes. The Catholic Church condemned priests who attempted to subvert the Holy Mass for evil purposes, such as cursing a person to death, as early as the 7th century. One such famous form of the Black Mass is The Mass of Saint-Secaire, which is said to have originated in the Middle Ages in Gascony, was to curse an enemy to death by a slow illness, which wasted them away. Montague Summers renders a rather colorful description of it in The History of Witchcraft and Demonology. The peak for the Black Mass was reached in the 17th century during the reign of Louis XIV, who was accused of being lenient toward witches and sorcerers. It was the time when the Black Mass was extremely popular among the nobility, who thought its performance was exotic. Also, this was a time when the Church was becoming more stringent. The nobility still enjoyed indulging in the pleasures of life, which they considered sex still to be one of them. The Black Mass was a form of protest too, of course, against God and His Son. Around this same time, with the foundation of the Age of Enlightenment being paved, it became rather fashionable to have Black Masses in the dark cellars of the affluent and "pillars" of local society. The leading organizer of such events was Catherine Deshayes, known as “La Voisin,” who was supposedly a witch that read fortunes and sold love philters. She was able to acquire priests, probably also protesting the Church, to say these blasphemous masses, including the infamous Abbé Guiborg, who wore gold-trimmed and lace-lined vestments and scarlet shoes. There was reportedly one notorious mass performed for the mistress of Louis XIV, the Marquise de Montespan. Montespan had sought the services of La Voisin to arrange the Black Mass because she thought the king was interested in another woman. While using Montespan as a naked alter, Guiborg said three Black Masses over her, invoking Satan and his demons of lust and deceit, Beelzebub, Asmodeus, and Astaroth, to grant Montespan whatever she desired. While incense burned, the throats of children were cut, and their blood drained into chalices and mixed with flour to make the host wafers. Whenever the mass called for kissing the altar, Guiborg kissed Montespan. He consecrated the host over her genitals, sticking pieces into her vagina. An orgy followed the ritual. The bodies of the children were later burned in the furnace of La Voisin’s home. When the scandal broke 246 people were arrested by the king’s order. Among them were some of France’s highest-ranking nobility.
They were brought to trial and confessions were gotten by means of torture. Most of the nobility receive jail sentences, or exile to the countryside. The thirty-six commoners were executed, including La Voisin who was burned alive in 1680. When reviewing the history of the Black Mass it is easily seen that it only served as performing obscene rituals at Sabbats (Satan's counterfeit of the Sabbath) and at other times, in order so that participants would take on demonic spirits, allowing them to carry out Satan's spiritual and physical works in the flesh. During the 19th century the Black Mass went into a steep decline, so it is reported, which is another way of saying that the Satanic global elite became much better at hiding their human trafficking and bloody trade. However, one London fraternal group of dignitaries of the time, called the Hellfire Club, was proven to have performed Black Masses regularly to worship Satan, after which, they then "plotted the course of the British Empire." Interesting. More recently, a Black Mass was performed at the graveside of Aleister Crowley, in 1947, who believed himself to be the Antichrist, attempting to take on every Satanic attribute as a result, including sacrificial murder. When the Church of Satan was founded in 1966, the Black Mass was said not to be included among its "open rituals" because Anton Szandor LeVey, thought "the Black Mass was outmoded," at least that what he told the media in public interviews. His contemporary, however, Michael Aquino, who formed the much more 'traditional' Temple of Set [Satan], held no issues against human sacrifice. In fact, it is widely rumored that he carried out a human sacrifice in the Round Table room of the SS Nazi's, "Holy Grail Castle," in Wewelsburg, Germany, using a Nazi dagger that was an actual Nazi relic that he often used in ritual. Thus are "the ancient traditions," as they've more vaguely referenced by theistic Satanists today, still conducted in secret today. The modern Black Mass still includes deviant sexual acts and orgies, followed by human sacrifices, necrophilia, and cannibalism of the sacrificial victims coupled with the drinking their blood, all to show their reverence for their father, and obtain supernatural powers of named demons.
In the age of the internet, the reason why the very real and historically proven Black Mass is now widely propagated as 'Pizzagate,' was at behest of the Satanic elite who want to hide behind a seemingly contrived "conspiracy theory," to ensure that anyone wanting to research the very real activities of these children of the Devil and their Black Masses, would invariably become stone-walled behind a massive disinformation campaign that makes it appear that "Pizzagate" is nothing but a recently-created internet hoax, when it's been occurring since at least the ancient Druids. In this same vein, one can no longer easily conduct a simple online search into "The Black Mass" itself, without running immediately into the film of the same name, that incidentally stars the Satanic Hollywood actor, Johnny Depp, who's also known for such films as: Nightmare on Elm Street, Sleepy Hollow, Corpse Bride, Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber, Marilyn Manson Say10, Dark Shadows, Into the Woods, From Hell (about Freemasons), The Nine Gates (about Satanism and the Black Mass), and Black Mass (about the Irish mob), as well as a film about the 'West Memphis Three' who sacrificed little boys to Satan, of whom Depp helped get their release from prison, despite the three being found guilty in a court of law. Depp then rallied around the three and paraded them in the talk circuit for a time after their release. Depp's film showcased their complete "innocence," while at the same time focusing on their categorically evil Satanic beliefs. You just have to ask yourself, why would someone as seasoned as Johnny Depp even care about three avowed Satanic convicts in Tennessee, who cowardly committed unspeakable atrocities on completely innocent minors whose families mourn them every single day? Moreover, why is Depp not being called out on those terrible Illuminati-agenda films he makes, that all have the same tired Hollywood theme, including Satanism, the Occult, supernatural heroes, sin, sex, and death? It's rumored that for quite some time, Depp has even wanted to make a film based on the graphic novel, "Rex Mundi," whose plot revolves around the heresy of the Merovingian 'Holy Grail' Bloodline and its ultimate production of a future World King, that we would call the Antichrist. 'Rex Mundi' takes its name from the Latin term meaning King of the World. Perhaps with the exception of the Stuart, King James I of England, it can finally be determined why such praise, longevity, posh, ceremony, and circumstance are still paid the office of the British Royal Family, whose own sorted histories prove their loyalties lied not with Christ, but too often with everything that is Anti-Christ. Despite their thinly veiled title as the continuing titular heads of the so-called Church of England, everything from the global drug trade to human trafficking, sex abuse, torture, and Satanic sacrifices of children worldwide is being operated by those who serve them within the UK, as well as every Satanic cult within Commonwealth nations that suspends their own national sovereignty in favor of serving that corrupt Anglo-Empire whose own service is toward Satan only. Now we finally know to what end. The best we could do now is become an effective voice for all of those who were made voiceless, for our service is to Christ only and no one who serves evil today, or its Antichrist tomorrow.
A 2017 project presentation published on the UK government website shows that the influencing human behavior section of the project also involves something that could be considered psychological warfare. The research should help London achieve its geopolitical and strategic aims through the use of full spectrum of national capabilities, including covert means. It is also allegedly aimed at developing techniques of “targeted manipulation of information in the virtual and physical domains to shape attitudes and beliefs in the cognitive domain.” A DSTL spokesperson further told the Guardian on Wednesday that the research into targeted manipulation of information was focused on “communicating with overseas audiences and deterring adversaries who threaten the UK’s interests.” These statements sound particularly disturbing in the light of recent revelations about the Integrity Initiative – another UK-funded psyop outfit. Masquerading as a “completely independent” charity project aiming to highlight disinformation online, this government-funded project has been running influence operations all around Europe and interfering in the domestic politics of other countries.