And I stood upon the sand of the Sea, and saw a Beast rise up out of the Sea, having Seven Heads and Ten Horns, and upon his horns Ten Crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.
Revelation 13:1; The Holy Bible
In the days of old, the gods had the whole earth distributed among them and there was no quarrelling. The island of Atlantis was divided into ten portions, he gave to the first-born of the eldest he named Atlas, the whole island and the Ocean, called Atlantic. To his twin brother, obtained his lot the extremity towards Asia. Many great deluges have taken place during the nine thousand years, for that is the number of years elapsed since the time of which I am speaking, since it fell.
Plato Critias, 360 BC
The Pyramid Texts are the earliest known collection of sacred knowledge yet discovered anywhere in the world. There are repeated references to a 'First Time,' an era when Egypt was ruled directly by the Gods, especially Thoth (Lucifer), who according to legend, gave the Egyptians the sacred gift of [forbidden] knowledge.
Rosslyn: Guardians of the Secrets of the Holy Grail p. 34
A global tradition recalls an exemplary King ruling in the sky before kings ever ruled on earth. This figure appears as the first in the line of kings, as the father of Kings. But this same figure is commonly remembered as the central luminary of the sky...ruling before the present Sun.
Christoph Nicolai claimed that Ashmole and other Rosicrucians used Masons' Hall, London, to conceal their secret political efforts to restore the exiled house of Stuart. As Ashmole was of the Bacon/Dee brand of Rosicrucianism, the above quote shows that the Stewart Kings of Britain possessed the Bloodline desired for a world ruled by 'Atlantean Rosicrucianism.'
Another obscure group which Alex Sanders operated in London during the 1960s was the Order of Deucalion, a focus for Atlantean magical research and inner contacts, as Sanders taught that Merlin was an important leader of the last Atlantean migratory wave into Western Europe. The Order of Deucalion existed as an inner cell of the Ordine Della Luna.
The Oera Linda Book was a favorite of Nazi leader Heinrich Himmler, who considered it the "Nordic Bible" and believed it confirmed that the Aryans were the original people of Atlantis, and that Nordic people were the progenitors of all Western civilization.
There, these men, both English and European, formed the Invisible College, later the Royal Society. Virtually all of the Royal Society’s founding members were Freemasons. According to Masonic legend, though, Freemasonry dates back to the guilds of mediaeval Masons, believed to have been Templars, who encrypted occult messages in the Gothic cathedrals, like Notre Dame in Paris. One of the earliest inductions into a Masonic lodge on record, however, was for Robert Boyle, in 1641. Boyle also had intimate relations with the Royal Society. Another initiate was Elias Ashmole, antiquarian and expert of chivalric orders, who, along with astrologer William Lilly, founded a Rosicrucian lodge in London in 1646. This lodge was based on the utopian ideal of the creation of a New Atlantis, as expounded by Francis Bacon, which symbolized the [First] Golden Age before Adam’s fall, when humanity was spiritually perfect.
✠ The First Earth Age: When Holy Lucifer was Still Earth's "Morning Star" Going back to the latter end of the very Beginning, we arrive at the Lost Continent of Atlantis, long thought to be a mere shadowy legend from the mists of time, yet within its own mystery is found some of the most fascinating details which may shed light on not only what and who the Merovingian Kings truly represent, but also what led us all into the current war being waged between Christ and Satan. Knowing that some reading this won't be able to grasp what I'm about to reveal, as they vainly believe the world cannot be more than 6,000 years old, of whom would certainly be enlightened by this important research showing the distinct World Ages that pre-date not only 6,000 years, but far anterior to that of any known timeframe by which this world was actually created. Suffice it to say, our planet is billions of years old, and was created in all perfection and harmony, by God, as witnessed by His Elohim. That time, when the world was made and its foundations were set by the 'I AM,' was known as the First Earth Age. What led me to this knowledge, originally, was a much overlooked yet radically important book I read in the early 1990's titled Earth's Earliest Ages (1876) by G.H. Pember. In it, Pember reveals much regarding Lucifer ruling over this world at a time when he was still Holy and serving God. As Pember explains, that time is known as the First Heaven/Earth Age, which encompasses the timeframe from when God created the foundations of this world, and the world itself, to be a habitation of all of "the sons of God," meaning His Angels. The book also sheds a bit of light of what Lucifer had already accomplished in that world Age, for his own increasingly selfish gain, that is to become the template for what he will build again during the Tribulation of his Antichrist. Therefore, Pember's book should be considered as an introduction to the rest of what I am about to reveal here. Most Christians today do not want to consider it, but Lucifer was at one time, a Holy being. In fact, both he and the Son of God shared the highest Heavenly office known as the "Morning Star." Clear evidence for that is taken directly from Scripture, as noted in Job 38:7, where at least two Morning Stars exist and sang in unison for joy over the world being created. Then we have Isaiah 14:12-16, where Lucifer is the Morning Star, and Revelation 22:16, where Christ is the Morning Star. Of course, some less Biblically illiterate too quickly assumed that because of this, that Lucifer and Christ must be the same Morning Star being. The same are ignorant to what is said in Job of how both Morning Stars sang in unison together on either side of God's Throne with outstretched wings of pure light who covered and protected their Father's Throne, directing all earthly worship of earthly pre-Adamites and Angels back to their Creator. This was the time that both Lucifer and Christ existed in perfect unison, with Christ being the only begotten Son of God whilst Lucifer was the first son created by God. Pember explains that Lucifer eventually coveted Christ's position as being the only begotten Son and later coveted the Throne of God the Father Himself. From all of what I've read decades after Pember's work, including the Scriptures in their original language, I've come to some startling conclusions of my own. First, Pember is correct. There was an entire Age of this world before the present one that humans inhabit now. The Genesis account citing a "six-day Creation" is certainly not the original creation of our planet, whose original creation once sustained Angels and a strange pre-Adamic race or races. This would at least make geology correct to claim that the earth is billions of years old. The earth that then was, existed originally in perfection, with both Angels and pre-Adamites co-existing in service to Heaven. Lucifer, the chief of God's Angels, also worked in Holy subservience to God. However, as Psalms 2 and Ezekiel 28 points out, it wasn't long after this planet was created that Lucifer became rebellious, proud, jealous, and later, violent, wanting to become part of the Triune Godhead and be seated with the Trinity where Heaven met earth upon Mount Zion, a position reserved for God, not the created. The created is not above his Creator.
John Chapter 1 explains that everything that was made, was made by the Father and His Son (called "The Word of God"), but as also mentioned, the two Morning Stars sang together when the world was made. Could Job 38:7 be telling us that Lucifer had a hand in the Earth's creation, given his high office as Morning Star, which again, was the same office Christ still holds? I can say at the very least, that Lucifer certainly *feels* the world belongs to him, as the Scriptures cites, he is "the Prince of this world," not to mention, since his fall, the world was given to him until Christ returns. This is also why Satan tempted Jesus with all of the kingdoms of the ancient world because Satan had and still has temporary power over this temporary world. Consequently, it was only Lucifer's own free will, and later, discontent, that brought himself down from the loftiest position that he was given as one of two Morning Stars. Who were they? Revelation 22:16 and Job 38:7 implies that both Christ and Lucifer held the office of The Morning Star, at the creation of this world, but while these two "Morning Stars sang in unison," and every other lesser Angel "shouted for joy" in praise of God's expanded Universe and physical Creation of earth itself. But, Lucifer and Christ as Brothers, as some believe? Hardly, but sharing the same office as a "Morning Star?" Clearly. Ezekiel 28 proves it, calling Lucifer, as such, a created Cherub, created by God. It would thus be more correct to say Michael and Lucifer are "brothers," albeit Lucifer being the eldest of all his Angelic brethren. The words used "thou wast perfect in all thy ways until iniquity was found in thee" clearly indicates that while Lucifer was divinely perfect, and stood alone in that Godly perfection, every other Angel made was obviously created somewhat less than what God sees is complete perfection and for good reason, as anyone else made so perfect might have also developed a God complex of the highest degree as Lucifer clearly displayed. Thus, as Satan emerged from what was Lucifer, and led one-third of God's Angels to rebel against the Father and His Son, we now can see why 1 John 2:22 states that denying both the Father and the Son is the very spirit of Antichrist of whom Satan will yet possess, because Satan too denied the Father and the Son and specifically became vengeful over the Father's choice for allowing one Morning Star to rule over Mount Zion (Psalm 2), and not himself as the only other Morning Star. This enraged Lucifer and he became "lifted up, because of his own beauty" that "corrupted his wisdom by the reason of his brightness." On earth, Lucifer then built a "sanctuary" of his own "in the midst of the seas" (Ezekiel 28:2-17) where he "trafficked" earth's precious resources as tithes to himself, thus robbing God, while corrupting both those angels who followed him, as well as the race(s) of pre-Adamic peoples living on the earth at that time to also turn them against the Creator. The people of that time began to worship Lucifer as an ancient Sun god, "the light" of their new religion, and as some believe, we may be the result. Better explained, our existence might be connected to that First Age earth and those then tainted pre-Adamic beings beguiled by Lucifer, long before Adam and Eve ever existed. That Kingdom from which Lucifer ruled has certainly been lost to history and time, but there are indications by those within Satanism and the occult going back millennia, that this lost continent became a long-since forgotten albeit collective memory that mankind refers to as "Atlantis." G.H. Pember explained that while God made that first world in all perfection, something happened which gave way to the cursed condition of our present world, long before sin and death has later also successfully attached. Now, while the world was made perfect, we must also understand that God was already "preparing another place for us" even before the foundations of this world as referenced in Matthew 25:34 and John 14:2-3. God foreknew what Lucifer would become as well, and as such, worked to counter him long before he became Satan, again, before the foundations of this world. Consequently, the planet where Satan and his angels fell eons before became the same world where we are to be tested now. This is why we live among Satan and his demons right now, and answers why Satan was allowed to exist long after his initial mutiny and sin. Whereas the original Angels weren't tested, as such, God is now testing all created souls in keeping with their free will.
In that sense, earth of itself is a purgatory, a testing ground from which it will be later determined where each soul must spend eternity according to the works they've done while in the flesh. It should therefore be no mystery that Satan once held that same highest Heavenly office as Christ still holds, not by any good work he achieved or any task that he completed better than any other of the Elohim, but simply by the virtue of his place within creation itself of which he was first sentient being created. Moreover, while most Christians never saw it in their Bible's, Lucifer was created as a living instrument of light and music as detailed by God Himself in the 28th chapter of Ezekiel. Lucifer was also endowed with not only every precious stone as his covering but was also beset with viols and tabrets, and as such, being designated as God's living musical instrument [the Music of the Spheres] directed all Heavenly and earthly worship to God, a position that was obviously so important, many Angels couldn't later decide whether to worship Lucifer or God during the war. For just as God is presenting mankind today with two distinct paths by which we could go by (Christ or Satan) God also extended that same choice of Good and Evil among the Angels themselves. And yet, one out of every three Angels created chose Satan's evil. Why? The answer is two-fold. First was Lucifer's position in Heaven, of which he was made "perfect" and placed next to God's Throne upon Heavenly Mount Zion, above all others made after him. Next was Lucifer's influence over the rest of the created Angels of which he held the highest influence for a created Angel, again, next to God Himself. These two points create their own natural conclusion, that Lucifer was the first sentient being created by God and the rest of those that followed after him became his demons. Revelation 12 picks it up from there. Then there was war in Heaven. Satan and his angels fought against God and His. It is this most ancient War in Heaven between the two Morning Stars, that is still being fought today in our present 'Second Age' earth, where our own souls are the reward. As his own "I Wills" indicate (Isaiah 14:12-14), Lucifer wanted/still wants nothing less than to be God over this world "in the sides of the North," at Mount Zion, from whence Heaven met Earth. The Book of Revelation explains to us that after Satan's war is finished and evil itself is put down, that God's renewed New Jerusalem will come to rest over the New Earth. Just as Heaven and earth once were connected by its "World Mountain" shall Mount Zion become the loftier epicenter of New Jerusalem, from which God and His Son shall reign and be the light of it. Of course, this would then mean that there once existed a World Age that once saw Zion already above the earth, even above the (stars) Angels of God at the sides of the North. From all this, we can see why Satan still exists and why he must play out his role as the Antichrist to attempt his 5 "I Wills," that reflect all of his ancient desires against God. As Antichrist, Satan will from Jerusalem (earthly Zion), ascend above every Angel, "casting some of the host of Heaven [the Two Witnesses] to the ground" and from the Holy of Holies enthrone himself as God. This proves the motives behind why Lucifer became violent against God and His Son and why he was subsequently cast out of Heaven onto the earth. He wanted the First Age city of Zion for himself. He wanted to be worshipped by creation like God. He wanted to be God.
[Christ and Lucifer as the Ancient 'Morning Stars'] And the Cherubims [Two Morning Stars] shall stretch forth their wings on high, covering God's Throne with their wings, and their faces shall look one to another, toward the Throne of Mercy shall the faces of the Cherubims be.
Exodus 25:20; The Holy Bible
[God Speaking] You were the anointed Cherub that covering [God's Throne], and I have set you there. You were upon the Holy Mountain of God [Zion].
Ezekiel 28:14; The Holy Bible
Then the Lord answered Job out of the whirlwind and said, Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? Tell me, if you have understanding. Where are the foundations of the earth fastened, and who laid its cornerstone? Where were you when the MORNING STARS sang together, and all the Angels of God shouted for joy?
Job 38:1, 4, 6-7; The Holy Bible
How art thou fallen from Heaven, O Lucifer, MORNING STAR! how art thou cut down to the ground, which did weaken the nations!
Isaiah 14:12; The Holy Bible
I am the Offspring of King David, and the bright MORNING STAR.
It is completely in God's nature to take something of great evil, and turn it completely on its head, out of which comes a greater good. How much more does God merely use and allow Satan to become a perfect threshing tool, therefore, wedding out the chaff from the wheat. In this way, shall God receive in return His more perfect Kingdom coming, that will never again see another Lucifer arise to claim individual Divinity for himself, despite being a mere created being, and the first one at that. Nor will God ever receive such a one leading a mutiny of created against their Creator, ever again. As part of His creation, I say we should all be very thankful for that, for what God will bring us stands to be far greater than anything Lucifer so vainly desires most today. For God shall make us all the Morning Star, collectively, which was that Heavenly office Satan once held together with the Son of God, at the time this world was first created. It is then believed that Lucifer was effective in turning many, of Angels and pre-adamic sentient creation alike, against God's authority, by Lucifer's own eventual corrupting influence. Lucifer then attempted to rally all of God's creation in a bid for what he deemed was "freedom" from God's worship, but in truth was Lucifer vainly desiring all of that same worship, honor, and thanksgiving, to be directed at himself, instead of God and God's Son. His once bright Solar aura, darkened, Lucifer became Satan. Thus was Earth itself corrupted, and its global community that once rose to legendary prominence under Lucifer's original Holy influence, fell in like manner according to Satan's blackened countenance; 'The Land and the King are One' concept. Lucifer mounted up his Angelic defenses against the I AM that I AM, but were defeated by Michael and his Angels, and thus cast out onto the earth, whilst Satan was cast into the earth, into the cavernous interiors that became Sheol. In time, the world that was became a habitation of creatures that God did not originally create, as Satan began to corrupt the DNA of ancient creatures, to make them 'giant lizards' of global anarchy and destruction. It was then that death first came into the world. It was after these things that God decided to destroy the world that was, even the First Earth Age, leaving it for a time to its dark, ruined state on the surface, whilst Satan and his demons roamed the cities they built beneath. The eternal city of Zion, where God's Throne dwelled, returned to Heaven and the glorious land of the Crystal Pyramid that now exists only in myth and legend, sank far beneath the black waves of a dense sea that to this very day has never seen the light of our present Sun.
It was the Greek philosopher Plato that was accredited with the first known writing of Atlantis, described to him by a shadowy Egyptian known as Solan, who was taught by Egyptian priests, of an island nation far advanced exceeding both Egypt and Greece. The Priests themselves learned of this island whose records were kept in the library of Alexandria. As a result, Plato wrote down what he heard, describing a highly evolved culture on a large island in the Atlantic Ocean, "beyond the pillars the Hercules," whose sudden destruction was cataclysmic by God, who also masked its destruction by time, but nonetheless was approximated (by Solan) to have existed about 9,000 years prior. Plato then provides the earliest known accounts of Atlantis, albeit combined with the kind of myth that the Egyptians were known for, leaving us to extrapolate from it what we will. Plato wrote: "There have been, and there will be again, many destructions of mankind arising out of many causes." Apparently, what the priests told Solon was not comforting. Plato continued: "Phaethon, the son of Helios, having yoked the steeds in his father's chariot, because he was not able to drive them in the path of his father, burnt up all that was upon the earth," so went their myth. It would seem that the great prehistoric kingdom who traded its vast wealth of resources among every nation surrounding it, also, therefore, influenced their own cultures upon others that seemingly existed alongside them, as a result. Plato goes on it write: The God[s] purge the earth with a deluge of water ... cities are carried by the rivers into the sea. But in Egypt, neither at that time, nor at any other, does the water come from above on the fields, having always a tendency to come up from below, for which reason the things preserved here are said to be the oldest. In those days the Atlantic was navigable; and there was an island situated in front of the straits which you call the Pillars of Hercules (the Strait of Gibraltar). The island was larger than Libya and Asia (Turkey) put together. In the island of Atlantis, there was a great and wonderful empire, which had rule over the whole island and several others." Besides Plato, there was another who infamously described aspects of Atlantis that become important to the discussion here, Edgar Cayce. He achieved trance states of consciousness (whether demonic-influenced or not) and for whatever reason, spoke a great deal about Atlantis, its citizenry, their Sun worship, sacrifices, and why they were destroyed. In these visions, dictated to another, he said: "...there was the creating of the high influence of radial activity from rays of the Sun, that were turned on Crystals in the pits, that made connections with internal influences of the Earth." (263-4; July 21, 1934). Far from being a paradise at its end, Cayce explained Atlantis was deeply divided into two groups, known as the 'Sons of the Law of One' and the 'Sons of Belial.' In addition to that, Cayce implies that such Sons of Belial found their way into Europe and Egypt, building stone monuments, such as Stonehenge and the Great Pyramid* that were dedicated to their Solar Sun-god, a god who pagans will say gave them "wisdom" but in reality only provided them destruction in his own vain bid toward Godhood.
Plato continues: "Besides these, they subjected the parts of Libya within the Columns of Heracles as far as Egypt, and of Europe as far as Tyrrhenia (Italy)." According to Plato, our oldest non-Scriptural source on the matter, and given that the ancient library of Alexandria which kept records of this world's antediluvian past, infamously burned, whereby all records of the sunken Kingdom had been lost, we do see that Atlantis influenced both ancient Egypt and Rome. Greece also was affected by Atlantis, says the ancient philosopher, but the account given there described a war between Athens and Atlantis. This tells us that the Atlantians were also violent, or became violent, which is the given reason why Plato tells they were ultimately destroyed. Plato goes on to provide very specific knowledge that the Atlanteans held their religion as an extremely central part of their lives, to the point they even structured periodic blood sacrifices around the portents and signs of impending destruction which occurred before their final end. His detailed description of a bull sacrifices, for example, was undertaken by Atlantis' Ten [lesser] Kings in the Temple of Poseidon every six years, which brings to mind Antichrist's own future global Kingdom, in which he allows ten lesser "kings" to assume power over their individual allotments of globally, divided land (Revelation 17:12-18). The prophet Daniel also described that Antichrist himself "will divide the [Holy] land for gain" (Daniel 11:39). Moreover, Plato furthermore referred to Atlantis as the "Island of Atlas," the Antichrist-like King of Atlantis, ruling an ancient nation known for its advanced technology, sorcery, and mystical sciences, just as the future Kingdom of the Beast is slated to become, with the word 'sorceries' being used twice in Revelation when describing the Antichrist's own global religious institution that, metaphorically or literally, rises from the sea to take over the world, for a time, until she is burned, her flesh eaten, and destroyed. Interestingly, the British security services that killed Princess Diana, also referred to her as 'The Whore,' and if the Revelation prophecy serves as any dual prophecy, as so many other prophetic Scriptures have ascribed of them, then perhaps when she was sacrificed, she was made naked and her flesh eaten. That's exactly what the British Establishment Cannibals, who were responsible for her untimely demise, do to those they capture and kill. Stranger still, is the Bible Code matrix that decoded, states in regard to Princess Diana, "Murdered," "by evil," and "They took my blood." This would take on even greater significant meaning, if not sinister, if the Antichrist's future global religion is based on Dianaism (the ancient pagan worship of the goddess Diana with Lucifer, her consort), as I strongly suspect it will be. Other strange but noticeable connections seemingly show similarities between Lucifer and Atlantis via etymology. For example, the ancient Greek name Atlas (of which some traditions claim was the King of Atlantis) itself appears to be an anagram of the Hebrew name, Satan, meaning 'adversary' whose name was also strangely connected to the name later given to the Atlantic itself, which may be a strong geographic clue as to the area or region to which Lucifer had fallen when cast from Heaven. Indeed, the West was always his. He fell like lightning to the earth nearest the Outer Hebrides, it is believed, in his dark embrace slouching toward the British mainland and remembering Atlantis. Other accounts state that his fall carved a pit deep into the recesses of the earth itself, which becomes interesting when considering that the "The Devils Triangle" in the Atlantic is often rumored to be a gateway to the "otherworld," or Hell, by which malevolent trickster spirits pass to and from our world, on the surface then back into their abode nearer the earth's core.
The Apocalypse is, to those who receive the nineteenth Degree of Freemasonry, the Apotheosis of that Sublime Faith which aspires to God alone, and despises all the pomps and works of Lucifer. LUCIFER, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable blinds feeble, sensual, or selfish Souls? Doubt it not! for traditions are full of Divine Revelations and Inspirations: and Inspiration is not of one Age nor of one Creed. Plato and Philo, also, were inspired.
Freemason Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma, p. 321.
ZION: This civilization was built by God. It was based on the premise that cleanliness comes from the inside out. If you want perfection, it has to be an individual choice that comes from a purified heart. Jesus Christ is the model and the Savior of Zion. He is both the God of the Old and New Testament.
ATLANTIS: This is the civilization built by Satan, also known as Lucifer and his most ancient followers. The goal was to "create an order out of chaos." The state was 'God' and materialism the religion. Plato patterned his Republic after Atlantis for in Atlantis, the individual was a slave to serve the 1% that ruled the hierarchal society under Lucifer. Human sacrifice, sexual abuse, ritual abuse and sex slavery all existed in Atlantis. These abominations hid behind great works of art and architecture. So-called Science and reason were the gods of Atlantis. In the end, however, Enoch's society was brought into Heaven whilst Atlantis was dragged down to Hell by God.
The Atlantic Continent sunk round Albions cliffy shore and the Sea poured in upon the Giants of Albion. In all the dark Atlantic vale, a black water accumulates, return Albion! Return! Awake! Thy brethren call thee. All things begin and end in Albion's (Britain's) ancient Druid rocky shore!
In appearance, the Atlanteans were fairer of skin than desert peoples and some possessed golden hair and blue eyes. Enjoying both grace of body and strength of limb, they were reputed to be the most beautiful of all men [like Lucifer], but their hearts were evil and their fair exteriors concealed a blackness within. They came by their great sciences not honestly, but in dealings with the children of the god Dagon, one of the lords of the Old Ones.
It is a strange characteristic of the dwellers in the depths that they feel such affinity to our [human] race. Tales are told of friendships, and even loves, between the children of Dagon and the children of man, and by some unnatural art, they are enabled to breed with human beings when they wish to create offspring from these abhorrent couplings. For it was never meant by nature that the Deep Ones and the surface dwellers should engender children [even as] such spawn is cursed to the tenth generation, for breed as often as they will thereafter with man, they can never expunge the traits of [unintelligible] their blood.
✠ Atlantis is the Key to Understanding Satan's Global Influence and Antichrist Kingdom
Nearly every culture in the ancient world speaks of a mighty empire in the middle of the sea which met total annihilation in a single day. The same cultures also speak of twin Sun-Gods, dragons, feathery flying serpents, or other such deities who played a role in that lost Utopian Age. Some have even theorized that since Atlantis was the dominating culture influencing all others around it, that today's hero and god myths found in their respective cultures are all based on the same account, the same truth, telling the same story of how a once bright Solar deity fell from the skies, becoming a great Red Dragon that sought to help the world "evolve" by advancing their knowledge that was forbidden for them to know. In fact, if you pour over all the evidences by which myths do provide us, it becomes clear that there is but one account, one truth, spawning a myriad of cultured myths around the planet, from Mexico to Asia, and everywhere in between. Moreover, the Aztecs, Mayans, Chinese, Sumerians, Egyptians, and the most ancient of Celtic Britons all tell of a wise, Serpent King of Light [Dagon] who fell to the earth and brought this advanced wisdom to his people, by which they flourished. The Devil's Triangle, or Bermuda Triangle, as its also known, connects a wide area from Bermuda to Florida to Puerto Rico and the Yucatan in the Americas, each with its own tale of how something very strange has happened and keeps happening within that pyramid-shaped vortex. As the Light of the West, Lucifer ruled Atlan'tis from a gloriously adorned White Pyramid of Crystal located at the western shoreline (33rd parallel) from which displayed a pure white light that permeated the West, but as fate would have it, his tenure as Morning Star did not last for the eternity that it was originally created. When God spoke to Ezekiel about evil King of Tyrus, he took Ezekiel back in time to show him what happened in that First Age and why Lucifer fell. Ezekiel 28 describes Lucifer as one of the highest Sons of God 'created perfect in all his ways,' as a living musical instrument being adorned with tabrets and pipes through which he led the worship of his Tabernacle toward God. This mighty Angelic being, as the first created being by God, was thus so favored by his Father, that "Lucifer" was adorned with the Ten Stones of Power mentioned in Ezekiel 28:13. Knowing the "God" of Freemasonry is Lucifer in his former Heavenly position as the "Bringer of Light," and how pervasive Freemasonry has infected every institution in the West including its media, science, art and film. Marvel Publishing's founder Stan Lee was a Freemason and revealed a lot of information over decades regarding Masonic secrets within his franchise, from graphic novels to films. For example, the film "Avengers: Endgame" centers around a Satan-like character named Thanos and his relentless quest of collecting every one of the "Infinity Stones" to rule the Multiverse. Not coincidentally, we read in Ezekiel 28:13-15 of how Lucifer was originally adorned with 10 Stones of Power: "Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God. Every precious stone was thy covering, the sardius (1) topaz (2) diamond (3) beryl (4) onyx (5) jasper (6) sapphire (7) emerald (8) carbuncle (9) and gold (10)."
The workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created. Thou art the Anointed Cherub that covereth; and I have set thee so. Thou wast upon the Holy Mountain of God; thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire. Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee..." As if to further connect the film's 'Infinity Stones' with Lucifer's own aforementioned stones of power, the origin of these stones are explained in the film to have come at a time "before Creation," (which is unheard of in films today whose makers are supposedly atheist). The storyline of Thanos and his need for Infinity Stones, with Lucifer's own need to obtain his lost Emerald that has come to be known in the West as "the Holy Grail," is no mere coincidence either. In fact, when looking at the larger scope of all of what Marvel and other similar publishing groups have created over the decades, it's clear to see many of them, just like their counterparts in the entertainment industry itself, have advanced knowledge of the Occult and things only those attached to various secret societies would ever know. Bound not only to the West, this ancient idea of Lucifer having lost and being in need of powerful stone(s) also has its archetypal representation depicted in the Eastern teaching of Chakras and Serpent Kundalini, both of which have found their way into Western Satanic teaching, oddly enough. An even more direct representation of Lucifer's original power structure, however, is found in the Jewish Kabala, and its Tree of the Sephiroth, which also find their way into modern Satanism, again, interestingly enough. Rightfully shunned to be a tool of Satan and those who practice his black arts of magick, the Tree of the Sephiroth is likened to that much more well-known Tree spoken of Genesis, The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, by which Satan is depicted as intertwining his serpentine body, just before beguiling Eve and gifting mankind with Sin and Death. The Sephirothic Tree consists of Ten Globes of luminous splendor arranged in three vertical columns and connected by 22 channels or paths. The Ten Globes are called the Sephiroth. The columns represent Wisdom, Strength, and Beauty, which form the triune support of the universe. The 22 channels are the letters of the Hebrew alphabet and to them are assigned the major trumps of the Tarot deck of symbolic cards. Eliphas Levi declared that by arranging the Tarot cards according to a definite order man could discover all that is knowable concerning his God, his universe, and himself. When the ten numbers which pertain to the globes are combined with the 22 letters relating to the channels, the resultant sum is 32, the number peculiar to the Qabbalistic Paths of Wisdom [Read Ezekiel 38:12]. These Paths, then, are analogous to the first 32 degrees of Freemasonry, which elevate the candidate to the dignity of the Prince of the Royal Secret. The 33rd Degree bestowed the ultimate heretical Secret of the Master Mason, that Lucifer is God. The Sephirothic Tree is sometimes depicted as a human body, thus establishing the true identity of the first, Heavenly "Man" known as Adam Kadmon. Lucifer's Sephirothic Body of Light, as Holy as it still was, glowed with great intensity as he sent forth various rays of healing light toward the earth. In this way did the world learn of the Eternal Holy Wisdom of God through him, as Lucifer. As God's Son, this Morning Star also knew the language of God and the Ten Utterances spoken by which the Universe was created. These same Ten Words of Power were also reflected in the Ten Sephirothic Stones that God adorned Lucifer with, each Stone corresponding to a specific Power. As such, Lucifer knew something of the creative power by which God holds. Lucifer also knew the power of reversing those same Ten utterances would bring about Universal destruction; and it was this, the 'brightness of his Wisdom,' his trafficking, his destruction of sanctuaries, and his violence against God and all that were loyal to God by which Lucifer became evil.
Daniel 11:45 cites "And he [Antichrist] shall plant the Tabernacles of his Palace between the seas, in the glorious Holy Mountain (Zion), yet he shall come to his end, and none shall help him." That particular use of the word "seas" is likened to the same word used to reference the Beast arising from the "sea" while the False Prophet arises from the "earth." Thus, in the Biblical sense, "seas" is interpreted as the Gentile nations, where Israel is still today, so when it states that Antichrist will place his "Tabernacle" between the seas" this is to reference that Israel is geographically positioned between all the many Gentile nations that surround her. This rendering of "sea" by which Israel is surrounded by is further evidenced by the remaining verse citing "in the glorious Holy Mountain," which is Jerusalem, but more specifically "Mount Zion," meaning the Temple Mount, where the future Third Temple will be built. Where Lucifer once controlled the earth via his "Sanctuary" in the literal "midst of the seas," shall Antichrist control earth by conquering Israel, and its future Temple, the earthly Throne of God. It is during this same Antichrist's reign, that Lucifer seeks to accomplish that by which he was stopped before, which is to once again conquer and horde the earth's resources in homage to himself, then he will sit on God's earthly Throne at Zion (Jerusalem) and declare himself to be God. This will he be allowed to do, but in so doing shall God begin systematically destroying all those who worship the Beast and have taken his Mark. So, just as Lucifer did in the First Earth Age, Antichrist will continue in the coming New Age. In effect, the Antichrist is merely picking up from where Lucifer had left off before his banishing from Heaven. As we see in the rest of the same Scripture in Daniel 11:45, Satan "shall come to his end and none shall help him." That is to say, his many legions of demons that first followed him, and helped him after his original Fall to achieve his "5 I Wills" won't be there to help him when Christ returns to cast Antichrist into Hell, while Satan is bound in the Bottomless Pit for 1,000 years, the same time that Christ is made King over Zion, and the earth, to rule over the true New Age from Jerusalem. Satan's demons will have served their purpose in helping Satan achieve his final goals, in Antichrist, and so shall they likely be given to the fires of Hell immediately following the Antichrist and the False Prophet who are the first two to be cast alive into Hellfire, as Revelation 19:20 makes known. In the following two photos, we can see how Christ and Lucifer held (Jesus still holds) that powerful high Heavenly office of The Morning Star and glimpse into what that lofty position must have provided Lucifer before the Fall. In short, we can see what Lucifer demanded of God, by what God will allow him during the Tribulation, which is summed up in his 5 'I Wills.' In summary, Lucifer wants to have what Christ was already given, being Zion (modern Jerusalem), and to be worshipped as its Kingly Messiah, and later, once he conquers Zion and seats himself in its coming Temple, he wants to be seen as God Himself. There should be no greater proof that Satan wants to be God, even God the Father, than his own twisted demand to God's Son, when Satan told Jesus to kneel down before him and to worship him instead of His Father in Heaven, and then Satan claimed he would give Christ all of the kingdoms of the world.
And He saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues. For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities. Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double. How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow give her. For she saith in her heart, "I sit as a Queen and am no widow and shall see no sorrow." Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine and she shall be utterly burned with fire. For strong is the Lord God who judgeth her. And the kings of the earth, who have committed fornication and lived deliciously with her, shall bewail her, and lament for her when they shall see the smoke of her burning.
Revelation 17:15; 18:5-9; The Holy Bible
When your days are fulfilled and you lie down with your fathers, I will raise up your offspring after you, who shall come from your body, and I will establish His [Messiah's] Kingdom. He shall build a house for My name, and I will establish the Throne of His Kingdom forever. I will be to Him a Father, and He shall be to Me a Son.
2 Samuel 7:12–14: The Holy Bible
Why do the heathen rage, and imagine a vain report? The kings of the earth set themselves against the Lord, and against His Anointed One [Christ], saying, Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us. He that sits in Heaven shall laugh, the Lord having them in derision. Then shall He [the Father] speak unto them in His wrath, and vex them in His anger.
Thus saith the Lord...
I have set my King [Son] upon my Holy Mountain, Zion.
[Jesus speaking] I will declare the decree: the Lord hath said unto Me. Thou art my Son. This day have I begotten thee.
Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession. Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron, thou shalt dash them [unsaved] in pieces like a potter's vessel. Be wise now therefore, kings, be instructed, ye judges of the earth. Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling. Kiss the Son [Jesus], lest He be angry, and ye perish from the Way, when His wrath is kindled even but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in Him.
Psalm 2:1-12; The Holy Bible
The word of the Lord came again unto me, saying, Son of man, say unto the Prince of Tyrus [a man likened unto Lucifer], Because thine heart is lifted up, and thou hast said, I am as God, I sit in the seat of God in the midst of the seas; yet thou art a man and not God. Behold, thou art wiser than Daniel. There is no secret that they can hide from thee. With thy wisdom and with thine understanding thou hast gotten thee riches, and hast gotten gold and silver into thy treasures. By thy great wisdom and by thy traffick hast thou increased thy riches, and thine heart is lifted up because of thy riches. Moreover the word of the Lord came unto me, saying, Son of man, take up a lamentation upon the King of Tyrus [Satan], and say unto him...
Thus saith the Lord God, Thou sealed up the sum, full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty.
Thou hast been in Eden the Garden of God; every precious stone was thy covering, the sardius, topaz, and the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the EMERALD, and the carbuncle, and gold: the workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created.
Thou art the Anointed Cherub that covereth and I have set thee so.
Thou was upon the Holy Mountain of God [Mount Zion].
Thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire.
Thou was perfect in thy ways from the day that thou was created, till iniquity was found in thee. By the multitude of thy merchandise they have filled the midst of thee with violence, and thou hast sinned.
Therefore I will cast thee as profane out of the Mountain of God and I will destroy thee, O covering Cherub, from the midst of the stones of fire. Thine heart was lifted up because of thy beauty, thou hast corrupted thy wisdom by reason of thy brightness: I will cast thee to the ground.
I will lay thee before kings, that they may behold thee. Thou hast defiled thy sanctuaries by the multitude of thine iniquities, by the iniquity of thy traffick. Therefore will I bring forth a fire from the midst of thee, it shall devour thee, and I will bring thee to ashes upon the earth in the sight of all them that behold thee. All they that know thee among the people [Cainites] shall be astonished at thee.
Ezekiel 28:1-6, 11-19; The Holy Bible
Jesus said: He that overcometh [the world] and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations. And he shall rule them with a rod of iron ... even as I received of my Father. And I will make him the Morning Star.
Revelation 2:25-28; The Holy Bible
✠ The Morning Star Lucifer Witnessed or Participated in Creation Somewhere in the dateless past, there existed God's Twin Towers of might, being the two eldest Sons of God set above any other. The Morning Star Christ, being the only begotten Son of God, being a literal part of God, was always with God going back to infinity past, whilst the Morning Star Lucifer, was the first Created being, by them. This lines up perfectly with the Gospel of John which cites Christ always being with God, because He was part of God, and that nothing that was created, was created without Christ and His Father. (Note: However, it is still possible that only the Father created Lucifer, as the wording of John could have been to say that everything that was created for this Second Age of Earth ("the beginning") was created by both Christ and the Father, meaning, there was a time before when only the Father Himself created the things of the First Age (aka The Beginning), including Lucifer.) Ezekiel 28 depicts God's calling to memory of His creating Lucifer, who was placed above every other Angel that came after him, being made "perfect in all his ways..." As such, the Father placed His two Morning Stars nearest the Throne of God, their wings covering His Throne, where together they witnessed the rest of Creation, not only of this Universe but of every other being that came after them. Lucifer had a certain amount of control in this world long before Adam and Eve existed, as alluded to in both Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28, of which it's clearly Jeremiah 4 that depicts the immediate aftermath of his rebellion and how it negatively impacted that First Earth Age, and Beginning, even forcing God's hand to destroy that initial world age to later make way for our own current age and beginning. In that former Beginning, and during the initial creation of this world, the Two Morning Stars sang in unison, as Job 38:7 makes known. From Exodus 25, 2 Samuel 6:2 and Isaiah 37:16 we see that God dwelt between these two Cherubim, which were the type of "fiery Angels" these two Morning Stars were, able to "walk up and down the Stones of Fire" and that they "covered" God's Throne with their Solar Wings of Light, in a form of Holy reverence, song, worship and protection. In fact, it is Exodus that tells us that the much later supernatural Ark of the Covenant itself, was to be made to reflect these dual Morning Stars, where two Angels prostrate on either side of God's Throne. Isaiah 14:12 then makes reference to Lucifer, the Morning Star, being responsible for "laying low the nations." Another word for the destructive act of 'laying low' is sinking, as Atlantis was known to have been laid low and/or sunk. This is the reason why we still hear much of underground military bases, alien bases and demonic kingdoms deep within the recesses of this world. Some theistic Satanists today like to expound on how Lucifer created (or holds power over) the known four elements of earth, being: Earth, Fire, Water, and Air, with a fifth element of Spirit being reflected in the 5 points of the pentagram. They seemingly prove Satan's power over these things by claiming his incarnations of the "Prince of the power of the Air," as well as the King of Hell's fire, the god of death and its earthy graves of men, and as the elusive Leviathan of the sea. Of course, it's all delusion and an attempt to promote Satan far above his reality. The Scriptures tells us nothing was made within original creation that wasn't made by the Son of God, and to further show us Christ's rule over the known elements themselves, Jesus stood in the fire that was to kill Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. He walked on water, calming the storm and winds. Christ descended deep within the earth, into Hell, where He delivered those who would follow Him, and upon conquering death itself, He ascended into the air into Heaven to be seated once more at the right hand of His Father.
Moreover, what we see in the final chapters of Revelation, whereby all things in this world are restored as perfect, so too can we determine this world was once already perfect, as it was originally made in perfection. An unknown amount of time passed with Lucifer, being Holy, carried out his office and position the "perfection" that made him once perfect. As the trusted emissary who covered the Throne of God, while at the same time, being the light of the world, Lucifer was as the Sun to the earth at a time long before the Sun was created. We see in Revelation Chapter 21-22 where the New Heaven and New Earth will have no need of a Sun, to light it, as God and His Son will "be the light thereof." So, as it will be in that final, Third Age, so too was it in the First Age. That is to say, where the First Age also had no Sun, as it hadn't been created yet, it was God, His Son, and to some extent, Lucifer himself, who was the collective "Light" thereof. It is right here where it can be determined partly why Lucifer feels that he was part of the Godhead, and, as such, because he was the first created being, he obviously felt he should have been included in that Godhead and become the "King of Zion." However, that highest position of all Godly worship, was given to God's Son. It is here where Lucifer started the first of his evil thoughts that led to the Original Sin, and later, his complete mutiny. It is Ezekiel 28:15-18 where we see how Lucifer became Satan. Ezekiel 28 details in verse 18 that Lucifer "defiled" his "Sanctuaries" by the multitude of his iniquities, and by the iniquity of his "traffick" or trafficking. Verse 16 proves that it was directly because of this apparent hoarding of earth's natural resources unto himself, that Satan became "filled with violence," to the point where he then wanted to not only rebel against God, but also attempt to storm God's Holy Throne, and claim it for himself. In essence, therefore, while Lucifer was still Holy at the creation of this world, it was only after the creation of this world, and Lucifer's setting up of his Sanctuaries within it, especially the one that existed "in the midst of the Sea," and his hoarding of earth's finest attributes unto himself inside that Sanctuary, that ultimately caused Lucifer to become evil. Interestingly enough, Satan's best known attributes of coming to "steal, kill and destroy," as cited by Christ in John 10:10, can clearly been seen early on in Lucifer/Satan's evil career, with his plundering and stealing from earth what belongs to God, as well as his evil sin of mutiny against God, to the point of leading one-third of the Angels under his command to rebel against their own Creator, and then, destroying their eternal souls, and that once perfect world, as a direct result of his own great pride. Thus did Lucifer become Satan, arrogant, proud, and later, rebellious and violent, enough to have his office eternally removed from him, even as he stripped himself of all that once made him Holy.
As mentioned, an unknown amount of time passed before Lucifer became Satan and fell, or perhaps time itself had not yet existed, when all was yet perfect as God intended. After the Creation of the Universe however, time and physical matter meant a newer age came into being, so did time, as we know it. Earth, being time and matter's greatest example, then and now, being "filled with the Glory of God" was created for joy, the joy of the Angels, as Job 38:4-7 proves, has all become corrupted by way of Satan. For this cause, and to undo the things of Satan, did God send His Son into the world. In stark contrast to Satan's grand rebellion, the other Morning Star pleased His Father by showing His Love and total obedience toward His Father, so that why Lucifer became corrupted by matter, by his Sanctuaries, and even corrupted by his own vanity, and jealousies, the other Morning Star remained, closest to God, and Holy. While Satan was cast to the earth, and Hell was created, Christ was destined to be made King over Zion and eternally reign over a New Heaven and New Earth. The epic war between the Morning Stars had begun. Interestingly, this same dynamic with one Morning Star eventually becoming wicked and violent against his "brother," as it were, was reenacted in the Cain and Abel saga, the first brothers, and later with Jacob and Esau. Who can deny that Cain's own proud offering to God that saw him hoarding the best would-be offering for himself, was no kind of offering that God would want, while Cain's much more beloved brother, Abel, proved himself to God by offering exactly what God desired, in perfect love, thanksgiving, obedience, worship, and reverence. Might the Cain and Abel account then shed more light on the Christ and Lucifer saga? I believe it does. Like Cain would later do, Lucifer began to rob and plunder the offerings and sacrifices that were set aside for God alone, for himself. In direct parallel to Cain, Lucifer began to traffick earth's natural resources and heap its precious things, for only himself and his honor, as opposed to God's honor, just as he'll do again at the end of time through his Antichrist (Daniel 11:42-43). This is precisely why the Scripture informs us that "the love of [greed of] money (or any ill-gotten good) is the very root of all Evil, obviously hearkening back to Lucifer's original sins that led to his fall. In his growing dissension against God, Lucifer decided he would instead build his own eternal Kingdom on earth to rival that of Heaven, a powerful earthly Kingdom which sat proudly in the seas, with its natural raw strength of resources such as rare, original, diamonds, gold, silver, emerald, crystals, and everything else of value which the earth produced then in great abundance, of which he trafficked for himself, feeling he was owed at least as much, which becomes the exact opposite of the kind of Godly humility that Christ later displayed whilst in the flesh. In other words, and Jews more than anyone need to understand this. At his first advent, Jesus came humble and humiliated to destroy (reverse) all of Satan's works (1 John 3:8). This means that while Jews fully expected their Messiah to be a supernatural war leader, acting on behalf of God, God instead had a greater lesson to teach Israel, and still does. For it is Israel's own great pride that is like unto Lucifer's own, and as a result, God must correct Israel if He is to keep His promise to Abraham and save Israel, even for His namesake. Ergo, this is why God will allow Satan to become Antichrist, so that through Israel's choosing him as their Messiah, they would ultimately see their great error in judgment, and return to Christ, even as Christ literally returns to them at the time of their greatest need, at Armageddon, Christ's second advent.
1] I WILL ascend into Heaven.
2] I WILL exalt my throne above the Angels of God.
3] I WILL sit also upon the [earthly] Mount of the Congregation in the Sides of the North.
4] I WILL ascend above the heights of the clouds.
5] I WILL be like God
There is a great spiritual lesson here. Notice how as Satan attempts to make five unwarranted demands from God, it is Psalms 2 that shows that all five demands of Lucifer were instead given over to Jesus. It was Jesus who ascended (back) into Heaven, after being killed. It was Jesus who was then given a Throne at the right hand of His Father. It was Jesus who now sits in the Heavenly Zion, and soon, the earthly Jerusalem. It is Jesus who ascends above every Angel, even as they're all at His command. It is only Jesus who is most like unto God, even as He is a literal part of God, having the same Holy Spirit as God, which is both the Spirit of the Son, and of the Father. In these three, are One God, because they share the same Soul/Spirit. God has just revealed this to me. With this, it then becomes interesting that Antichrist can only counterfeit all of his five demands, in his Antichrist, versus Christ's more literal fulfillments of them. It will be Antichrist who shall "ascend into Heaven," by entering the Third Temple and its Holy of Holies. It will be Antichrist who shall exalt his throne above the Angels of God, there. It shall be Antichrist who shall sit in the Holy of Holies, above the heights of the clouds, and claim to be God, albeit, entirely in negated counterfeit. If you aren't living for God today, then you're already for Satan's world tomorrow, and assuming you survive what is coming, the will of the many will unwittingly help build his One-World Kingdom. Ironically, this also goes for those Satanic-tainted liberals of today who are already falling by the wayside, spiritually due to the slippery slope caused by having open-minded (read: liberal) views that Satan uses to pry open their minds even further. Despite the world going to Hell, literally they can't see it, and thus, place their own vast ignorance onto others, spread the ignorance far and wide. Such is the ignorance of many today, that they cannot understand the present world system and its global Satanic elite have been preparing well in advance for the coming Collapse, to clear the path so that Satan can usher in his Antichrist in the resulting aftermath. God warned the world of exactly this event in 2 Thessalonians 2:8-12, stating that because mankind has openly rejected Jesus Christ (God's Love made manifest), that He will given them over to the very deception they've continually placed themselves under, Satan himself. "And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth and shall destroy with the brightness of His coming: Even him [Antichrist], who's coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie, that they all might be damned who believed not the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness."
In other words, this advancement towards Satan's Utopian "Beast" Kingdom can only result if the present order gives way to that New Order. Again, those who survive what's coming are to become the builders of that 'New World.' And because 'people are their resource' and the fact that the elites have always had slaves to build their empires for them, is why the same elites are pushing so much mind control via post-apocalyptic survival programming on television and in films today, to spark interest among some of the masses who go on to build that New World (for them) after the Collapse. This is also why we have long heard that this planet's Satanic elite have their network of underground bunkers, military bases, and scientific research laboratories, where they carry out hybrid, Occult sciences where the supernatural meets both flesh and technology. Understand, and do not be deceived, the most evil of the elites will survive to see their Master take on flesh and live out his perverted "5 I Wills" of becoming like God, but in reverse. So, after the Collapse, while the unsaved and ignorant world believe they have finally rid themselves of the Satanic elites, and thus set forth to build a new world under their own supposed design, the Dragon Council shall once again ensnare them to carry out only its goals, under Satan. Once their New World is built after the Collapse, shall they then relinquish all their power of amassed wealth unto the Beast, picking up from where Lucifer left off when he began amassing the First Earth's natural resources to build his then world order "in the midst of the Seas," where his Sanctuary (Pyramid) once existed in the Atlantic (Ezekiel 28). Seers and visionaries, especially those who believed in reincarnation like, Edgar Cayce, held Atlantis as the pinnacle of our ancient existence, and that we, as a species, have much to learn from that former Kingdom in midst the seas. Today, increasingly, witches, Wiccans, Occultists and New Agers of every stripe give testimony to the belief that they've been reincarnated into their present bodies, having prior existed in Atlantis. Some, like America's foremost witch, Laurie Cabot claim that she remembers her "past life," and the destruction of Atlantis. Others claim to be the ancient worshippers of Dagon, the Serpent God. Whether they are merely following after Cayce's own vision, or literally feel that they existed in prior bodies in the sea-kingdom, is left up for your speculation. However, because witches do leave themselves open for ("walk-in") demonic possession, it may be very likely that demons themselves are recalling the events of Lucifer, their fall, and the destruction of Atlantis, while possessing these spiritual apostates, and thus, those memories are left imprinted upon the minds of their human hosts long after they've left their bodies.
Lucifer, as earth's Morning Star [and as King of Atlan (♆ his Sanctuary)], wanted to be Lord over all Creation, of Heaven and Earth, and over all those living in them, and he was not alone in his grand vision. Lucifer rallied Holy Angels, and also, those pre-Adamites* who worshipped Lucifer in his office of the Morning Star, and as a emissary or conduit of God Himself. With this, Satan positioned himself high atop a mountain (in Atlantis?) providing his five declarations against God. Lucifer not only desired all that the Father and Son already had, meaning, he wanted to be worshipped from atop Mount Zion in "the sides of the North," but he ultimately wanted to replace God, the Father and the Son. Interestingly, Michael, the Archangel made after Lucifer, was given a name that means "One who is like God," so there had to be jealousy over Michael, in addition to the only Begotten Son of God, the pre-incarnate Christ. However, the other Morning Star of equal power and might, loyal only to His Father, openly resisted Lucifer's vulgar display of blasphemic power, and it's right here, where today's propaganda about Lucifer strays into one of evil hero worship. Theistic Satanists, and some Occultists explain that Lucifer was merely a misunderstood hero, who instead of being vain, and violent enough to lead a revolt and war, against Holiness itself, that he's actually Prometheus, who's only seeming desire was to freely give mankind God's knowledge. Despite man's fanciful myths told all over the world, regarding Satan, we know he is a deceiver who only provides that which would destroy mankind, in this case, the knowledge of Evil. The Scriptures also inform us that Satan is nothing but a master deceiver, even the father of lies, and a murderer from the beginning. In fact, Ezekiel 28 tells us his hoarding, violence, and great swelling pride in himself, is what caused him to hate God, and be jealous of Christ's attainment. Moreover, the Scriptures state he has come to this world, among us, to steal, kill, and destroy us, in his eternal hatred of anything that could be good. Do Satanists ever speak of that, when trying to recruit other into Satanism? No, they just tell us how Scripture is invalid and Satan is the ultimate hero of mankind, according to them, he fulfills mankind's every natural inclination. As mentioned, Luciferian propaganda today compares Satan to the more positive sounding myth of Prometheus, the mythic being who stole "fire from Heaven," and provided it to mankind, which is laughable on its face, knowing how violent, psychopathic, murdering and narcissistic Satan is. However, Prometheus isn't the only myth that Satan uses to elevate himself as some kind of spiritual 'freedom' fighter, when in reality, he's nothing more than jealous of God, and human's ability to be saved by God. This is why the "elites" of his global followers kidnap and murder the innocent in Satan's name and undertake "The Black Mass" in his dark honor.
[God Answers Satan with 6 I Wills of His own] Therefore I WILL cast thee as profane out of the Mountain of God: and I WILL destroy thee, O covering Cherub, from the midst of the Stones of Fire. Thine heart was lifted up because of thy beauty, thou hast corrupted thy wisdom by reason of thy brightness: therefore I WILL cast thee to the ground, I WILL lay thee before Kings, that they may behold thee. Thou hast defiled thy sanctuaries by the multitude of thine iniquities, by the iniquity of thy traffick, therefore I WILL bring forth a fire from the midst of thee, and it shall devour thee. I WILL bring thee to ashes upon the earth in the sight of all them that behold thee. All they that know thee among the people shall be astonished at thee, thou shalt be a terror in their eyes...Yea, thou shalt be brought down to Hell, to the sides of the Pit. They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee, saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that shook Kingdoms, that made the world as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof? Thou [Satan] art cast out of thy grave like an abominable branch, and as the raiment of those that are slain, thrust through with a sword, that go down to the Stones of the Pit as a carcass trodden under feet. Thou shalt not be joined with them in burial, because thou hast destroyed thy land, and slain thy people, the Seed of evildoers. Thy arrogance and pomp is brought down to the grave of the earth [Hell], and the music of thy viols will be heard no more, and thou shalt be no more.
[Father God Makes Heavenly Decree] I have set my [Chosen] King upon my Holy Hill of Zion. Thou [Christ] art my Son. This day have I begotten thee. I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession. Be wise therefore, Kings. Be instructed, ye judges of the earth, serve the Lord [my Son, Jesus Christ] with fear, and rejoice with trembling. Kiss the Son, lest He be angry and ye perish from the way when His wrath is kindled. [Christ remembering Satan's fall, tells His Disciples] I beheld Satan falling, like lightning, from Heaven.
The continent of Atlantis was an island which lay before the Great Flood in the area we now call the Atlantic Ocean.
Donovan, Atlantis
And the Great Dragon was cast out, that old Serpent, called the Devil and Satan, which deceives the whole world. And I John stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a Beast rise up out of the sea, and the Dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority. In that Day the Lord with His great sword shall slay Leviathan the Serpent, the Dragon that is in the Sea.
The [Atlantic] islanders, like all the Irish, believe that the fairies are the Fallen Angels who were cast down by the Lord God out of Heaven for their sinful pride. Some fell into the sea, and some on dry land, and some fell [further] deep into Hell, and the Devil gives to these knowledge and power, and sends them on earth where they work much evil.
Ancient Legends of Ireland (Vol. 1) p. 169
Psalm 74:13-14 states: "But you, O God, are my King from of old; you bring Salvation upon the earth. It was you who split open the sea by your power; you broke the heads of the monster in the waters. It was you who crushed the heads of Leviathan and gave him as food to the creatures of the desert." So this is a chaos monster, arrogant and proud, inhabiting the depths of the sea - the sea in Scripture being a symbol for all that is dark and rebellious standing in opposition to God. In Isaiah 27:1 the same symbol is used to depict evil rulers who threaten God’s people with captivity, as did Pharaoh of old and here God promises to deliver his people from such a monstrous tyrant: 'In that day, the Lord will punish with his sword, his fierce, great and powerful sword, Leviathan the gliding serpent, Leviathan the coiling serpent; he will slay the monster of the sea.' So let us ask: who stands implacably opposed to God’s rule, bringing death, chaos and destruction in his wake? Who is the enemy of God’s people looking for someone to devour and destroy? By now you should have got the answer "לִוְיָתָן"
The Pheryllt were the legendary Priests of Pharon (Har-RA; Lucifer) an extremely ancient god whose worshippers were said to be the inhabitants of the Lost Continent of Atlantis. The Pheryllt text relates: 'When Atlantis disappeared, many of its Sun-Priests washed ashore onto the Western banks of Wales and there re-established their highly advanced religion. This could explain why the Druids revered Snowdonia (the tallest peak in Wales) as they did.
The 21 Lessons of Merlyn p. 2
During the last period of Atlantis, Egypt reached a high level of civilization. The pyramids and Sphinx were built around 10,500 BC, by Ra Ta, levitating the stones through the application of Occult laws. Ra also built two sanctuaries; the Temple of Sacrifice and the Temple of Beauty. The latter was devoted to the arts, and the Temple of Sacrifice to "genetic improvement" by removing the animalistic components from those who still had them. On Poseidia, the last remaining island, the two factions continued in strife, and the Sons of Belial instituted oppressive government. Some of the followers of One [Christ?], seeing the coming cataclysm, escaped. As its end approached, Atlantis was a morass of violence and depravity. Crystal power was used for coercion and torture [as] there was human sacrifice [by which came the Crystal Skulls?]. The hybrids were used for sexual purposes [breeding].
Atlantis and the Cycles of Time
Seeing how Satan is again deceiving the world, one can then see a glimpse into how Lucifer originally beguiled and convinced one-third of God's own Angelic Sons to rebel against their Creator(s), both God and His Only Begotten Son. Does this mean God made a mistake in creating Lucifer as His first sentient being, made "perfect in all his ways"? Hardly, but suffice it to say, it is directly because of this office of "The Morning Star" so given to Lucifer upon his creation, coupled with the beauty and obvious majesty bestowed him, that whilst holding his own authority over every other Angel who was created after him, that Lucifer believed he was part of God, to some major extent, by default. But, while being made in perfection, having also perfect free will to choose, we can also determine how much Satan, in all his vain ways, is a mere counterfeit to God's original, sustaining, Perfection. By the time Lucifer was witness to God setting the foundation for the earth, much speculation has been made whether Lucifer himself had a hand, so to speak, in the creation of this world. I would say this, because of the fact Satan ultimately controls every wicked kingdom of this world, being its "divine feminine" god (and goddess) of forces, it is no wonder that he also holds power over most everything in and of the earth, including its air, being the "Prince of the power of Air" Ephesians 2:1–2), its Water, as "Leviathan" (Job 40:15-24), but also, Earth, as its "Prince of the world" (John 14:30), and also over fire, that was built into in the "midst of" Lucifer (Ezekiel 28:18), and Lucifer, to some extent, even holds power over this world's very spirit (1 Corinthians 2:12). Fire, Air, Water, Earth, and Spirit are the very same five elements reflected in the Satanic Pentagram. Understand, however, earthly elements of our physical world are mere reflections of what God has already created in Heaven, before Lucifer was even made. Descriptions of Heaven include it already having "stones of fire" (Ezekiel 28:14), a "sea of glass," (Revelation 15:2) and earth-like "tree(s)" (Revelation 22:1-3) that have all been reflected into our world. In fact, the Garden of Eden itself, by which Lucifer also dwelled in the age that was (Ezekiel 28:13) was the earthly Garden of God, whose ascended Stairway to Heaven allowed his alter-ego, the White Goddess of Light (as so-called in Occult literature and even mentioned in the song of the same name) gave Lucifer the path back to his paradise lost. Part of Lucifer's entire plan, is to regain not only his former position as Morning Star but enthrone himself as God.
Despite the hubris that has sustained him for millennia, Lucifer cannot create out of nothing. Only God has the power to create from nothing, which is why Satan is reduced to merely counterfeiting God in everything he does, which is also why he must resort to manipulating mankind to do his bidding. In fact, Satan would having nothing in this world, if it weren't for man allowing his rule over them. As such, Lucifer has no power to speak things into being, like God can. Therefore, whether Satan designed the physical elements of Earthly nature as it stood in that First Age is up for debate, but one thing is certain, his followers are absolutely convinced of it. Despite whatever Lucifer could claim, he is nonetheless a mere created being, that, in the end, owns nothing other than what God would temporarily allow to fulfill His will. As such, he could never be or become God, and ironically, the closet he will ever get, is Anti-Christ and then be defeated. Another important aspect with him, is because Lucifer felt so much more was due him then he was already given, he ultimately desired to become one with the Triune Godhood itself, in effect, making the Holy Trinity a four-fold Quartarian Sovereignty to oversee the Cosmos. This is precisely why the Pyramid stands as Lucifer's desired symbol because, in addition to Egypt's ancient dynasties themselves being linked to the Satanic bloodline, the physical symbol of the pyramid represents four-equal sides of power that lead upward toward a singular focal point. The Freemasons use the stone pyramid with the unfinished capstone and eye of Horus (representing Lucifer/Antichrist) on the American currency, because Satan has not yet toppled God, in their view. It is believed that if he couldn't become God, that Satan would attempt to take the Throne by force and rule over all. In so doing, Satan become Sin, even the father of it, whose only affirmation is then, Death, which is the removal of God eternal from one's otherwise eternal existence, leaving them to Sheol in the bowels of the earth, devoid of all that is good, or of God, 'where there is blackness, and weeping and gnashing of teeth.' This is the empty inheritance of what awaits all of those unsaved who place themselves there, in their service to Satan, whether or not they realized they served the enemy of God, in life, while in the flesh, or not. After the Judgement Day, it, as well as the entire earth itself, is ignited by the Breath of God to become the eternal Lake of Fire.
Within that inheritance that awaits, through lies does Satan deceive the still living to help him, in some way, attain his only desire toward Godhood, despite the immeasurable impossibility of his 'Great Work.' In His own Holiness that cannot be anywhere within our comprehension of it, does God remain completely sovereign and Holy. He would never include one of His own Creation, to become God, neither should he, despite Lucifer's vast arrogance to the contrary. Satan's thinking is that if God could make a Divine Being [Christ] out of Himself, that God should likewise include one who is like Christ (the Morning Star), as Lucifer (the Morning Star), into God, which is again, impossible, for Christ is Begotten, while Lucifer is created, and this despite the two sharing the same Heavenly office as 'The Morning Star.' For some, it is right here where a paradox is also born. If God is God, then He foreknew His first created, made free-willed and perfect, would revolt and lead a rebellion that would spawn an epic-long war involving every single Angel, and every single soul of later mankind, to which I would quickly affirm, yes, not only did God know Lucifer would become the embodiment of all Evil, He allowed for it. God made Lucifer perfect, of beauty and will, which left much space for Lucifer, being the Deceiver, to first deceive himself before any other. That said, what becomes the more interesting paradox, therefore, is how God, through Satan, is *still* creating a New Heaven and New Earth, perfected. That is to say, when Jesus spoke to His disciples, stating that in His Father's House are many mansions, and that Christ would be preparing a place for all those who would believe on Him, could go to spend eternity, proves without doubt that God is still creating something far superior to whatever the original Heaven and Earth produced. In other words, God being perfect, is carrying out an ongoing perfect plan, from the Beginning, that is still unfolding to this very moment, meaning, Lucifer's only role now is to act as a threshing tool, whereby God can guide the parameters of Angelic, and now human, free will into something that ensures we will be forever free of anyone rising up against God ever again, for all eternity. In this way, is God protecting us all, forever, and that this is something that the First Heaven and its Angels who fell under Lucifer's song-spell (and the others who fell afterward in their lust for mortal women) did not have the luxury of ever obtaining. For Hell is their eternal punishment for attempting to destroy their own Creator.
Because the future Antichrist will be possessed by the same ancient Morning Star that brought Heaven war, there will be many attributes that Antichrist will likewise display that were seen before when Lucifer became Satan. The Antichrist's unique human ability to 'understand dark sentences,' that is likely the language of demons and Satan himself would indicate that the Future King will become one with Satan and Satan's minions, Abraxas. The ancient Chaldean language of the Book of Daniel, as originally written and translated by the Strong's Bible Concordance, reveals both the words 'dark' and 'sentences' to be the same word (#2420), to mean "a puzzle; or "trick saying." The expression itself comes from the root word #2330 which means "to put forth." This important clue tells us that the Antichrist will purposely use language designed to mesmerize and trick his audience, ultimately placing them under his complete control, even as he is under Satan's direct control. His being able to also understand Occult languages, for example, Enochian, proves his sinister intent toward mankind itself, for Enochian can be extremely dangerous, as well as handling 'magic squares,' etc. Understand, Lucifer deceived the Angels under his command to war with their Creator, therefore the level as to which Satan distorts reality is able to even deceive Angels themselves, let along ignorant mankind. Consequently, Satan is a defeated foe, so prophesied, as lies cannot stand under the full weight of the Truth. So, his only purpose now is to cause mankind's last generation of evil doers to fulfill their own accursed destinies and rise up to mutiny against God, as Lucifer Himself has so that they too may be cast down into outer darkness. In return, God receives unto Himself only those who truly love him and would worship Him as their Creator forevermore. In this way, God is actively creating an eternal environment by which there would never again rise up another 'Lucifer' amidst God's coming New Heaven and New Earth, and is the reason why God made humble servitude as a form of Godly worship to be begin with, so that by it, we could all come into His wisdom by reason of His Holiness thru love, grace, and mercy perfected that He has extended to all of us who would simply receive it. The loyal Holy Angel's own humility thru love served its purpose in fully exposing Lucifer's free will for what it became, evil. This is also why Christ originally came to us as a meek and humble servant for all, to reverse and undo the works of Satan's evil and original sin that came by way of his uncontrollable pride and wanton violence. In this way has Jesus set a better example for us toward the only path back to the Father by which we are saved. This is also what the Jews cannot understand (yet), because they fully expected any Messiah of theirs to be an all-powerful, glorified, conquering supernatural hero who immediately destroys all of Israel's enemies. In every test toward humility, resulting in His own shed Blood, did Christ set the perfect atonement for mankind's collective sin. In so doing, Christ became the ultimate, conquering, and supernatural hero defined in a Godly Messiah, who by His death and resulting resurrection, won the keys of both Death and Hell from Satan, setting mankind free ultimately from God's judgment.
Thus, we should all be advised. No matter what you believe today, in denying God you are only serving another that is not God. However, because Jesus has defeated both the world system and its prince, Satan, does He return for us to unite with His Holy Spirit, gathering us up unto Himself in the coming Rapture. In so doing, will Christ and His Spirit remove us from Satan's coming war of wrath against both man and God. Likewise, shall we return with Him, in glory, after the Tribulation when Christ shall destroy both the Antichrist and his False Prophet at Armageddon. Again, Satan is merely used by God as a kind of threshing tool that effectively weeds out any and all others like him, from Cain to the Antichrist himself. In this way, does God effectively bring to Himself all of those who would be eternally subject to never rebel, because they actually love God, which was soon discovered that Lucifer did not love God, but only himself. In so doing, God's Heavenly domain in the infinity to come, could and would never again have a rebel rise up and demand his/her own dominance over the Godhood, being eternally grateful to God for his/her standing with God, even as the Scriptures are also keen to inform us that every soul cleansed in Christ's sacrificial Blood. It is there where God is taking us, to in a very real sense, become One with Him, and it is there where Satan is important as a tool, used by God, to help bring this final stage of what would become the basis for the New Heaven, and New Earth, as well as the New Zion connecting the two, into being. Despite whether or not you have some personal issue with God's bringing this about, or how He is bringing it about, now knowing Satan and Evil (as well their offspring in Sin and Death) is allowed to exist so that a choice can be effectively made by both Angels and men, know this, there is not one evil act Satan or his could render upon us that will not be paid back in its fullest measure, to him and his for all eternity, for God is a righteous and perfect Judge of the living and the dead. Understand, our infinite place in God's perfected realm coming outweighs this comparatively short, temporary existence where each of us must make the choice of whom we will serve. In much the same way each of us must choose, there was a time during Lucifer's rebellion in Heaven where each Angel also were forced to decide on who to follow, Lucifer, their chief elder in authority over them (not just in age, but in wisdom, power, and illuminated glory) or the Trinity, the Divine Source of all love and life itself. Again, because Lucifer was God's first Creation, it was he who rallied others to war. Thus, the violent and war-mongering Son of Light was cast out of Heaven by Michael and he fell to the earth.
After the Fall, the Angels turned demons must have picked themselves up, and looked around to remember just how far they have fallen, knowing they'd never again witness the once grand harmony among the two Morning Stars, still in unison, singing for joy over that perfect world filled with Heavenly majesty and beauty, as cited in Job 38:7. Neither would they ever enjoy God's favor, either. They were then filled with Satan's own hatred, jealousy, and desire for vengeance against God, and would from that moment on, seek to destroy all of that He still loved. Now called Satan, and his angels, demons, the once-lush earth, filled with majesty and absolute perfection, caved at the weight of Satan's presence to become a dwelling place of every strange, blood-thirsty, murderous, war-like creature, who sought to tear each other apart. In more than one account between Biblical and other sources including the eyewitness of the Morning Star Christ Himself, cites that Satan fell like lightning, or comet-like to the earth. Coincidentally, in approximately the year 10,500 BC, the historical, scientific and ancient record does seem to indicate that a comet of great size did in fact strike in the Atlantic region. The strike itself was so massive, that it resulted in a global flood that predates the Biblical flood of Noah by at least 6,000 years, a flood that perhaps is the very one referred to in the older Epic of Gilgamesh, and every other lesser ancient cultural folktales the world over which speak of a global flood destroying the world and making way for our present Age. Add to this the Greek philosopher Plato speaking of the destruction of Atlantis, writing: "Atlantis had rule over the whole island and over parts of the continent. But there occurred violent earthquakes and floods, and in a single day and night of misfortune, the island of Atlantis disappeared in the depths of the sea." Plato goes on to mention Atlantis sitting in the waters beyond the Pillars of Hercules which places which places the Sea Kingdom on or near the 33rd parallel, some believing this Occult knowledge provides yet another clue as to why the number 33 is so important within Freemasonry and in the Occult mindset, even as it relates first to both Satan and Christ, the Two Morning Stars. The clue given by God Himself in Ezekiel 28, connecting Tyre to Lucifer and Lucifer's trafficking and defilement of his "sanctuaries," certainly points toward that enigmatic Kingdom of which Lucifer once ruled by the Sea, but was destroyed at the end of one Earth Age and the dawn of another to be none other than Atlantis, or what we call "Atlantis" today, it may have had a very different name altogether.
Between God's own Word and the builders of Egypt, to the legend of Atlantis as it pertains to a World Age before our own, we are being told something of great importance which most completely overlook. The American 'prophet' and seer Edgar Cayce gave remarkable details regarding both Atlantis in its own time, and our own, stating it would be discovered off the coast of Bimini, approximately 50 miles off the coast of Florida, in either 1968 or 1969. Found in 1968 was what has since been dubbed "the Bimini Road" and is believed by many to be the last visible traces of the once Utopian Kingdom of Atlantis. Equally intriguing, found in underwater caves off the Yucatan coast, were three ancient skeletons whose remains date to 11,000 BC. God has seemingly erased the rebel Cherub right out of the historic record, however, the many ancient stone temples dotting the Atlantic-side landscapes of Western Europe stand today as remnants of an extremely ancient world whose own inhabitants worshipped the dual twin Sun-Gods of Light. As such, from Atlantis to Avalon, Lucifer has clearly left behind his own mysterious legacy from that time to this. Amazing too, the 33rd parallel ties in all these things together, from the Occult number itself as it relates to Secret Societies, namely Freemasonry, to the Pyramids at Giza which were built upon the 33rd parallel, to the "Devil's Triangle" which sits in the Atlantic Ocean on the 33rd parallel. Might all these coincidences actually point to that singular source by which the Occult is truly based upon? It does seem peculiar that so much in the Occult and supernatural world keeps pointing to an Elder Age of pre-Adamic origin where Lucifer was worshipped. It is no wonder then that The Devil's Triangle itself is connected to Atlantis, with those who have before drifted into its vortexes are believed to have entered the Otherworld, reminding one of the elder romances about Avalon, or closer to our own post-NASA era, of the time-shifting technology via UFO craft and the advanced beings connected to them. Atlantic coastlines are believed by many researchers to be where remnant traces of Atlantis can be seen today, wherever ancient races built towering stone or earthwork monuments as gateways and signposts along powerful ley lines all over the Atlantic region, to always stand as epic reminders of an extremely ancient Sun-King and his once mighty Kingdom. Parallel to this, but in tell-tale Satanic reverse to the Biblical account regarding the dual Morning Stars of God (once in unison) only to become the stuff of what the later spiritualists refer to as so-called Cosmic Duality, whereupon Lucifer grew haughty, violent, and rebelled, and was cast down out of Heaven, while the other Morning Star, his twin power, remained in Heaven - is also somewhat portrayed in the Aztecs own account, skewed as it was. The Aztecs have been influenced by Tezcatlipoca. He came to earth and turned into a Sun, and thus was about to inflict upon earth twice as much heat, to which Quetzalcoatl then "knocked Smoking Mirror out of the sky and Tezcatlipoca turned into a giant jaguar as he fell."
It is further written that Tezcatlipoca [who is really best depicted by Satan himself] then took out his great vengeance upon mankind by attacking them throughout the ancient Americas. He was again prevented from destroying the human race when again, Quetzalcoatl intervened to drive him off, thereby ushering in a new Age and "Sun" for the world, which again has its reverberations in both Christ, for example, he being the "Light of the World" (see John 8:12-20) and Lucifer's own coming New Age, vis a vie the Antichrist. Equally intriguing if not completely appropriate here, is that the Aztecs held that Quetzalcoatl's overseas abode was named Aztlan, (Atlantis). So there exists more than one ancient cultural account throughout many early histories of various nations that attributed to mythic sky gods who have fallen to earth to distribute among their ancestors a vast, supposed, "sacred knowledge." Much of this same knowledge advanced early man into not only becoming more adept of the world around him, but also provided him new ways of looking outward, at the worlds above him, much of which, mirrored almost perfectly, albeit thru the prism of myth, that epic War in Heaven that related to its origins upon a former earth. The ancient Egyptians had their own religious literature, godly beliefs, and parallel variation of the Sacred Twins who were once in unison, eventually warred as one grew evil, with the result being the same across cultures in that as one deity lost the battle, he was then banished from above and fell to earth, while rival deity/brother remained in 'Heaven.' In the Egyptian Book of the Dead, we have Thaut (Thoth), the god of all wisdom being enraged by the decadence of an antediluvian humanity (as was God the Father), with Thaut declaring "I am going to blot out everything which I have made. The earth shall enter into the water of the Abyss of Nun (the sea-god) by means of a raging flood and will become even as it was in the primeval time." Thaut appears again in the Edfu Texts, which locate the Homeland of the Primeval Ones on a great island overwhelmed by the sea with most of its inhabitants during the Zep Tepi (meaning First Time.) The Egyptian Book of the Dead even records a similar account of a fallen Kingdom similar to Atlantis, calling it 'The land that has been divided and submerged by water.' The Maya legend of the Four Suns recounted how death came to their overseas ancestors named from "out of the rained fire upon them and they were swallowed by the waters." The Mayan Popul-Voh, meaning The Book of Counsel, is a cosmological collection of their fundamental and historical beliefs, which also refer to a Hun yecil or Drowning of the Trees, when the elder men, being the survivors of the Atlantic cataclysm, built their first post-deluge Temple near the banks of the local Huehuetan river in reverence to the Elder gods for their escape. Mentioned in the Dresden Codex, Haiyococab was the watery firmament, akin to the Biblical firmament, of protective sky waters that covered the First Earth Age, from which the "earth-upholding gods fled when the world was destroyed by a global deluge.
There is evidence by science that such a flood occurred, but like everything else kept hidden from us in way of discovering the truth of this world, it is being largely suppressed. What science does allow us is all the circumstantial evidence that points to a very different planet that existed than we know today. The landmass known as Doggerland is one such allowed evidence that proves Europe was once a much larger continent and land mass that connected to and extended beyond what we call the British Isles today. Around 10,000 years ago, at the end of the last Ice Age, the sea level in northern Europe was still about 60 meters (197 feet) below what it is today. The British Isles and the European mainland formed a continuous landmass. Relatively large rivers crossed this landmass, but in a different way than we know today. The Elbe, for example, flowed into a large inland lake. The Rhine flowed from east to west over long distances. Before it reached the sea at the latitude of Brittany, the Thames flowed into it. Doggerland was a vast expanse of territory in Northwest Europe that sunk following a major tsunami 8,200 years ago, cutting the British Isles off from modern Belgium, the Netherlands and southern Scandinavia where it once connected. Sea levels during the last ice age were much lower than today but a catastrophic wave was generated by a sub-sea landslide off the coast of Norway. According to Dr Sasja van der Vaart-Verschoof, assistant curator of the National Museum of Antiquities in Leiden, southern Holland, “There was a period when Doggerland was dry and incredibly rich, a wonderful place for hunter gatherers,” said Van der Vaart-Verschoof. “It was not [only] a land bridge to what became Britain, it was really the heart of Europe” where droves of hunter-gatherers came here, following the herds of mostly wooly mammoths, saber-toothed tigers, boars, reindeer, and other such ancient wildlife. Other scientists admit they don't yet know much about life on this sunken tract of land. Every now and then, fishermen have found mammoth teeth and bones of now-extinct land animals, such as aurochs, in their nets. In 1931, fishermen discovered a 21.6-centimeter-long (8.5-inch-long) prehistoric harpoon made of bone with ornate decorations in their trawl nets, which has been dated to 11,740 BC. In 1988, a stone disc ax from the Mesolithic period was recovered. No one knew of Doggerland’s existence until 1931. By chance, a fishing vessel called the Colinda extracted a hunk of stinky peat just off the coast of Norfolk. On closer examination, the peat contained a Mesolithic barbed harpoon made from an antler measuring 21.5cm long. This harpoon dated back to 10,000 BC. While it does not seem like much, this find heavily suggested that more prehistoric secrets lay at the bottom of the North Sea. And they did. The end of the last ice age changed everything for Doggerland. Around 12,000 BC, as temperatures increased, melting glaciers caused sea levels to rise. Over time, Doggerland started to vanish into the sea. By around 7,000 years ago, it had almost completely submerged, except for a sliver of sandbank known as Dogger Bank. Britain then became the solitary island it is today. The only question remaining is how Doggerland vanished. Was it a gradual process or did something more sudden and dramatic sweep it below the waves?
More pieces of evidence have turned up over the years. Amateur archaeologists and scientists greatly fueled the Doggerland search, combing the beaches for artifacts and clues. A Facebook group called Doggerlanders invites people to share their knowledge and discoveries. Some have even posted pictures of supposed well-preserved footprints of Neanderthals. Some searchers have successfully uncovered artifacts that wouldn’t have otherwise been found. In 2009, a 40,000-year-old piece of a skull turned up off the coast of Zeeland. In 2016, a nurse named Willy van Wingerden discovered a 50,000-year-old artifact made of flint, minor human remains, and hyena bones along a beach in Rotterdam. Ironically, much of the Doggerland data came, not from funded expeditions, but rather oil and wind farm companies. They helped map and gather evidence. As of today, there are over 2,000 objects recovered from Doggerland including human remains, animal bones, axes, hammers, and fossils. The public was able to view many of these in a 2021 exhibition in the Netherlands titled Doggerland: Lost World in the North Sea. Is there a link to Atlantis? A popular theory attributes Doggerland’s fate to a sudden catastrophe. Catastrophism is the hypothesis that Earth’s formation comes from a succession of fast, violent natural events. Such events include the Theia Impact theory and others that lend considerable evidence pointing to several or one large great flood wiped out entire populations in the ancient world that was. There is however a connection with Plato's Atlantis and Doggerland. Plato makes an enthusiastic description of the riches of the island (or perhaps Great Plain?) designated as Atlantis in which he stated that "the land around the island" sustained herds of elephants. If mammoths, which disappeared for good around 6000 BC, had survived anywhere, it would have been on Doggerland. Mammoths bones have been fished from the sea bottom of Doggerland and it has been pointed out that the words "herds of large elephants," used by Plato could be translated as "the biggest of elephants," which would of course have been mammoths. As for the mountains described by Plato, and his text stands out as an unusually vivid description evidencing an aesthetic emotion stirred by mountains which is hard to find anywhere so strongly in the literature of Antiquity that has come down to us, we cannot help trying to imagine what the edge of the 2000m to 3000 m high glaciers of Scandinavia and of Scotland dominating the flat land of Doggerland must have looked like to its early Paleolithic inhabitants after 18,000 BC, and to these aesthetes, the Magdalenians, who went up there hunting. And, albeit diminishing and receding in a constant process, there must still have been some stately remains some millennia later. If the seas were rising, it was after all because of the melting of what was left of the ice sheet.
To better understand the future, we must again and again look toward the past. Moreover, to fully understand Christ and His own coming Kingdom, we must therefore look at Satan whilst he was still Lucifer and his own former kingdom upon this world. Lucifer was once the most beautiful of God's creations but became a monstrous reptilian-like Beast. Whereas Satan fell in the region of the north-western Atlantic, which spawned later folklore about he being the water-borne Beast known as the Leviathan (or Quinotaur), his many angels fell all over the world, it becoming their terrestrial prison. Even Satan himself can now only travel at will to and fro between the earth and its solar system. No longer can he freely walk upon the Stones of Fire toward Heaven and enter its dimension, where God Himself dwells. It is written that some of Satan's Angels, the most wicked and terrible, are held, trapped in prisons where they fell. One example of this is even told to us in the Book of Revelation where the Sixth Angel is commanded to loose the four Angels bound in the river Euphrates. As a curse, the demons that landed on the earth lost their once shining glories to take on attributes from the lowest of the animal world, including dung and carrion eaters like bats, flies, and vultures yet also reptile, primate, goats and other mammals, some appearing much like the typical cloven-hoofed figure that is mistakenly associated with Satan, while others fell in rivers, fields, wooded areas, every one of them taking on certain attributes of the new abodes to which they were fallen, and it wasn't long before they had the remaining Pre-Adamic races in servitude to them, as they had the power to deceptively appear as anything they want and were thus seen to be advanced 'sky gods' deserving of worship. As another point of interest, notice how God refers to Lucifer as being "wiser than Daniel" in Ezekiel 28:3, 12. How was Daniel made wise? He was the prophet who was given near the entire vision of the end-times, first by Gabriel in Chapters 7-9, then by Chapter 10, by a pre-incarnate Christ Himself. Second only to John of Patmos, the writer of Revelation, it was only Daniel of the Old Testament era that wrote the 'Revelation' of his day. Thus, the reference to 'being wiser than Daniel' as it pertains to Satan (the subject of Ezekiel 28) to mean Satan knows better than Daniel about the end of days, even though Daniel was given a direct vision of them, it is still Satan's own evil plan prepared for those days that outweigh even all of that which Daniel saw. Today's so-called "earth religions" such as Wicca and Witchcraft go far in interpreting Satan's Pentagram symbol to mean gaining power over the elements of earth, air, water, fire, and spirit, never understanding that the five points represent Satan's "I Wills" that culminate in his Antichrist. Neither do they grasp the fact that Satan has already achieved three of these, even as he is the (current) King of the EARTH, Prince of the AIR, Lord of the SEA, and shall yet possess the SPIRIT of Antichrist, and after become the Imperator of Hell's FIRE for all eternity.
One glaring fact that perhaps sheds some light on how long ago Leviathan and his Angels fell, still resides within the geological record, a record both set in stone, and have become as stone themselves. For we have today the bones of giants that existed on the earth in those days, long before Noah, long before Adam. Have you ever wondered how or why dinosaurs came into being, or why God would have created them only to destroy them all, His own creation? Perhaps God never created them. We know from Genesis Chapter 6 that Fallen Angels can and will interbreed with mortal women, however, what was stopping the first Angels fallen from looking upon the world they were imprisoned upon after Lucifer's War in Heaven? Upon their arrival, Satan and his must have seen all around them whatever remnant of that First Earth Age creation of God that existed, and quickly decided to go about destroying it, in revenge. Using Genesis 6 again as a guide, we know mortal women were having sex with Fallen Angels for quite some time and begetting freakish hybrids that grew to become supernatural giants, with the Bible even telling us that it was upon those same Angelic hybrids that man's own myths of 'gods' and demi-god heroes of great renown, came into being. Rolling back thru millions of years in time, what if Satan and his Angels in the same way manipulated, the DNA of First Age creatures? Given that Satan is himself known to be a "Reptilian" and "Dragon" (meaning a giant reptoid) wouldn't his own animal offspring also become giant, lizards, that would then dominate (and destroy) the world God has lovingly created? Clearly, Satan being cast out onto the earth, would naturally want to destroy it as a way of getting his revenge upon God Himself, while at the same time, setting himself as the most dominant being of that same planet, as his own created beings, the dinosaurs, in their savage violence and destructive pride, were 'created,' in Satan's own image. Thus, it was always Satan's great desire to be like the Creator God, while also mocking that same Creator. In this, the Paradise that was the First Earth being slowly destroyed by murderous creatures of intense pride and violence, Satan must have believed he would have always ruled the planet in such overwhelming force of malice against his own Father. Back in Heaven, because God so loved the world, He and His loyal Son were already planning a time when they would wrest away Satan's control over Earth and give the power of his coveted position as Morning Star over to anyone who would follow God's Son. It must've been the remaining Morning Star's (the pre-incarnate Christ's) own plan to give back to the Father all that the other Morning Star has stolen from Heaven, namely 1/3 of God's children. As a result, Christ announced to His Father "Let us create mankind in OUR image and likeness."
With that, the plan was set about where the First Earth Age (and every creature in it) was to be destroyed into a formless state of existence and made void of all life, including the pre-Adamites that existed, but were also corrupted by Satan and his Angels. We are actually given a clear account of this event in Scripture. Jeremiah Chapter 4 explains in some detail exactly what was seen just before and after the destruction, even implying that the Pre-Adamic races of "man" tried to flee from the destruction of their cities to no avail. Jeremiah 4 and 2Peter 3:4-6 help fill that long gap between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2, even informing us that it was a Pre-incarnate Christ who came down to personally oversee the ending of that Age in order that a new earth be created upon the foundations of the ancient world that already was. Since God's original first Earth was created perfect, in a time long before the account in Genesis 1:2, that is to say long before God's great global destruction which obviously occurred on or near 10,500 BC. The earth, therefore, would have to be much older than the typical Christian preacher believes. They incorrectly teach that this world is merely 6,000 years old, never knowing it is only this present Second Earth Age that is 6,000 years old, not the earth itself that's clearly much older. In this light, the Creator who made us from the Divine Spark of His own essence, created us as Holy sentient beings, even the Sons of God, exactly as Job 38:7 would have us know, but something happened to cause that world and age to be removed in place of this imperfect one. Moreover, as Revelation 2:28 cites, we being as the future joint heirs with Christ, shall collectively be also given the power and office as Morning Star, and be called 'the Sons of God.' For as the pre-Adamic races of that time lived and were created to live eternally in peace and prosperity in a perfect world, so too will those in Christ's Kingdom live in peace and in the fullness of a bountiful, eternal life. For as the original Kingdom of Zion left the earth upon Lucifer's rebelling, so too shall the true Zion return, descending from above, when Satan is finally defeated. Certainly, all things will be restored as the former. The original peoples of that First Age are known as the pre-Adamites. Their evidence exists only within the fringes of cultural tales of great beings who, for one reason or another, have been wiped out by an angry God in some form of cataclysmic event. No matter the myth associated with them, at the heart of each account, they revolted against God, and as a result, were plunged into darkness beneath the icy depths of dark waters which made the entire earth formless and void of all former life. After which, God created a new earth, a world to be replenished with new life in the form of Man, who of themselves would be given the chance by their Father, to become the Sons of God. It was because those same Angels who had no concept or foresight of what evil was and what it would become, that they pursued it so, following Lucifer's own vain and selfish desire to first corrupt, then rule over all Creation.
When Satan lied to Eve, citing that she would become as God, Lucifer was attempting to cause Eve to sin exactly as he himself had sinned against God (because it was really Lucifer that wanted to become as God) obviously thinking that once Eve sinned, believing she would become God, that God would then have to turn Adam and Eve, and the rest of mankind itself, into the damnable creatures of Hell such as he and his fallen ones. But as we know, God had another plan for us entirely. And yet, there is also the paradox, as evil would have never existed or would have more likely, been delayed, had it not been for God's creation of Lucifer, and yet, God knowing all things, Lucifer *was* created, albeit in total perfection and given complete free will, meaning the choices he made were all his alone, and not God's. I happen to believe that evil would have eventually come into being anyway, with or without Lucifer, because God did provide everyone a free will, thus, God knowing Evil would eventually arise, He did not want to waste any time with its arrival, and as a result, created Lucifer as the first sentient being having a free will, being the most beautiful and wisest of all those who came after him, with God knowing Lucifer would be the one to falter under the weight of all what become his own ego. While God is in all ways immeasurable, has Lucifer brought evil and original sin, via his own will, as a result of his immeasurable vanity. The evidence for this is easily seen in the fact that after Satan was cast out of Heaven, he was not destroyed, because, Satan's existence then became a necessary threshing tool to determine which of God's other Angelic creations were ultimately good or could become evil. Understand, there is no reincarnation, as such, but a one-time incarnation of our soul into our human body, much like Christ Himself, who as the Old Testament proves, existed before He was ever born of Mary. And yet, being an integral part of the Godhead, was called "The Holy One of Israel," but also "The Angel of the Lord," and even "The Lord" by Moses and the children of Israel. Christ spoke in all truth, when He told the Pharisees of His time, that even Moses and Abraham, as humble as they were, rejoiced to see Him, while they, as Pharisees have made their own pride their god and salvation. For if the fear of the Lord is the beginning of all wisdom, then by the same measure, is the pride of Lucifer the beginning of all damnation. This is why the Scripture in Matthew 25 tells us that when Christ shall judge the dead and departed from all nations, He does so separating the saved from the lost (the sheep from the goats) explaining to the lost that He never knew them, despite them calling Him "Lord." They will then say that they did so many great works in His name. It's not that Christ never knew them, He knows all, but because of their own pride and ego and whatever they've attached to that ego, means they didn't allow Jesus to know them, neither have they ever allowed the Holy Spirit into both their heart and mind, to change them. The Scriptures say: Christ stands at the door of every heart and knocks. If allowed inside, He and His Father and their shared Spirit enter into that man, and commune with him, thus, saving him from death. Conversely, if the Father and Son are rejected, and never were allowed into a man's heart, let alone his mind, how could Christ ever have known him or her? By the same token, if anyone once saved, returns to evil, and sin, so shall they also be rejected by Christ, despite their former salvation.
This means Christ cannot recognize or reconcile the remainder of unrepentant sins that they (even as believers) still held on to when crossing over, inasmuch as they are counted among the 'goats' and receive their fitting reward. Further, Christ, knowing what humility means firsthand, can never recognize anyone with a proud heart, as Lucifer has. As such, they must be given over to Satan and his Angels, and cast into everlasting punishment with them, as the Scripture makes abundantly clear. Moreover, God allows all of what evil has become, even at its most sinister and murderous extreme, to set a clear, defining precedent for all time so that every soul throughout the remainder of Eternity will know the consequences of Luciferian pride, mutiny, murder, death and sin. When man's collective testing is made complete and Satan's vain war to make himself a God is finally completed, in his failure, only then will all things in Creation be restored in the perfection that they were originally created. As such, because of God's testing of our souls, there shall never again rise another 'Lucifer' among us. This is the very purpose of our present Second Age. For all those who would become Luciferian in nature, would have rejected Christ and chosen Satan in their earthly lives. Likewise, all of those who only carried out God's will while yet in the flesh, naturally choose Christ, and as a result, shall exist with their God forevermore. The next time someone asks why evil, suffering, and death exists, allow their understanding to see that those things only exist because we have sinned, and thus were born in sin, and that sin needs to atone in equal measure if one is to stand before a Holy God that will never tolerate sin to exist within His Kingdom built upon His Holiness. Whereas Adam and Eve had bodies that were created much different than our own, meaning Adam and Eve had bodies that were never intended to die, they sinned under Satan's direct influence, and thus were immediately given over to the effects of Sin, which is Death, and its sentence, which is Hell. Because it was Adam and Eve who were the chief for all of mankind, when they sinned, it meant all of mankind equally became subject to Sin, Death, and Hell from that day forward. Even the earth itself was cursed from that day. Therefore, whenever anyone to this very day asks why people must suffer, even Christians who have become washed in the Blood of Christ, and thus, are saved eternally, the answer is simple, it is our own earthly bind to these cursed bodies that must yet die, but in that death, is given eternal Salvation from the God of Salvation. But that is why humans suffer, especially as they approach the time of their age when they must die, being finally released from these death-bound bodies that were, since Sin entered, designed to die. In short, mankind brought Lucifer's own curse of original sin and eventual death upon themselves. God created Adam to live forever. As God clarified, it is appointed every man once to die, and thus, so shall a man's soul and consciousness no longer require a human brain, or body to sustain it, but that their conscious soul should forever exist within their spiritual bodies that can never die.
To further answer the question of why we suffer in these bodies, you must also understand that in God's eyes, our deaths are never the end but only our beginning of eternity itself. Therefore, death must occur so that we can put off this mortal coil and ascend back into that spiritual realm of that which we were originally conceived in spirit. Physical death is nothing but a door that returns us back to God, to be rewarded by all of that we have done in the flesh. It is true that for some, death is a door to eternal punishment, but for others who have found The Way (Jesus Christ), death is necessary for their true lives to begin. So, there was an entire age of existence between Genesis 1:1 (In the Beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth) and Genesis 1:2 when (the Earth became without form and made void) that saw all these things occur, from the original Creation of the Universe and this world to Lucifer's Rebellion and War. Likewise, there was an untold millennia that transpired long before the earth was re-fashioned in those six literal days of Genesis 1:2-31 into what we see today, not to mention the matter of the geologic record, proving in itself the earth *must* be older than a mere six millennia. A closer examination of the original Hebrew language which the Old Testament, and Genesis in particular, was originally written in also proves there was another world age before this one. In the ancient Hebrew, Genesis 1:2 was written with the words 'Tohu va bohu' which is to mean that "the earth *became* waste, without form, and *was made* void of life," not that 'the earth was without form and void' as the medieval English translators have incorrectly translated it, and between those two conflicting interpretations is a world of difference, literally. In other words, what Genesis has been telling us all along, from the very first verse onward, is that there in fact was an entire age of existence, an entirely different world before the one we know today. The world we know now is a reformation of the previous age that was. Therefore, since the world was originally created perfect, and this age we know came out of, and was made in imperfection, something must have occurred in that previous age which destroyed its intended perfection. The Book of Jeremiah describes the destruction of that First Age, even telling us that there were entire cities built by some form of intelligent life that existed before Adam, of which Genesis 1:2 picks up the story at the remaking of that far more ancient world. We aren't to know the details of how, what, or why all that has happened before, happened, but because God has left all of this out of Scripture, this allows for the soon global deception by Satan that was predicted in II Thessalonians chapter 2 to occur whereby the rising of false christs and false prophets unite to preach the grand deception that otherworldly beings (fallen angels) will save the earth just before it dies completely, out of which the Antichrist himself ascends amidst a new Genesis account that mixes Creationism by an alien force with evolution. In short, the belief will be globally touted that man was created when alien beings manipulated the DNA of monkeys and apes to become human in order to supersede God and thus allow Antichrist to be seen as God, who according to the "Ancient Aliens" theory already being propagated on fringe TV and streaming networks that are owned by known corporate networks, it's already being pushed that the British royals have a certain type of alien DNA that makes for their unique qualities toward leading our future world.
Ever since Darwin pushed his incomplete theory regarding man descending from animals, there has been a tired debate amongst the Biblically opposed regarding so-called "evolution" by its zealous believers called atheists who are taught that they exist as the most ascended and intelligent life on earth by way of animals, somehow. The amount of vanity and hubris the atheist therefore possesses is only superseded by the fact they remain willingly ignorant of many things they never consider because, as they put it, they exist, but God cannot. Suffice it to say, they think they can exist as something light years ahead of a single-celled amoeba (that they actually believe they're descended from, but God cannot exist light years ahead of them. Why not? Did time start at just the big bang or was there an infinite past before it? Better asked, what are humans evolving into exactly if not what could be called a god compared to what they are today? There is an infinite future, after all. Of course, I don't subscribe to mankind being on the non-existent track of evolution, but I will use the point to stir atheist's minds to think far outside of what he has been taught in his obvious Masonic-tainted education. As stated, our lives in this world are for a test of our individual free will, as to whether or not if we're loyal to our own Creator, or vain, hateful, and entirely subversive to God, like Satan. God set the parameters in place that at least make it appear that man appears as though he has much more in common with mammals such as monkey's, more than any angel. As such, God placed fleshly man a little above the mammals, physically, but in every other way, God created mankind a little lower than the (Elohim) Angels themselves, despite our unseen soul being likened unto an Angel (or is an Angel). This is why the Scriptures cite, God speaking: 'I have said: Ye are gods, but ye shall die like men.' and again in the Scriptures when referencing Jesus: "God made Him a little lower than the Angels." And again, the Scriptures speak to us about a clear difference between mere animals and ourselves, when Jesus Himself was quoted as saying "Ye do err, not understanding the Scriptures, for there shall be no given or taken in marriage in Heaven, for everyone shall be as the Angels." The class of Angels being referred to is the specific one that is most like man [as opposed to the class of Angels known as Seraphim, for example, who are depicted in Isaiah 6, having strange features that are much more animalistic]. In every example of man's encounter with Angels, they have always been described as man-like, to the point where our ancestors have confused them with "men in white apparel," such as the Angels who waited by Christ's tomb, telling the women that Christ has risen, and again, when Jesus ascended back to His Father, the disciples immediately saw "two men" that told them that Jesus shall one day return, in like manner as they have seen Him go up. Thus, for it to be a perfect test, and one of faith, a test that only a God could have devised, God of course created mankind, in the physical sense, to seemingly share some physical attributes of animals, such as our skeletal remains, our canine teeth, hairy bodies, and an incomplete tail bone, but it's right there where the major similarities end. Try as it may, science to this very day, cannot effectively prove that mankind is linked to any animal, let alone any primate, neither by blood, nor DNA. In fact, science tells us quite the contrary, that mankind is unique among any other creature in this world, and even though they'll never bring themselves to admit it, our uniqueness, was also placed there by God. God foreknew and thus set the test to be one of faith, but also of pure science. The trouble is, there exist scientists so enamored with the lying notions of evolution, that they will do and say anything to force any scientific outcomes in attempt to "prove evolution," when it cannot be proven because it is a damnable lie.
This is not to confuse with other's belief of evolution, which some hold regarding to modern humans being descended from some unbroken chain of supposed increasingly sentient, ape-like, pre-human animals, because clearly the Scriptures are informing us there is a definitive and clear distinction between Man and Animal. As such, we have a connection with lower animals only in that God created both they and us from the same earthly material, with the difference being that we are spirit-tested and animals are not. Animals were also not made in God's image, as we are. As such, animals may actually evolve according to their environment over time, whilst mankind has already both the image and likeness of God, and therefore has no need to change in any substantial way over time and hasn't since the beginning when man's soul was first breathed into him by God. This is not to say man won't ever change, as the Scriptures inform us that some shall change in an instant, at the last Trump, when they shall suddenly have their flesh put off in the revealing of their eternal spirit body, which is required if one is to enter Heaven. Are we not made in His image and likeness, which would mean not just in His outward appearance, as some would gainsay even a monkey resembles man. Such ignorance. Can a monkey reason, imagine, and plan in advance on the level of a demi-god, as we can? No, they could never, no matter how many millions of years occur. In other words, no matter how much time goes by, monkeys will retain their animalistic brains driven by the exact same instinct as their ancestors, while human brains can clearly tap into something much more advanced, highly sentient knowledge, akin to an Angel. So it is true, we were created a bit lower than the Angels just as we were perfectly placed above the animal kingdom. Outside of our basic sustenance for food and clothing warmth, God also created the animals to preserve our testing, knowing that if there were no animals, mankind's test would be flawed because he would just automatically assume he came from a Higher Being, which, as God would have it, is a matter of faith and not obvious fact. [While the unsaved are being taught there is no God and that only evolution is true, they are securing also their eternal futures with their denial of God and to the one whom they have chosen therefore by default, Lucifer.] Every wonder why modern science speculates about bringing back the dinosaurs via their DNA extracted genetic material, but the same modern scientists never speak about bringing back ape-man? Simple answer. Because they've never found any higher thinking apes, let alone actual missing links to prove all their Anti-God theories. What does that mean? Evolution of mankind is an obvious lie, with their best example being "Lucy" as proof of their lie. What scientists have named Lucy was found from various pieces of ancient ape, with at least one being deformed, that came from across several strata and across several time periods and then put together like a jigsaw puzzle in order to make it appear she is the elusive missing link. She is clearly not. Man has the God-given ability of existing just beneath the level of Angels, and like Angels, we are provided reasoning and free will, not that we should do what we will, but that we should do what we ought within His grace. Conversely, animals, whilst potentially have a spirit, have no such test that rewards them either way as God's children. Does not this same God tell us that one day, in our perfected spirit-state, we will become like unto Him, even as He is our Father? Only a fool could deny all of that which so perfectly and delicately sustains mankind in this fragile world, and universe, as he sits there living in a house, also catered to his every whim, because it's created by men who each have a spark from the Divine essence of God. Does this of itself mean that God will destroy all former life of animals, and the energy by which they lived? I believe not, I believe God's New Heaven and New Earth shall contain also a large place by which all former things that were born innocent, shall also yet live and continue in their innocence, albeit newly perfected.
What's truly astounding is that even secular science claims our own species to having certain supernatural abilities that go far beyond the norm, albeit unexplained as those same abilities are not easily understood by them, and yet none of them can use even their own ideas of "evolution" to surmise: If man is able to do things outside the natural realm, than how could it *not* be that some far more ancient Being, who has perfected all of the supernatural abilities that exist, cannot therefore Himself exist? Why does vain man think that this same evolution they so willingly propagate begins and ends with his kind only? Interestingly, atheists actually believe in evolution, but apparently, only up to a point, before they hit their heads into the God-wall. Now, you'd think atheists would believe in their own tenets of evolution so much that mankind itself, given enough time, could eventually amass higher knowledge to the point they would evolve into a god, and yet, they cannot believe in any God because in their own hollow vanity, they hate the idea of an intelligence far more advanced than their own. I always found that incredibly hypocritical of them. After all, what is man supposedly evolving toward, being that we are already light years ahead of the next smartest animal under us. Thus, given a few trillion years, wouldn't we move past where we are today and bring ourselves collectively into something much closer to godhood than we are currently? Couldn't the atheist call such a collective being, therefore, a god? Asking the larger question, if man can at some point ascend toward "Godhood" via "evolution," why can't some far more ancient Being trillions of years ago already have attained a completed knowledge whereby he became as God? For just as time travels forward into the infinite, time travels backwards into the infinite, Omega to Alpha. In other words, any Being that has achieved a completed knowledge can also manipulate time itself to, in essence, return to his own beginning with that completed knowledge intact. Infinity would be His. He would be God. I say this, of course, not in any way connecting it to the divine, pre-eternal, preeminence of our God, but merely to open the severely closed minds of those who place themselves in a box of their own willing ignorance, i.e., atheists who deem the theory of evolution as their only belief. To them I would ask why can't God be where He dwells now, and why can't He be that Holy God of the Scriptures that has always existed? After all, there is evidence of Him all around us in what daily sustains our fragile existence upon this planet. I am referencing the earth's literally perfect distance from the Sun, with a matching ecosystem that of itself allows everything else to thrive. If the Earth were any further away from the sun, we would all freeze, any closer and we would burn up. Even a fractional variance in the Earth's position to the sun would make life on Earth quickly impossible. The Earth remains this perfect distance from the sun while it rotates around the sun at a speed of nearly 67,000 mph. It is also rotating on its axis, allowing the entire surface of the Earth to be properly warmed and cooled every day. And our Moon is the perfect size and distance from the Earth for its gravitational pull. The Moon creates important ocean tides and movement so that ocean waters do not stagnate, and yet earth's massive oceans are restrained from spilling over across the continents through the unseen forces of magnetism and gravity, that are again, unseen, but in perfect combination.
And consider the perfection that is Water, colorless, odorless and without taste, and yet no living thing can survive without it. Plants, animals and human beings consist mostly of water. Water has a wide margin between its boiling point and freezing point. Water allows us to live in an environment of fluctuating temperature changes, while keeping our bodies a steady 98.6 degrees. It is a system of purification and supply that sustains life on this planet, a system of recycled and reused water that nurtures our very existence within our carbon-based bodies existing in this temporary third dimension of what our limited human perception sees as the only reality. I would also argue that a loving, eternal Provider is also there in everything from the overwhelming number and variety of life-sustaining, seed-bearing fruits, vegetables, nuts, spices, and plants of every kind, made for our global consumption to each our own cultural liking, to the wide variety species of animal that also benefit the health of our flesh that houses our soul. And, of the flesh, how does our bodies each know how to regulate something so taken for granted as healing? How do our bodies know when to stop the healing process and return to a state of what is considered "normal"? How does the body know how to help you to help you feel "normal?" How does the body know normal? For example, if you have a painful stomachache or bad headache, how is it that the body always works toward returning you back to a state of normalcy to ensure your better comfort? Who created that status quo and why does that same Intelligence have us mostly feeling within a state of comfort and not absolute chaos from birth to what would be a much quicker death? Perhaps it's more thought provoking to ask why isn't it typical that we have pain always, as the normal status quo? Atheists have to look away from too many evidences that a God exists, and all the while they deny Him, they sit in their own comfort never considering how they are being both nurtured and comforted by the same God they deny. Other questions that one could ask, would be why is there beauty in the world? Why is there the absence of said beauty that only better highlights what is beautiful? How do we know what is beauty? Genesis 6 tells us that a group of former holy angels saw mortal women and that they were 'fair,' to which they decided to leave their positions as "Watchers" to walk on earth and take mortal women for their wives. They saw God created women with fairness as a trait among them, they being generally beautiful. Having a better context of what exists in the spirit world than we, they knew women were attractive. How do we know that? How does a baby enter this world knowing very early how to smile? Many such questions could be asked that go far beyond atheist's comparing us only to animals which don't smile. Pulling back the focus a it further, why do most mammals on earth have as their default setting to be playful, even loving and wholesome in their youth? I believe God is the author of that default setting that permeates across both the animal and human kingdom to show this is what He desires for us all to be. As parents we should nurture and show love to our children, who then use that as their example to reiterate it back to their surroundings. If it wasn't for the need of a more brutal survival and hunger in this fallen world, the animals would likely be living in complete harmony with each other, which is what we are shown in Isaiah 11:6-10, when: The wolf shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together and a little child shall lead them. The cow and the bear shall feed and their young ones shall lie down together, and the lion shall eat straw like the ox. The young child shall play on the hole of the asp, and the weaned child shall put his hand on the cockatrice's den. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my Holy Mountain, for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea. And in that day [the 1000-year Millennium of Jesus Christ] there shall be a root of Jesse [meaning offspring of King David = Jesus Christ], which shall stand for an ensign [even a Messiah] of the people to whom even the Gentiles shall seek, and His [Christ's Millennial] rest shall be glorious."
Consider also the Author of the vast intelligence behind the human brain itself simultaneously processes an amazing amount of information, that like the planet's own ecosystem, amazingly keeps each of us functioning. Because there's an already an innate intelligence built within it as our bodies are being created in the womb, the brain functions much differently than other organs. It has the ability to reason, to produce feelings, to dream, to plan, to relate to other people. Taking all of this a step further, what of the very building blocks that make you, you? I am speaking of DNA. As you may already know, any computer program whether it be in BASIC or using the latest in quantum computing, has their origin in a binary code such as: 11001011100101. It is the way they are arranged utilizing various computer languages by an already intelligent programmer that tells the computer program specifically what to do. Now try and imagine that same computer somehow creating itself over the span of millennia and moreover, creating the complex language it requires to operate highly intelligent programming tasks. In this same way, DNA instructs the cell. Like binary, DNA also has a code. However, DNA's code is made up of four chemical units called nucleotide bases that scientists abbreviate as A, T, G, and C. These are arranged in the human cell like this: CGTGTGACTCGCTCCTGAT. Moreover, there are three billion pairs of these letters in every human cell. DNA is a complex, arranged program telling the cell how to behave within full a complete instruction manual. Mind you, these are not just chemicals, these are chemicals that instruct that code in a very exact and extremely intelligent way to how the person's body should function. Natural, biological causes are completely lacking as an explanation when programmed information is involved. You cannot find instruction, precise information like this, without someone intentionally constructing it. And yet, man takes all of it for granted because it's there with him each and every moment of his life. The larger question would be therefore, does this all simply come into being by itself? Is man just the product of an ape, and before it, a fish? It this all just carbon-based, earth-bound, evolution? Let's take this outward on a much grander scale, from the sub-atomic out to the larger universe that also lives within and operates by uniform laws of nature, but why does it? Perhaps you're beginning to understand why former scientists who once touted atheism have turned away from the prevailing thought they were taught (in their Masonic-based formal education) that everything made itself, into scientists embracing "Intelligent Design," knowing that everything could never come into being without some level of vast intelligence first setting it in motion. Common with the minds of those who reject Christianity are always the same reasons of why God has done this or that to them or others as if Satan does not exist. But Satan does exist, and so do his many legions who are activated against us as a Godly-connected species. As with everything of God, Satan has a counterfeit to/for it, even for Creation and life itself with the many things that lead to death, of which Satan's people clearly engage themselves with in their worship of Satan via his seeming power over death. While one may want to better rest on his State education to tell them that there is no way a spirit world exists, look at how our U.S. government is currently advancing the UFO/UAP debate as if to admit not only are there other beings who exist whose power transcends presently known mortal boundaries, but that these same beings possibly come from other dimensions, which opens the door toward the spirit world and other endless potential realities of ascended existences being very real, and they are.
This otherworldly agenda the government is teasing the world with won't manifest completely until after the Collapse, however, when alternative Creation deceptions are introduced, which given the way the US Government is suddenly propagating the existence of otherworldly craft of late, we are close. For now, the elites and their grip upon education want to keep their British royal and Masonic-created "theory of evolution," intact as it is because it's working to bring mankind under enough of the delusion that while there could be otherworldly spirits and beings, that the Biblical God still cannot exist. Now, why wouldn't the governments want you knowing that? As such, the "educated" turned vain mind cannot and will not accept God as his Creator, so they in turn make themselves willingly blind to God, the supernatural, and of their own spirit residing well within them and would rather choose a theory of evolution over Creation by an Entity far more intelligent than he. This is precisely why whenever the supernatural, strange, or unexplainable makes an obvious appearance throughout ancient and modern history, the scientific mind feels absolutely compelled to explain it away in the most convenient way they can, while completely dismissing out of hand, the obviousness of the truth that God so obviously exists. Take for example the usage of the most ancient communication device that we now call Ouija, but who had its far more anterior existence in ancient Babylon. Scientists explain it away saying the pointer is obviously being moved by the subject unconsciously over the desired letters to receive an answer they already know, despite the answers being given eventually amount to an entire wealth of information never known consciously or unconsciously by the subject 'playing' with it. In fact, the intelligences coming thru the Ouija Board prove two things. 1) They are not human. 2) They have been living far longer than any mere human. This is easily discovered with any actual use of the board, but science feels it needs to completely dismiss the existence of other dimensions, let alone other intelligences crossing over into our own. Such is the scientific mind with everything supernatural, small and large, ending up with the unbelieving mind doing and saying anything (meaning telling lies) to support their continued unbelief, at all costs. Their vain and lazy spirit would then have to accept that there is some accountability of one's self that goes beyond this three-dimensional carbon existence, meaning of the spirit, and that would then involve the work of seeking out things of the spirit realm, which again, both frightens them, thus they rather greatly simplify this life and the world around them, to the point they believe every human being's death is no different than any much more common insect's demise. In His Perfection, God gave us all His Angels a superior intelligence over animals, as well as a free will to either do good, or evil; God never wanting automated beings who serve Him without question, yet only do so thru their own choice of will. Lucifer, by way of his great knowledge of deception, corrupted our free will and transgressed us all, Christ is there to restore God's perfection within Creation. Still, many ask in their complete ignorance and lack of knowledge of God, why couldn't He, being God, just simply have destroyed Satan outright as soon as he rebelled?
Backing up from the larger point I'm about to make, I must also include here that I've recently encountered a woman who has claimed to have lost her Christian faith completely to go seek answers in Lucifer's deceptive world. After watching her YouTube videos on her "TabooTopics" channel created to influence other Gen X'rs into anti-Christianity, I left several comments such as "You left Christianity but ask yourself if you're not actually being deceived by all of those who are now teaching you, as you say, that "666 merely represents the Sun," which is an occult notion that's also repeated in both Freemasonry and Satanism. My advice to you is to remain highly skeptical, but also of them. These same people you're now being taken in with among the New Age and occult communities will claim to hold the "truth," but notice how that supposed truth is always contradictory to that of Christian morales and standards, oddly enough, but this is precisely what you now want to hear so they will certainly indulge." Our Creator demands a purposed morality rooted in His will, true, but He demands it because He knows what the alternative brings us, which is destruction and Satan's lead toward Death and Hell. God's Love is such that He is a Father who loves us enough to demand a Truth so that we may enter eternity with Him and not the alternative. God is Holy, which is something we are not. Likewise, God is all-knowing, which is something we certainly are not. The answers you seek fall within those boundaries, proving faith is a collective test for the soul by which one has either achieved the favor of God, or Satan. Many who never enter the Faith, or subsequently leave the Faith, always become hung up on the exact same issues, such as the supposed contradictions of God's Word, the issue of suffering and death, or why evil exists in general, again, blaming God for what Satan has done. On the issue of God wanting entire races of people to fall to the ancient Israelites, it is true that God demanded His children of Abraham to kill their many enemies of men, women, and children who would beget more men and women who would stand in the Israelites way of becoming a nation. With God knowing all, He could foresee those same pagan nations that did worship Satan and his demons would have also spiritually affected Israel toward the negative and ultimately would have sidelined God's better plan for a Messiah to save the whole world, so what choice was God left with there? God hates? You mean God hates evil and will never tolerate it. People also blame God for not destroying Satan and then blame God again for destroying the people and things of Satan, when God provided us all free will, angel and man alike. As such, God gave us free will not to deny Him, but that we should serve our Creator according to His more perfect will, as an all-knowing Father who knows what's best for our eternal souls that He lovingly provided. Yes, we believe that homosexuality, for example, is a sin, as the same Word of God that effectively shows us how to be the example of Christ, also show that God has deemed not only homosexuality a sin punishable by Hell, but equally so is witchcraft, child sacrifice, theft, and murder. Revelation 9:20-21 explains: "And the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues, still wouldn't repent of the works of their hands, that they should not worship demons in the form of idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood: which neither can see, nor hear, nor walk: Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their sexual immorality, nor of their thefts."
If anyone finds themselves in Hell to suddenly realize its existence and finally believe in God as a result, understand that it is not God who placed them there but only themselves and their own refusal of the One that God has given by which they could be saved. The youth of today would better serve themselves if they simply understood that the source of atheist information itself, is entirely flawed written by those who have a grudge against Christianity, and religions in general. They attack Christianity more than any other because of the extraordinary claims of Christ, and not to mention that Christianity itself is the most populated belief systems in the world today. Thus, scores of books have been written countering every single point of the New Testament, but looking closer at those, atheists consistently make false comparisons based on the exact same misinterpretations they were shown by another author they've read, and so on. The echo chamber created, therefore, serves only those within it. They're so blinded by their own lack of wisdom and working knowledge regarding the actual spiritual nature and context of the Scriptures, that they always come away having no further knowledge than that of the equally daft, ancient Pharisees themselves. What they do manage to create as "new," and seemingly original, is nothing more than another dig against our beliefs, but said in a different way than others have already said it. This is all atheism is and ever could be, logically. They don't believe, because they won't, period, despite the signs of both good and evil literally shoved in their faces every waking hour. They don't see God because they refuse to. Likewise, they won't see Satan despite he being their master. There are a great many things that humans cannot see, but exist nonetheless, despite whether or not a person believes in them. How could they not be ever ignorant when it comes to the very thing they cannot grasp to believe in the first place, when the atheist mindset feigns attempting to understand something they don't care to believe in from the start? "God cannot exist, but they can," is the really tired mantra of the atheist, whilst offering zero proof that God cannot exist." Then, as usual, their question invariably arises, "If a good and Holy God exists, then why do [enter their choice of the suffering human condition here]?" The better question there should be: "Was this world created for our complete and perfect innocence, or are we being tested in this perfect testing ground within a third dimension betwixt Heaven and Hell itself"? Before answering what occurred on earth in an Age never referenced enough, let us take a moment to examine Heaven. Where God dwells there can be no neutrality in this because what Lucifer has done in his mutiny against a Holy God was to create Evil diametrically opposed against His Holiness. Instead of a perfected Love given back to God, his Creator, Lucifer chose self-pride and self-love in its stead from which all sin is based. Therefore, like the Angels were but also did not realize in their time, we too are being tested to determine who we truly are based on our own free will in respect to God's will for us. How do we know God is love? Because He could have easily destroyed Satan, his angels, and never have created us to begin with. So why did He Create us? We exist to replace what Satan has stolen from God when Lucifer took one-third of His Elohim, leaving God with two-thirds (66.6%) of the total of what God originally created to serve Him (making the number 666 for yet another reason quite the irony).
Therefore, that number we are to collectively fill in replacing that number that fell with Satan is astronomical, and clearly in the multitude of billions. Thus, it remains God's overwhelming love for us, even before each of us were ever born, that allows Satan to continue his futile quest toward Godhood. For within that quest of God's enemy exists the test that proves not to us, but God that we also love Him, and are likewise rewarded for following His Son, by becoming the children of God. This is why as His children, we shall be given the equal position of His Son, as Morning Star, and as the Body and Bride of Christ. Of Satan's fuller exploitation of mankind back on earth, and specifically with people deceiving themselves in regard to their own God-given gender, Satan has been telling man they need only live in accordance to only their own will, and lusts of temporary flesh, knowing that in so doing, they are only serving him as God's enemy. But our Holy Creator has ordained and set in motion that a man should marry a woman, to produce children in the most natural way, thus if any self-serving man or woman wants to circumvent God's natural law, they do so not regarding His coming judgment. This is why such people must twist God and must reinterpret Him to fit their own lusts and fleeting fleshly desires. Why did God create Lucifer knowing he'd become Satan? Because God is still creating. He is creating a more perfect New Heaven and New Earth to be inhabited by only those who love Him. To love God is to love His will, for us. I pray that you find the Way back to your loving Creator, beloved daughter of His grace. Do not ever give up on Him or yourself that easily, for your enemy seeks such wayward souls cast adrift by the self-serving will that blindly follows after the world, and its false prince. The very fact that the majority of Angels (two-third) could not be persuaded by Light-Bringer's mutiny, in any way, proves Satan's lies of freedom were just that, utter lies. For as Satan himself quickly discovered, the created can never become greater than that of his Creator, no matter what kind of vanity and self-serving "justice" drives him toward such mutiny. That said, it does become clearer how and why God made this new world we exist in, this Second Age, that was at its onset as a world made void, and meant to be a very imperfect world within a dead Universe, tainted by Satan's power of Sin and Death, on a planet filled with deceit, murder, wickedness, and hatred, summed up in a "Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil" by which became the perfect testing ground to determine the eternal fate of mankind itself. And yet, God allowed Satan, his evil, and his evil demons to exist to become the negative force by which we are to be tested against, to determine if we love our Creator in return, as He loves us, or have become corruptible, like demons. Like the free-willed Angels, those who came after Satan's fall must also be tested to see whether they would finally choose God, or Satan. Moreover, the earth would be used as this testing ground to determine where our loyalty would stand. Throughout the Holy Scriptures, given to us for this Second Age (which themselves were created as God's guide and part manifestation of Christ, that would lead us back to the Father) God makes it very clear there are only two paths set before us, the left-hand path to Satan and death, and the Right-Hand path toward Christ and eternal life.
As God states, He wants us to choose Life, that is to say, choose eternal life thru His plan of Salvation and love for us through His Son, Jesus Christ, who Himself clearly made it known that He was "the only way back to the Father," further announcing that He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and that no one can have that Life or stand eternally with the Father, except through the path leading to a complete acceptance of Him, as Christ, God's Son, called The Word of God and only designated Savior for all mankind as ordained by His Father. "He that committeth sin is of the Devil; for the Devil sinneth from the Beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the Devil." - 1 John 3:8. From there, have the battle lines been drawn over mankind, with man having his free will to choose his own fate within those two paths given him being either Good or Evil, that is perfectly manifested in either Christ or Satan, of whom perfectly represents their own gifts provided to mankind in either Life or Death. Of all these things, it is humility that God desires to see most in man, because with humility comes all good things after it, even the two greatest commandments. Such is the kind of humility that would make any man, a servant to his fellow man, for in so doing does he become as the Son of God, even the suffering Servant. Jesus came not of Himself, but His Father sent him into the world so that though His service to mankind, would we see and understand that which God desires most of us, through His own Son who was given power to show us all things. The Scriptures tell us that the fear of the Lord is beginning of all wisdom. This word fear does not mean fear in the human sense, as we have determined it within a skewed mortal context. It means we enter into God's presence in *complete* reverence to His Being, for then we are standing in the presence of all of what is Infinity itself. Despite our frailties of heart, our spirit knows that He is our Father who has carefully and with great care, individually, created the very core of our true selves and that of which extends far beyond our mortality or what we could presently contemplate. His love is hope in that, throughout all the many distractions of this world, of which Satan claims ownership, that even here we yet find our Father through it all by following His Son so that He may lead us back to Himself, for God is One. In this, we must first humble ourselves or risk becoming like unto Lucifer, even as he, a created being like unto us, who being near God, did blind himself 'by the reason of his own brightness.' He chose unwisely. For if we, being created, cannot rise above either this world, or humble ourselves in front of both God and man, we have also chosen in vain and our reward is only our own. For those who would become as sheep, humble and low, do hear their Master's voice, even the Shepherd of their very souls. Likewise, those of the Body of Christ, even of He who was given to man, stepped off from His place on High having every glory, to became as a Lamb for the slaughter. In so doing, has the Lamb become the Lion, and at His return shall go before Him, the Glory of the Father. Humility and purpose of God's will is the key through which Power is rewarded. Christ showed us the perfect path, even The Way through which we would return to He who created us for that very purpose, to become a son of God through the Son of God. In this way, will we replace those that fell by way of Lucifer's own infinite vanity. "But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the Sons of God, even to them that believe on His name" - John 1:12 "Not as Cain, who was of that Wicked One and slew his brother. And why did Cain slay him? Because his own works were evil, and his brother's righteous." -1 John 3:12
✠ First Age Destruction and Birth of Our Current World Age God exists completely outside of His created universe. I imagine our entire universe is but a small marble-like sphere floating in front of Him where angels move into and out of as needed. Souls from earth, like angels, leave the earth and universe to enter where God dwells far outside of it within a "twinkling of an eye," as stated. Hell, interestingly, is described in the Bible as residing deep within the earth where it's both absolutely black and cold where the damned dwell in "outer darkness." After the Judgment of all, that place becomes a lake of fire to burn those who denied Christ, forever, while those with God and His Son rightfully move into a new existence where "all things are made new..." for all eternity. As seen above in the Jeremiah Scripture, which is directly tied into the Genesis 1:1-2 account, as it uses the same words in describing "a world without form, made void, and having no light," we can clearly see that there was in fact another entire world age, long before this present Age we currently live in. Furthermore, we have the words of God Himself, stating even though that world perished, He would not make a full complete end to it, knowing He would in time recreate the world again, upon the very same foundation of that old world that then was. And so it was, God and His Son (and their equally shared Soul, which is the Holy Spirit) recreated the earth as new once more and allowed for this current (Second) Age to be a testing for the created souls from the First Age to ultimately decide whom they will follow, good or evil, Christ or Satan. So it was, upon the Sixth Day, as Genesis clearly states in Hebrew, God created the Gentile races of Mankind, plural, and thus given to each nation set aside for them, was the man and woman who would beget an entire race of peoples. Whilst God the Father created our souls with that Divine Spark of His own making, God the Son created our earthly bodies, thus creating an Adam-like figure *within* each root race from the local earth in which he was to inhabit, which later became the original boundaries and borders of the First Nations. These original races in time began to fill the Second Age planet, our planet, our age. This was accomplished on the 6th Day. God rested on the next Day, and while walking thru the His Garden, so set aside for Him upon this Second Earth, named Eden, the Son realized He needed a man to work, tilling its soil. Thus, on the 8th Day, the I AM (Father) and the I AM (Son) once again came together to create a man, Adam, albeit this same man would later spawn the "Chosen Race" of God, from which God would work thru to bless all peoples of the earth. God again commanded His new creations to "be fruitful, multiply and replenish the earth" which only reinforces the fact that the First Earth Age was once filled with life long before the time of Adam's creation.
Another keen point of interest is seen in the statement seemingly by God about making Man in "our image," even as it depicts someone else speaking to God in this effort, or God speaking with someone of equal power of Creation, the Pre-Incarnate Christ. Knowing that the Gospel of John opens with Christ as being that who was "with God since the Beginning" and that "no thing that was made, was made without Him (Christ)," shows us clearly who spoke with whom as they debated what would be a new existence of sentient life form upon the face of the refurbished world, as well as what shape this new creation would take, which would be like unto God and God's Son (ergo 'Let us make an in our image.') This is why Jesus Christ, as God's only Begotten Son, was sent into the world that God so loved still, that He may rescue us, His own creation from what would have been our sure destruction in death. Furthermore, if it weren't for Christ, our own fallen nature, so chosen by us when some of us remained undecided who to follow, when Lucifer rebelled. As a result, God also prepared this Second Age, our Age, a renewed world in which we could live our human lives, in order to finally decide where our eternal loyalties lie. Thus, "in the beginning" of this Second Age, we almost immediately read that earth was again remade into a bountiful paradise, at least within the confines of God's Garden named Eden. As mentioned, all of the other races were already created and living through their generations, quite independent of Adam and Even's creation. God with Christ has already created mankind in their image and likeness. Then came the day they (or perhaps Christ alone) created Adam, then Eve. God/Christ gave Adam authority over the creatures within Eden, even the power to name them to his own liking (note: the coming Millennial Age of Christ will mirror the Edenic paradise, and knowing that the coming Millennium (post-Antichrist) will be one of peace, among mankind, and even within the animal kingdom (the child shall play with the mouth of the asp, "lion laying down with the lamb" notwithstanding) that so too was Eden dwelling in such a peace). God's relationship with Adam and Eve proves God was at one time, in perfect unison with Adam/Man, and yet the entire purpose of this new world was for the testing of souls. Enter Satan. Drastic changes were coming to Eden, and to the world as Christ and Satan, in their ongoing War, wanted to see how the first Hebraic Man and Woman would choose between them, the implications of which would either spell blessing or accursed doom to them, their fellow mankind, and the entire planet itself. God "choosing us before the foundation of the earth" should open up your mind further in regard to who we were in that prior time, even if our existence was kept within the knowledge of God only, and thus He "knew" of us hence, or we actually existed before as spirits, being one-time incarnated into our current flesh.
In the [very] Beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth.
Genesis 1:1
They are wise to do evil, but to do good they have no knowledge. I beheld the earth, and lo, it became without form, and was made void; and the heavens had no light. I beheld the mountains, and, lo, they trembled, and all the hills moved. I beheld, and lo, there was no man, and all the birds of the heavens were fled. I beheld, and, lo, the fruitful place was a wilderness, and all the cities were broken down at the presence of the Lord, and by His fierce anger. For thus hath the Lord said, The whole land shall be desolate; yet will I not make a full end.
Jeremiah 4:22-27
Thou art great O Lord, who maketh his Angels spirits, and His Seraphim Angels a flaming fire. You who laid the foundations of the earth that it should never be removed. Thou covered it with the deep; The waters stood above the mountains, at thy anger, they fled. At they voice, they were no more.
Psalm 104:1,5-7
Then shall the Lord go forth, and fight against those nations, just as He did [before] when He fought in the Day of Battle.
Zechariah 14:3
A resinous thickness descended from Heaven. The face of the Earth was obscured and a heavy, darkening rain commenced, by day and night. There was a great noise above their heads, as if produced by fire. Then were seen men running, pushing at each other, filled with despair. They wished to climb upon their houses, but the houses tumbling down, fell to the ground. They wished to climb upon the trees, but the trees shook them off. They wished to enter into the grottoes, but the grottoes closed themselves before them. Water and fire contributed to the Universal ruin at that time of the last great cataclysm which preceded the Fourth Creation.
And the earth became without form, and made void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said Let there be the Sun's light.
Genesis 1:2-3
And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
Genesis 1:26,28
Through water we come to know the deepest memories which dwell in us all. Facing unto the West, our eyes closed, do we then see ourselves tossed upon the dark waves of the First Sea - the wild and raging ocean from which all that may ever be doth come forth.
Merlin's Book of Magick and Enchantment p. 93
The epic of King Arthur is the story of a creation of a terrestrial paradise, a Paradise that was destroyed by Sin. It is also a story of a longed-for redemption, the hope that some miracle could restore the Perfect World that [Lucifer's] Sin had destroyed.
The Grail Code p. 32
The one who does what is sinful is of the Devil, because the Devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the Devil’s work.
1 John 3:8
Given the accursed state the world has been in since, Satan had won that battle when Adam and Eve chose Satan's beguiling over God's warning. Thus, the earth, and all of mankind as a whole, has been in a constant struggle with Satan and his then established power over Sin and Death ever since. We must remember also that if the pre-incarnate Son of God foresaw not how Adam and Eve would fall, that certainly God the Father foresaw all of the outcomes of every battle waged with Satan, from his 5 I Wills which led to the First Heaven War, right up to his Son/Antichrist, KING WILL *I AM* 5 at Armageddon, with His Son, Jesus Christ, being victorious over Satan, as well as over Sin and Death itself. So, in no uncertain terms, Adam/Man/mankind brought the power of Evil, Sin, and Death, via Satan, unto all the rest of us who came after, thus Satan was rightfully given the power over us. However, because Christ had ransomed Himself for us, He destroyed the works and power of Satan over Death and over Hell, coming one step closer to winning the entire War, that Satan had started in Heaven. Likewise, Christ shall win His battle over Antichrist, and as a result, shall Christ rightfully be given dominion over the coming New Heaven and New Earth, forever, and so shall He give us all the Keys to His Kingdom and the rights to collectively becoming the Morning Star, as promised. Christ told Pilate that His coming Kingdom was "not of this world" but from another place. Christ's words are true, even as Christ's post-Armageddon Kingdom shall descend from Heaven and come to rest upon an entirely New Earth, which shall be the Third Age, for it will exist forever with God. One point needing to be made clear is that, again, mankind brought such destruction of themselves, upon themselves in their placing themselves as first, over God. God's role in allowing evil to have its fleeting time, serves a purpose to bring in a more perfected, and eternal, New Heaven and New Earth by which the old is passed away and Lucifer finally destroyed. In other words, mankind and every Angel could only know how good God truly is in the contrast of all that is not God, namely Evil. A test can only be given in its contrasting paradigm. Because Evil is allowed to exist, God can best effectively weed out all of those, both man and Angel alike, who allowed Evil to control their own lives by their own individual free will. Thus, God is creating a more perfect future for all, when Evil is finally put down, and all those who were swayed by it are removed forever from the presence of Him and what will be His Kingdom and children forevermore. Understand, if God didn't create and allow Lucifer to become Satan, then countless other Lucifer's could have potentially risen up countless times leading God to destroy countless future and former existences just to start over and still allow free will to exist within it. The problem is choice. As Christ commanded John, the author of Revelation, saying "Write, for these words are true," so shall mankind be collectively judged by that same Truth. At the end of it all, when God Himself determines the end of our collective test by saying "It is finished!" then all will realize that their lives in this world were so given as for a test, foremost of which was to see if you could find your way back to your own Creator via His Word and Son, who Himself is the Alpha and the Omega. Those who do, will be saved, because they know the more personal name of God, by calling on the name of the Lord, Yeshua HaMashiach, to personally save them. God's ultimate plan is to bring His creation to ultimate Holiness, by which we are then made as equal in Holiness to God via Christ, as His joint heir. To obtain such a prestigious and infinite gift of Love by God, God must test us to determine if we could be made Holy. Enter John 3:16.
Of this Truth, the Scriptures also make several references to a future time as "the restoration of all things." Bringing all of us into Elohim to become intimately united with God, by God, despite Satan being the one who wanted to attain such power, is what God is still so lovingly providing His creation by providing His Son to work against Satan. This is precisely why your own eternal life starts with a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as Christ is the ONLY Way back to the Father exactly as He said. God doesn't look at anyone's death indifferently, as we would view indifference, but more than anyone, God holds a much more pragmatic view knowing no one ever truly dies. All created live forever, and they also ultimately choose for themselves which of the two places they will live forever. I am here reminded of a recent conversation I had with a Christian woman whose Christian grandmother became gravely ill. She was distraught and prayed that God would instantly heal her aged grandmother. I reminded her, "The Lord also heals a person by making them not have to endure worst things coming in this temporary life and world. Most of us in this world cannot understand that God loves most when He also takes a person to His side, which is the ultimate healing. The woman prayed for her mother's healing of her earthly body but was overcome with resentment toward God when the mother died, never realizing God healed her in a much more perfect and lasting way. Too many get angry at God not realizing He loves us more than we currently see or could understand. Death is only a penalty to those who remain unsaved, as they suffer in this world and even greater in the next, because ultimately, death is as a result of God's curse for man falling sway under the beguiling of Satan. Those who've died will either live in everlasting paradise and perfect peace with Christ, or in the center of the earth, a completely void and cold place of outer darkness which is the temporary prison for souls of those who rejected Christ as they await God's final judgment of eternal damnation in Hell's eternal pyre. Thus, God focuses much more on the eternal, while man, in his more limited view, can only see the present. A such, earthly suffering also serves a distinct purpose that goes beyond the stark contrast of eternal bliss. Being another by-product of Lucifer's curse, upon man, earthly suffering provides the opportunity for Godly men and women to seek out such suffering of their fellow man, to help alleviate it, showing everyone the goodness of God, thru man, as opposed to the cursing of Satan, that both brought the suffering and the added pain when no good man or woman helps the suffering and poor. Again, God looks at the larger picture, that is to say, the eternal. Furthermore, what God receives out of all his renewed Second Age of earth, and all those whom His Son has redeemed, is just that, a group of souls who will amount to a new and improved "Elohim," which means God and all His perfected children, but not as before, when God originally made His Angelic Sons, who with perfect free will but knowing little of sin, some proceeded to tread into sin to corrupt themselves. God's New Elohim will be very different as they will have a fuller knowledge of what sin, evil, and death can do but as a result, they sought only God to worship and never themselves. As such, God will bestow the full right to be like unto Him because we were tested and found to be like Him. He, in turn, will provide anyone striving to be like Him in this world, to be like Him unto forever in the next. This is what God has ultimately created therefore, absolute perfection, for those who love their Creator.
You've missed the entire point of the book. It's not explaining how not to believe in Satan's blandishments. It wants you to believe and follow a literal Satan in his personal quest toward the impossible, where Satan, like most megalomaniac personalities we still see today, places himself as central to the reality of the more relevant Being passing him by. Yes, Satan and his legion fell to earth. Yes, with the dawn of mankind did Satan and his fallen begin to tempt them, as they were allowed. Yes, did those same fallen become man's "Anunnaki," and the beings by which various cultural legends were originally based and that later became to be called myth to which the Scriptures allude to in Genesis 6 as the renown "titans of old" upon whom many of man's later "enlightened" writings were based. And yes, did these same beings become to be revered by man's earliest attempts at such enlightenment, as they sought favor from these "gods," in return for the forbidden knowledge that gave rise to both the ancient Mystery Schools as well as the occult secret societies that plague man to this very day. Ponder for more than a fleeting moment of what Satan and his do, deceive. You can tell that, while reading about angels, so fallen, you have never been in their actual presence nor felt their immeasurable hate (of us) because of God, because of who we truly are beyond what is mortally seen, nor have you or your panel been in the presence of those who kill mercilessly in Satan's name.
Beyond the advent of "white supremacy," as referenced in the video, actual theistic Satanists exist from every one of earth's cultures, to which unwitting ignorance of this, of itself, does not provide one a cover of innocence or the desired rebellious "freedom" that newer and subsequent generations innately desire in their rebelling against what their elders believed. Truth always proves itself. You are desiring to wrest yourselves away from God's Spirit, His Word, His Son, and salvation which carries its own automatic judgment that doesn't need to wait for final judgment to see its negative result, of which the exact opposite of freedom attaches once Satan and his legion are given free reign with the remainder of your life. The fallen, as they exist, and we purposefully placed here among them, are merely the threshing tool allowed for the testing of our own souls, with God allowing those who would rebel to share Satan's eternal placement, just as those who come closer into personal relationship with Him will likewise enter into His presence eternally. Of course, the atheist would argue to say there's nothing to gain nor destroy eternally because God doesn't exist, but you exist. If you can exist, then so can an Entity far more evolved than you over the course of infinity past.
It's not that Yeshua "needed" to be baptized at the start of His ministry, but He was setting the example for us, as Christians, showing us for all time that we should follow Him in all things from beginning to end. As such, the Christian life BEGINS (just as Christ's ministry began) with the baptism by water of which afterward comes its more intended effect in the even more important baptism of the Holy Spirit. Simple. No need to tear down Christ for being the Lord. If the question then becomes why did Yeshua have need of the Holy Spirit at the start of His public ministry, shall not the Messiah have need of Power to complete a ministry that moves to undo Satan's own supernatural power in this world? And consider His works that have moved so many to this very day and have for centuries. Yeshua died, rose again, and is seated at the right hand of the Father. This is the Truth that has been shown of what we, as emissaries of Christ (and future Elohim; God with His children) are to do in our own public ministry when we take up our cross in His name and overcome the world and its prince. In this, God has made a supernatural Way for us to be partakers in the inheritance of a Life that far transcends Satan's temporal rule of a world marked with sin and death. No one comes to the Father but through His Son, even as it was the Father Himself who has designated it so. Denying it changes nothing. Denying the Sun for the moon doesn't make the Sun shine less.
In other words, there could never again rise up another vain Lucifer-type spirit to challenge God because we will all know too well where such vanity and mutiny against our own Creator would lead. Once you realize this and see things with a Godly perspective, and less human, then you better understand why God has allowed events in this Second Age to occur. Infinity will always trump anything fenced and bound by time. Understand also, because of man's allowance of Satan into their lives, that has since included Sin and its own reward, Death, must be rooted out of man, and its remnants fully purged, completely through our individual (not collective) desire to want Christ to do just that for us, but it must be us who bring Christ to bear foremost in our lives to achieve it. This was God the Father's entire plan of Salvation that is in active effect to this day. God is rightfully very angry over man's ignorance. God is not only angry over man constantly allowing Sin and Satan to have such a strong influence and hold over us, as He (Father/Son/Spirit) is a jealous God and only wants us to desire Him in our lives because to do so means a life more abundant in good. God is therefore rightfully livid that we day after day see our individual Sin as barely a problem, or even if we do, we do nothing to then fully reconcile ourselves as His creation back to Him, our Creator, but instead choose those very things that would only destroy us. This is the ultimate flaw in our collective "human condition" in that we tend to drift toward our own destruction. As such, is God justified in His righteous anger that so many of us ignorantly choose our own destruction over His eternal life more bountiful? Yes, that makes Him both jealous and furious, because it means He must deny us what He wants so much to provide us, individually and collectively. Our lives in this world are for a test, whether or not we will each choose Satan over God or Christ over Satan, period. Knowing that, some people still ask, "Well, why didn't God destroy Satan as soon as He made him?" with a note of ignorant sarcasm. Because that would mean there would be no test after Lucifer corrupted his own free will. To best root out the 'Lucifer problem' completely, there would have to be a larger test of created souls. After the Fall of Satan and his Angels, God requires now that all free will souls are tested with good reason, therefore. Explained another way, God never had a hand in "creating Satan" to begin with, but Lucifer was created with perfect free will that he of himself thought it would be a good idea to choose evil instead of the goodness he was created in and shown. Now, as Satan, he is allowed to exist because God is able to turn every evil back to further good and test the angelic souls of now mankind as to whether or not they will follow after him, in effect turning themselves into one of his demonic agents of evil, or as God's most loyal warrior Holy Angels. It's all our individual choice and matters not which belief or religion you've bound yourself with. Your choice will ultimately be made in one way or the other. Christ Himself (and no religion) contains the Way to Life, even as Christ, The Word of God, came into the world at the behest of God whilst every other so-called other World Teacher or Messiah or organized/disorganized religion are decoys to Christ and will lead one only back to Satan, period.
To deny the Truth and the Love of God means doing just that. In so doing, you are denying everything upon which your soul was created with, and your own body remains tethered to. The Father, who sent His Son, and no other in His place, will be your perfect Judge. Christ therefore knowing He would eventually have to be born as one of these new creations, and die as one of them, He requested of His Father that man be made in their own Holy image and likeness, which further speaks to what must have been that former likeness of earlier "man" which existed in the First Age, the same pre-adamic "man" who did build cities and held a certain intelligence among them in order to do so. As the image above depicts, we can see how God, both Father and Son, has literally placed His own image (that is also our own image) in His own self-given name, as given to Moses. God told Moses His Holy dual-fold name was I AM that I AM. Amazingly, if this same name of God is written in Hebrew from top to bottom, as opposed from right to left, it perfectly outlines the image of God, and thus, man, who was made in His image. Being that Second Age man was created in the image of God, this would therefore seem to indicate First Age pre-Adamite were beings with souls that were *not* of God's own image and likeness. An even higher order of Angels that existed and still exist nearest God's Throne, are the Cherubim and Seraphim, who more so with the Seraphim, would seem completely "alien" to our own knowledge and understanding of what God's children should appear. The higher you go up in the Angelic hierarchy of those same Angels that are deemed by God as 'most Holy,' the more those same appear not like God or us at all, but as some amalgamation of an animal-Angelic hybrid. Similarly, but in going back down the hierarchy to the level of the demonic, do we again see connections to animalistic creatures but instead of lion-like or winged creatures, we see demons having lower animal attributes, taken from bats, toads, goats, moths, and even flies. This answers why ancient man of every culture and race held deeply rooted myths and legends about a "time before" when strange otherworldly cryptozoological creatures and other sentient, intelligent beings existed on the earth by which mankind collectively remembers through their strikingly similar myths. That before time and the accounts of it were likely only "remembered" because of the earliest languages and pictures depicted in mankind's earliest texts, as well as on ancient caves and walls that perhaps survived the global destruction and resulting transition from the First to Second Earth Age. In is true, that to this very day we can see cave drawings that are dated between 35,000 to 10,000 years old, usually depicting man's hunting rituals, his survival, as well as the 'gods' that they believe protected them. (See also The Seven Oldest Cave Paintings in The World.)
Further north along the European coast, French, British, and Irish, legends mixed with the older tales of a lost island. The Irish legend of Tir-na-nog concerns a great city now sunk beneath the waves and other Celtic legends refer specifically to the City of the Golden Gates, presently under the Atlantic reminiscent of the prodigal use of gold attributed by Plato to the Atlantean capital. In this manner, memories of the distant past joined with distinctly local legends. Ancient Avalon became associated with the final destination of King Arthur. The tribes of local western Gaul came from Atlantis, as recollected by the long lines of huge stone dolmens that still lead to the western shores of Brittany and continue under the ocean.
Atlantis: The Eighth Continent by Charles Berlitz p 53
Always a peculiar publication, at least to Anglo-Saxon eyes, Vaincre was a mix of esoteric ideas. On the quasi-mystical side, the main focus was on the distant past- ancient wisdom traditions, particularly of the Celts, and the reality of the lost continent of Atlantis. Moncharville's series of articles claimed that when Christianity obliterated the Druids, the "Atlantean tradition" was preserved by monks who used it to create the Order of Galates.
The Sion Revelation p. 75
This then may be one secret of Rennes-le-Chateau the other is equally incredible. It has been suggested that within the Rennes valley is encoded a message left to us nine thousand years ago by the remnants of a lost race: the Atlanteans.
So, from a single caste of the original Blood Royal - we discover many of the descriptive terms which sit at the very heart of popular folklore, [i.e.] the elves, fairies, and pixies [were] not beguiling little folk, but distinguished Kings of the Dragon succession.
Laurence Gardner's In the Realm of the Ring Lords
And so was born the book of Albion, the old[est] Knowledge, the Body of the Dragon! The wisdom of the Pheryllt from long-drowned Atlantis; the secrets of the Celtic Druids.
The Lost Books of Merlyn p. 63
The Gateway to Atlantis crosses not only space, but time. Atlantis was the highest achievement of man, as the Greek philosophers attest, and though eons have passed since its fall, man has yet to regain its wisdom.
Atlantis and the Cycles of Time p. 55
It is only of course the living Word of God that is man's only true path of knowledge back to his Creator, insomuch as the Scriptures documented much more than people have previously seen or read at first glance, but all of it relating to Christ and His intimate relationship with mankind, our only Salvation from Sin and its ultimate consequence, Death. Many instances of the early Old Testament have completely been overlooked by even Bible scholars, in their direct archetypal connection between the "Bible story" and Christ's later first and His second advent. For example, in the account of Moses receiving the Ten Commandments, when Moses ascended upon Mount Sinai, he heard God for the first time ever announce to man His Name [I Am that I Am] thus leaving man his first real clue of the Father and Son dynamic. Just as Moses descended from Mount Sinai with the Law, Jesus also descended from Heaven to fulfill the Law. Just as Christ was not accepted by the Jewish people the first time He descended, so too was Moses and the Ten Commandments from God not accepted. As such, Moses destroyed the body of the Law, because the people wished to remain in sin, and so too was Christ's life broken on the Cross, for the sins of all. While God showed his great displeasure and anger at the Jews for building a golden calf while their archetypal Messiah (Moses) ascended up the mountain again to receive the Law, so too did God the Father show His great displeasure at the Jews after their not accepting His Law in the form of His Son Jesus Christ. Just as three days later Moses ascended back up to the top of Mount Sinai to again receive the Law, so too did our Lord Jesus Christ three days later ascend to Heaven (ancient Mount Zion) to His Father. Just as the Israel was then given 40 more years to become saved on a national scale or face destruction for rejecting Christ, who was the Law made flesh, so too were the Jews at the time of Moses wandering the desert, lost, for 40 years after rejecting the Law made stone. Just as Moses came back down from the mountain a second time, visibly changed, his hair turned white and his face glowing after seeing God's presence, so to it will be with Christ who returns back to the earth, after seeing His Father, with Revelation describing Him having hair as white as wool, and his face glowing like burnished (melted) bronze only to return again to the Jewish people in the future, and be accepted, just as the Jewish people finally accepted God's Ten Commandments.
The bulk of the Old Testament therefore, in so many similar ways as I've just made clearer to you, greatly reflects and tells the more complete story of our Lord Jesus Christ and His great gift of Salvation extended to mankind of this Second Age, so that they may return to their Heavenly Father, and shall then be "as the Angels," again, just as Christ said. In fact, the Old Testament reflects so much of Jesus Christ, that Christ Himself said unto His disciples shortly after He resurrected, that the entire Hebrew Scriptures, from the Torah to Malachi, are subtly referring to Himself, as the 'suffering servant,' and as the Messiah. Jesus' own disciples, let alone the Jews themselves, did not understand this concept at first even at the Messiah walked among them, thus how much more the Jews today, even Israel itself, are dull in their understanding where their own future history must lead. One of the most mysterious Scriptures found in the Bible therefore, referenced in Ephesians 1:4, also deals with pre-destination, however this time not of Christ, but of us, and perhaps even you reading this right now. The Scriptures make clear that we "were chosen before the foundations of the earth" to see the Truth and thus return back to our Father. Know that the final end will be as the Beginning. In other words, just as we were collectively the Children of God/Elohim then, we shall be the Body of Christ, to come. Just as we all knew each other and were known, so shall we be known and know very well of each other. This is to say, no one will be as a stranger in Heaven. Each soul will know very well of every other soul in God's coming Kingdom. This is Biblical, as John the Revelator had to ask the Angel who this group in Heaven was, and who that group was, with the Angel knowing full well who each was, and thus easily answered John, who's own first age memory has been blighted. Moreover, the Old Testament itself indicates that God knows us, each, intimately, while we were yet slumbering in the darkness of our mother's wombs, our Creator knew us. From the womb, God loved Jacob, but not Esau is just one of many clues given to us that long before we were ever born of a woman, in the flesh, we very well might have lived in some prior existence, as Angelic spirits and in some bodily form before we were incarnated once into this present bodily flesh. This would not be reincarnation, mind you, but a way we were all given a reset, a new life in this present world whereby we could be properly tested and later judged, as to which of the two opposing forces we would follow, Good or Evil. In this light, God loves those of us specifically who were chosen (known) before the foundations of the earth, because God knew we would choose Him over the Enemy/god of this temporary world, and that's precisely the whole point, a freedom of choice. In other words, God destroyed that First Earth Age, yet was left with the souls of many as a result. He therefore remade the world into a place where these same souls could be tested. Consequently, it wasn't long into this Second Age, our present world, before Satan and his wicked Angels began working against this completely new creation called Mankind, seeing as they were made in God's likeness and form. Thus, upon Satan encountering Eve in the Garden, he saw that this new creature of God was even more easily corruptible than the Angels themselves, for the Angels at least knew to sin against God was to war with Him, yet this new creature had seemingly forgotten everything, being completely innocent to it all.
Taking full advantage of this, Satan began telling her his most deceptive lie (one that he still effectively uses today) that she could become like God Himself, if she would just partake of the Tree of Good/Evil Knowledge, and of the carnal wisdom it offered. Eve was quickly beguiled, and a seed was planted in her, yet of this God told Satan how he only helped create his own demise, saying that He would bring a Restorer thru Eve, a Messiah King, and that her Seed will ultimately destroy his seed. The Lord also informed Satan that this world was to only exist for one week, that is to say for 6,000 years before His Restorer will have made good on the promise given in Genesis 3:15, which infuriated Satan, seeing as how he has a short time left to deceive every soul born into this world. Christ stating in Matthew 24:36 that neither He, nor any Angel, fallen or otherwise, knowing of the exact time of the end (in this specific instance, meaning the Rapture) proves interesting. Combining that Scripture with the Scriptures found in Genesis 1:26 (And Jehovah said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness) and Genesis 6:5-6 (Jehovah saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And Jehovah was sorry that that He had made man on the earth, and it grieved Him in His heart) paints an interesting picture all its own. Knowing that Jehovah is the I AM that I AM, meaning the Holy Trinity of Father and Son, and their shared Spirit, it proves intriguing that Christ was purposefully not given all knowledge by the Father, who retains certain things unto only Himself. But why? Psalms 2:4-7 explains "He that sitteth in the Heavens shall laugh … then shall He speak unto them in his wrath ...Yet have I set my King [Jesus Christ] upon my holy hill of Zion. I will declare the decree: The Lord hath said unto Me, Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee." Thus, what is the mystery between the Father and Son by which the Son knows not the entirety of what is still going to take place, whilst the Father knows and sets the preparation and timing of ALL things? Is Christ also being tested, to a degree, despite His being a part of God or is something even deeper being revealed here? The next Scripture that fits into this self-revealing matrix is Isaiah 9:6, which states "For unto us a Child is born [Jesus the Christ], unto us a Son is given, and the [world] government shall be upon His shoulder: and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, almighty God, the everlasting Father, and the Prince of Peace." What is that saying exactly? Jesus shall be called the everlasting Father, as well as the Prince of Peace. Ah, so there it is. After all things written are finally fulfilled, it appears that the last mystery to be revealed shall see the Trinity, specifically Christ, being known as the Father of our kind, even as we were fathers and mothers to our own children. God always provides the archetype on earth for what is prophetic regarding Heaven. Luke 8:17 tells us quite plainly "For nothing is secret that shall not be made manifest. Neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come to pass." As such, Christ was "begotten" to not just benefit temporary mankind in his current condition, but for his infinite Angel within him. Through Christ, the Father is given a more perfected, and vetted, Elohim. For just as the Son has given to us, all things, shall the Father give even more to the Son. Matthew 25:20 explains this dynamic perfectly: "And so he that had received five talents came and brought other five talents, saying, Lord, thou delivered unto me five talents - Behold, I have gained beside them five talents more. His Lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant. Thou hast been faithful over a few things, therefore I will make thee ruler over many things."
Of those 7,000 years given to mankind, and to end God's mysterious plan, Satan was given 6,000 years (not including the 1,000 years of God's Millennial rule). Thus, whilst God worked His will among us, Satan and his demons also worked theirs. Over time thru the generations of man, Fallen Angels became everything from cultural gods and goddesses to fairy folk who dwelled just out of man's sight, in dangerous areas, inside hills, mounds, or stone rings. In turn, these demonic entities would impart ever more powerful forms of forbidden wisdom and magick to those who regarded them. In this way came about the first of the mystery schools and "secret societies," namely in the regions of ancient Sumeria, Babylon, Egypt, Tyre, Persia in the east, followed by ancient Britannia, Europe, and the Americas in the west, and still many wonder how certain societies of early Man became so incredibly advanced, seemingly overnight, or how they built such incredible structures, devices, and ideas so obviously derived from a greatly advanced knowledge of time, space, and the cosmos at large. Certainly, it seems, man was not alone, and indeed, man is never alone, as it were. Satan's many legions of fallen Angels that fell to earth came to be called goblins, trolls, dwarfs, pixies, brownies, banshees, sylphs, fairies, gnomes, and elves. Being very territorial in nature, feeling as they in some way own parts of the earth, many demons still hold loyalty and feel the need to 'protect' the very landscapes and local areas they had originally fallen to. Even in the modern computer age, you still hear accounts of their strange sighting proving their existence. As stated, while it was their task to 'befriend' and deceive mankind, it was Satan's specific goal to destroy the Hebrew race by creating a parallel race of beings who carried evil seed. In a similar manner, the Zophim Annunaki who were once Angelic Watchers who were charged to protect mankind, fell as a result of their lust with mortal women. Genesis 6:2-4 refers to them as the Sons of God who appeared to the daughters of Adam, taking them for wives who later gave birth to Giants; the dreaded Nephilim, Emim, Rephaim, and Anakim lineages that became renown in the earth for their battles and godlike abilities. While Nephilim (or as some call them, the Titan gods of old, or now as "Ancient Astronauts") no longer exist, the Cainites have blended much more easily among humankind, among us, becoming 'the elite' in every generation since Enoch. The Bible clearly explains all of this, despite most never seeing it. In fact, when the tainted hybrid lineage of Nephilim began to fill the ancient Mideast, God looked to only find one man and his family that had not been affected by such evil bloodline tainting, and that man was Noah, a Sethite direct descendant of Adam. As in the time of Lucifer's fall eons earlier, the earth once again became a wicked den of his Demonic/human/animal interbreeding. This is why the ancient Middle East was flooded, to destroy Satan's counterfeit creations, and likely why God also destroyed the First Age after it became plagued by Satan's reptilian giants that ruled more than 65-million years ago.
In the legend of both Arthur and Merlin, at the end of their labors, return to the Fairyland from which they originally had come. Where was this place? It was the Summerlands of Lyonese, open only to those who had the keys that would unlock the secrets. This was the land we call Atlantis, where the great white Mother had her greatest power, the homeland of Arthur and Merlin, the garden of Eden where the golden apples grew. These were the Wicca, the wise ones First a King who was to be the visible Sun, surrounded by his men at arms who were the days of the year. Secondly, a magician who was to be the secret essence of the Sun [666], the hidden one [Satan].
It is possible that the cursed seed of the Serpent continued long after the Deluge. Merovingian authors claim there is a living descendant of this demonic bloodline who will one day rule over a revived Atlantis. In the thoroughly pagan milieu of Alexandria, an Egyptian priest and magus by the name of Ormesius founded the Society of Ormus whose members included the Therapeutae of Alexandria and the Essenes of Qumran (apostate) Jews who had embraced the Neo-Platonist doctrine of the lost continent of Atlantis. Ormus involves a kind of anagram which combines a number of key words and symbols. Ours means Bear in French, an echo apparently of Dagobert II and the Merovingian dynasty, their secret was the rebuilding of the Temple of Solomon.
And there are seven [Cainite] Kings: five are fallen, one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space. And the Beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth and is of the seven and goeth into perdition. And the Ten Horns which thou sawest are Ten Kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as Kings one hour with the Beast.
Revelation 17:10-12
Giants might not just be for fairy tales and imagination anymore. It seems they might've actually roamed the Earth, according to Archaeologists in Nevada, US who have discovered extraordinary human remains. The story started back in 1911 when some miners went searching for bat droppings to use as fertilizer. In doing so, they came across some strange items in a cave close to Lovelock, Nevada. Giant skeletons with distinctive red hair and measuring far larger than humans were uncovered, some reaching as far as 10-feet-tall. The most fascinating uncovering was the mummies measuring 8 to 10-feet-tall, called the Lovelock Giants. Additionally, they found massive 15-inch-long sandals that were suggested to have been worn down from use, as well as a boulder with what looked to be a massive handprint engraved in it. Furthermore, in 1931, the local newspaper, the Nevada Review-Miner, reported the findings of two giant skeletons in a dry lakebed near Lovelock. Again, they measured 8.5 and 10 feet and seemed to be mummified in a similar fashion to the ancient Egyptians. According to Paiute beliefs, an ancient tribe in Nevada, there’s a tale of red-haired giants known as the Si-Te-Cah who travelled from a distant island and made their way to the Americas thousands of years ago. This tribe of had a reputation for cruelty and cannibalism.
Once again God destroyed by water, yet as made clear in the original Hebrew, Noah's flood did not encompass the entire planet as still far too many ignorantly believe even today. The King James English translation would have us believe that "the waters were on the face of the whole earth" (Gen. 8:9), however, in Hebrew the word used for "whole earth" is actually "eratz" #776, to mean a known land; a limited area. Therefore, eratz (or erats) does not mean the surface of an entire planet in its translation, but rather a limited land area that is commonly known. In addition to that, the later New Testament Greek word used in referencing Noah's flood from 2 Peter 3:6, tell us: "Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished." -- The Greek word used for world there means specifically 'world order,' not the surface of the entire planet. As described by Abarim Publications: "The important noun κοσμος (kos-mos) means order, and that mostly of the civilized, governed and cultured, known, human world. It does not denote the "cosmos", or the "world" in the sense of our planet or some earthly realm or territory, or even the biosphere at large; it doesn't really refer to anything physical or tangible but rather the elements of human order that define humanity and which separates humans from wild animals - that is to say, the functional diversity and societal layers, the institutions of government, the rules and norms and fashions, even the languages, markets and monetary systems." Therefore, Noah's "world flood" did not flood the entire planet, as proven by both the ancient Hebrew and the Greek. It was a localized flood to exterminate the specific spreading of Watcher/Annunaki DNA throughout mortal women as clearly referenced in Genesis 6, which is explained as the reason God needed to exterminate their monstrous offspring, the Nephilim, from the area they were specifically spreading in, not the entire planet at that time. God thus caused the area to rain for forty days and nights, the resulting waters of which covered from Israel to Persia, and whose receding waters produced run-off into the Mediterranean, Persian Gulf, as well as Red, Black, and Caspian seas. Ergo, Noah's flood greatly reduced the population of evil demonic offspring that were spreading too rapidly over the Mideast area, of which also 'The Book of Enoch' makes known in some detail. In so doing, God prevented Satan and his Angels from destroying the lineage of the Messiah, thereby preserving Noah and his family, knowing Noah's was the last of the line of Seth (Adam' son) to not be tainted with either Satanic Cainite or demonic Annunaki blood, of which Satan planned to infect all of mankind with evil bloodlines in order so that the Messiah could not be conceived. The children of Cain, protected up to the seventh generation, likewise also survived Noah's flood to fulfill God's destiny for them, which at the end of time produces Antichrist to fulfill God's will outlined in Genesis 3:15. As a general rule, one must escape the trappings of the English text and read what's actually being said in the original Hebrew, Chaldean, Aramaic, or Greek when it comes to accurately reading the Scriptures. For example, when Cain was "driven from the face of the earth" (Gen. 4:14), it is denoting from the land, not the whole planet as, again, some too simply suggest. When the plagues were upon Egypt and the "rain was not poured upon the earth" (Ex. 9:33), no scholar suggests there was a worldwide universal drought upon the entire earth, because the word used there is eratz, which scholars understand to pertain the land of Egypt only, not the entire planet. In fact, Noah's flood obviously did not even reach Egypt, for the entire extent of ancient Egyptian history as well as an unbroken dynasty of Pharaohs continues right thru the time that Noah's flood occurred. As stated, the limited flood of Noah with its forty days of rain was very unlike the instantaneous and global flood which God caused the First Age world to be destroyed via exterminating every single pre-Adamic inhabitant of that most ancient world.
As for other parts of the world plagued by the Giants of the Nephilim, as in the British isles for example, legends would have you believe that God turned some of the most wicked of them into pillars of stone, notably the larger, unhewn, standing stones seen today, with the holy bluestones that make up Stonehenge, taken from the Preseli mountains in Wales, being perfect examples with its Lucifer-connected 'founders stone' being taken from Scotland and very purposefully set in its foundation in the plains of Salisbury. Now, notice something else at work here. While God has all but destroyed the offspring of fallen angels in the areas of the Near East/Mideast, He has left Satan's own lineage, via Cain, completely intact, even protected unto the "seventh generation." This is because Cain's lineage obviously serves a future purpose that ultimately brings about God's will, which we all know by now to be Antichrist. For it is only by Antichrist that the world will be given the antithesis of Christ, and thereby made to see in very stark terms, that Christ is truly mankind's (and the nation of Israel's) only way out of Satan's ongoing and murderous campaign of wanton destruction, his ongoing "violence" as mentioned in Ezekiel 28:16. Thus, Cain ultimately brings Antichrist and fulfills the prophecy of Genesis 3:15, while the lesser offspring of demons serve no purpose of themselves, other than tainting mankind's DNA and turning the planet into a purposeless freak show, so be keenly aware of the difference. In summary, Noah's flood did not destroy the entire world with water as so commonly thought, however, the entire world was flooded long before Noah's time. One flood destroyed a former Earth Age, while the next flood destroyed Satan's attempt at corrupting the lineage of Seth (thru Noah) with demonic blood, in order to destroy the coming of Jesus Christ, the Messiah. Both floods are uniquely different, and the vast majority of people have confused them ever since. And so, the very reason why God preserved the Holy Seed line of Seth was to culminate and remain untainted from Satan's evil seed until the Holy birth of the Messiah, where it ended in Jesus Christ. In other words, the Messiah was the very purpose why God needed the Royal Israelite Blood from Adam to Seth to David to Christ to be untainted and pure, so that by it could Christ be the "unblemished" Lamb of God, an attribute that extended beyond Christ being sinless. Despite what all the heretic scholars and those in service to the future Antichrist are heavily propagating today, Christ did not bear children, as Christ is the only, albeit necessary, Salvation gift from God to men. Satan however did produce a lineage through Cain, and his Angels did produce a lineage of men of renown called Giants, whereby my research proves that it is that lineage of Satan which has spawned what is now falsely called the Holy Grail Bloodline, albeit it's certainly not of Christ. But, it was only Christ who could come down from Heaven to wrestle 'the Keys of Death and Hell,' from Satan and break the power of Sin and Death over Mankind since Eden, as Christ was the Morning Star, just as Lucifer was the Morning Star. This is why it could only take "Christ to undo Satan's works," as the Scripture states. This epic battle saw Satan himself tempting the Son of God, a battle which Christ won, and reached its apex at Christ's crucifixion where Christ took upon Himself the sins of the entire world, defeating Satan on his own ground, taking the Keys of Death and Hell that Satan held over mankind since beguiling Eve.
In order to help explain where Cain found his wife, etc., certain interesting legends arose among the Jews about a demonic succubus known as Lilith, the Scarlet Woman [ShNI AShH =666 (Hebrew)]. Interestingly, today, Lilith is revered as the Mother Goddess within Witchcraft, while in the western Anglo-Occult tradition, she is known as Lady Babalon, Satan's counterpart, even his wife. Other Satanic traditions cite Lilith is merely Lucifer himself, the ultimate Succubus and trickster disguise by which Satan can cause a man, or woman, to fall by sinning in their own great lusts. She is described as having flowing blood-red hair, a being of half-reptilian/half-human (or fallen angelic) creature who was the first Cainitic Matriarch who laid with Cain and begat their first child, Enoch, a blood drinker, by whom came the extremely dangerous form of Occult magic known today as Enochian originated. According to Sumerian tradition, which incidentally names 'Qayin' to be a son of Enki (who is described as the manifestation of all knowledge and 'the Bringer of Light). So we can easily determine that Enki, like Prometheus, are just two of many such cultural myths whereby Lucifer promotes himself with his own lying propaganda. Enki, as the story goes, was given certain permission under the watchful eye and allowance of the father god Anu, to war with his brother Enlil [aka Christ] for supremacy of the cosmos. To do so, Enki would father an entire race of evil beings to help him in his cause leading up to an apocalyptic, final conflict. Sound familiar? Interestingly, today we have no shortage of so-called scholars who'll vainly tell us that the Bible and Christianity is nothing but a mere re-telling of ancient myths, when in fact the exact opposite is true. It is the world's myths that are a retelling of the Biblical Truth regarding Christ, Satan, and their epic war that began long before mankind was even created. Thus, these teachers among men we have today are ridiculously foolish to think that Egypt, for example, created the "Virgin Birth Myth" merely because a similar myth was already established and documented to have existed in Egyptian belief long before Christ was born. Such scholars have no idea that Satan and his fallen knew full well the prophecies of Genesis 3:15 where God first announced that Satan's enemy, Christ, would be born of a woman, which gave Satan plenty of time to seemingly originate the entire virgin-born Messiah/Sun-God motif within various ancient religions, as well as the coming of an Apocalypse, as just another part of his every attempt to make Christ seem unoriginal and Christianity, as a whole, to be nothing more than someone's porting over much older pagan myths from various cultures to formulate a "new global religion." This is partly why Christ told his followers not to be taken in by such tales of "other Christs," knowing how Satan already had deceived mankind about the true nature and purpose for Jesus from the onset.
However, as the Book of Job proves, God is in complete control. He just wants to see what choices we will make in the face of such a chaotic world (that we've allowed so much power over us) and what we would do to rise above its evil kingdoms, and the spiritual principalities and powers that ultimately govern them. This is not to say that wicked spirits cannot still commune with wicked men, they can, or take up their abode in a human body or home as to possess it, they can, or cause every manner of disease, disaster, and destruction, as they can do all of this still, but now they must flee from those who confess the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, as their Savior. Despite Christ already winning the best by which mankind could ever hope to achieve, which is oneness with God, Satan can only try and deceive man to cause man to collectively circumvent God in all things, Satan knowing that a soul so deceived will then be destroyed by their Creator. On the other side of all of this, God will collectively allow the former souls of mankind to achieve the collective office of the Morning Star, that same office still held by God's begotten Son and formerly by God's first created, Lucifer. Satan's most successful deception campaign to date, were all of his decoy religions made, based around a semblance of the truth, albeit skewed beyond all reality, into the mists of ancient myth and cultural root religions. Evidence of this is easily found right up until the modern day, where pagans are always quick to place so much emphasis and belief behind something they actually believe is "older than Christianity" when they have no clue that God/Christ created the very earth and (now fallen) Angels they are worshipping. Those attaining true power in this world, via their own ancestral connections to Satan, commit themselves to grand schemes that chip away at the very foundation of Christianity, whilst promoting the subtle realm of the counterfeit to everything good, knowing that is the only way to keep empowering their Evil Master, because Satan can do nothing in his relative power against a far more ancient God, that just also happens to be His own Creator. Obviously, Satan knows exactly how to attack man psychologically, since his claiming that he can provide all manner of God-circumventing "knowledge" was how he conquered early man to begin with. This is precisely why the Occult and its religious counterpart in "Gnosis" is purely Satanic on all levels, for its claims to be a higher wisdom than Christianity when it's comprised of nothing but the oldest lies told to man. Like the Celtic Taliesin, Satan has also changed his shape over the Ages, taking on every attribute of the cardinal elements revered in Witchcraft and Druidism; being the Prince of the Power of the Air, the King of the Earth, and of Hell's fire, as well as Leviathan, the Dragon in the Sea. The latter image of an aquatic beast brings to mind both Revelation's image of a Beast rising from the Sea at the time of Satan's Antichrist, as well as the now infamous Quinotaur/Beast of the Sea who impregnated Europa, giving rise to the Merovingian lineage.
Now can be solved the Mystery behind the 7 heads and 10 horns on Revelation's Beast that arises out of the Sea, for they represent every nation where the Atlantean Bloodline found its way back to power as Kings of Satan's world empires. Just as Atlas [Satan] ruled over his Atlantis which had Ten Kings/Kingdoms (ten horns) from the First Age, so too will Satan rule seven Kingdoms (7 heads) in the Second Age, with the latter Kingdom of "Babylon" being a representative of the first, Atlantis - for out of the Sea does this Mystery arise. Five Empires and its Kings are already fallen; Atlantis (Lucifer), Egypt (Akhenaton), Babylon (Nebuchadnezzar), Assyria (Sennacherib), Greece (Alexander). The sixth King and Kingdom ruling at the time of Revelation's authoring was Caesar Nero of the Roman Empire. There is a seventh coming. Can you see the pattern here? The "Seventh One to come" who "must continue a short space" was Adolf Hitler and although he was never recognized to be a legitimate Merovingian, even though he proved himself to be the most destructive one of them all, Hitler was certainly descended from Cain, and therefore one of the Sons (from the lineage) of Perdition. The eighth and last King from this Atlantean-Cainite lineage is none other than the Antichrist himself, the last King and direct descendant from the very first Empire in the Atlantic. The Ten Horns are those future Ten Demonic Kings who rule for a time with the Beast, eventually becoming the arm he uses to destroy the Great Roman Whore (depicted in Revelation 17:16), burning her with fire and eating her flesh until she is fully consumed and no more. These ten therefore will serve as subordinate "knights" to the Beast who ascended from the Abyss, which is again reminiscent of the Quinotaur, the aquatic Beast and father to the Merovingian Kings (deluge-surviving hybrid lineage of Cain). And so, which past Empire was known to have Ten Kings that serve a Beast who arises out of the Sea? Correct. Atlantis. It is from his future Atlantic Kingdom that Satan shall launch his last formidable offense, with his final attack at Heaven's Gates, which has since the destruction of the First Age been taken up above the earth and won't return until it descends as New Jerusalem (Rev. 21:2). Since Satan's attack therefore cannot be launched against Heaven itself, as before when he caused War in Heaven, he is only left to attack present day Zion (Jerusalem) the ancient Mountain on which God dwelt, that is today's modern State of Israel. This means Satan and his Antichrist's ultimate conquest is for the State of modern Israel, but more specifically, that of its coming Third Temple in Jerusalem, "in the sides of the North."
This reference of present-day Jerusalem being geographically located, during the First Earth Age, where today's North Pole now sits means that the ruination of that former First Age must have included a Pole Shift that moved the earth along a very different axis point to where it is positioned today. Where Zion (Jerusalem) once was at the very northern most point of the First Age world, even being its North Pole, the subsequent destruction of that world has placed Zion what we call today the Middle East. This must also mean that the area of the present 'North Star' is where God dwells beyond what we can see. Another pattern. Where Lucifer had Ten Kings under his rule in Atlantis, and Satan has Ten Kings in Hell, answers why Antichrist will have Ten Kings as prophesied in Revelation (17:12). These Kings are the ten most powerful commanding Angels who followed Lucifer during his original rebellion and fell with him to the earth and Hell. Therefore have too many overlooked Atlantis, or "Maru," as it was called in its time, the name from where we obtain the names 'Maru-vingian' as well as Mero-vech being the first of its maritime-born race of Kings. Theistic Satanists, and those who know of Atlantis being Satan's Kingdom also believe that Satan will bring back Atlantis as well as that lost library of knowledge which made Mystery Babylon Great, even that Once and Future Kingdom risen from the deepest Abyss.
So the future Sun-worshipping Antichrist, his solar number represented by 666, the coming New Age of Light, the Merovingian King lineage, and all of these connected to Atlantis is truly nothing new, yet is a 12,000-year old ongoing conspiracy and plan to restore Lucifer back to his former glory, original power, and Kingship. Therefore, it can be determined that the coming Messiah [Antichrist] is Satan's last attempt to become what he already was, a Sun-King to the nations. The Lost Golden Age which he brings is also connected to King Arthur's Camelot, the Atlantis of its time; the once and future Kingdom. It is only through that last world Kingdom that he shall rule the world again, with a last King descended from its eldest Satanic lineage, its Le Serpent Rouge arising during the time Ouroboros is made complete, when the Sun shall turn into blackness and the earth reveals its underworld gateways to loose every Angel of darkness into a world readied for their arrival. Therefore, the Beast that returns and rises out of the sea, in a purely metaphysical sense, isAtlantis, Satan's original Kingdom reborn. In Revelation 17, we see that the Antichrist is to be the eighth Merovingian World King to rule, "and is of the seven" former (Merovigian) Kings who ruled, and that he, as the last King of this last World Empire, patterned after the first World Empire, is Satan's last attempt toward world domination.
Princess Diana, as the Occult's own Mero-Virgin Maiden (or Mer-maid) of Atlantis whose Bloodline is pure Quinotaur Merovingian (signified by the three white scallops seen on her Royal Coat of Arms) was the Virgin Mother to birth this Last of World Emperors. Prince William's Coat of Arms clearly displays a triple crimson-red scallop signifying his descendancy, and symbol of the Atlantean Merovingian Branch of the Scottish Stuart lineage given him by his Cainitic Mother, Diana, with her symbol being a Red Seashell [denoting the Quinotaur; Satan] that is colored red to symbolize the Mark of Cain itself. Now, on that initial connection Henry Lincoln (co-author of Holy Blood Holy Grail) made linking Christ with the Merovingian Bloodline was his interpretation of "Merovech's mother being impregnated by one whose symbol was the fish," yet what Lincoln has obviously failed to realize is that there is another figure in religious history who is seen as the Aquatic King from a deep watery Abyss, and this would be Satan in his form as Leviathan. Moreover, artists' depictions of this impregnation of Merovech's mother consistently depict the Quinotuar having a rather sinister face crowned with two distinct horns, the classical artist's view of the Devil, not Christ. Furthermore, in Lincoln's attempts at finding clues within the painting 'Et in Arcadia Ego' by Nic. Poussin, who discovered through a rather unwitting use of Sacred Geometry, the Pentacle of Leviathan connecting Rennes-le-Chateau with other natural and manmade places of Templar design. However, he himself never could make the connection what the pentagram was doing there in the first place (other than it must have a Templar connection, who themselves, were connected to Bloodlines and Satan). As an unbeliever, he certainly would not ascribe the pentacle with the Devil. Therefore, it has become my conclusion all along that it is Satan who sired the Merovingian's and not Christ, and that this Merovingian Bloodline goes back much further than Merovech, into Eden and the conception of Cain. However, as we have seen in this study, Satan's connection with the souls of what became mankind goes back much further than Eden, to a time all but forgotten, a time when all was yet perfect, to a place in the Atlantic where its most ancient Sun God, shall return to fulfill the Bible's remaining prophecies about a great global deception that shall capture the heart of the unsaved world. As such, the Last Atlantis, called the "Fourth Beast" and Empire will then follow after the two previous incarnations, and be destroyed by the hand of God. America's imperialist peace thru war campaigns have served its masters in London well and will continue until America itself is sacrificed unto the Crown, as designed. Thus, the present "New Atlantis," as it were, was never meant to last forever, but like Atlantis, it was to become the war and technological center of Lucifer's global kingdom and as such, will follow the fate of Atlantis. For by a comet was Lucifer's Kingdom destroyed, and by a comet shall his last earthly Kingdom return.
It is possible that the cursed seed of the Serpent continued long after the Deluge. Merovingian authors claim there is a living descendant of this demonic bloodline who will one day rule over a revived Atlantis. In the thoroughly pagan milieu of Alexandria, an Egyptian priest and magus by the name of Ormesius founded the 'Society of Ormus' whose members included the Therapeutae of Alexandria and the Essenes of Qumran, (apostate) Jews who had embraced the Neo-Platonist doctrine of the lost continent of Atlantis. Ormus involves a kind of anagram which combines a number of key words and symbols. Ours means Bear in French, an echo apparently of Dagobert II and the Merovingian dynasty, their secret was the rebuilding of the Temple of Solomon.
Leviathan, the Great Dragon from the Watery Abyss, roars fourth as the surging sea, and these invocations are his tribunals.
Anton LaVey, The Satanic Bible
In the age of re-awakening, Lucifer steps forward as the Lightbearer who illuminates the way of true wisdom and understanding. He is the God who holds the keys to these realms and to those beyond. Lucifer reveals the destiny of both the soul and the incarnate form of man. The magickal work of Lucifer is the catalyst through which the power and gnosis of the Witch Gods may be attained by those who are able to balance the blackest Atlantean magick with the brightest stellar aspects of the Red King.
Just as a Red Thread connects us to the Witchfather who brought the Cunning Fire to humanity, so too does the Red Thread connect many beings from whom mankind has sought wisdom. This is our experience with Azazel, Qayin/Cain, and Tubal Cain, as we've expressed ... in our communications with the Witchfather, he uses these names of himself almost interchangeably, and we have come to use them the same way.
In the legend of both Arthur and Merlin, at the end of their labors, return to the Fairyland from which they originally had come. Where was this place? It was the Summerlands of Lyonese, open only to those who had the keys that would unlock the secrets. This was the land we call Atlantis, where the great white Mother had her greatest power, the homeland of Arthur and Merlin, the garden of Eden where the golden apples grew. These were the Wicca, the wise ones First a King who was to be the visible Sun, surrounded by his men at arms who were the days of the year. Secondly, a magician who was to be the secret essence of the Sun [666], the hidden one [Satan].
I have been at the Throne of the Distributer [God], I have stood high upon the White Hill [Zion], I was fluent before being gifted with speech. I have been teacher to all intelligences. I have singly built the Tower of Nimrod. I am the Tetragrammaton [Satan claiming to be God]. I am a wonder whose origin is not known. I shall be until the Day of Doom upon the earth, and it is not known whether my body is flesh or fish. Learned Druid, a prophecy of Arthur, or is it ME they celebrate?
Douglas Monroe, The Book of Pheryllt
Thou hast said, I am as God, I sit in the seat of God in the midst of the seas, yet thou art a man and not God. Behold, thou art wiser than Daniel. There is no secret that they can hide from thee. With thy wisdom and with thine understanding thou hast gotten thee riches, and hast gotten gold and silver into thy treasures. By thy great wisdom and by thy traffick hast thou increased thy riches, and thine heart is lifted up because of thy riches. Moreover the word of the Lord came unto me, saying, Son of man, take up a lamentation upon the King of Tyrus [Satan], and say unto him, Thus saith the Lord God, Thou sealed up the sum, full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty. Thou hast been in Eden the Garden of God; every precious stone was thy covering. Thou was upon the Holy Mountain of God [Mount Zion]. Thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire. Thou was perfect in thy ways from the day that thou was created, till iniquity was found in thee. By the multitude of thy merchandise they have filled the midst of thee with violence, and thou hast sinned. Therefore I will cast thee as profane out of the Mountain of God and I will destroy thee, O covering Cherub
Ezekiel 28; The Holy Bible
How art thou fallen from Heaven, O Lucifer, Morning Star! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into Heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God. I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north. I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. Yet thou shalt be brought down to Hell, even to the sides of the pit. They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee, saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms?